Report/Rumor: It's All Part Of The Plan?

WWE I sure as hope as something huge planned for Daniel Bryan. A point was brought up,when Orton won MITB i dont think the WWE planned on Batista making a return. For the last 5 or 6 months or so,the authority aka the machine has been constantly holding Daniel Bryan down. Telling him hes a B+Player despite what the crowd chants despite what gets sent out on twitter.

I also dont think the WWE expected the crowd to react the way they did last night. they completely shitted on Batista winning the rumble. As of right now,Daniel Bryan only option appears in a tag match with Cena at EC against the Wyatt Clan.. I still think its gonna some how be a triple threat match with Daniel Bryan at WM with him winning the WWE WHC!!
AND Triple H's buddy. Exactly. He IS terrible (though can put on a great match when put with the right guy) as a pro wrestler, and a human being. He is a WWE-made creation, through and through. Everything everyone who backs Bryan hates about the "muscle mark" mentality in the WWE, Batista 100% represents that.

I think Batista will get the botches under control by Mania time. Nothing oud be more beautiful than an unstoppable movie star batista squeeling and tapping out to Bryan.
I really do understand where you're coming from, I just think that Cena is 100x better as a choice. Plus the match doesn't only work if DB is the challenger coming in, but it makes it a hell of a lot better. How do you work around that? Also, what about Lesnar?
Right, im sure you guys know far better than a guy who was a main event player for over half a decade, and has presented the same mannerisms before when he turned heel. Hardly a meltdown, just playing the crowd. Cena does it all the time.

Sorry, these guys aren't that bright, and the WWE is still, at heart, a rasslin promotion trying to be <southern drawl>bonafide.</southern drawl>

Most of the time, this company doesn't know what it's doing from one month to the next. The vast majority are clods. But you think that Batista is some sort of master puppeteer...riiiight.
This is coming from the same company who, just two weeks ago was planning on keeping Bryan a member of the Wyatt Family until WM30. WWE loves taking unexpected results and trying to convince the rumor mill that it's all part of their master plan. I don't have much else to say about this other than I call bullshit.

Vince, if for some unthinkable reason you're reading this: Nice try.

Please show me a link on where they said they planned on keeping Bryan a member of the Wyatt Family one minute longer than they did. Go ahead, I'll wait.

You read BS on dirt sheets, accept them as fact, and then believe the dirt sheets when they tell you the WWE changed their mind. You honestly think that's more likely than the dirt sheets having the wrong the entire time? Let me ask you, when was the last time you saw a dirt sheet say "yeah, we got that one wrong. Our bad." when a report turned out to be false? Yeah, go ahead and get me that link too.


This reminds me of the time the weather man said we were going to get a foot of snow. Instead we actually got 1/2 an inch. The next day he claimed he predicted the 1 inch of snow was going to happen. Right....

Yeah, this was all planned by WWE. Of course... Right....

But who cares, at least it shows they are focusing on how to move forward better.

...what the hell are you talking about? When has the WWE ever lied about anything? When has the WWE ever predicted anything? How is their booking decisions in any way comparable to a weather report?

Now, dirt sheets, on the other hand...if you wanted to compare them to weather men, I could see that. They go out on a limb and make a bold prediction, take all the credit when they're right, and come up with all the excuses in the book when they're wrong. Why do you think they constantly talk about how WWE writers change their minds all the time? It gives them an easy excuse when they get something wrong. Yet you're going to continue to take the word of somebody who has proven to be a liar over and over and over and over again rather to than give the benefit of the doubt to those who have never lied. Did you read what I wrote before the Rumble? I told you then that if Orton won the title match, Bryan wasn't going to win the Rumble and probably wouldn't even be in it to begin with. WWE lays out plenty of hints for their long term plans. Combine them with a little common sense and it's not difficult to see what the most logical plan is, which is almost always the route WWE takes. It's not their fault you're too stubborn or ignorant to pick up on them. (And speaking of intellect...I think it's safe to say you misheard or misunderstood that weather man on the first day.)

Did you really think WWE was going to do Orton vs. Bryan one on one at WrestleMania? Of course not! Should they have done that? Of course not! That match has been done to death, and by the way you'd be crying about how stupid it is that the main event is just another rematch if that was what they did. So if Orton was going to be the champion, which seemed almost a given with the Authority angle they're doing here, it needed to be a triple threat to get a Bryan the title. And between Batista and Bryan, who would it be better to win the Rumble and who would it be better if they had to keep fighting adversity, keep fighting The Machine, keep the YES MOVEMENT going...which one of those two should be in which role?

Sure, the plan probably didn't include the crowd booing from #30 until the end of the match. (And anybody who feels the need to point that out should probably read the article again, since it explicitly stated that.) Other than that, why the hell would you doubt that they planned all along for Bryan to win a triple threat? If it was so unlikely, why were people(I wasn't the only one) calling it before the RR? You going to tell me that they read these boards and stole my idea?

Let me ask you something. If that wasn't all planned, why was Bryan tweeting and doing interviews about how the Machine didn't want him anywhere near the Rumble, both before and immediately after the match? You really think he would be doing that if it wasn't scripted? Perhaps even more telling, why did the WWE file trademarks and start printing merchandise on Bryan's new term, the YES MOVEMENT? What, exactly, do you think they planned on doing with "YES MOVEMENT" if it didn't involve the Universe getting behind Bryan to push him towards the main event at a WrestleMania?

Like I said, WWE is pretty big on foreshadowing if you're paying attention. Especially come WrestleMania season. With a keen eye and a little common sense, it's not that hard to figure out where they're going. That's how any smart writer/booker operates. And it's even easier to put the pieces together in hindsight, to see that it was all part of a plan. As long as you're not too bitter about being worked, that is.

Credit to Mighty Norcal, who said it first. (Who I also owe a big thanks, along with the other people who see what the WWE is doing...I might lose my sanity if I was the only one who could figure this out.) You got worked, son. The fact that you're so angry about it just means you're still getting worked.
Bull... shit.

It's a work now. If it was a work before the rumble...they would have worked that angle. Triple H would have told him he wasn't in and put a whole bunch of obstacles in his way, Bryan would have found a way in and then Triple H would find a way to negate it... that's how a work works (no pun intended). What's not a work is when they do something that pisses everyone off, then try to back track and say it's part of a grander story.

If the rumors are true that Bryan's set in stone opponent for mania is Sheamus, they have no plan.
Please show me a link on where they said they planned on keeping Bryan a member of the Wyatt Family one minute longer than they did. Go ahead, I'll wait.

You read BS on dirt sheets, accept them as fact, and then believe the dirt sheets when they tell you the WWE changed their mind. You honestly think that's more likely than the dirt sheets having the wrong the entire time? Let me ask you, when was the last time you saw a dirt sheet say "yeah, we got that one wrong. Our bad." when a report turned out to be false? Yeah, go ahead and get me that link too.


You believe what you want to believe and I'll believe what I want to believe. It's nothing to get worked up over. That being said, I believe that WWE is attempting damage control with this report, to try to convince everybody who booed Batista out of the building last night that they wanted them to do that. Whatever, agree to disagree I guess.
Let's give the WWE credit. They can turn anything into something that 'was thought of all along'. That's the nature of wrestling. It's about making something seem real enough to be real, but not real at all. It's called kayfabe. Which doesn't seem to be as dead as I thought it was in the WWE.

Look, we all wanted Bryan in the Rumble match, but the bigger picture is a huge payoff. That payoff can come at Wrestlemania when the WWE lets Bryan have his moment.

Do I think ALL of what's happened was planned from the word go? No.

Do I think the WWE can react quickly based on what the fans think? Yes.

Simply don't over think something like this and take it for what it is: a very interesting story that could have a great ending.
Yah it was their plan to not have Bryan in the Rumble match. That's obvious because he wasn't in the Rumble match. Do they have a plan for him to be in the main event at WrestleMania? I don't think so.

Sheamus will turn on him either tonight or at Elimination Chamber, cost him the title and they will have another Mania match, just like how it leaked on the dirt sheets. Just wait and see... That is their "big plan" for Bryan.
i dont believe they planned shit, there too stupid to plan something like this, even watching RAW right now its obvious they didnt have the slightest clue to the reactions from last night..idiots
i dont believe they planned shit, there too stupid to plan something like this, even watching RAW right now its obvious they didnt have the slightest clue to the reactions from last night..idiots

THIS. Nobody will convince me that this was some big plan all along. It just seems too suspect. And WWE's track record speaks for itself. :icon_neutral:
WWE is just going to make money off all of your anger. Unless you stop watching the product, it's not going to change.

"Oh no!!! WWE just doesnt know what they are doing!! Me here in my mom's basement with my fantasy booking know way better than the only prominent wrestling promotion in north america!!" - All of the IWC dimiwit fucktards who got 110% worked by WWE last night

This comment just made you look like a fucktard... :lmao:
I dunno but I have been witnessing some of the best moments since the Attitude Era, Stone Cold was like represented the working man and he was also head to head with Vince and the Corporation and its sort of a similar case with Daniel Bryan except that he is an underdog and looked down upon and he's being bullied by the "machine"

Also, I may not be the only one but I want to see CM Punk and Daniel Bryan as tag-team champions..
Why is no one talking about a possible HHH/Bryan match at WM30?????? Look at the current storyline and what happened tonight. Face to face in the middle of the ring. What more could you ask for. HHH v Bryan has headline written all over it. And to me is the 'BUY' factor for WM30. Which as it stands, there is none.

HHH loses to Bryan and there is your super WM moment. The crowd would go absolute APESHIT CRAZY.

Here is how you set it up:

1. Have HHH come down and cost Bryan the win at EC.
2. Next day have Bryan challenge HHH to a match, HHH declines.
3. Have Bryan do a ton of things to Authority to piss them off. Make it like DX used to do to the Corporation.
4. HHH finally says YES! YES! YES!
5. HHH v Bryan in an instant classic match. (Last man standing)

With a no quit attitude Bryan goes on to win, OR you can pull a Taker/Hardy ending where HHH finally give Bryan his due.

WWE is just going to make money off all of your anger. Unless you stop watching the product, it's not going to change.

That may happen soon for me personally. I stopped watching the WWE after what transpired between HIAC and Survivor Series. But I decided to watch the Rumble too see if WWE can turn things around with Bryan. That didn't happen, and depending on what will happen between now and WM, its going to determine how dedicated I am moving forward.
Utter madness that fans think WWE 'want' to hold Bryan back. His popularity is soring to new levels, there is money to be made off this.

Holding him back is making him even more popular. He fucking lost to Bray Wyatt and didnt enter the Rumble but he is the man everyone is talking about.

WWE are playing the fans, trolling them either. Soon the shackles will be unleashed.

ps - look at Bryans tweets about 'the machine' holding him back for fucks sake.
Yeah the reports are always half true or just a guess. More of these reports are wrong then right. Imo the only people marking are those who buy into these reports without taking a bag of salt.
I just can't believe the BBC posted an article on their website about "fans protesting against WWE after a wrestler was not entered in a match" and went on to talk about Bryan apologising to fans via Twitter. It seems that the outside public really believe that WWE are deliberately holding back Bryan to make a point.

I have the belief that Daniel Bryan WILL headline Wrestlemania, and WILL find some way to get himself involved in the main event, Vince knows there is money to be made here and keeping Bryan away from the main event at WM will certainly cause some fans to not buy the show in protest, and at the end of the day, it's the $$$$ in his pocket that will make the decision for him. Bryan WILL champion when WM ends.
I have the belief that Daniel Bryan WILL headline Wrestlemania, and WILL find some way to get himself involved in the main event, Vince knows there is money to be made here and keeping Bryan away from the main event at WM will certainly cause some fans to not buy the show in protest, and at the end of the day, it's the $$$$ in his pocket that will make the decision for him. Bryan WILL champion when WM ends.

Yeah there's still a chance I can see a scenario where Bryan is about to make Orton tap at the Chamber only Batista to attack Bryan somehow. Making an Angle where Batista is pissed Bryan took his Rumble moment away from him. Leading to a tweener and eventually a heel when its all set and done.

But even so WWE still should be embarrassed of what happened at the Rumble. If there is indeed a plan for the machine try and "screw" him as an angle the execution at the Rumble was very much miscalculated. If Survivor Series was any indication it does not take a genius to know how the crowd would react at the Rumble.
I honestly find it a little difficult to believe that the WWE would run the risk of thrashing their second most important PPV just to further Daniel Bryan's push. Granted they may well not have expected it to be as bad as it was but this is a publically traded company with lucrative sponsorship contracts and special guests in attendance and they had to expect some sort of backlash.

I just don't buy that they would take the risk with excluding Bryan when they could just have easily had him enter and had him eliminated in a screwy fashion, similar to what they did with Punk and it would further the point that the Authority won't let guys like Punk & Bryan get near the Mania main event without disappointing everyone in attendance and everyone who shelled out PPV money at home.

There were loads of people demanding refunds on the PPV, with the WWE asking us to subscribe monthly to the WWE Network do you really think they'd run the risk of alienating paying customers to this extent?
I don't believe that it was a plan all along. I deeply believe that they actually didn't want bryan in the rumble and wanted batista then the crowd scared the crap out them and maybe starting to make them think
I don't believe that it was a plan all along. I deeply believe that they actually didn't want bryan in the rumble and wanted batista then the crowd scared the crap out them and maybe starting to make them think

B-I-N-G-O. No way was it a part of the plan. More so, we already are getting word that nothing has changed as far as the Wrestlemania plans are concerned and we will still be getting a Bryan v Sheamus match, with Daniel not being anywhere near the title picture that night.

As I've said many times before, when HHH talks about Bryan being a "nice little player" or being a nice little B+ player, he's shooting more than he's working. It's absolutely the way the guy feels. Vince too. They like that Bryan gets the crowd going. They like that he sells some merchandize. But they are so fully committed to the "bigger than life" wrestler mindset that he'll simply never be given a legit run with the title. We know Batista is only back because of the film angle (similar to the rub they think they get with the Rock), and Daniel Bryan is never going to be that kind of guy so they don't ever plan on really pushing him to the top. Not gonna happen. Ever. Sad, but true.
B-I-N-G-O. No way was it a part of the plan. More so, we already are getting word that nothing has changed as far as the Wrestlemania plans are concerned and we will still be getting a Bryan v Sheamus match, with Daniel not being anywhere near the title picture that night.

As I've said many times before, when HHH talks about Bryan being a "nice little player" or being a nice little B+ player, he's shooting more than he's working. It's absolutely the way the guy feels. Vince too. They like that Bryan gets the crowd going. They like that he sells some merchandize. But they are so fully committed to the "bigger than life" wrestler mindset that he'll simply never be given a legit run with the title. We know Batista is only back because of the film angle (similar to the rub they think they get with the Rock), and Daniel Bryan is never going to be that kind of guy so they don't ever plan on really pushing him to the top. Not gonna happen. Ever. Sad, but true.

You're an idiot. Straight up, you're an idiot. You have zero proof to any of your claims, and in fact, all claims fly in the face of your own. Since Summerslam, DB has been in what the wrestling industry calls an angle. Before that, he's always been in some sort of high position. They love the guy, and they're writing beautiful booking right now to get a moment at WM30 that blows the roof off of it. They are a company, known to be the best in the business, and making the most money. Vince McMahon doesn't make a step unless he's sure it will make him money...

This has been a work by the WWE, and you Indy Bryan Danielson fans have been worked worse than any group of people since 1989 when Vince McMahon testified that wrestling wasn't real.
So, for all you geniuses mocking fans who got "worked", will you offer up an apology when Sheamus delivers a Brogue Kick to Daniel Bryan and causes him to get eliminated? When this occurs, it will set up the reports from last weekend and very little will have changed following the Royal Rumble.

Even if this is part of WWE's grand plan to get Daniel Bryan fans so worked up, they aren't the only ones aggravated. Lance Storm, Mick Foley, Gregory Helms and Steve Austin have also questioned the booking of Royal Rumble 2014. Add Tommy Dreamer to the list as well. - WWE booking has gone from mediocre to outsmarting all of those guys? NAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I'm not saying Bryan should immediately be hot shotted to the top, but for some of you to act like WWE worked everyone and all of those fans have egg on their face as a result is appalling. There is a better than 50/50 chance we will get Orton - Batista and Sheamus - Bryan, which is exactly what will produce another hostile crowd at Wrestlemania XXX.
I have the belief that Daniel Bryan WILL headline Wrestlemania, and WILL find some way to get himself involved in the main event....

It could be, yet I keep thinking Daniel might be one of those guys who are better at chasing the title than actually being champion, at least for any length of time. Some people are perennial underdogs and having them as titleholders takes away the excitement they were generating while trying to get there. Sure, there would be some good fan reaction for a while, especially since they'd keep up the "Yes!" chant while Daniel struts around the ring while wearing the belt hot as he is.... Daniel doesn't feature as the top of the heap; for him, it's the quest to get to the top that plays to his greatest strength. I think that's why Creative waylaid his program with the Authority and Randy Orton in favor of a to-do with the Wyatt family.

He may very well get himself to the main event at WM30 and might even take the duke.....but not for long.
It could be, yet I keep thinking Daniel might be one of those guys who are better at chasing the title than actually being champion, at least for any length of time. Some people are perennial underdogs and having them as titleholders takes away the excitement they were generating while trying to get there. Sure, there would be some good fan reaction for a while, especially since they'd keep up the "Yes!" chant while Daniel struts around the ring while wearing the belt hot as he is.... Daniel doesn't feature as the top of the heap; for him, it's the quest to get to the top that plays to his greatest strength. I think that's why Creative waylaid his program with the Authority and Randy Orton in favor of a to-do with the Wyatt family.

He may very well get himself to the main event at WM30 and might even take the duke.....but not for long.

Very possible that he is just a great challenger and won't be great as a champion. But we simply don't know if that'll be true or not until we get a chance to see it for ourselves.

What we do know, is that right now, Bryan can do no wrong in the eyes of the fans. He is the guy they want to see more than literally anyone else. You have to go back to the days of Stone Cold first getting over to have someone that's connected with the fans like he has. He deserves the chance to see if he can carry the ball, just like Austin did. They have more to lose by not trying it at this point than they do by trying and Bryan failing.

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