Report/Rumor: It's All Part Of The Plan?

It could be, yet I keep thinking Daniel might be one of those guys who are better at chasing the title than actually being champion, at least for any length of time. Some people are perennial underdogs and having them as titleholders takes away the excitement they were generating while trying to get there

I think you're right, hell I think Bryan's early career mentor, Shawn Michaels, was the exact same as that and he had an amazing career. Bryan still needs that heel good moment that Shawn had a Wrestlemania 12 though, even if only gives him a title run of a few months
If anyone claims they have known "this was the plan the whole time" with DB is a complete and utter fool. To sit there and say "I knew the WWE crowd wouldn't give 2 sh*ts about Batista upon his return..." you may be correct. But just six days after his return, also claiming you knew Batista was going to get booed out of the building after winning the Rumble as being "all part of the plan" to push Bryan? Lies. Every bit of it.

Stop lying to everybody here. Stop lying to yourself. Quit trying to sound smarter than everyone else and pretend you knew it all. Just stop. I never really agree with what Mark Madden says, but he's right when he said about the WWE booking their Rumble winner to get booed out of building on purpose is complete and utter bullsh*t.

What do we hear time after time after time on here? The WWE books to the CASUAL FAN. You suddenly believe WWE booked one of the biggest superstars of the last 10 years that the CASUAL FANS just loved... to return, win the Rumble, but get absolutely dissected by 99% of the crowd at their 2nd biggest show of the year for some grand plan of an underdog DB push? You're delusional. This is the definition of an audible if I've ever seen one. Peyton Manning might as well been backstage after the Rumble ended yelling "Omaha" at the top of his lungs for the next 7 hours.

Purposely booking that type of reaction for the payoff of DB capturing the title for at least another three months down the line is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I don't buy this "plan" for a second.
You're an idiot. Straight up, you're an idiot. You have zero proof to any of your claims, and in fact, all claims fly in the face of your own. Since Summerslam, DB has been in what the wrestling industry calls an angle. Before that, he's always been in some sort of high position. They love the guy, and they're writing beautiful booking right now to get a moment at WM30 that blows the roof off of it. They are a company, known to be the best in the business, and making the most money. Vince McMahon doesn't make a step unless he's sure it will make him money...

This has been a work by the WWE, and you Indy Bryan Danielson fans have been worked worse than any group of people since 1989 when Vince McMahon testified that wrestling wasn't real.

Well, since I think you are an idiot (seriously, I do) then I guess we are even. Whatever. Read Madden's column this morning if you want to understand what's going on. He's not always right, but this time he's hit the nail right on the head.

Everything with Daniel Bryan has been done on the fly for months now. Storylines begin and are suddenly dropped (Orton title hunt, HHH authority angle, Shawn Michael's interference, Wyatt family up and down). It's all about them not having a specific plan. That's abundantly clear to anyone that's actually watching. Period. End of discussion.
We really won't know if this was all part of the plan or not. All I know is the WWE still has a chance to turn things around if they want to and just listen to the fans. WM matches are not set in stone yet at the very least they can figure out a way to insert DB somehow they can salvage this.

Reminds me of WMX. Luger and Bret Hart were challenging for the title, rumor has it that Vince was planning to give Luger the title at WMX but fan reaction on Bret Hart's side made them change their minds. Of course it's just a rumor but from Bret Hart's interview it seems that was what he was implying what happened.
I have no idea whether this is a work or not. We were watching the rumble today and what we saw was an overwhelmingly negative reaction to the rumble match ending. I am really not sure if I have ever seen this kind of negative reaction for a wrestler being not there. With news reports surfacing all over the media, there is no way WWE expected this kind of reaction.

RAW was damage control. Major booking changes happened where they scrapped the WWEWHC match between Orton and Lesnar. What does that tell you? WWE's current plan should be to save Wrestlemania 30. Whether this was their plan or not, they will now have to plan.
Well, since I think you are an idiot (seriously, I do) then I guess we are even. Whatever. Read Madden's column this morning if you want to understand what's going on. He's not always right, but this time he's hit the nail right on the head.

Everything with Daniel Bryan has been done on the fly for months now. Storylines begin and are suddenly dropped (Orton title hunt, HHH authority angle, Shawn Michael's interference, Wyatt family up and down). It's all about them not having a specific plan. That's abundantly clear to anyone that's actually watching. Period. End of discussion.
Madden is an angry never-was that never was taken seriously in the industry. He'll openly admit that he doesn't have any real inside sources, these are his opinions.

Secondly, that's because Daniel Bryan is popular DESPITE himself. He's not a believable champ, but he's popular, so WWE is having to change all of the other hard workers around arrogant self-centered fans. It isn't fair to Batista that he has to deal with this shit. It isn't fair to Rey Mysterio. But keep on shitting on a good product chanting "Yes!" when it doesn't benefit anyone.
One of the things I find most interesting about this thread is the way people seem to only accept reports as being accurate when the reports fit their pre-established narratives (Orton complaining backstage). Another entertaining aspect of this thread is how few people actually got past the title to read the report.

The officials in the WWE did not anticipate the exact reaction that they received at the rumble. No one in the back office wanted Rey to get booed, and it's likely that they were hoping that Batista would get cheered like he was the previous week on Raw. However, they kept Bryan out of the rumble to further the storyline that they're trying to keep him down.

And it makes sense. Do you really think the WWE would be okay with highly regarded and contractually obligated stars like Mick Foley and Daniel Bryan publicly lambasting their company while retaining a role? Foley has a brilliant mind for the business and doesn't burn his bridges, which is why he didn't get nearly as vicious as he probably could have when he moved to TNA, and Bryan has shown that he is a consummate professional by helping to build stars (Wyatt) and wasting time on reality shows (Total Divas) when asked.

I totally understand how some of you are discouraged by what has been going on, and if it's bad enough for you to stop watching, I get that. However, I'm going to keep watching and enjoying the fantastic matches and moments that Bryan gives us every week and month, as I still have hope of a payoff in the future.

TL;DR version: The crowd is unpredictable, but the WWE still knows what it is doing.
I have no idea whether this is a work or not. We were watching the rumble today and what we saw was an overwhelmingly negative reaction to the rumble match ending. I am really not sure if I have ever seen this kind of negative reaction for a wrestler being not there. With news reports surfacing all over the media, there is no way WWE expected this kind of reaction.

RAW was damage control. Major booking changes happened where they scrapped the WWEWHC match between Orton and Lesnar. What does that tell you? WWE's current plan should be to save Wrestlemania 30. Whether this was their plan or not, they will now have to plan.

It wasn't a work. It was a f*ck up. But if they have any brains, they'll turn it into a work.
Any time you see current talent openly criticizing the decisions, you can be sure it is part of the story.
crap, Bryan was switched back weeks earlier than originally planned, if other reports from the same reporter are accurate. Thus Bryan vs Wyatt for the Rumble was put together only weeks ago, not the PLAN all along.
Fact remains, Vince has played his hand early for Batista, yet the world wants Bryan winning the WWE Title and finally at Wrestlemania 30. How Bryan vs Sheamus is the BIG PLAN in a mid card match that we saw at mania 28 when Bryan got buried in 18 seconds, and the year before they were dumped from the main card. The only thing that makes sense and comes full circle is if Sheamus wins the title on the way to Mania, maybe the Chamber and somehow Bryan ursups Batista into the title match. Otherwise, clearly Vince has fucked up and the PLAN as they say, is bullshit
Very possible that he is just a great challenger and won't be great as a champion. But we simply don't know if that'll be true or not until we get a chance to see it for ourselves.

What we do know, is that right now, Bryan can do no wrong in the eyes of the fans. He is the guy they want to see more than literally anyone else. You have to go back to the days of Stone Cold first getting over to have someone that's connected with the fans like he has. He deserves the chance to see if he can carry the ball, just like Austin did. They have more to lose by not trying it at this point than they do by trying and Bryan failing.

I agree, there is always that possibility of it not working but like you say, the fans want to see him given that chance. They are desperate to see Bryan as champion and it would be a ridiculous decision for WWE to not put the strap on him at WM 30, absolutely stupid.

It's the fans who make the stars, WWE pushing someone can only get you so far, if the fans don't buy into it they won't be a success. The company needs new top level talent, part-timers like HHH, Undertaker, Jericho, Batista, Lesnar won't be around forever to sell PPVs, and they are tired of seeing Orton and Cena on top. It just makes sense in every way for Daniel Bryan to win the title at Wrestlemania.

I'd be so disappointed if it didn't happen, not because I am a huge Daniel Bryan fan (I like him, but there are others I prefer to watch), but because he deserves the opportunity and it IS the right business decision to listent to the fans and to try and make him that next BIG star.

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