Report: Why WWE Turned Bryan?

I wasnt basing his popularity off of my section. I was referring to the theory that DB was the most over wrestler at WM28 which people seem to believe. I was there live and it was clear that Punk, Cena, and Rock has WAY more fans than DB did. This is why i brought up the shirts because that can be a pretty good measure of how over a wrestler is.

Ive watched the broadcast and it doesnt do his actual reaction justice. There were yes chants in the parking lot before the show, in walmart next to the arena, at the gate to get into the arena, all throughout the show, and after the show in the parking lot, it was one of my favorite experiences ive had as a wrestling fan. But IMO it didnt have much to do with DB, it was more of a rebellious fun chant, at one point it was even done to piss of the cops that wouldnt let us cross the street after the show which also had nothing to do with bryan.

Having catch phrase be more over than the actual superstar isn't a bad thing. Look at Road dogg and Billy gunn. The thing they do before there matches gets a huge pop almost as big as the yes chants and back in the AE they were getting DB type pops. They get that reaction because it is fun to say it along with Road dogg. Of course nobody else could do it and get the same reaction but that is far more over than the NAO. NAO have no legendary matches or feuds or anything yet they still get that reaction because of their speech/promo they do before every match. Th same could be said for Mr. Kennedy/Anderson and even to a lesser extent Austin's What chant. Austin evented it but it became more than a reference to Austins and it lives on even without Austins name attached to it. Yes will be the same way imo.

So you're saying the Yes Chant became a chant of rebellion during WrestleMania 28 weekend. What exactly do you think fans were rebelling against at the actual event? Is it possible they were rebelling against Vince McMahon's decision to put over another average worker that fit his mold at the expense of Daniel Bryan? Personally, I think that would be a great explanation as to why they chose to use his catch phrase as this symbol of rebellion... I'm honestly not sure how you can view it any other way.

I will also agree that Bryan was not as over as Punk, Cena or Rock at WrestleMania 28. But just because people chose to wear the shirts of others, it doesn't mean people didn't appreciate Daniel Bryan for his abilities in the ring or the obstacles (his size) that he had to overcome to earn his spot. Is it possible that the lack of Bryan t-shirts in the crowd prove that Bryan wasn't over at the time? Sure, it's possible. But it's equally possible that Daniel Bryan was simply everyone's second favorite star, and if they were able to wear two shirts at once, they'd have had a Daniel Bryan shirt on as well. That is to say, neither is truly plausible ... and more likely, given the nature of a WrestleMania crowd, people appreciated Bryan; they simply appreciated Rock, Cena and Punk more at that time.

But why are we continuing to compare Bryan's reaction in 2012 - prior to his moment of connection - to the reaction he has received since then? In 1992, Ron Simmons was more over than Steve Austin was. Does that mean Austin wasn't more over in 1998? Kane was more over in 1997 than Mick Foley was, but by 1998, the tide had shifted. Things change, and when they do, they can change quickly. Usually, all it takes is a tiny little spark...

For Austin, it was dropping an unscripted "Austin:316 says I just whupped your ass" into a promo. For Foley, it was creating a sock puppet. And for Bryan, it just happened to be the WWE's attempt to bury him in an 18-second squash match that sparked it. By chanting YES YES YES for the remainder of the weekend, the crowd was really saying NO NO NO to Vince McMahon.
So you're saying the Yes Chant became a chant of rebellion during WrestleMania 28 weekend. What exactly do you think fans were rebelling against at the actual event? Is it possible they were rebelling against Vince McMahon's decision to put over another average worker that fit his mold at the expense of Daniel Bryan? Personally, I think that would be a great explanation as to why they chose to use his catch phrase as this symbol of rebellion... I'm honestly not sure how you can view it any other way.

I will also agree that Bryan was not as over as Punk, Cena or Rock at WrestleMania 28. But just because people chose to wear the shirts of others, it doesn't mean people didn't appreciate Daniel Bryan for his abilities in the ring or the obstacles (his size) that he had to overcome to earn his spot. Is it possible that the lack of Bryan t-shirts in the crowd prove that Bryan wasn't over at the time? Sure, it's possible. But it's equally possible that Daniel Bryan was simply everyone's second favorite star, and if they were able to wear two shirts at once, they'd have had a Daniel Bryan shirt on as well. That is to say, neither is truly plausible ... and more likely, given the nature of a WrestleMania crowd, people appreciated Bryan; they simply appreciated Rock, Cena and Punk more at that time.

But why are we continuing to compare Bryan's reaction in 2012 - prior to his moment of connection - to the reaction he has received since then? In 1992, Ron Simmons was more over than Steve Austin was. Does that mean Austin wasn't more over in 1998? Kane was more over in 1997 than Mick Foley was, but by 1998, the tide had shifted. Things change, and when they do, they can change quickly. Usually, all it takes is a tiny little spark...

For Austin, it was dropping an unscripted "Austin:316 says I just whupped your ass" into a promo. For Foley, it was creating a sock puppet. And for Bryan, it just happened to be the WWE's attempt to bury him in an 18-second squash match that sparked it. By chanting YES YES YES for the remainder of the weekend, the crowd was really saying NO NO NO to Vince McMahon.

the yes chants were throughout the entire wm28 weekend. All the chants before wm28 had nothing to do with rebelling against vince because DB hadn't lost yet, he was the world champ so that wouldn't make any sense. I don't understand why everyone is trying to make the wm28 chants out to be more than they were. It was just people having a good time, nothing more nothing less. DB gets the loudest crowd reactions right now but I guess I have a different definition of over than everybody else because I would still say Cena and Punk are more over than DB. DB is great but this forum is starting to remind me of 2011 when every thread was Punk is the greatest thing to ever happen to the world, except now its with DB.

it became a rebllious chant because, for people that don't watch wrestling, they don't understand it and its annoying as hell. Its a simple word that can be used in so many different situations which makes it easy to use in everyday life. When the crowd used it against the cops after wm28, the yes meant let us cross the damn street and had nothing to do with Vince or DB
There's two sides to this thing. On one side you have the speculated version of Vince who doesn't understand this movement or how seriously to take it. On the other hand, you have a bunch of fans who think they know what should be done. A decision not to push someone who appears to be over, probably doesn't come without a lot of projects and experiments from the WWE. It would do well to account for the fact that WWE put guys into gimmicks where the performers managed to get themselves over. Daniel Bryan is one of them. Sheamus is another. Ryback would be one too. Then you have the man who I think exemplifies the reason for the company's hesitance. He goes by, CM Punk. CM Punk got over for the 3rd time in his WWE career via the "infamous" pipebomb. After that, the company chose to push him when they noticed how well received the segment was. This push eventually sparked his WWE championship reign that would last well over a year.

During that time, the company gave him plenty of TV time and the cover of their (then) new video game. No matter how hard they tried, their push for him never amounted to much of a change for the better as far as sales were concerned. People complained that the reason was because he was not made the main event of many of the early PPVs during his reign. But I'm guessing that Vince didn't buy into that and probably thought that the real reason for the less-than-stellar buyrates, were because Punk wasn't as popular to the casual fans as many perceived.

During Punk's reign, two other characters were able to get their characters over even while not having much to do with important matches. Daniel Bryan's character got over due to massive audience participation even while being thrown into the dreadful tag team division. Ryback got over while being teased by the live audiences for his visual comparisons to Goldberg. He even got to the point that he was conducting his own chant by the audience at will. Both of those characters were getting far more positive and lively feedback from the live crowds than CM Punk. And they certainly were not main eventing PPVs.

This is why there was probably hesitance to push yet another IWC favorite in the WWE as a top main eventer. Last time they did it, the company didn't reap the sizable results they were aiming to accomplish. This time around with Daniel Bryan, they've poked and prodded the guy to see if he's really as popular and as marketable as they hoped Punk would be. Selling T-shirts and Blurays is fine but they want a guy that is undeniably more popular than the rest of the roster. They want another John Cena. Not another CM Punk. That's the reason for the delay, in my opinion.
I've always felt Mr.McMahon needs someone or a group of people who are paying attention to mainstream entertainment and sports. He seems to be shutoff from most of it which makes some of the storylines over the years suffer.
the yes chants were throughout the entire wm28 weekend. All the chants before wm28 had nothing to do with rebelling against vince because DB hadn't lost yet, he was the world champ so that wouldn't make any sense. I don't understand why everyone is trying to make the wm28 chants out to be more than they were. It was just people having a good time, nothing more nothing less. DB gets the loudest crowd reactions right now but I guess I have a different definition of over than everybody else because I would still say Cena and Punk are more over than DB. DB is great but this forum is starting to remind me of 2011 when every thread was Punk is the greatest thing to ever happen to the world, except now its with DB.

it became a rebllious chant because, for people that don't watch wrestling, they don't understand it and its annoying as hell. Its a simple word that can be used in so many different situations which makes it easy to use in everyday life. When the crowd used it against the cops after wm28, the yes meant let us cross the damn street and had nothing to do with Vince or DB

I know dozens of people that were at WrestleMania ... I've read hundreds of posts on these very boards that were written by people who, at the very least, claimed to be at WrestleMania 28. You are officially the first person to report that the Yes chants started before WrestleMania...
I know dozens of people that were at WrestleMania ... I've read hundreds of posts on these very boards that were written by people who, at the very least, claimed to be at WrestleMania 28. You are officially the first person to report that the Yes chants started before WrestleMania...

maybe those people got to mania late...idk but there was chants in the parking lot before the show, in WalMart before the show, before the preshow, and during random matches at fan axcess which isn't even in the same location as Mania. This is the main reason I say that the chants were just random. Maybe some people are lying. I don't see how you wouldn't notice all the chants before Mania. There was a huge yes chant like 10 minutes before they opened the gates to the stadium and there had to be at least a couple thousand people in that line. I was doing the yes chant all the way from the parking lot to the arena before the show and several groups of people joined in. It was everywhere!!!
Way back around the time when they originally started the "Yes" chant(the first time around) I went to a Cincinnati Reds game, and after Joey Votto hit a home run the crowd starting chanting "YES!" Point being Bryan and the chant have been popular for quite some time. For some reason Vince seems to be blind to it.
Here is a way that they could have Bryan join the Wyatt Family, and yet remain a face.

Bryan told the Wyatts how he was being kept down, and Bray Wyatt keeps talking about "tearing down the system", and beating the "machine". Well, why not make this "machine" be a reference to the Authority.

Maybe it should have been, that Bryan doesn't go heel, but the Wyatt Family go FACE! Maybe they could help out Bryan in his fight against Triple H, Steph and Randy Orton.

When the Authority was screwing with Bryan, he didn't seem to have many allies. Big Show was forced to work for the Authority, and the Rhodes Brothers had their own business with the Authority. Hell, C.M. Punk, who ran down Triple H in the past, was too busy fighting a manager to get involved. So, Bryan was on his own somewhat. Even his mentor, Shawn Michaels, turned on him.

Bryan needs allies, and why not get guys who aren't bound by rules, but make their own. Allies, who want to bring down the "system". Bryan and the Wyatt Family could form together to take on the Authority and defeat them.

You can then have the Wyatt Family (sans Daniel Bryan) fight the Shield at "Wrestlemania XXX" (and this results in Roman Reigns' face turn). Later that night, Bryan could defeat Orton for the belt, but afterwards, the Wyatts turn on Bryan, saying they have been using him, and then have Bryan and Bray Wyatt feud over the WWE World Title, and if the WWE still want to include Orton, make it a Triple-Threat or something.

The Wyatts are rebels, so they could be used like DeGeneration X for a while, but instead of crotch chops and green neon lights, we get eerie vignettes and strange sermons. However, the rebellion against those in power remains.

This will push Bryan, keep him face, push the Wyatts to the moon, and create a program which will make both parties look stronger.
For the record, id like to direct peoples attention to the post i made at post nimber 19 on this thread. posted before bryan gave his in ring explanation for what happened. to quote sandow.......YOUR WELCOME... and besides, id like to add about why they turned him back... merc my friends. selling a ton of the beard is here and fear the beard shirts.
Pairing DB up with the Wyatt family seemed like a test of his popularity to me.

If putting him there stopped his momentum with the crowd they would have said, "see, he isn't over enough."

However, with the crowd still behind him, in spite of the "heel turn" storyline, now they have to acknowledge his popularity.

DB is the right choice for the Royal Rumble winner, and main event at WM.

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