Report: Vince Upset At Seattle Crowd?

then quite simply, why the hell doesnt Vine stop being a douchebag and start pushing Daniel Bryan properly????? They want ratings, obviously the fans want Bryan with the belt for a period not a buried stop start run. Just listen to the fans Vince, they dont want to see Big Show in a main event, they want to see Bryan. Vince, you are not God, you cannot create everything, this has grown organically after the 20 second burial a couple of years ago.
If this is true then it is the reason for all the corporate changes. Vince genuinely seems to be out of touch now and I am certain we will see him step aside come Mania 30. The issue of course is that Vince has always believed in the "Audience of One" and to an extent it has gotten the company this far. But clearly the fans in many arenas, the internet even by not buying PPV's or watch are starting to reclaim their right to be the audience catered to.

I can imagine this being true and Cena pretty much having to tell Vince "You WANTED a new star and you got him...not who you want but it's what they want that matters".

You can even imagine an even more awkward situation in the boardroom where that "storyline" about Vince being phased out is now becoming a reality... At what point is he the elephant in the room cos arguably it's very close if this is even remotely an accurate report. Does Linda then go as well? No wonder Vince is stressed.

The "problem" was Vince wanted Ryback to be that star, not Daniel Bryan. Personally, I'm not so enamored with Daniel Bryan...I don't quite get why he's so amazing. His mic skills are a bit monotone, he's not very believable taking on these huge guys...I don't know, he's just not for me.

That said, I also have nobody to cheer for in the main event. I couldn't care less about Cena anymore and Orton is unfortunately the same shallow heel he was before when he was popular. Same thing. No layers to that guy.

I'm hoping for some kind of a huge surprise but it's just gonna be Cena walking out with it. I can't at all see them letting someone else carry this belt just as it's being created.
The biggest myth going around the Internet is that Vince McMahon doesn't think he can make money with Daniel Bryan.

If that was the case, Daniel Bryan wouldn't have been featured in the main event of 3 of the last 4 PPVs or featured against WWE's hottest act for the last 2.

Daniel Bryan wouldn't have new t-shirts, he wouldn't have merchandise, or be advertised at all.

If anyone doesn't believe that there is a plan to insert Daniel Bryan back into the WWE Title picture between now and WM30 is delusional.

If you wanna believe that Vince hates someone, look at CHRISTIAN (same damn shirt since his World title reign, constantly off TV cause they have "nothing for him") not someone so featured like Daniel Bryan.

Vince loves that kind of stuff. He lives for the crowd being loud and chanting and being invested. I don't doubt that Vince at some point didn't believe in him but Daniel Bryan's reaction hasn't faded so drastically like Dolph Ziggler's did.

I can't believe that people think Vince would be upset that the crowd was red hot at the end. If anything, he should be happy and even more happy with how John Cena used that reaction to get the TLC main event some more steam.

Hell, Daniel Bryan's main feud is with Wyatt Family and SHAWN MICHAELS!!!! YOu think Vince is pissed that a hometown-ish crowd was loving him? Give it a rest. If Vince doesn't want the crowd to do something, he takes the cause off TV, doesn't feature them in the go-home segment of a RAW
It's never Vince McMahon's fault is it? To be honest, I was happy to see this reaction. Coming to Seattle for Monday Night Raw, Daniel Bryan should have been prominent. It makes sense for him to be. He's been in a top storyline since WrestleMania 29.

How Vince didn't see this coming is anybody's guess. Not only has he become bitter in his old age, he's become senseless and stupid. He's been the man since before 1985, yet still doesn't understand that the hometown hero will get the big pop. Okay.

Damn it sounds like we're hating on Vince here, but seriously, he's an idiot for not seeing it. It's like going back to Money in the Bank 2011, was Chicago really going to boo CM Punk. Not a chance in hell.

This is pretty stupid in the long run though. John Cena gets big reactions, CM Punk gets big reactions, Randy Orton gets big reactions, but that's it. WWE needs big stars, and Daniel Bryan is matching and occasionally surpassing these guys. It's the same story with guys like Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston, they got a chance, and when they had it, they ran with it, yet still got nowhere. The simple answer is WWE doesn't like what the fans like. It's one of those relationships.

On a somewhat related note, I've come to realize that Vince seems to hate a lot of guys on his roster for being successful. But you sign them, don't you Vince? You're the one giving them the green light. If he's going to be angry at anyone for the way Seattle exploded for Bryan, it should be himself for allowing him to get big.

You are talking like this "report" is friggin scientific undeniable fact lmao. JUst cause an "anonymous" source said it doesnt make it true.

Back in 2009, I had a Facebook group of 3000 people thinking HHH was dead for a whole day. Should of seen all the RIP posts. Its not hard to just throw out some bullshit, just don't be the asshole who falls for it.
I'd be willing to bet money that this is complete bullshit, anyone who honestly believes any reports about Vince being upset that his employees are over are stupid plain and simple. You want an explanation as to why I say this, just use your logic.
Oh please, another bullshit dirtsheet report. Such an easy formula

Step 1: Find a net darling
Step 2: Come up with something the net things Vince McMahon would think
Step 3: Mix the two and push it as legitimate journalism.

Such a crock of shit. What next, Vince upset at how over Daniel Bryan is despite his "depushing"? Vince upset his grandson isn't muscular yet?
Or how about the times they start chanting JBL, Cole, or Lawler, like say during a Orton match the crowds all looking at the commentary table chanting their name. WWE has far worse things to worry about then the YES chants. They wanted something to replace WHAT (I think we all did) and its happened, so much that its in favor of DB not anyone in general.

As someone said it should of been Punk v Bryan v Cena v Orton, those are your top 4 in the company right now, with DB being the most over guy, he should of been the guy to win. It would of been the right time to put him over.
I'm wondering though, when will Bryan get his time? All these WM rumors dont' have him anywhere near the title and now that Cena gets another chance at Orton soon, Reign's definitely huge push coming, and Punk in the Authority angle, when will Bryan finally get his reign? it just seems like it'll never happen.
TLC is the right time for Bryan to win? So an underdog babyface wins he strap...then what? Diet Pepsi, don't read rumors. Rumors are basically fantasy bookers coming up with an idea then publishing it. Dirt sheet writers are lucky here isn't much of a demand of real writers to cover pro wrestling. I could be a dirt writer without ever leaving my house. It's that easy and sad what passes as "journalism". "Net darling in the doghouse" "net darling rumored to be left off mania card"
Orton still hasn't beaten Bryan clean....they're booking that for a reason..he's beaten everyone but Bryan, hopefully thats a sign of things to come and Bryan goes down as the guy he can never beat... Oh, and i don't see anyone touching DB in overness anytime soon..its such an amazing sight to see every damn week.

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