Reports On Batista & Booking Plans

firstly, Batista turning heel should happen in my book and should've happened right off the bat....but if i were WWE, i would NOT have that booking....if WWE thinks Sheamus vs. Bryan will make the Bryan fans happy, they are crazy...the fans will trash on the main event....i understand this is part of their story (reportedly), but it's not a good story. the best story (in my book) would be this...Orton as of now is in the EC right now...BUT Brock challenged either him or Batista, so have the Authority then answer Brock by putting him in a match with Orton for the title and making the Elimination Chamber match a match to get into the WM main event....then have it as a triple threat with Bryan vs. Orton vs. Batista....then have Bryan win by making Orton tap out and then set up Batista to face Bryan and turn him the next for Batista, at EC, have him take on Del Rio and beat him, then make Batista a tweener until after WM.
I think they promised Batista too much to get him to come back. Rumble wins are supposed to be epic feats not a cushy late entry who is seeing his 1st action in 4 years.

Certainly didn't help that he looked rusty and gassed after a few minutes. They gave him Rock treatment when he has no where near the charisma or following that the Rock has.
The WWE should've be planning to turn Batista heel immediately, like they did with Brock Lesnar. Let him get the big comeback pop, but position him as a heel because that's the role he is best suited for and most useful in.

The mistakes that have been made with Batista's return are compounding to the point where I would classify it as a disaster. They should of had the Shield begin to rebel against Triple H and turn face, possible screwing Triple H's boy Randy Orton out of the Title at some point. Then Triple H and Randy Orton would bring back Batista to reform Evolution at WrestleMania 30 and take on the Shield. That would be using Batista in the proper capacity. You are still taking advantage of his star power by including him in WrestleMania, it's in a 6-Man Tag-Team Match so even if he's not in the best ring shape you can easily cover for that, and he is working with some younger guys to help get them over.

But what's done is done, and it's too late to execute that plan now. Batista's won the Rumble and you've got to make the best of it. Personally, I would've had him turn heel the next night on RAW, but that ship has now also sailed. Their best bet would be for Batista to turn heel at Elimination Chamber. The Chamber match for the Title would go down to Bryan and Orton, and it looks like Bryan is going to win. Then Batista comes out, tears off the Chamber door, enters the Chamber and spears the shit out of Bryan. Orton capitalizes and retains the Title.

The next night on RAW Batista explains his actions saying that Bryan ruined his in-ring return, since his Rumble victory was tarnished by the fans chanting Daniel Bryan's name. He says that when he's in the ring, the only name the fan should be chanting is Batista. So now Batista is officially heel, and since Bryan got screwed over in the Chamber, he has a reason to be added to the Title match at Mania to make it a Triple Threat.
The WWE should've be planning to turn Batista heel immediately, like they did with Brock Lesnar. Let him get the big comeback pop, but position him as a heel because that's the role he is best suited for and most useful in.

The mistakes that have been made with Batista's return are compounding to the point where I would classify it as a disaster. They should of had the Shield begin to rebel against Triple H and turn face, possible screwing Triple H's boy Randy Orton out of the Title at some point. Then Triple H and Randy Orton would bring back Batista to reform Evolution at WrestleMania 30 and take on the Shield. That would be using Batista in the proper capacity. You are still taking advantage of his star power by including him in WrestleMania, it's in a 6-Man Tag-Team Match so even if he's not in the best ring shape you can easily cover for that, and he is working with some younger guys to help get them over.

But what's done is done, and it's too late to execute that plan now. Batista's won the Rumble and you've got to make the best of it. Personally, I would've had him turn heel the next night on RAW, but that ship has now also sailed. Their best bet would be for Batista to turn heel at Elimination Chamber. The Chamber match for the Title would go down to Bryan and Orton, and it looks like Bryan is going to win. Then Batista comes out, tears off the Chamber door, enters the Chamber and spears the shit out of Bryan. Orton capitalizes and retains the Title.

The next night on RAW Batista explains his actions saying that Bryan ruined his in-ring return, since his Rumble victory was tarnished by the fans chanting Daniel Bryan's name. He says that when he's in the ring, the only name the fan should be chanting is Batista. So now Batista is officially heel, and since Bryan got screwed over in the Chamber, he has a reason to be added to the Title match at Mania to make it a Triple Threat.

That plan is quite genius, I would actually be excited for Wrestlemania if those events do happen. It wont, but hey one can dream right?
Dont wrote like stupid.

Then your comment should be deleted then...

Is DB is capable of beating undertaker. No way. I hate these type of comments.

If they turned batista heel is only for storyline purpose not for fan reaction.

You guys are only happy with these things
Daniel bryan wrestled 3 hours of raw and 2 hours of smackdown and wins all the matches he wrestled. He won all titles including divas title.

There was one guy who used to be a face through and through until the fans started booing the hell out of him and making signs saying "Die, ____, Die."

I wonder how that turned out.
If he were to turn heel then what are the options? Bryan winning at EC would be stupid but I'd accept it. Bryan vs Batista could be a good combination. Cena/Batista has been done before and he is set to face Wyatt. .
Why? Putting over a man into a main event, championsip match at Wrestlemania who is the most over face the company has had since the early John Cena days is stupid? I'm not sure I understand the logic.

Batista seemed completely shocked by the reaction he received. I fully believe he expected the crowd to welcome him with open arms once he eliminated Roman Reigns, but when boos came raining down, Batista didn't know what to do. So, like the professional that he is, he gets into altercations with fans and mocks them by doing Yes! chants with his middle finger.

If I'm WWE, I turn Batista heel now. He's done nothing to establish himself as a face, has he? So with that being said, I go with the heel turn right away. Bryan wins the Chamber, Orton has the rematch clause, Batista the main shot, and as much as I loathe the idea of a 3-way for the championship, I think it's the direction WWE needs to go in.

WWE needs to act as if they knew this would happen, and make Batista a heel now. When you look at the recent success rate of Rumble winners who haven't won the title at 'Mania, there's a list of Hall of Famers and rising stars who have failed.

Batista, as a heel, needs to be the next one to do it. He and Orton ang up on Bryan, but like Rock vs. HHH and Undertaker, miscommunication allows Bryan to hit the Bugaizi knee or lock in the LaBell Lock for the win.

If I'm WWE and I turn Batista heel now, then his actions on Sunday, at least by some fans, will simply be seen as part of his act. If you delay the turn and go with just Batista vs. Orton as your main event, the fans are going to be all over it, worse then they were at the Rumble.

Turn him now. There are no top heels, ones with legitimacy, anyways, and Batista would fit that role nicely.
They can go ahead with the planned matches and the simple fact is because of the WWE network. The WWE figures that so many will purchase the network because of getting the events that traditional ppv buys aren't that important anymore. The WWE already has their money from the network for the first half year. I fully expect more of the ppv events to seem more like a special RAW rather than a ppv for the next half year because of the network. Then if the cable and satellite companies pull the WWE events we won't get much better. The WWE claims this network will be great. Some of the features yes it is. My opinion is with offering so many other reasons for purchasing the network it's a way to not have to put too much effort into selling a ppv seeing as they're included. Orton Batista main event WrestleMania XXX is a prime example.
Right now, signs point to a Triple Threat match with Orton, Batista and either Lesnar or Bryan, most likely the latter as an Orton/Batista/Lesnar Asshole-Bowl will probably send people running for the remote control.

If that is the case, I have to echo whoever said that the person hurt by all of this is Orton. It'll mark the second time that Orton's gone into WrestleMania as the champ while playing second fiddle to his challengers.
Batista essentially is already a heel. Orton vs Batista will be heel vs heel and NO ONE will actually care. Batista will get 'Daniel Bryan' chants for the next two months leading up to 'Mania. No one will be cheering for him. It makes sense to turn him as soon as possible.

He was supposed to be the face in the Lesnar/Orton/Batista confrontation, but really, fans preferred Lesnar. That's because Batista sucks as a face, worse than the Del Rio babyface experiment. He gets no crowd support.

PWInsider is actually reporting some in WWE are considering Bryan winning the title at Elimination Chamber, in order to pop the RAW rating for the next night... which is the official launch of the Network. That's the right way to go... a triple threat match to headline the show.. with a babyface Bryan WWE Champion and with a heel Batista and a tweener Orton (being kicked out of Authority for losing to Bryan, again).
So Batista will play the "face" through WrestleMania while getting booed out of every arena. Then following WM he will become a "heel" and will most likely get some cheers. This is a prime example of Vince covering creative's asses with "no heels or faces." I love this modern age.

On another Batista note it looks like is set for a match against ADR at EC. They finally found a way to get support behind ADR. Good for them.
The perception is that the storyline's going to be played straight, meaning Batista will Main Event Wrestlemania in the Title Match.

That's all well and good, but there's nothing stopping creative from deviating even from that script.

I mean shoot, one such way is that Batista lets the crowd get into his head, either before or after EC, and on a Raw show challenges DB to a match for his #1 Contender position at Wrestlemania, just so he can stomp the little twerp through the canvas and shut the fans right the hell up... then he gets humiliated by losing clean to DB.

Or Batista plays face, gets betrayed by the Authority during his supposed EC match with ADR and gets injured to the point where they willingly strip him of his contender status. Only Batista reveals that among the lucrative perks of his contact, he gets to select his replacement. Guess who. (This has the benefit of salvaging Batista's face status, while giving legit heat for the Batista/Lesnar/Whoever Injured Him match at Wrestlemania.)

Or DB relentlessly hunts Batista all the way through the next couple of months and makes that challenge himself and just wears the big man down until he accepts. Then he takes the #1 Contender status from him in a ruthless manner. Maybe even have Lesnar run in there on interference (No DQ works best for this) only to put Batista down by accident. DB wins, there's heat for Batista/Lesnar.

Or hell, finally have a #1 Contender's match between Batista and Lesnar, only have DB run in and invoke multiple DQs until one of the two snaps and takes him on directly or bring shim in for a triple threat, then watch DB steal the match to the horror of the Authority.

A lot of ways you can play this out beyond the PPVs.
Hmm reading all of these posts, nobody has brought up the possibility of Vince throwing a curve ball and having SHEAMUS win the Elimination Chamber match and become WWE World Champion in the process. Swagger returned a couple of years ago and was thrown straight in and won in a massive upset. Mayeb Sheamus turns heel, costing Bryan the match and wins the belt himself. The following night on Raw, Sheamus is shown to be The Authority's new leader, playing off his real life relationship with Sheamus and HHH. Bryan could bring up how at Manias 27 and 28 he came up short and include the embarrassing 18 second loss, and HHH could cockily put Sheamus vs Bryan for the WWE Title at Mania with them thinking Shemaus will crush Bryan in quick time at Mania. Obviously Bryan winning the match and the title in the main event would be HUUUUUUUUUGE and having 80,000 people chanting YES to close Wrestlemania 30 would be an unforgettable image. I know Batista has the guaranteed title shot at present, but he could always put it on the line at Elimination Chamber, as yet he doesnt have a match, but tipping Batista vs Lesnar happens at EC.
You know what you do with a shit performer who couldn't connect with the fans if his life depended on it? You turn him heel of course. When the fans boo you for wrestling like a drunk orangutan, it seems as though they're actually booing you based on how over your heel persona is.

Let's look at how brilliantly the WWE has handled this series of events.

Batista comes back, to Raw. Alright, fine, they need the ratings. He comes back and tells Randy Orton that he wants the (ugh) WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He promptly leaves after this, leaving the crowd in half-clap suspense thinking "Umm, was that it?".

Batista enters the Royal Rumble at what, 27? Well that's damn impressive (sarcasm), I think he was able to work a few interesting spots with Roman Reigns.

Okay, so. Confronted with the knowledge that Daniel Bryan fans are getting so damn voracious that even a longtime Bryan Danielson fan like myself thinks that they're kind of being dicks about the whole thing, the WWE chose to roll the dice on Batista putting about ten minutes of work into the night and walking away with another Royal Rumble win.

Here's a fucking crazy ass idea, why not put Batista in there as number 2? You want to tell this story about The Shield's implosion and Punk vs Kane, that's all fucking lovely. Chances are, the fans wouldn't be so cold toward Batista if he actually had a few "OH SHIT!" moments that night.

Maybe the fans wouldn't have been so off put if that blonde ****** HHH hadn't allowed the Cena vs Orton match to be so fucking painful. I mean fucking seriously, the WWE bookers apparently think that redundant use of finishing moves constitutes excitement. John Cena kicked out of the RKO? Randy Orton kicked out of the (ugh) AA? If I hadn't seen that a thousand fucking times already, I might stop playing solitaire for ten seconds. What felt like twenty minutes of match was just them trading off performing each other's finishers. Interference in a match resulting in a John Cena loss? Whoa now, don't strain yourself too hard there HHH.
You know what you do with a shit performer who couldn't connect with the fans if his life depended on it? You turn him heel of course. When the fans boo you for wrestling like a drunk orangutan, it seems as though they're actually booing you based on how over your heel persona is.

Let's look at how brilliantly the WWE has handled this series of events.

Batista comes back, to Raw. Alright, fine, they need the ratings. He comes back and tells Randy Orton that he wants the (ugh) WWE World Heavyweight Championship. He promptly leaves after this, leaving the crowd in half-clap suspense thinking "Umm, was that it?".

Batista enters the Royal Rumble at what, 27? Well that's damn impressive (sarcasm), I think he was able to work a few interesting spots with Roman Reigns.

Okay, so. Confronted with the knowledge that Daniel Bryan fans are getting so damn voracious that even a longtime Bryan Danielson fan like myself thinks that they're kind of being dicks about the whole thing, the WWE chose to roll the dice on Batista putting about ten minutes of work into the night and walking away with another Royal Rumble win.

Here's a fucking crazy ass idea, why not put Batista in there as number 2? You want to tell this story about The Shield's implosion and Punk vs Kane, that's all fucking lovely. Chances are, the fans wouldn't be so cold toward Batista if he actually had a few "OH SHIT!" moments that night.

Maybe the fans wouldn't have been so off put if that blonde ****** HHH hadn't allowed the Cena vs Orton match to be so fucking painful. I mean fucking seriously, the WWE bookers apparently think that redundant use of finishing moves constitutes excitement. John Cena kicked out of the RKO? Randy Orton kicked out of the (ugh) AA? If I hadn't seen that a thousand fucking times already, I might stop playing solitaire for ten seconds. What felt like twenty minutes of match was just them trading off performing each other's finishers. Interference in a match resulting in a John Cena loss? Whoa now, don't strain yourself too hard there HHH.

-Batista was in no shape to go further than he went that night, unfortunately. Also unfortunately, Batista could've crushed anyone and everyone, bitched on the mic about DB not being there, and publicly declared war on the Authority, and the crowd would've still crapped on him. Because they didn't get what they wanted in DB, period. They booed Rey Mysterio. Batista was incidental to the whole thing. (Maybe Reigns would've gotten a pop, but really, it would've still been a sour night for them).

-The Cena/Orton matches... well, bitch about the booking, but nothing could've saved them from the crowd. Except DB running in with a sledgehammer and kneecapping the both of them. Or anything to do with DB, apparently. How can you drag out a Title Match between two guys who often practice a limited arsenal, have faced each other SIXTEEN times in PPV matches, and are proverbially placeholders at best in the eyes of the fans? Besides, on a technical standpoint it was a good fundamental match. Granted, I would've liked to have seen the two cut loose and try other moves like when Cena went for the Liontamer.

-Okay, now you're talking me into this. How many moves of other wrestlers could Cena and Orton realistically pull off for such a match? Nevermind the submission holds- thought the Masterlock might be the perfect geek reference- would we, could we have seen the likes of a Stone Cold Stunner or a variation of the DDT or Elbow drops or even Cena trolling the fans by unleashing a Vintage Hulk Hogan Leg Drop FOR TWO! Now I'm thinking that was a match where the two of them could've been forgiven for tossing out the script and just screwing around as a [BLEEP] You to the fans.
-Batista was in no shape to go further than he went that night, unfortunately. Also unfortunately, Batista could've crushed anyone and everyone, bitched on the mic about DB not being there, and publicly declared war on the Authority, and the crowd would've still crapped on him. Because they didn't get what they wanted in DB, period. They booed Rey Mysterio. Batista was incidental to the whole thing. (Maybe Reigns would've gotten a pop, but really, it would've still been a sour night for them).

I have this crazy theory that maybe the fans' disdain toward Batista and how he was used isn't just based on the fact that he hasn't stolen their hearts like Daniel Bryan. Batista didn't have to do a cork-screw shooting star press, he could have had just a little more substance than "here he is, cheer". Maybe he gets attacked by Del Rio before the Rumble, who the fuck knows. I realize it's easy to arm-chair quarterback the shit out of a show that the majority of fans were displeased with, I just don't think that their angst was totally unfounded.

-The Cena/Orton matches... well, bitch about the booking, but nothing could've saved them from the crowd. Except DB running in with a sledgehammer and kneecapping the both of them. Or anything to do with DB, apparently. How can you drag out a Title Match between two guys who often practice a limited arsenal, have faced each other SIXTEEN times in PPV matches, and are proverbially placeholders at best in the eyes of the fans? Besides, on a technical standpoint it was a good fundamental match. Granted, I would've liked to have seen the two cut loose and try other moves like when Cena went for the Liontamer.

I'm willing to agree that Daniel Bryan fans were being unfair during that match. I hated the match, I'm not gonna' lie about that. But if they're sweating through an attempt to entertain me by doing things that I'm physically incapable of doing, I'll boo when it's appropriate. I laughed at the "this is awful" and "we want refunds" chants, but even I'm not so much of a dick that I'd torture them with that. On a technical standpoint, it was like watching the last ten Cena vs Orton matches in slow motion. If it wasn't beaten to death already, maybe I would have oohed and awed at a few spots. I honestly didn't see anything that qualified as fresh during that match. Different strokes for different folks.

-Okay, now you're talking me into this. How many moves of other wrestlers could Cena and Orton realistically pull off for such a match? Nevermind the submission holds- thought the Masterlock might be the perfect geek reference- would we, could we have seen the likes of a Stone Cold Stunner or a variation of the DDT or Elbow drops or even Cena trolling the fans by unleashing a Vintage Hulk Hogan Leg Drop FOR TWO! Now I'm thinking that was a match where the two of them could've been forgiven for tossing out the script and just screwing around as a [BLEEP] You to the fans.

I'm picturing all of that in my head, and it's a hundred times better than what I saw in the PPV. I realize these guys are constantly pushing their physical abilities to their limits for my amusement, but would it push them over the edge to maybe time it out so we can have an "OH SHIT!" moment where out of nowhere an old-school finisher is pulled out? Maybe they're saving it for Mania, who the fuck knows. John Cena pulled out that sloppy spinning DDT off the top rope and I was like "Did he not see when Daniel Bryan did an awesome spinning DDT off the apron?". Whatever, I fucking hate Cena as I've indoctrinated myself into having that demented disposition toward him. I personally think the better matches are the ones with only a few paragraphs of script where you put two excellent performers who legitimately hate each other in the ring, that's why I like puroresu so much.
Dave Batista is an asshole. There, I said it. He is a very arrogant man, whose beliefs of his own greatness far outweigh his actual talent.

That isn't to say he isn't good, he is. But as with former stars like The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels etc, the best characters are when the performer is comfortable in the role and can be themselves, albeit with the volume turned up and exagerrated. Randy Orton is a smug bastard, and in my opinion produces his best work when playing that kind of character, and Batista's best run was as a heel just before leaving the WWE several years ago.

With the crowd reaction to him winning the Royal Rumble, and his subsequent response to the boos, I think its likely we will see Batista continue to get a negative reaction from fans over the next few weeks. If I was WWE, I would try and turn Batista heel but if he is going to face Lesnar or Orton at WM, then who would be the face? This is interesting times for WWE, and I am curious to see how they play this over the coming weeks.

Personally, I would like to see a tweener Orton face a heel Batista and a face Daniel Bryan for the WHC at Wrestlemania, or maybe even a 4-way match with Lesnar as the other entrant, with Bryan coming out on top and giving the fans the "YES! YES!" Wrestlemania moment they have been hoping for.
F Batista. I don't give a crap about his plans. If Batista main-event for Wrestlemania over CM Punk and Daniel Bryan. truly over with WWE and Triple H's big nose.
Dave Batista is an asshole. There, I said it. He is a very arrogant man, whose beliefs of his own greatness far outweigh his actual talent.

That isn't to say he isn't good, he is. But as with former stars like The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels etc, the best characters are when the performer is comfortable in the role and can be themselves, albeit with the volume turned up and exagerrated. Randy Orton is a smug bastard, and in my opinion produces his best work when playing that kind of character, and Batista's best run was as a heel just before leaving the WWE several years ago.

With the crowd reaction to him winning the Royal Rumble, and his subsequent response to the boos, I think its likely we will see Batista continue to get a negative reaction from fans over the next few weeks. If I was WWE, I would try and turn Batista heel but if he is going to face Lesnar or Orton at WM, then who would be the face? This is interesting times for WWE, and I am curious to see how they play this over the coming weeks.

Personally, I would like to see a tweener Orton face a heel Batista and a face Daniel Bryan for the WHC at Wrestlemania, or maybe even a 4-way match with Lesnar as the other entrant, with Bryan coming out on top and giving the fans the "YES! YES!" Wrestlemania moment they have been hoping for.

Many of my friends and I have all been clamoring for WWE to act as a fluid organization and, albeit in a reactive sense, turn Batista heel following the negative reactions. In fact, I think Batista turning on the fans is exactly what he would need to light a fire under his wheezy ass and make him interesting again. The seeds have already been planted by the WWE Universe. He came back and people barely cared. He won the Royal Rumble and got booed. Now Batista is going to stick his middle finger up at the fans (again) and shove himself down our throats by vanquishing Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan.

In fact, wouldn't a more interesting, heat-garnering match-up end up being Daniel Bryan v. Batista? I am a sucker for a good David/Goliath story in wrestling and I think Bryan facing off with Batista (c) at Mania would make for a compelling story given the reaction of the fans towards Batista's return and how it relates to Daniel Bryan's popularity. Batista could play up any and all of the negative traits a heel is supposed to exude -- jealousy, bitterness, hatred, anger, frustration, etc. -- and Bryan would be the prototypical wrestling "good-guy" vanquishing someone who has turned into a weak, envious bully.

Sadly, it seems that the WWE is going to remain pigheaded and forge ahead with their Vinnie Mac blinders on into a huge event that will let us all down. Besides, Batista'd need to rev up his cardio if he were to be expected to hang with DB.
Yeah, I hate to be in the knee jerk "He needs a heel turn!" crowd..........but Batista needs a heel turn to salvage his return. Batista is not in The Rock's league, and it's becoming more obvious as the weeks pass. Rock could receive a pass for being gassed in the ring, because he's a legit superstar and a box office draw. Batista doesn't have that luxury.

He hit a ceiling as the meathead, but Batista was entertaining with the douchebag, who believes he's bigger than the business persona. It's already been said, but Dave Batista is an asshole with an inflated ego. We all know the stories about Batista's diva behavior behind the scenes, and you can't forget about his recent Twitter shots at Del Rio and the WWE locker room. The man has a natural flow as jerk, and he had an impressive heel run in 2009-2010. Plus, this persona fits Batista's wardrobe. With his current face persona, Batista looks like someone, who's going through a mid-life crisis. But as heel, Batista's look accommodates his personalty as a ********.

A heel turn might save Batista VS Orton from a venomous crowd at Wrestlemania. Orton has more than enough reasons to break away from Triple H and Stephanie, because they treat him like a bitch most of the time. Triple H and Stephanie could drop Orton in favor of Batista as their guy to represent WWE as the "face," and the fans will rally behind Orton.
For the love of god, Batista vs Orton can't be the main event or even the title match. There's zero excitement there. They both suck on the mic, and as of now they're both perceived as heels. I don't want any more of Orton in the title picture. He's gotta go. He's been full throttle since SS. I can't stand the idea of him in this match. A triple threat with DB should be out of the picture too...that'd be garbage.

The only way I'm going to be happy is if they have either Batista vs D.Bryan(c) or a Fatal 4-way Elimination match with Batista vs Brock vs D.Bryan vs either Punk(if they bring him back) or Cena or Orton(the only way I'd accept him inside of the main event)....that's my personal preference at this sad sad sad point on the road to Mania.

But please no Orton vs Batista OR Batista vs Orton vs Bryan.

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