Report: Potential Plans For Ryback

Assuming the reports about him being unsafe is true I would actually send him back to development for a few months/off TV to improve his ring work. He's doing absolutely nothing right now so fans won't miss him, and there's plenty of other guys in the back that can take his spot. This will benefit both him and the WWE long term since he'll come back as a better and safer wrestler that they can have confidence in again.

Meanwhile Goldberg/Lesnar(whichever they would go with) would be cutting promos before WM, basically challenging anyone in the back to face them at WM. If Lesnar Ryback can came back as a face, and do Mitch Henessey 's idea since it's brillant.

If Goldberg have Ryback attack him from behind, and that would setup their match at WM, which I would only want them to do if Ryback goes over. Goldberg will probably ride off into the sunset after WM so there's no real point in him getting the win.
Ryback vs brock doesnt gives me goosebumps ...Ryback should be tag team guy now ..and if he has to face someone in singles match thn that would Goldberg lose it wud be good for business atleast Goldberg chants would change into ryback...brock vs ryback wouldnt work with contrasting styles it wud be like goldBerg -brock match...match would mtter only if some potential opponent for brock ...screws him out of the match and ryback gets the win...With feed me more chants wud be awsome to see return of whos next....and never say never HOGAN is lurking around he might run wild on Ryback
Considering that Ryback has been handily beaten by CM Punk three times in the past few months and that he reportedly has a ton of heat backstage with officials, I expect that WWE will ultimately use Ryback as a tune up win for Lesnar.

Pretty ominous, no? If it's correct, don't you wonder what ol' Ryan Reeves thinks about it? Does he thank his lucky stars the company gave him his moment in the sun? Does he curse the fates for bringing him near the top, only to send him plummeting back to Earth? Or does he plan to re-invent himself and try harder than ever before to regain what he had?

If Ryback vs Brock is coming, while it should be a visually appealing spectacle with those two big bodies in the ring, I'd still be thankful to have this happen at the Rumble rather than trying to put it over at WM30.

Even more interesting, though, is if Brock is to stamp out whatever mystique Ryback has left, what do you suppose the company plans to do with Ryback afterward?

I keep getting an image of Mark Henry losing to people like Evan Bourne during that awful period of his career. Of course, Mark wound up winning a world championship later on, to the surprise of many.

So keep tryin', Ryback. Men of great size often to rise from the ashes in the Land of Vince.
Assuming the reports about him being unsafe is true I would actually send him back to development for a few months/off TV to improve his ring work. He's doing absolutely nothing right now so fans won't miss him, and there's plenty of other guys in the back that can take his spot. This will benefit both him and the WWE long term since he'll come back as a better and safer wrestler that they can have confidence in again.

Meanwhile Goldberg/Lesnar(whichever they would go with) would be cutting promos before WM, basically challenging anyone in the back to face them at WM. If Lesnar Ryback can came back as a face, and do Mitch Henessey 's idea since it's brillant.

If Goldberg have Ryback attack him from behind, and that would setup their match at WM, which I would only want them to do if Ryback goes over. Goldberg will probably ride off into the sunset after WM so there's no real point in him getting the win.

They really can't - he's spent upside of 7 years under contract on and off... most of it in developmental.

Some guys just don't "get it" and are true failures. For all his gimmick issues, the Boogeyman was one who just didn't have it in the ring. He had a look and on paper could rock the gimmick but the matches just didn't live up to the package. Same for Mordacai/Kevin Thorn, Khali (who literally only has a job for the Indian business) and Kennedy.

The only way Ryback can really stay on the roster now that I can see is to form a tag team and accept that he isn't going to be a main eventer, much in the way Hercules had to all those years ago. Herc had the push, looked the part and was far better in the ring than Ryback ever was, they gave him Heenan but nothing clicked... as a face it didn't work. The only time he ever looked anything like succeeding was Power and Glory and the signing of LOD ended that for him. Ryback could team with a smaller guy similar to Roma (perhaps a returning Evan Bourne) or a more established name like Wade Barrett (they still have the Nexus connection) and go after Rhodes and Goldust, who perhaps joins their stable.

They have sent guys to developmental before on big contracts but they had never been there prior and were more punishment moves. Show and Henry were still drawing down a million a year to be there but their initial training was very rushed to get them into the business as soon as possible so they got that chance... no way Vince is gonna want to send a guy who has spent years in development who still can't work safe to destroy his new crop AND pay him the money he now would want or risk the lawsuits if he does bring Bill in only for Ryback to cripple him.

Nah, I can see Goldberg coming in and him facing either Sheamus or Chris Jericho in that long awaited grudge match at Mania but I can't see Ryback being even employed by Mania or pulling the same card Bill and Brock both did at 20 in that he's working notice by then...if they use him at all.
.:lol: I wonder when that would happen besides never. Every match Cena has is "Cena wins lol" Is it not?
Yea lol like the Daniel Bryan....your revisionist history makes the GOP proud.

Anyways I don't like any of this. Ryback vs Goldberg isn't something I want. Goldberg is too big of a mark for himself. Ryback/Lesnar might be okay but is Lesnar going to put someone over this close to mania?
Ryback sucks. He was given chances and didn't really do anything with them. Part of the problem is that he is terrible on the mic. If a guy is terrible on the mic, he has to make up for it by being stellar in the ring and Ryback is far from stellar. The way I see it, he's kinda floundering on the roster right now. He can't be in a sustained main event feud because he can't talk.

Ryback, good luck in all your future endeavors.
Ryback sucks. He was given chances and didn't really do anything with them. Part of the problem is that he is terrible on the mic. If a guy is terrible on the mic, he has to make up for it by being stellar in the ring and Ryback is far from stellar. The way I see it, he's kinda floundering on the roster right now. He can't be in a sustained main event feud because he can't talk.

Ryback, good luck in all your future endeavors.

Eventually....good luck in all your future endeavors. For now though he can be fodder for a couple other guys to get over. But I agree, he's never gonna sniff the main event again or be anywhere near the level he was a year ago.
Alright, I was gonna create a thread about what I'm about to say, but I don't know if I'll get a black mark because it is about Ryback, but different that this one.

I read that the management has heat on Ryback, while other times I read that they are confident in him and they will give him a push. I don't know what to believe, but I will lay out what is real and what is happening.

Ryback is a big guy, a la Batista, so he has a semi-solid main event look. He is big and, booking aside, can be believable. His ring skills though are mediocre. We see it week after week, his matches are nothing special, he flopped with Punk, flopped with Jericho, flopped with most of his matches with Cena, BUT, to his credit, he had a great match recently, against Cena on Smackdown. Also, his match with Big Show this monday on Raw was also decent. Where am I going with this? Possibly, Ryback is more fitting in a powerhouse vs powerhouse type of match to thrive. The small guy (Punk, Bryan, Jericho) vs Ryback just doesn't quite fit his style I believe, whereas Cena and Big Show, with all their power moves and stuff fit him way better.

What do you guys think?
Alright, I was gonna create a thread about what I'm about to say, but I don't know if I'll get a black mark because it is about Ryback, but different that this one.

I read that the management has heat on Ryback, while other times I read that they are confident in him and they will give him a push. I don't know what to believe, but I will lay out what is real and what is happening.

Ryback is a big guy, a la Batista, so he has a semi-solid main event look. He is big and, booking aside, can be believable. His ring skills though are mediocre. We see it week after week, his matches are nothing special, he flopped with Punk, flopped with Jericho, flopped with most of his matches with Cena, BUT, to his credit, he had a great match recently, against Cena on Smackdown. Also, his match with Big Show this monday on Raw was also decent. Where am I going with this? Possibly, Ryback is more fitting in a powerhouse vs powerhouse type of match to thrive. The small guy (Punk, Bryan, Jericho) vs Ryback just doesn't quite fit his style I believe, whereas Cena and Big Show, with all their power moves and stuff fit him way better.

What do you guys think?

While I agree Ryback is at his best against other big, powerhouse type guys, I do think pairing him with Lesnar is a really, really bad idea. Lesnar is almost assuredly going over in a potential matchup because of Wrestlemania, not to mention he's the bigger star/draw by far and the rumored plans for him vs. Taker at Wrestlemania will require that he beat Ryback, and likely, beat Ryback in extremely dominant fashion (so they can build Lesnar as the unstoppable force that is very likely to end the streak)

And that doesn't even take Goldberg into account, because if Ryback goes squish at the Rumble, why would anybody even care about him going after Goldberg at Wrestlemania?

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