WWE Officials Already Discussing 2014 Royal Rumble Winner?

Punk would have needed a "big" win on the Road to Wrestlemaina if he wasn't the WWE champ for so long. That title reign, including victories over Cena, Bryan and Chris Jericho made him look strong. There were many big victories within this title reign.

If you lay out your opponent several times than you look stronger than him. Often, the result of your last big match is irrelevant. Look at Ryback. He lost to Henry but one attack on Cena and I'm sure many viewers thought he could become WWE champion.

cena is a somewhat good victory. but he only pinned him once throughout their feud. he pinned him at survivor series, and he needed the shield's help to win. he needs more than just one win to be credible against the fucking undertaker. and bryan was a fucking upper mid carder last year, he didnt boost punk's credibility. chris jericho is a mian event jobber, beating him means nothing. for gods sake, fandango, heath slater, morrison, kofi kingston beat jericho. countless mid carders..

lol, not really because it depends on how u lay them out. because if its by distraction, after a long tired match, or something that gives disadvantage, then it is not credible. dude everybody stil knew that ryback would lose because he didnt have a big win in a long time.. big wins are more important than laying someone out ,lol....
cena is a somewhat good victory. but he only pinned him once throughout their feud. he pinned him at survivor series, and he needed the shield's help to win. he needs more than just one win to be credible against the fucking undertaker. and bryan was a fucking upper mid carder last year, he didnt boost punk's credibility. chris jericho is a mian event jobber, beating him means nothing. for gods sake, fandango, heath slater, morrison, kofi kingston beat jericho. countless mid carders..

lol, not really because it depends on how u lay them out. because if its by distraction, after a long tired match, or something that gives disadvantage, then it is not credible. dude everybody stil knew that ryback would lose because he didnt have a big win in a long time.. big wins are more important than laying someone out ,lol....

You keep shifting from our perspective to casual fans. Your original point was about casual fans not believing that Punk could beat Taker. Punk beat many opponents in his title reign. He was the man that could not lose until the Rock turned up. The Rock is billed as one of the greats of all time and Punk losing to him is not as bad as you make it out to be. In the weeks leading to WM29, I feel that most fans would have remembered Punk as the dominant WWE champion rather than the man who lost to The Rock.

And not "everyone" thought Ryback would lose. There would have been many fans that believed he would win because he attacked Cena. He put Cena through a table and he is physically bigger.
Don't forget... The Miz closed out a Wrestlemania with a win before. What did that do for him? Its overrated now. This isn't the 80s or the 90s. Only about half of all the Wrestlemania events have actually had a meaningful moment or match close out the show.

Bigger question to Punk winning the Rumble, cause I could see that going down. Would be who would Punk face? What guys on the roster besides Cena thats good enough to close the show along with Punk and to be the guy carrying the WWE title into WM30. I'd say Ziggler at this point or Bryan, but its a good question.
You keep shifting from our perspective to casual fans. Your original point was about casual fans not believing that Punk could beat Taker. Punk beat many opponents in his title reign. He was the man that could not lose until the Rock turned up. The Rock is billed as one of the greats of all time and Punk losing to him is not as bad as you make it out to be. In the weeks leading to WM29, I feel that most fans would have remembered Punk as the dominant WWE champion rather than the man who lost to The Rock.

And not "everyone" thought Ryback would lose. There would have been many fans that believed he would win because he attacked Cena. He put Cena through a table and he is physically bigger.


If cm punk cant beat the rock or john cena, how can he beat the undertaker? that was probably what casuals were thinking.

yes.. most people knew he would lose. so the fuck what? it doesnt matter if hes 30 pounds bigger be cause john cena's physique is just as intimidating. also john cena beat al ot of bigger opponents. in addition, ryback lost to fucking mark henry at wrestlemania and he was on a ppv losing streak. he still is on it right now. lol, he put cena through a table, so R-Truth in 2011 put cena through a table and the miz defeated cena in wrestlemania. does that make them more credible? no it doesnt.. u are overrating credibility. so many people can beat up john cena, but not many can beat him in a MATCH. wins and losses are way more important than "beating someone up".
dude, u know anybody can be booked like that, even a mid carder who uses mind games? a mid carder can do that too, it doesnt matter. its WINS that matter more because mid carders dont beat rock or cena.. so i think at least ONE big win would benefit moer than using mind games. b ecause everybody knows the mind games dont matter .

Jesus Christ, dude. You are a fucking simp. Wins and losses mean DICK. Is Punk somehow less over now than he was at the Rumble? No, he isn't. Is Jericho some irrelevant chump despite the fact that he loses 80% of his matches? No, he isn't. You seriously need to take a step back and allow people to educate you on how this shit actually works because you have a very elementary understanding professional wrestling.

CM Punk held the title for 434 days or whatever and it took one of the top 3 wrestlers of all time to take it from him. He then had to face Cena and after 2 years of Punk outsmarting and getting the better of Cena, Cena finally got him. The Kane thing is ridiculous because no one but you even remembers that. He lost as part of an angle, he didn't look weak losing to Kane after a distraction by the Undertaker. Your underselling of Punk winning the mindgames with Taker really drives home your lack of understanding. Undertaker is the king of mindgames and Punk getting the better of him in a build to a WM match was a huge rub.

Wins and losses only matter when you're not a good enough character to bounce back from a loss. Look at The Miz. Miz's WWE Title reign was booked phenomenally and he was almost believable as the champion for a while. Then he lost the title and was never able to come even close to where he was because he sucks as a character. They could have put a million different guys in that spot and would have had the same outcome.

You seriously need to take a step back and try to gain some knowledge from some of these people because my friend, you are stupid. I don't say that as an insult, I say that as a factual observation. Every single thing that you have said since joining this forum has been from a place of misinformation and/or lack of understanding. Your stubborness isn't doing you any favors either. There's certainly room for differing opinions, but yours are very misinformed.

As for the topic, I don't know. The Rumble is still 6 months away and I can't imagine that the WWE has even contemplated that far into the future. Punk makes sense, though I was hoping for the fabeled dream match with Austin, but I'd be okay with them going this route. It's hard to predict because you never know who is going to be hot at any given time and who is going to fade into obscurity.
Jesus Christ, dude. You are a fucking simp. Wins and losses mean DICK. Is Punk somehow less over now than he was at the Rumble? No, he isn't. Is Jericho some irrelevant chump despite the fact that he loses 80% of his matches? No, he isn't. You seriously need to take a step back and allow people to educate you on how this shit actually works because you have a very elementary understanding professional wrestling.

CM Punk held the title for 434 days or whatever and it took one of the top 3 wrestlers of all time to take it from him. He then had to face Cena and after 2 years of Punk outsmarting and getting the better of Cena, Cena finally got him. The Kane thing is ridiculous because no one but you even remembers that. He lost as part of an angle, he didn't look weak losing to Kane after a distraction by the Undertaker. Your underselling of Punk winning the mindgames with Taker really drives home your lack of understanding. Undertaker is the king of mindgames and Punk getting the better of him in a build to a WM match was a huge rub.

Wins and losses only matter when you're not a good enough character to bounce back from a loss. Look at The Miz. Miz's WWE Title reign was booked phenomenally and he was almost believable as the champion for a while. Then he lost the title and was never able to come even close to where he was because he sucks as a character. They could have put a million different guys in that spot and would have had the same outcome.

You seriously need to take a step back and try to gain some knowledge from some of these people because my friend, you are stupid. I don't say that as an insult, I say that as a factual observation. Every single thing that you have said since joining this forum has been from a place of misinformation and/or lack of understanding. Your stubborness isn't doing you any favors either. There's certainly room for differing opinions, but yours are very misinformed.

As for the topic, I don't know. The Rumble is still 6 months away and I can't imagine that the WWE has even contemplated that far into the future. Punk makes sense, though I was hoping for the fabeled dream match with Austin, but I'd be okay with them going this route. It's hard to predict because you never know who is going to be hot at any given time and who is going to fade into obscurity.

he may be at the same overness level. but he for sure is less credible. and u are so fucking ignorant man, i swear to god. u think losing to the rock and john cena will help ur credibility against the undertaker???

jericho is not irrelevant, not even close. but he is a transitional champion. when was the last time he was WHC? exactly.. u just proved my point.

first of all, how would people believe that cm punk would beat undertaker if he cannot even beat the rock or john cena???

dude, u cannot speak for the minds of a casual fan. a fucking casual fan does care aobut wins and loses.. and those 3 matches - elimination chamber, royal rumble, and the match against john cena. were 3 of punk's most important matches of his CAREER. and he lost 3 of his most IMPORTANT matches of hsi career! what do u think casuals are going to think about that?? HUH???? of course it wont help when ur fighting undertaker. if ur challenging for the legendary streak, u have to look like the strongest man alive. wel lets see, they dropped the ball with teaming shield up with cm punk.. if shield was on punk's side, it would give him massive credibility. if he beat a big star on the road to wrestlemania at least ONCE, then he wouldve had another massive credibility. but no, somehow, wwe thought it was a good idea to job out cm punk 3 times.

LOOK at edge, look how he was booked on the road to wrestlemania. he barely lost any matches because he was going up against the FJUCKING STREAK! u cant go up for the streak without winning any important matches man

and btw, the miz never recovered because he lost to alex riley, of all people. imagine beating the face of the copany at the best stage of all in the main event.. Then u loes to a fucking rookie, alex riley, and then u lose to mysterio, and then u keep on losing and losing. and then u are de elevated to mid card title status. the miz just kept on losing and losing. and he kept on going downnnnn hill

punk definitely looked weak when he went up against kane. kane wasnt even booked well that time, if kane was an unstoppable monster, then punk wouldve kept his momentum, but no, kane was horribly booked as well. losing to another badly booked person will make ur crediblity die even more.

and by the fucking way, if wins and losses are so overrated like u say they are, why doesnt john cena lose 3 ppv matches in a row? why doesnt he even lose 2 raw matches in a row? its very rare that these 2 things happen. because of course wwe creative loves to kiss his ass, so they want to protect him as much as possible and build credibility. this alone is proof that wins and losses DO matter.

i think it is you who should be learning stuff, not me. u are so ignorant, and i odnt say this because i am angry, i say this because it is true.
with cena rumored to face bryan at summerslam, he could drop the title to bryan and we could have punk vs bryan at mania. simple as that.
with cena rumored to face bryan at summerslam, he could drop the title to bryan and we could have punk vs bryan at mania. simple as that.

do u seriously think that cena will drop the title to bryan? no way in hell vince will let that happen. he loves cena's ass.
would love to see a triple threat wwe title match at wrestlemania with punk, cena and undertaker...

lmfao keep on dreaming u fucking smark.. there is no way they aer giong to let cm punk get in the way of vince's dream match against the undertaker. they are going to let john cna end the streak whether u like it or not, lol.
I think it should be bryan vs punk vs cena at wrestlemania[
QUOTE=MCMG;4517179]I think the obvious choices are indeed Punk or Taker. Other names could be someone like Lesnar or Daniel Bryan but I believe it will be the Undertaker.

Punk simply because he was WWE champion for so long and he is now clearly a top guy in the WWE. The idea of Punk v Cena or Bryan at WM30 is very interesting and either would be terrific matches.

Presuming this is his last year: Taker winning the Rumble would be fantastic, especially if done as a surprise. He is a legend and him perhaps winning his last match at WM30 for the WWE Championship would be a lovely send off. Have him retire on the Raw after Mania which would definitely top this years Raw.

The idea of unifying the World Titles is something I am against but it could work well for WM30. I like the idea of a MITB winner going on to win the Royal Rumble. The only problem with this I'm not sure who would be the right candidate. Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and Orton are the only names that could possibly get the honor but very unlikely.

And to "CmPunker": John Cena is a bigger superstar than CM Punk will ever be. Punk has feuded with The Rock, Undertaker and Brock Lesnar - he is clearly well respected and appreciated. Punk is incredible, he may well be the "Best In the World", but he is not Cena.[/QUOTE]
Well now this is interesting.. I hope and pray CM Punk wins the RR next year. This is the only major obstacle that he hasnt won! By all means,IMO he still should be the WWE champion the rock as much as i love him and respect him,did absolutely nothing! His reign was a joke. CM Punk had an amazing 434 day reign as WWE champion,one of the best in the history of the company.

To say he should win the WWE RR in 2014 is an understatement. He rightfully should win it. Why would the undertaker need that? Short answer he doesnt Taker is an Icon and quite possibly the very best ever. I am in the minority that the Unification Title situation should happen as well. CM Punk wins the 2014 RR beats the WHC at ER and then challenges the WWE champion.

CM Punk what is shocking to me still hasnt closed out a WM Main event. He rightfully should have done so by now. WM 30 is Punks WM to Main event his Title to Win. When that happens,Punks legacy will skyrocket even more so than it is now! War Punk
Well now this is interesting.. I hope and pray CM Punk wins the RR next year. This is the only major obstacle that he hasnt won! By all means,IMO he still should be the WWE champion the rock as much as i love him and respect him,did absolutely nothing! His reign was a joke. CM Punk had an amazing 434 day reign as WWE champion,one of the best in the history of the company.

To say he should win the WWE RR in 2014 is an understatement. He rightfully should win it. Why would the undertaker need that? Short answer he doesnt Taker is an Icon and quite possibly the very best ever. I am in the minority that the Unification Title situation should happen as well. CM Punk wins the 2014 RR beats the WHC at ER and then challenges the WWE champion.

CM Punk what is shocking to me still hasnt closed out a WM Main event. He rightfully should have done so by now. WM 30 is Punks WM to Main event his Title to Win. When that happens,Punks legacy will skyrocket even more so than it is now! War Punk

I wouldn't get too optimistic about this news if i were you.. wwe has done great things, but managed to screw it all up in the end. they always find a way to screw up the best fucking things. for example, the nash/hhh/punk feud started out well, then it turned into trash. it went nowhere and it only made cm punk look bad. he had contradictions in his promos and he even lost to HHH at night of champions. on topic, dont get too optimistic because of these reasons.

1. the dirtsheet could be lying. cant always trust dirtsheets. i remember they said that christian would win MITB and face daniel bryan for the WHC or some shit like that.. it even had a credible source. turned out to be 100000% false.

2. plans can always change. u never know, since wwe loves to kiss cena's ass so much, they will give cena the main event ONCE AGAIN.. which doesnt make sense because cm punk never had a main event, why cant cena just take a backseat for just ONE ONE ONE wrestlemania? don't know.. but its wwe logic, not supposed to make sense.

personally, i don't think cm punk will ever close out a wrestlemania because of brock elsnar, john cena, undertaker, and the rock. all of them keep on interfering with punk's goal.

the only way i can see it is if HHH feuded with punk to give him his win back. HHH uses his political power to get in the main event, punk also uses his political pwoer, its a win win.
I wouldn't get too optimistic about this news if i were you.. wwe has done great things, but managed to screw it all up in the end. they always find a way to screw up the best fucking things. for example, the nash/hhh/punk feud started out well, then it turned into trash. it went nowhere and it only made cm punk look bad. he had contradictions in his promos and he even lost to HHH at night of champions. on topic, dont get too optimistic because of these reasons.

1. the dirtsheet could be lying. cant always trust dirtsheets. i remember they said that christian would win MITB and face daniel bryan for the WHC or some shit like that.. it even had a credible source. turned out to be 100000% false.

2. plans can always change. u never know, since wwe loves to kiss cena's ass so much, they will give cena the main event ONCE AGAIN.. which doesnt make sense because cm punk never had a main event, why cant cena just take a backseat for just ONE ONE ONE wrestlemania? don't know.. but its wwe logic, not supposed to make sense.

personally, i don't think cm punk will ever close out a wrestlemania because of brock elsnar, john cena, undertaker, and the rock. all of them keep on interfering with punk's goal.

the only way i can see it is if HHH feuded with punk to give him his win back. HHH uses his political power to get in the main event, punk also uses his political pwoer, its a win win.

John Cena has taken multiple "back seats" at Wrestlemanias.
As a matter of fact, he took three "back seats" in a row.

Wrestlemania 24: John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H
ACTUAL main event: Edge vs. The Undertaker

Wrestlemania 25: John Cena vs. Edge vs. Big Show
ACTUAL main event: Triple H vs. Randy Orton

Wrestlemania 26: John Cena vs. Batista
ACTUAL main event: The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

Also, I need to say something. Dirt sheets don't lie. Lieing implies that you indeed know the truth and are instead choosing to present false information.

Dirt sheets can't lie because they don't know the truth. They will never know the truth. While providing "sources", they never claim to present information from creative, Stephanie McMahon or Vince himself. Choosing to read dirt sheets is a choice to move deeper into the game of professional wrestling. Dirt sheets are fantasy journalism. It's the choice to actually work yourself.

To touch on the point of the thread. I would love to see CM Punk win the Royal Rumble although I agree with many posters up to this point in that I think it's still way too early to call.

I've been calling for a Royal Rumble match to be for a championship for the last couple of years as it hasn't happened since Flair won it. I'd love to see a superstar successfully defend the WWE Championship in the Royal Rumble match. Talk about a fucking rub. Could or could not build to unification.

John Cena will be put in the forefront because he is the top guy in the WWE. Vince kisses Cena's ass?

You need to understand something, junior.

John Cena makes Vince McMahon more money than anybody else in the company right now. CM Punk gets to continue doing what he's doing because John Cena happened to be the right guy for the job when Lesnar flew the coop.

Until CM Punk makes World Wrestling Entertainment more money than John Cena, Cena will continue to be booked the way he is and Punk will be booked the way he is. End of story.
John Cena has taken multiple "back seats" at Wrestlemanias.
As a matter of fact, he took three "back seats" in a row.

Wrestlemania 24: John Cena vs. Randy Orton vs. Triple H
ACTUAL main event: Edge vs. The Undertaker

Wrestlemania 25: John Cena vs. Edge vs. Big Show
ACTUAL main event: Triple H vs. Randy Orton

Wrestlemania 26: John Cena vs. Batista
ACTUAL main event: The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

Also, I need to say something. Dirt sheets don't lie. Lieing implies that you indeed know the truth and are instead choosing to present false information.

Dirt sheets can't lie because they don't know the truth. They will never know the truth. While providing "sources", they never claim to present information from creative, Stephanie McMahon or Vince himself. Choosing to read dirt sheets is a choice to move deeper into the game of professional wrestling. Dirt sheets are fantasy journalism. It's the choice to actually work yourself.

To touch on the point of the thread. I would love to see CM Punk win the Royal Rumble although I agree with many posters up to this point in that I think it's still way too early to call.

I've been calling for a Royal Rumble match to be for a championship for the last couple of years as it hasn't happened since Flair won it. I'd love to see a superstar successfully defend the WWE Championship in the Royal Rumble match. Talk about a fucking rub. Could or could not build to unification.

John Cena will be put in the forefront because he is the top guy in the WWE. Vince kisses Cena's ass?

You need to understand something, junior.

John Cena makes Vince McMahon more money than anybody else in the company right now. CM Punk gets to continue doing what he's doing because John Cena happened to be the right guy for the job when Lesnar flew the coop.

Until CM Punk makes World Wrestling Entertainment more money than John Cena, Cena will continue to be booked the way he is and Punk will be booked the way he is. End of story.

how the fuck do u know that cena makes more money than punk. i never knew ur sorry little ass even worked for the wwe. last time i checked, hell in a cell 2012, which had punk in the main event but didnt have cena, drew more than TLC 2012, which had cena in the main event, but didnt have punk.. so that is proof that cm punk is a better draw than john cena. u see that?? its fucking proof. in addition, the fuckign royal rumble 2013 buyrates, which had rock vs cm punk as main event, drew the most since royal rumble 2008, which didnt even advertise john cena. yeah i knew john cena won the RR in 2008, but he wasnt advertised, so he shouldnt get credit for the buyrates in 2008..

also i remember hearing a report that punk surpassed cena in merchandise sales.

thanks for the unnecessary wrestlemania facts, but he needs to take a backseat once again, because cm punk is going to retire in 2015, or around that. cm punk's one goal is to be in the closing show of wrestlemania, and cena needs to respect his goal and let him do it. he only has 2 more wrestlemanias to go, its either next year or next next year..and cena better let him main event. if he doesnt, he is a fucking selfish bitch.
how the fuck do u know that cena makes more money than punk. i never knew ur sorry little ass even worked for the wwe. last time i checked, hell in a cell 2012, which had punk in the main event but didnt have cena, drew more than TLC 2012, which had cena in the main event, but didnt have punk.. so that is proof that cm punk is a better draw than john cena. u see that?? its fucking proof. in addition, the fuckign royal rumble 2013 buyrates, which had rock vs cm punk as main event, drew the most since royal rumble 2008, which didnt even advertise john cena. yeah i knew john cena won the RR in 2008, but he wasnt advertised, so he shouldnt get credit for the buyrates in 2008..

also i remember hearing a report that punk surpassed cena in merchandise sales.

thanks for the unnecessary wrestlemania facts, but he needs to take a backseat once again, because cm punk is going to retire in 2015, or around that. cm punk's one goal is to be in the closing show of wrestlemania, and cena needs to respect his goal and let him do it. he only has 2 more wrestlemanias to go, its either next year or next next year..and cena better let him main event. if he doesnt, he is a fucking selfish bitch.

Yes one PPV is absolute proof. Off the top of my head TLC 2011, with punk drew less then 2010, with cena.

Funny you are alolowed to say you know who sells merchandise but no one else is. And as for facts Punk did surpass him for a time, the first in 5+ years, then Cena retook it. But hey research is hard.

Yes, a person who is retiring well before when is generally done and demands the headline at mania before then should be simply given it?
I'd love to see Punk win the Rumble and go on to face the WWE Champion at Mania. If Cena vs Taker is to happen I don't think it should for the title, it defeats the whole point of the last few years of having the streak mean as much as the WWE title.

I could see it being Punk vs Bryan/Lesnar/Orton for the WWE title and Cena vs Taker but just as likely is Punk vs Cena and Taker vs Lesnar I'd say.
Yes one PPV is absolute proof. Off the top of my head TLC 2011, with punk drew less then 2010, with cena.

Funny you are alolowed to say you know who sells merchandise but no one else is. And as for facts Punk did surpass him for a time, the first in 5+ years, then Cena retook it. But hey research is hard.

Yes, a person who is retiring well before when is generally done and demands the headline at mania before then should be simply given it?

yes they should be simply given it man. what else do u want? u want them to screw over cm punk?

it does not matter because tlc 2011 consisted of the miz and alberto del rio..!!!! fucking miz and del rio are not draws!!! how can u blame punk for that? i guess u can also blame dolph ziggler in tlc 2012, but u had ryback and the shield and team hell no backing up the main event. in tlc 2011 it was only big show vs mark henry, which nobody wanted to see.

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