Report: POSSIBLE Future Of The Main Event Titles

John Cena holds onto the World Heavyweight Title.

Randy Orton holds onto the WWE Title.

CM Punk wins the Royal Rumble and challenges Randy Orton at Wrestlemania.

Daniel Bryan wins the Elimination Chamber and challenges John Cena at Wrestlemania.

The Authority announces the unification of the WWE and World Titles.

Punk beats Orton.

Bryan beats Cena.

Punk vs. Bryan in the finals, with Daniel Bryan winning to become the next Undisputed Champion. Punk raises his hand and hugs him. End WMXXX. Drops mic on stage. BOOM.
How about the winner of the rumble says they want both titles , therefore starting a build for a triple threat match.

Since punk is one if the favourites. Have punk win n then come out and say he's the best in the world and all the usual stuff, he then says he has history with both orton and cena, he wants them both at mania.
I am good with the possibly bringing back the Undisputed Championship. Lets be real, how many tried and true Main Eventers are there in WWE right now? Other than John Cena, who was the last WWE World Heavyweight Champion you looked at and thought, wow, that is a World Champion? Randy Orton two years ago, maybe? People like Christian, Mark Henry, Alberto Del Rio, Big Show over the years, Daniel Bryan; Jack Swagger... etc. Nice names, did we really look at any of those guys and thought, gee, that is a World Champion? Only recently has Bryan been recognized and pushed as a main event talent. Henry/Big Show had nice runs. Christian was ok. His best work was when he was chasing the title. When he held the belt they didn't make him out to be someone who could hold the title. Most of those guys who won the title over the years faded for whatever reason. Even Orton. It took him two years to get back to the main event level, now he is WWE Champion.

If we continue with the WHC the question becomes who beats Cena? Sandow? Del Rio? Some other middle of the road person? Give a younger person, up and comer, middle of the road wrestler the title, then what, likely not having a main event guy challenge for the belt so we have more scenario where the World title opens the show. So on the basis alone that you don't have enough true main event guys, unify the titles. Take those middle of the road guys, put them in the IC/US Championship division, and while we are at it, unify those belts too.

Two singles championships.
-WWE Championship.
- IC Championship.

Fewer championships the more you can do. Force people in the company to up there game knowing they have to really stand out to get a push. Create a better competitive environment, maybe people will not rest on their laurels.
Punk wins WWE Title from Orton at Royal Rumble
Daniel Bryan wins Royal Rumble Match
Orton wins WWE Championship #1 Contenders Elimination Chamber Match
Cena reatins World Title in Elimination Chamber Match

First RAW after EC all four men in the ring, Triple H announces a fatal-4-way to unify the two World Titles.
Not a bad idea to unify the two World Titles at Mania. The simple (and most effective) way to do this would be to have the current champions retain their titles up to Mania, while one of them wins the Rumble. This would better cement that these two guys are the the best and now we unify the titles to find out who is better.

I know people would complain about another Cena/Orton match, but for all there matches they only meet once at Mania (6 years ago) where it wasn't a singles match as Trips was involved. I can't think of a better way for the WWE to stamp the legacy of there two top stars of the past 10 years by having them go one on one at Mania in a title unification match.
Make it a fatal 4 way. Have the two champions, the winner of the rumble, and the winner of a money in the bank that starts off Wrestlemania. I think Orton(WWE Champion), Cena(World Champion), CM Punk(Rumble Winner), and Daniel Bryan(special Wrestlemania Money in the Bank winner) would be the ultimate payoff for the past couple of years in the WWE.

Interesting, but let me suggest a slight alteration. Instead of a four way match, make it a four CORNERS match so that only two can be in the ring at one time. This will allow the forth person to be HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN (instead of Bryan Danialson). It will allow HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to be involved in the main event but spend most of the time on the apron playing to the crowd and only stepping in to throw a few punches, a clothesline or two and maybe a double big boot with Cena to pop the crowd while the others do the majority of the wrestling. This will allow WWE to get the most out of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN at WrestleMania while keeping him well protected.

As a way to explain why HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN spends so little time in the ring, everytime he hits the ropes someone blind tags themselves in. This will frustrate the crowd and build heat throughout the match. Then at the end HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN finally blind tags himself in, HULKS UP, clears the ring, drops the leg and becomes the new Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion!
In my opinion, the 2 titles should never be unified again. As someone already stated by unifying the titles you lose the ability to push a younger star to the Championship level. As for WrestleMania my prediction is for DB to finally go over Orton for his WrestleMania moment and for Sandow to go over Cena for the WHC.
I wouldn't mind another short term unification of the titles for a big WrestleMania moment as long as this time they continue to use both belts. The titles could later easily be separated with a MITB cash in. Seeing as how the MITB only gives them a shot at one of the titles, once cashed in the titles would have to be separated again.
I think they can keep this simple, have Punk beat Orton at the Rumble or TLC and have Cena retain all the way to Mania, it's by far the best main event combination WWE has. As far as the Rumble winner goes, that's tricky, so instead we'll probably get something convoluted to make sure Orton is shoehorned in.

Interesting, but let me suggest a slight alteration. Instead of a four way match, make it a four CORNERS match so that only two can be in the ring at one time. This will allow the forth person to be HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN (instead of Bryan Danialson). It will allow HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN to be involved in the main event but spend most of the time on the apron playing to the crowd and only stepping in to throw a few punches, a clothesline or two and maybe a double big boot with Cena to pop the crowd while the others do the majority of the wrestling. This will allow WWE to get the most out of HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN at WrestleMania while keeping him well protected.

As a way to explain why HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN spends so little time in the ring, everytime he hits the ropes someone blind tags themselves in. This will frustrate the crowd and build heat throughout the match. Then at the end HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN finally blind tags himself in, HULKS UP, clears the ring, drops the leg and becomes the new Undisputed World Heavyweight Champion!

So this is how Knobbs spends his days when not working the indies.
firstly, i hope they do NOT go with either of these reported ideas. 1) i am not a fan of unifying the titles and 2) it wont help the Rumble winner get his world or wwe title shot. now the reason why i do NOT want the titles unified. i am a firm believer that if the titles get unified, that Daniel Bryan will NEVER get another title win, Punk will win the title one more time and likely have it end after 3 months, Cena and Orton will hold the title for a very long time and rarely lose it and guys who likely should get tried as main event champions wont get their shot until Orton or Cena either get hurt or step out of the spotlight. the World title helps get younger talent tryouts for the main event. i feel that having the world title helps guys like Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Wyatt, Sandow and others. without the world title, i dont see Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Wyatt or Sandow getting those shots really early, so i hope they keep 2 titles.

now if WWE wants to do a match with Orton vs. Cena where the winner can claim the title "face of the WWE" then i dont mind Royal Rumble and there it makes sense. they can have McMahon be behind Cena and say this is his face of the WWE and have HHH say Orton is and then have McMahon announce the match. my hope for WM30 is for Orton to face Daniel Bryan (who will be the rumble winner), for Cena to face either Punk or to face a young guy who's ready for a run, like Ambrose or Wyatt and for HHH to either take on Punk or a McMahon picked wrestler. all those matches would make sense and would be great.
i feel that having the world title helps guys like Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Wyatt, Sandow and others. without the world title, i dont see Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Wyatt or Sandow getting those shots really early, so i hope they keep 2 titles.

But if WWE does this storyline correctly, they can actually use it to elevate the prestige of the IC title. There was a time when some of the all-time greats were competing for the IC title AND some of the best matches ever were for that belt. If there's only one main championship then you're going to have a whole bunch of guys, both main eventers, and up and comers with "nothing to do" so naturally they can compete for the IC title, which will give it back prestige. Guys like Punk, Bryan, Orton, Sheamus, Mark Henry, etc can all be vying for that title and feuding with some of the young up and comers. It would get the younger guys over much faster. Part of the problem with the midcard is it's virtually impossible to get the guys over because the midcard belts are worthless, thus making their feuds basically worthless.

Unifying the top two titles would help the midcard in more ways than people realize.
firstly, i hope they do NOT go with either of these reported ideas. 1) i am not a fan of unifying the titles and 2) it wont help the Rumble winner get his world or wwe title shot. now the reason why i do NOT want the titles unified. i am a firm believer that if the titles get unified, that Daniel Bryan will NEVER get another title win, Punk will win the title one more time and likely have it end after 3 months, Cena and Orton will hold the title for a very long time and rarely lose it and guys who likely should get tried as main event champions wont get their shot until Orton or Cena either get hurt or step out of the spotlight. the World title helps get younger talent tryouts for the main event. i feel that having the world title helps guys like Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Wyatt, Sandow and others. without the world title, i dont see Ambrose, Rollins, Reigns, Wyatt or Sandow getting those shots really early, so i hope they keep 2 titles.

now if WWE wants to do a match with Orton vs. Cena where the winner can claim the title "face of the WWE" then i dont mind Royal Rumble and there it makes sense. they can have McMahon be behind Cena and say this is his face of the WWE and have HHH say Orton is and then have McMahon announce the match. my hope for WM30 is for Orton to face Daniel Bryan (who will be the rumble winner), for Cena to face either Punk or to face a young guy who's ready for a run, like Ambrose or Wyatt and for HHH to either take on Punk or a McMahon picked wrestler. all those matches would make sense and would be great.

Making the World Title into a "tryout belt" is part of what's killed its prestige.

And having two World Titles is what allows WWE to keep guys like Cena and Orton at the top of the card. Because with two World Titles, Cena can hold one belt forever and WWE can just throw the other belt at someone to placate them and keep them satisfied. Basically one belt will be THE top prize while the other one would just be a consolation prize and that isn't fair to the younger talents. They'd just be a world champion on paper but they wouldn't be truly given the ball.

The real reason why everyone wants young talents like Sandow or Cesaro to be in the main event is because WWE has ruined the concept of a midcard. They've neglected it so badly that they've created the mindset that "midcarder = jobber", so now they think the only way they can get a guy over and have him be taken seriously is to present him as a "star". But all that does is lead to a really bloated uppercard scene. Instead of trying to make a strong, credible, and relevant roster from top to bottom, they try to shove every over person into "the main event scene". The roster is too top heavy at the moment and there are too many we're supposed to think are "main eventers". Even WITH two World Titles, they can't all be in the title picture at once.

Having two World Titles only serves to make everyone look bad. When a guy like Dolph Ziggler gets a World Title run, once they have to step away from the title picture and do other things, it's looked at as a step down and they're marked as a "failure". Sure it would be nice if a guy like Dean Ambrose got a World Title run, but once it's over, and he has to do things out side of the title picture, we'll be back here wondering "What happened to Ambrose" and whining that he's been "buried".
I've got it! We take every person on the current roster that has held one of those two "World" titles, and we put them into a giant Battle Royal match at the end of WM. To add interest and more prestige to whoever wins, we have the champs going into the match get eliminated first. At that point, everyone will be watching to see who comes out on top. It wouldn't hurt the champs, because they would have been "ganged up on" by everyone else. For example, Orton rallies a bunch of people to take out Cena, only for them to immediately take him out, too. This also puts over whoever wins, gives them both champs as possible opponents in the coming months, and whoever comes in Summerslam, we have a Fatal Four Way, and by Survivor Series, we start seeing the titles break apart again, leaving next years Rumble winner to become a champ. We just got us an actual, factual, year long storyline that if it had the right people, could keep us slightly entertained...or not, lol.
If they decide to do the world title unification match at WM....then, IMO, it should be between 2 faces. The story can be built on having each champion fight former champions who have held that respective title in the past leading up to Mania.

Having a face vs face storyline will make the match more unpredictable. The problem is finding the two right guys. If you asked me to book it...Id have a huge storyline between Punk and Cena one last time to unify the titles. Very unpredictable and we all know they have great chemistry and can put on a hell of a match.

The rumored Taker vs Lesnar match can co-main event the show.

Wrestlemania 30..,time to put the emphasis back on the world title. It should always be the most important match on the card.

So there ya go

(Of course, Rock or Austin competing at Mania would likely throw a monkey wrench in that plan..)
The easiest way out is just to do exactly what they did the last time they unified the titles.

The winner of the royal rumble chooses which championship he wants to go for, the second last guy in the rumble goes for the other one. The winner of these two matches go onto 1 final match to close out WM30 with one final champion being crowned the Undisputed Champion.

So eg. Bryan and Punk last 2 in the rumble. Bryan wins and decided he goes for WWE championship first (Because he already has a backstory with Orton, and Kayfabe Orton is easier to beat than Cena). This leaves the WHC (Cena) for Punk.
The winners of each match go on to face each other for the two titles to close the show.

And to spice it up some, you could have a championship changes hands in the chamber as the person who wins the rumble will go for the "easier" champion first to give them the best chance of making it to the final match.
Personally I'd give that honour to Jericho get him into the Undisputed match as he was the first one to do it.

Or you could go for MitB WM30 and have them cash in and take the undisputed title for themselves at the close
That sounds pretty good but I think a Fatal 4 Way would be the best move IMO.

Having WWE's top 4 superstars (Punk, Bryan, Cena, and Orton) compete for the title at the 30th anniversary would really be something.

In a perfect world, but WWE is very highly unlikely to put the highest of high profile matches as a mutli-man match. The best we can hope for is for those four to be in a one-night mini tournament (if they are all to be involved)
There are always ways to work with or around such matters. You could have a triple threat match, for instance. The World Heavyweight Champion vs the WWE Champion vs the wild card in the Royal Rumble winner.

Or John Cena goads the Rumble winner into demanding his title match the very next night on RAW (and then losing, of course).

Or the Rumble winner says he'd rather challenge the Undertaker's streak than opt for any title.

Or the Rumble winner wants to challenge the U.S. champion instead because the US of A is the greatest country in the entire freakin' galaxy, goddammit!

Granted, some of these options make the Rumble winner look like a total nincompoop, but at this point in time I not only think the WWE is capable of booking their talent to look like dumbasses, I downright expect it.

Point is, if they'd rather have a Championship unification match there are plenty of ways to get there.

Personally, while I totally see why so many want the titles unified, I'd rather the WHC would stay. The reason is the belt does mean a little something. UNLIKE the IC or US titles. Get rid of those, if you want. They're already dead. But, OK, if the WHC was gone, then maybe the IC can mean something again (long shot, but at least there'll no longer be any ambiguity whatsoever around who is number one and who is number two). Especially if they get rid off the US title. Just have the Teag Team, IC and WWE titles (and Divas, whatever). Like in the good old days. I'm fine with that, too.
The possible future of the main event titles will be a long and prosperous future. Having both titles exist allows the prestige of both titles to be represented and respected. The individuals who have held these main event titles are of legend and set the path for these titles to finally exist under one organization (WWE). It is also more profitable for the WWE to allow these titles to coexist because of the possibilities. For example, you could make a main event at wrestlemania this year between both title holders. It allows for wrestling superstars from smackdown and raw as well as the newer reinvented programs such as Main Event to display and practice their wrestling abilities therefore increasing the likely hood of one day finding a wrestler who can be pushed to an eventual main event status.
Here's a possible solution. You let Brock Lesnar enter and win the Royal Rumble, but instead of challenging for the WWE Title or the WHC, he demands that his match be with The Undertaker. The issue here is that by Lesnar seeing more value in a match with The Undertaker than in a WWE/WHC Title match, you run the risk of seriously devaluing the belts. After all, as much prestige as the streak has, the prestige of being champion should be above that - right?

I'm curious if you think the potential pay-off would be worth devaluing the belts. Could the WWE use that as part of the reason to merge the belts? Perhaps, Cena says "Brock is right. These titles don't mean what they used to. There are too many people walking around with a claim to being the best, and that needs to end. There needs to be one guy with a stake in that claim - one champion..." Would acknowledging that the belts have lost value because there are two of them actually recreate the value in the belt once it's merged?

You are actually making a great point here, and here is a scenario that could work for that:
As you said, Lesnar wins the Rumble and chooses to face Taker at WM. Before that though, starting from Survivor Series, we could have a "hot potato" kind of situation, with both the WWE and WHC. After Lesnar's victory, any current World Champ (Punk/Cena/Orton or whoever that is) can come out and cut a promo/semi-worked shoot, where they state what you said. This would work, since both championships have been changing hands all the time the past months (Bryan to Orton to Big Show to possibly Punk / Del Rio, Cena, Sandow etc etc). He then offers a championship unification match at WM, and then we will have 2 huge main events: the title unification which will be about who will be the #1 guy in the WWE definitely, and then Beast vs the Streak. We can also have more huge matches with people not involved, and seeing as they are going with Orton vs Cena for the titles match, with a returning Austin, we can have a huge attraction in Punk vs Austin.
I can't remember now how long I've been saying unify the belts once and for all and then retire the WHC belt. The simple way to do this is Unify the belts at the Royal Rumble and then the winner of the Rumble knows who he is going to face at Wrestlemania.

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