Report: Potential WrestleMania Main Event Matches

I really like the Bray Wyatt character and think he is going to do great things in WWE. He has maintained his mystique since his July debut, earlier if you count his vignettes that started in May. Bray has looked dominate in limited action and with his continued slow burn push, can be a long term main eventer. And for this very reason, I don't think there is a snowball chance in hell that Bray faces Cena.

Bray NEEDS to look dominate in his first Wrestlemania. Not necessarily win, but walking away looking like force to be reckoned with against an established star. This will not happen against Cena. Cena did the job at WM a few years ago to another hot shotted superstar, the Miz, and where is Miz now? Is Vince going to do this again at the 30th edition of the biggest show of them all? Gosh, I hope not. Also as mentioned earlier, Cena would certainly veto this idea.

Too soon. Give Bray a meaningful one on one feud first, lets see his wrestling chops, then we'll see.
Fabricated Internet rubbish.

If Wyatt main events Wrestlemania XXX I'll donate all my savings to the Westboro Baptist Church.

The WWE may be stupid and desperate, but they're not quite THAT stupid.
honestly a Bray Wyatt and John Cena feud (NON title of course) would be a great feud. 1) it's fresh and 2) Wyatt's promo skills will help sell a feud. i think Cena should feud with someone, dont care if it's Batista or Wyatt....Bryan should go for the WWE title vs. Randy Orton. give them time and let Bryan win a clean match, that would be the best title main event if wwe unleashes them. Punk vs. Triple H would sell itself just on name value, but Punk will add much more to that with his promo work and Lesnar vs. Taker would be great. hopefully, WWE goes the Bryan vs. Orton title match.
save Bray Wyatt vs John Cena for a run later in 2014, not headlining the arguably biggest ppv in the history of professional wrestling. Cena will be facing D-Bry in the main event of Wrestlemania, all current booknig points to this. I cannot see Orton still holding the title come Mania, that would be nearly 8 months since Summerslam since he won it from Bryan.....not counting the vacant period.....just my opinion but having watch WWE programming for nearly 29 years, Vince has taught us to look at the bigger picture and not the frustrating week to week rubbish he keeps dishing us up, Bryan going over Cena at Wrestlemania XXX appears to be where the WWE Title match is heading.
I think it is fair to say this is just common internet speculation. As good as he is, there have been many up and coming stars over the years, and never has Vince considered pulling the trigger in such a potentially damaging manner. Moreover, it would be downright insulting to someone of Cena's capability if they were to put him in a match with Wyatt, especially since this has the potential to be the biggest pay per view ever. This is in no way an attack on Bray or the rest of the Wyatt's ability as I am personally a huge supporter. However, Wrestlemania against John Cena is not just another wrestling match-it is the biggest wrestling match of the year. Possible candidates for Cena should include The Undertaker, Bryan or Orton. The mark in me screams Undertaker, but realistically we can safely assume Lesnar is occupying that space. In addition to this, there is no benefits to Cena teaming with Hogan; in regards to both show quality and buy rates. If anything, it could be said that this would be extremely detrimental to both. Hogan isn't the draw he was even ten years ago, and like the Wyatt situation, it would be offensive to someone of Cena's capabilities. Involve Hogan in a segment with Cena and Austin to pay tribute to the three main faces of every major era; not a match.

As far as Vince and his opinion about Cena "feeding" them, well, I can understand. John Cena is the top draw comfortably, and truth be told he is one of the most talented performers to come around in a long time. It comes as no surprise that Vince views Cena in the same light as Rock, Austin and Hogan, and this is an opinion and outlook that people ought to realize will never change.

In regards to Punk facing off with Hunter, I think I can dig it. The match has great in ring potential and it has been two years in the making. Punks anti authoritarian outlook contrasts greatly with the on screen (and off for that matter) views of Triple H, allowing for some potentially heated mic work in the lead up. Although I feel Punk should have gotten the rub in 2011, I feel now would still be a perfect opportunity to stress his importance to the organisation, potentially acting as a catalyst for his decision to hopefully stay with the company. Like everything in wrestling though, plans change and I could still see Punk in a different role.

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