A Potential Main Eventer?

Bray Wyatt = A Potential Main Eventer? :suspic:

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Gone. For. Good.
So this thread is about the so-called "Face of Fear" Bray Wyatt who is suspected to return next week from the injury he suffered in April.

Wanted to ask a simple question about him.

"Does Bray Wyatt possess main event potential?"

I am just asking about the guy itself, obviously he would require good strong booking for it. But Does he possess the tools to be a main eventer?

For me, he really does. He is a great mic worker. He plays his gimmick very well and has 3 monstrous goons around him in form of Harper, Strowman and Rowan as "Wyatt Family".

His in-ring work is good enough. The theatrics he uses in his matches are an icing to the cake. The spider walk is just too unique.

Infact, I would say that Bray himself is a very unique wrestler.

Thoughts & Votes?
Not that I have seen.

Let's throw in ring skills out the window. There have been many main eventers who weren't as good as Wyatt in the ring.

But people always praise his mic work and I don't get it. I get that people like his style, but his actual promos are not great by any means. The guys delivery is good. Good pitch. Timing is good, for his character at least. He's rarely phased by the crowd. But his promos have been the exact same nonsensical rambling since day one. You don't have to listen to any of them. Just listen to the first one and you've got it. Add on to that the fact that since they're such rambling nonsense, they go on too long and people will start to tune out. Does Undertaker generally cut long promos? Does Kane? No. The only time I thought Wyatt's actual content had some meaning to them was against Cena and Jericho.

Sheamus as a face is another great example of this. He can cut a great promo if he wants because his delivery is generally very good. But when he was a face he was delivering such stupid, childish promos it was pretty ridiculous. Especially with that stupid smile on his face.

Now right before Wyatt got injured he had some potential with is face turn. The crowd has always wanted to get behind the Wyatt family because they've always liked his style.
Bray Wyatt as a character can go a long way and even the man portraying Bray Wyatt can go a long way. But thats not enough. I do not think he will be a permanent main event talent in the WWE.

For starters, the WWE does not believe in any of there future main event talents enough to let them go all out and that oftens leads to the person being underwhelming. It's not that they only do this to him but even the top guys like Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose are held back from being all that they can be.

Second reason is that the creative does not know how to book his character correctly. He's supposed be a cult leader who should have all these followers and a solid cause as to why they follow him but we never seen that be explained. He cuts good promos but usually he's throwing out threats which are pretty empty.

The third reason is that he doesn't have enough opponents who he can truly defeat. He is seen as a main guy but he's under the level of Brock/Taker/Cena/Reigns/Rollins etc etc and that means that more often than not, the other guys will go over in the storyline. He may be booked stronger but he won't pick up the wins against those who matter, no offense Ryback.

I believe the best place for Bray Wyatt to go is Lucha Underground. It's a growing company with writers and people who know how to book true characters.
Given the lowering of the bar for main eventers (see Mizanin) he absolutely has main event potential.

Even with that aside, I think he has all the potential in the world. As we all know the booking has been nothing short of horrendous for Wyatt and the fans still want to back him. I worry that they may have missed the opportunity to elevate him so many times that it may be a lost cause at this point without some repackaged angle. Hopefully I'm wrong and they figure something out with him. I'd love to see him feud with Harper upon his return later this year, this could be done in a way that turns Bray and still makes Harper look strong to be a big midcard heel.
If there's anybody that has main event talent or potential on the roster, it's Bray Wyatt. There is not a character as unique as Bray Wyatt and nobody plays their character better than Windham Rotunda. Despite his terrible booking over the past 4 years or so, the crowd still latches on to him at every opportunity, just look at the reaction he was getting when he worked as a face before his injury.

Mic skills are great, his in-ring style is a great fit for somebody of his size and stature, and he does all the little things right too; facial expressions, body language, psychology, selling, etc. I truly believe that Bray Wyatt is the most complete talent on the roster barring John Cena, Randy Orton, and Seth Rollins. Wyatt should already be a main event talent.

To me, it's not a question of potential, he has the skill, it's quite obvious. It all depends on whether the WWE brass decides to run with him or not.

IMO he is one of he few people in WWE that is must watch and that you actually care about their promos.

I'm surprised they haven't done a better job of building him up, you'd think they try to make him the replacement of that main event supernatural void that Taker is leaving.

He should have had the strap put on him a long time ago. And while they're at it, put Bo Dallas with the Wyatts...

Hopefully with the brand split and two titles, he gets the strap for a few months or at least is in some good feuds for it.
Probably about 6 months ago I would have said no. He is rambling at best on the mic, although he is good at rambling, but just no.

I have since turned the corner on him. The biggest part of the Wyatt's problem is not the Wyatt's themselves, it how they have been booked since they started. Here you have now 4 of the biggest men on the roster, and they can't win a feud for trying. As time went on they just looked like a huge wall of jobbers, to tell you the truth. Creative has no idea what to do with them, shit they have no idea what to do with anyone, but the Wyatt's have them stumped.

Never did understand the "Saving" part of all his promo's because in all honesty he couldn't save himself and his family from a loss. I was really hoping that they would rage against the machine and be the ones to take the Authority down, as Wyatt has said many time in the past. He seemed to forget that. Also really think they need a face turn. Fans love them and want to cheer them, and the WWE needs faces right now.

I have no doubt though that creative will still screw them over when Wyatt comes back. Don't know where they will end up as Reigns and Rollins seems to be a thing and the Club and Cena are the other big story. So yea they can just bide their time and hopefully something good will happen for them. If not it will be a shame.

I'm sorry but I will never understand why the WWE won't get behind a group that get's cheered but won't turn them, but sticks with the babyface that gets universally boo'd.
As soon as they let Bray win a feud, he's main event material.

The Fact he's still relevant when he has lost every feud for 2 years is kind of a testament to this.
As soon as they let Bray win a feud, he's main event material.

The Fact he's still relevant when he has lost every feud for 2 years is kind of a testament to this.

Exactly! He'd make a great main event face. He's shown multiple times he can get fans behind him (feuding with Cena and his recent interaction with Reigns).
No. Wyatt has been given a ridiculous number of chances to get over as a top star, and always fails. The fault lies with Wyatt. He's a lifelong midcarder, and there's nothing wrong with that. He'll have a place in WWE for years to come, but he's never going to be anything truly special.
I'm going to have to say no to this one. And that's coming from someone who is a huge fan of The Bray Wyatt character.

I say the character because I love the gimmick. I love his promos, I love his music, I love his entrance, I love his look, etc.

But when he steps through those ropes, it all falls apart for me. Some people might remember, I've always been very vocal about his lack of cardiovascular conditioning Ruining his match quality. He needs to get that in check before I can invest in him.

I don't want to watch a match that's punch, rest hold, some laughing, some walking around. Rest hold. Shoulder block, more laughing, rest hold, laughing some more, stall while looking at the crowd, rest hold, more laughing while gasping for air.

Alot of you guys call it "psychology" no.......that's wrong! It's boring as $#!+!

Mick Foley had psychology and was big, Vader had psychology and was big......Bray Wyatt is just out if shape!

If he could keep up with a normal match pace he'd be good, but he can't! Bray has been a part of some of the most boring matches I've watched. And everyone who says he's booked to lose every feud keep forgetting how he dominated Ambrose and still didn't catch on.

With the brand split looming I'm sure he'll win a world title. But will he ever reach the level of a TRUE main eventer? Will his name be spoken amongst other legends? No.

Hes not even going to reach the Booker T level.....he will fade away when he's done.

Once again, I'm actually a fan....but I'm realistic. His matches aren't worthy of the main event.
No. Wyatt has been given a ridiculous number of chances to get over as a top star, and always fails. The fault lies with Wyatt. He's a lifelong midcarder, and there's nothing wrong with that. He'll have a place in WWE for years to come, but he's never going to be anything truly special.

He always fails? I was unaware he had the pencil and was booking himself to lose all his programs. He's still over despite the booking so I'm kind of puzzled as to how this is his fault, but then again I'm considering the source... you trash everyone and bitch about everything other than the Miz so I guess I shouldn't be puzzled.
Does Bray have potential to be a main eventer? Absolutely. Does he have the backing to make that a reality in the WWE? Absolutely not. For better or worse, the WWE seem to have decided that Bra and The Wyatts are not something that should be in the main event. And whilst that seems to be frustrating and confusing at times, the real sadness is that Bray Wyatt is never going to be trusted enough to ever be the WWE Champion.

But let's have it straight, I've went off of him as of late. The constant frustrating booking from the WWE has killed any and all interest I have in Bray Wyatt or the The Wyatt Family for that matter. They had their chance with Bray and The Wyatts a couple of years back and they blew it. Nothing has since changed that makes me think that the WWE are capable of handling this stable. And the ridiculous booking of Erik Rowan and Luke Harper has been nothing short of a fucking shambles; it's honestly laughable.

Until Vince McMahon gives up the company, Bray Wyatt will never be the WWE Champion and will continue to hover around the main event without ever really penetrating it. Vince wants someone like Roman Reigns or Seth Rollins to be the WWE Champion, there is no doubt about that. The truth of the matter is that Bray is not clean-cut enough for Vince. He'll never have the look and that's why he will never get to the very top.

Sad really.
Bray Wyatt has had potential beyond potential to be a main event player in WWE. He has the charisma, he has the work ethic, he has the in-ring ability and he most definitely has the presence on the microphone to be a top level guy. He's a unique persona, one of the more unique to come along in quite some time, and he puts everything he has into his work.

One of his biggest problems, however, is that in 2016, Vince McMahon still puts so much emphasis in a wrestler needing to have a certain look and image. Vince has this set idea in his mind as to what an "ideal man", at least to himself, is supposed to look like and that ideal is usually some clean cut, traditionally handsome hunk who looks like he lives in a gym. Don't get me wrong: it's not a bad thing for someone to have a good look by any stretch, but I'm just one of the many who feel that it shouldn't be THE top priority. When it comes to overall ability inside the ring, on the mic or charisma, there are guys on the main roster right now that just flat out put Roman Reigns to shame; I'm not hating on the guy, that's just simply how it is. There are more athletic, more technically sound, more charismatic, have a greater understanding of psychology and more interesting from a character standpoint than Reigns.

In Bray Wyatt's case, he's sort of like a modern day Dusty Rhodes in that he doesn't look like he lives in the gym by any stretch, though he's much faster and more athletic than Dusty was, he has long, stringy hair and a thick mountain man style beard that extends down to his collar bone. He doesn't look like this clean cut, All American stud that Vince feels is more important than anything else and until Vince McMahon, either by choice or by life itself, is forced to step down as THE true decision maker in WWE's creative process, that's how it's gonna stay.
What does it take to be a main eventer?

- Mic Skills - Wyatt has the best mic skills in WWE. Period.

- Ring Skills - You're not going to see any Huricanranas or Tornado DDTs, but Wyatt is good in the ring and probably the best at psychology and storytelling.

- Character - Wyatt has the best character in WWE. It is the most original and creative.

He's very talented, so what's the problem? Well WWE doesn't care about Wyatt. WWE can only focus on so many wrestlers at one time (Reigns, Cena, Styles, Rollins), and that's it. Everyone else gets thrown to the side and forgotten about. That's the main reason last Monday's Raw got one of the lowest ratings in 23 years.
Yes, and I think it's embarrassing that he hasn't already made his mark on the main event scene yet.

There have been too many teases and aborted storylines (Daniel Bryan, supposedly brainwashing Kane, teased taking down the authority, anyone but you, and on and on). It's not just that he lost feuds or matches, but that they were started and stopped abruptly.

And this trend continues.

I think Bray could be an interesting wild-card semi-main-eventer, much like Mick Foley was years ago. Even as a transitional champ or main event player, he could be used interestingly IF WWE knew how to tell more than one story at once anymore. They don't, and so there's no room for a person like Bray, or anyone else who isn't in the match of the moment.

In the Attitude Era, Roman Reigns would be contending with Seth Rollins, "Anyone but you" Bray Wyatt, probably a Dean Ambrose occasionally, a returning John Cena, The Authority, an angry AJ -- ALL THE WHILE, these parties would be contending with each other or others at the same time in an intertwined, multi-layered storytelling setting. There used to be a real sense of a fight to be the #1 contender. Now the contender is only determined as a cheap mechanism to have some reason to feed the next guy to the top guy.

So we get 3-month single-layered feuds with sloppy transitions to the next.

I think Bray easily has the ability to be mixed up in the main event scene, if they would just write him in.
I just don't get it, people thought that Cody Rhodes was the next big thing, yet they don't think that Bray Wyatt could be a main event superstar?? He definitely can be, he can either be one of the biggest heels ever, or one of the top faces, everywhere you look, the guy is original and unique, in my opinion he is a mix between Jake the Snake Roberts and Mankind, he can do it all, speak on the mick, wrestle, you name it, his biggest problem, as a lot of us know, is the way that the WWE book superstars, they concentrate on a few superstars and don't care about anyone else, they just use them to fill voyds, i said this before, they need to give creative control to Paul Heyman, he would know what to do with the WWE talent, they are dropping the ball big time with Wyatt.....
Of course he does.......but so do a number of other wrestlers right now.

As you say, he would need good booking but the special charisma around his character is gone. The creepy feeling he had was tarnished by constantly loosing over the long term.

Why should anyone be afraid of 'The Face of Fear' considering how many times he has went after someone and lost.

I really think he has main event potential, but I don't think it is as Bray Wyatt.
Bray Wyatt is already a main eventer. He main evented more shows than anyone other than Randy Orton, Cena or Reigns thus far. All his matches with the exception of a few are marquee matches.
I think that he can. I feel that he tools to be a main eventer for WWE. He has the size, in ring ability, and talking skill to be one of the top tier wrestlers in the company. He may never be the face of the company, but a main eventer. Definitely.
Bray Wyatt is already a main eventer. He main evented more shows than anyone other than Randy Orton, Cena or Reigns thus far. All his matches with the exception of a few are marquee matches.

Is he a credible main eventer? That's the question. He's lost every feud, so I don't think so.

That is Creative's fault not Bray's. He's not booking these feuds.
I don't want to watch a match that's punch, rest hold, some laughing, some walking around. Rest hold. Shoulder block, more laughing, rest hold, laughing some more, stall while looking at the crowd, rest hold, more laughing while gasping for air.

Alot of you guys call it "psychology" no.......that's wrong! It's boring as $#!+!

So you think pro wrestling is boring I suppose, so are you a sports entertainment fan or do you just prefer that everything be a video game match?

Vader was more athletic than Bray IMO but he was just as "out of shape" as Bray. Guys that play offensive line in D1 NCAA programs aren't going to look like Seth Rollins.

Variety is a good thing.

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