Potential HOF-er's

If I look at the current roster, and these gentlemen were to retire tomorrow then the following would get my blessing for the HOF. If they aint on the list then they wouldnt get in.

Big Show - how people doubt this is beyond me. 20 years in the business. Done it all.

Brock Lesnar - one of the biggest draws in the companies history.

Chris Jericho - another who has done it all.

Christian - I have never being a fan and think he very over rated but for longevity alone.

CM Punk - Wouldnt be inducted straight away but in a few years would be the main attraction for a ceremony.

Goldust - See Christian. Longevity. Seen every era since the 'golden generation era'.

John Cena - no explanation needed.

Kane - See Big Show. His BOD with Taker would also be inducted.

Mark Henry - See Big Show and Kane.

Randy Orton - Number 2 guy for a number of years. Some unforgettable matches. Also done it all.

Rey Mysterio - most famous Mexican Wrestler of all time. Done it all.

The Rock - No explanation needed.

RVD - His ECW days alone.

Triple H - No explanation needed.

Undertaker - No explanation needed.

William Regal - Done a lot for the business not just in the ring but backstage behind closed doors. A wonderful and underated/undervalued talent.

Also, I am not using the 'Koko B Ware cliche'. Its done to death but Booker T, Edge, Yokozuna, Hacksaw, Mr Perfect, Ted Dibiase were never 'company faces' or solid main eventer's.
Pretty sure this is going to be my longest multiquote yet:

justtxyank said:
Setting aside that the WWE Hall of Fame is a joke and a current wrestler like Santino is likely to get in at some point if whoever is running it thinks it will be worth it to sell his toy...
This guy gets it! To qualify for the HoF, all you have to do is be on reasonably good terms with Vince/Trips and be remembered ten years after you've hung up your boots.

Duderino said:
I know he's no longer in the WWE, and he's not looked upon very favorably right now, but I'd expect Kurt Angle to get voted in at some point if he ever distances himself from his DUI record.
Within fifteen, Kurt will go in. Can't deny his contribution or his ability. If he weren't working for TNA, he'd most likely be in already.

HBsam31 said:
As to who I think will go in
eventually, The Big Show, Jericho, and Kane are absolute locks.
Yes, they are. The only pleasant headache will be when to have which guy go in.

Kidpolean said:
Can we please stop acting like Punk and DB are Rock and Austin?
Fixed and yes, we should stop it, but both will most likely get inducted into the HoF regardless.

King502 said:
Andy Kaufman (celebrity wing)
Knowing it will happen is different than wanting it to happen.

Mr_billy said:
One name I will add to your list, Mark Henry, he has been all over the card in the WWE.
One might argue that BECAUSE he's been all over the card, he'll take a back seat to some more prominent guys. He'll still go in, though.

Kidpolean said:
Christian has done more than enough to get in...One half of one of the greatest tag teams of all time
Christian, Matt Hardy, Jim Neidhart, Marty Jannetty, Devon and Hawk are the same person??? JK, but I agree, Christian has done more than enough to get in. If the WWE were a little more strict, he would be a "probably", but I raise you guys Koko B Ware.

Aquaman6686 said:
I've also heard they're planning on inducting Kevin Nash, but I really don't think he deserves to be in it.
I agree with you in that he's not good enough for a real HoF, but his politicking earned him a sure spot in the WWE HoF. You probably won't see him the WZ-HoF in the next ten years and we can celebrate that together. :D

Jtstrike said:
I believe that every current WWE superstar, such as John Cena, Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus and even the Miz will all be in it. WWE HoF is boring, quite frankly. I'm just not interested.
Sorry for fixing, but I couldn't help myself. I don't know about ALL the current guys, but all the guys you mentioned, yes. Miz, after all, is a former WWE champ. He was a shit one, yeah, but that little stain on WWE history remains.

Let's bring it in to the OP's question - potential HoF'ers. In my mind, everybody more recognisable than (and including) Miz is a dead-cert. Brock, RVD, Christian, Mysterio, the lot...

As to speculation... Ziggler was a great WHC IMO and I love the guy. What counts against him, though, is that he spent years dicking around before he became the Show-off character. Now he's a little on the old side and still hasn't accomplished as much as he could have. Maybe if he sticks around and his selling doesn't kill off his body, he can squeeze out a HoF career.

On the other end of the circumstance / own demise spectrum, we have Jack Swagger. Guy just can't seem to get over. He ruined his two big pushes himself, so unless he can salvage something in his last six or seven years, he's probably not.

Kofi is an established mid-card guy who hasn't had many opportunities. Is he on his way to having a WWE-career? Hard to say, even with how lax the WWE's standards are. If he can just break into the main-event, this dude could light the world on fire and be a bigger, less injury-prone Mysterio.

Listing Wyatt, The Shield, Sandow, Cesaro and others isn't as ******ed as I first thought going through the posts, but remember the careers of Jinder Mahal and Zack Ryder, guys. Unproved potential is a fickle bitch...
6x World Champion
11x World Tag Team Champion
WWF Triple Crown Winner
Member of and probably the second most important member of the most commercially successful stable in history.
Ended Goldberg's Streak
Several high profile feuds

Nash is another lock whenever the WWE decides it's time to do it.

booked himself to beat streak and wasted the impact of the moment with 'finger poke of doom'.

part of worst backstage drama groups in two separate companies. groups almost responsible for shutting down both companies due too theirgreed, lack of respect for other talents, and backstage politiking.
Here is a name i haven't seen, Barry Windham. I know he is in as a Horseman. But does his career only merit a singles entry? He held almost every single belt in the old nwa florida, back when the FL territory meant something.. The US champ, WHC and multiple tag team belts in the NWA/WCW era. Also throw in a run or 2 with the WWE tag belts. Might be wrong here not sure how many tag teams he had the belts with in the WWF/E.

I also agree with a few others in the thread that think it is a bit early to be putting D. Bryan in the hall. I will admit he is on a great path right now. However things can change in a heartbeat. With injurys and backstage drama no one knows the future..
Here is a name i haven't seen, Barry Windham. I know he is in as a Horseman. But does his career only merit a singles entry? He held almost every single belt in the old nwa florida, back when the FL territory meant something.. The US champ, WHC and multiple tag team belts in the NWA/WCW era. Also throw in a run or 2 with the WWE tag belts. Might be wrong here not sure how many tag teams he had the belts with in the WWF/E.

I also agree with a few others in the thread that think it is a bit early to be putting D. Bryan in the hall. I will admit he is on a great path right now. However things can change in a heartbeat. With injurys and backstage drama no one knows the future..

windham barely deserves to be in as a member of the horsemen, never mind because he was a star in a mostly forgotten promotion. His only lasting impact or memory id from his time with the Horsement. only wrestling groupies think that every champ from their specific territory deserves a HOF spot. Let's all be honest here. The only territories that really mattered in terms of WWE history are Dallas with the Von Erichs, the NWA, and the AWA. All others are considered bush league or less by those in power in WWE. There's a reason there has never been nor ever be a Florida wrestling territory DVD released by WWE. Because most people outside of Florida itself have never heard of it or their big fish in a small pond rasslers.

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