Royal Rumble 2014 Discussion

To weigh in on the crowd situation...

I'm of the belief that the crowd should always respect the wrestlers in the ring. I hate when people chant Goldberg at Ryback, I hate when people chant Husky Harris at Bray Wyatt and I hate when people chant You Can't Wrestle at Cena. A lot of the chanting during the Orton vs. Cena match was disrespectful, for sure. Wrestlers should be appreciated and respected for what they do.

I agree with this. The Goldberg, Husky Harris and "You Can't Wrestle" chants all get on my nerves sometimes. That's the problem with smarks, however. That's not to say that they should just sit on their hands and just stay quiet if something is going on in the ring that they're not crazy about, but there's a difference between that and the chants during the Orton & Cena match. All in all, I thought Orton & Cena put on a good match. They did what pros are supposed to do, that's do their best. Batista's reaction as he was leaving, namely getting into it with a fan, mocking Bryan, flipping the whole crowd off, etc. comes off as the exact opposite of what a pro is supposed to if it wasn't all part of some sort of angle to turn him heel.

With that said, I completely understand when crowds vent their frustration at shows in instances like the Rumble match. Sure, Bryan was never advertised for the Royal Rumble match. But it seemed to be a safe assumption that he would be in the match, such is his ridiculous popularity at the moment. He didn't have to win, but he should've been in the match because your hottest superstar should be in the biggest multi-man match of the year.

That's where the boos come in. Booing during live events like that is the only way to know that Vince and co. are hearing what the WWE fans wants. He's never going to see what we write on forums. He can't hear our complaints to our friends. If we stop watching, he might know what we dislike, but it doesn't let him know what we do like.

So crowds boo during PPV's and TV's because Vince and co. are sitting in Gorilla position, hearing and seeing what the crowd are saying. Is it unfair on the wrestlers in the ring when they get booed because Daniel Bryan isn't in the ring? Yeah, in some cases. I felt bad for Mysterio last night. But it wouldn't be necessary if we felt like the WWE knows what we want, or if there was an easier way to tell the WWE that we're not happy.

But there isn't, so we have to boo during shows. It's how we tell them that we're not satisfied. And it's WWE's fault as much as it is the crowd's.

Again, I have to agree with this. I'm not saying that WWE should cater to every momentary whim of fans, there's no way they could even if they wanted to. However, Daniel Bryan's popularity with the audience isn't a momentary whim, it's not a flash in the pan or flavor of the month. Since Bryan won the WHC in December 2011, he's ran with every opportunity that's been handed to him. Because of his ability in the ring and his ability to connect with the audience, his popularity has only continued to grow during that time.

When WWE announced Batista's return, like everyone else, I knew that he'd be getting a huge push, probably even a title match at WrestleMania XXX. I also knew, and said as much in one of these threads, that if something didn't take place to make fans rally around Batista, he'd get the "Daniel Bryan" treatment. That's just what happened last night and WWE would be foolish to expect anything different come WrestleMania XXX if Orton vs. Batista is still going to be the title match. The crowd's reaction last night essentially told WWE that and it wasn't the first time the crowd has hijacked a match or segment. They want Daniel Bryan as WWE World Heavyweight Champion and they're not going to be satisfied with the same old same old at this point like Orton or Batista.
It has been nearly a year since I have watched a full wrestling show. I put my money where my mouth was and stopped because it sucked donkey balls.

I did not dislike the Rumble: But Cena v. Orton in 2014? For the title? Jesus. I have not seen a title match so shat upon by the fans in years, and it sucked too.

WWE just chugs along, no innovation, nothing to get excited about. They push the same guys. Ziggler gets cheered, nothing, no push (or at least it seems to me, as it has been awhile since I watched). The crowd goes bonkers for Bryan. I have no issues with him losing to the Deliverance guy, because he and his crew are interesting. I have also come to the realization that WWE will not give Bryan the deserved title push....because it is WWE, and they could screw up getting laid at the Bunny Ranch despite having a buy one get one free coupon.

It was nice to see Punk get some time (though most of it was on his back) but clearly he pissed someone off to be in a feud with Kane in 2014. Also, having an already eliminated guy take him out is just plain dumb. This could happen anytime...slippery slope!

I have no problem with Batista winning, but it also shows how bankrupt the WWE truly is. It is the same fucking thing. I swear the Shield was doing the same exact thing a year ago...I swear the fans are not listened to at all, and the WWE just trudges along like my Hyundai, never dying, but ugly and useless.

I really want to get the new WWE Network, but then I wonder what's the point: I guess I could relive the so-called glory years...Ultimately, WWE has not changed in the four years since I started watching wrestling again. I picture Cena coming out in his Depends, getting booed, and yet still in the title hunt. Meanwhile, the rest of the roster will look on as Vince trots out all the old stars, giving them airtime, wins and belts. WCW never had a glass ceiling as opaque and impenetrable as WWE's. It is a damn shame too because there's so much talent, and potential.
That's such a stupid saying and I long ago grew sick of hearing it.

No, you do not. You have the right to enjoy yourself or not enjoy yourself, but you don't have the right to disrespect those who are in the ring or to ruin the show for others. If I go to a movie theater and I find it boring, are you claiming I have the right to stand up and start chanting "Good Will Hunting"? If I go to an orchestra concert and the music doesn't move me, should I start booing?

That's similar to a crappy excuse one would use in the 1950's about the Rosa Parks event that took place. Even though she paid for her bus fare, I guess she does not have a right to disrespect other people trying to get public transportation right? It doesn't matter what you think about her as a person and the individuals who needed the seats were not to blame, because that wasn't the whole point. Her actions was trying to let society know that they needed a change change for civil rights.

How else are we suppose to let WWE hear our voices? Social media obviously doesn't work because the company never has the time to skim through millions of comments or they simply just don't care what everyone wants. Shouting in the crowd is probably the best chance to get their attention.

Also, your movie theater/opera analogies doesn't work because they are not weekly events. They consist of only ONE story and ends at that, nothing will change the following week. And even if they do, the Hollywood industry provides many alternative programs to please a certain group of audience, so it's really easy to move onto something else rather than sticking with one presentation on TV, theaters, etc being a true fan of the industry. Being a true a fan WWE, it's not, because they're well known for not providing the entertainment the fans want.
I agree with you that the point of any sporting event is to boo or cheer at will. Fans are supposed to get involved. Also, if the product was not so damn stale...His example of a movie theater is absurd because that is a different environment, though people do cheer, laugh, scream, and of course boo.

But Rosa Parks is a bit extreme: It was actually set up by the NAACP. She and they knew what they were doing. Anyway, I agree with you, just not your analogy.
ANY ending to WrestleMania other than Bryan winning the title clean is a HUGE disservice to the WWE Universe. Honestly, I don't think he has long-term appeal. He doesn't even have a Stunner/Diamond Cutter/RKO finisher people can go nuts for... He is not quite Zack Ryder, but he isn't much better, in regards to long-term appeal. CALM DOWN! He is MUCH better than Ryder in all ways imaginable. But, Bryan is not the face of WWE and couldn't be for a long period of time. He could --and SHOULD-- have the biggest moment WMXXX could ask for...winning clean and having the fans go berzerk! Let him have that moment WWE! You can easily--and without much Universe opposition, trust me--have him drop the title at SummerSlam or even sooner. I guarantee this guy fizzles by the end of 2014 at best. But, this potential WMXXX moment is too big to ignore. Give him his moment, give the fans that moment and THEN bury him if you want. He doesn't have enough to keep this momentum going much longer. Strike while the iron is hot! I'm telling you, your worries will go away soon anyway. But, don't let WMXXX go away too.

So when does he actually fizzle. Skeptics were saying it would fizzle by the end of the year. It didn't then now it's 2014? How long much time will the deadline extend?

Who knows how long his popularity to be honest but he's proven he isn't a flash in the pan either. He's popularity has actually started to rise since his debut at WM28 and WM29 he had huge pops and got much louder. It's not a 100& guarantee that he will be here on top for the long haul but all signs point to a strong probability.

Besides if WWE cared so much about worrying a popular guy had long term appeal or not than how come Batista got his push? He had little reaction for most of 2004 and suddenly got hot around later that year. He never worked a main event one on one match and was not part of any major singles feud before that. They basically shot him up to the top without knowing if his popularity was sustainable.

In all honesty it wasn't by 2006 fans started booing him in matches yet he still was featured at the top of the card. So by justification if Bryan can only sustain 1/3 of the reaction than he is getting now in 1 1/2 year's time, it's still a lot more than Batista got in 2006.
I think I'm finally getting your point. (Shocking to you, I'm sure). The fact that I didn't "get it" before is because I refused to believe you were making such a stupid and misguided point, but yet you are.

It is clear from your comments above that you believe fans should "play their part". Boo when a wrestler does a pose, Cheer when he gets attacked by someone else. You feel that the crowd should follow this formula that has been edged in pro wrestling for centuries, and how dare they try to ignore it.
I feel the crowd should understand their part in the show and realize they are not the show. If you're just now getting that, even though I've said it multiple times, then I suggest you work on your reading comprehension.

Well, fuck that, is what I'd say.
You would, but I've never pegged you as having much respect for or knowledge of pro wrestling.

The fans there, they booed who they wanted to boo. They booed Rey Mysterio. How is that disrespectful? They didn't like him.
Why? Why didn't they like Rey Mysterio? What did Rey Mysterio do to make the crowd not like him?

The answer, as you well know, is "be someone other than Daniel Bryan". That's asinine logic. If Rey had come into the match at #9, he would not have been booed and you know it. The crowd was throwing a tantrum, they weren't being part of the show.

Had Daniel Bryan come out at #30, he would've gotten cheered. You know why? Because Daniel Bryan was more popular. Sure, it's not Rey's fault that he isn't Daniel Bryan, but it's definitely not anyone else's fault that he isn't as popular as DB.
That's just the point. The crowd threw a fit because the guy who was never advertised for the Rumble match was passed over in favor of a man who was. That's beyond stupid.

Roman Reigns easily got the crowd behind him up against Batista, who was the crowd's straight up heel (Batista got booed the moment he came out for the Rumble. The lack of Daniel Bryan afterwards didn't affect how the crowd felt about him.)
Roman Reigns got the crowd behind him because he's a newer wrestler who has not had main-event success. If Reigns ever gets a sustained main-event push, that same crowd will boo him because he'll be successful and has large muscles. The type of fan who booed Sunday night doesn't like successful wrestlers with big muscles. They like little guys who are working hard to reach success.

Hence why they boo Cena and orgasmed over Daniel Bryan. It's why CM Punk was the hottest act in wrestling...until he held/competed for the title for a sustained period of time.

The crowd cheered who they wanted and booed who they wanted.
They did. And they were jackasses.

You're acting as if that's a bad thing.
It is. There can never be captivating or sustaining storylines if crowds act like the one Sunday night. If you understood pro wrestling, you'd know that.

It's a ridiculous notion that fans should be forced to chant in a certain manner as if it was their job.
No, what's ridiculous is you saying such a stupid thing after I've repeatedly told you the exact opposite. Why do you continue to post this strawman after I've corrected you?
That's not the point, I think the point that Slyfox is trying to make is that there is a difference between booing a wrestler you don't like and booing a wrestler because the crowd didn't get what they wanted.

Rey would have been cheered had he not been number 30. For example at Wrestlemania 18 the crowd cheered Hogan, because they liked him more, they didn't boo The Rock because he wasn't Steve Austin.

It's a really fine line, I think the crowd was well within their rights to boo Batista last night, but booing Rey because he wasn't Bryan was disrespectful. When Rey comes out on Raw tonight he will get cheered.
Almost exactly correct.

I don't post here often but am around a lot. I wanted to respond to your clueless post.

They booed both performers because they are seeing the same old stuff shoved down our throats.
No they didn't. They booed because they are stupid fans who think they know more about wrestling than others because they can name Japanese wrestlers and the names of obscure wrestling moves.

You act like this is the first time this has happened. WWE hasn't been listening to what the fans want especially regarding John Cena for well over 5 years now.
Considering John Cena is, and has been, the undisputed best draw in the WWE, how do you figure the WWE hasn't been giving fans what they want?

You don't seem to understand pro wrestling either.

As long as the fans are not going against any of the venue's or WWE's rules that they agree to when they buy the ticket they can boo and cheer or react however they choose. If you don't like that stop watching.
They can. It doesn't make them any less of a jackass.

You seem to be having the same problem as others, which is you don't understand the very basic premise of pro wrestling.

That crowd last night was one of the hottest crowds in recent memory.
They were also one of the worst crowds in recent history. Drawing attention to yourself is not what a crowd is supposed to do.

If WWE hadn't booked a complete crap show the fans were 100% puddy in their hands. If the RR had been booked right (aka listening to what the fans actually want instead of forcing crap on us) the fans easily would have made it one of the best events of the year.
That's just stupid, the Royal Rumble was booked just fine. You had two of the biggest stars competing for the title, the hottest act on the show opened the show, the biggest draw in PPV today not named Mayweather had a match and you had the best gimmick match in history. The Royal Rumble was booked just fine. Don't think because the crowd acted like jackasses there was anything wrong with the booking.

It's people like you and Feedback which just make me shake my head at how far wrestling fans have fallen in their understanding of pro wrestling.
So when does he actually fizzle. Skeptics were saying it would fizzle by the end of the year. It didn't then now it's 2014? How long much time will the deadline extend?

Who knows how long his popularity to be honest but he's proven he isn't a flash in the pan either. He's popularity has actually started to rise since his debut at WM28 and WM29 he had huge pops and got much louder. It's not a 100& guarantee that he will be here on top for the long haul but all signs point to a strong probability.

Besides if WWE cared so much about worrying a popular guy had long term appeal or not than how come Batista got his push? He had little reaction for most of 2004 and suddenly got hot around later that year. He never worked a main event one on one match and was not part of any major singles feud before that. They basically shot him up to the top without knowing if his popularity was sustainable.

In all honesty it wasn't by 2006 fans started booing him in matches yet he still was featured at the top of the card. So by justification if Bryan can only sustain 1/3 of the reaction than he is getting now in 1 1/2 year's time, it's still a lot more than Batista got in 2006.

What deadline? What are you talking about? You seem to have me confused with "skeptics" who made some prediction about his popularity ending last year. Go call those skeptics out if you want to. MY prediction, made yesterday-not last year, is he will fizzle out by the end of 2014, and possibly sooner. And I won't even address your comment about Batista in 2004, since that was not (I assume, because I never mentioned it) in response to my post. I couldn't care less what past predictions were for this guy.

I will, however, explain my prediction for you--since you seem to want it explained. And, again, let me reitterate it is a PREDICTION. You people take things so personally. If I am wrong, call me out on that time. My God...

Anyway, having watched WWF since 1985, I have seen what works and what doesn't--long-term and short-term. I just don't think what Daniel Bryan has is something that can last very much longer. I feel he is hugely popular now because he seems to be a good guy, who can truly go in the ring, and is being held down by the powers that be--on and off camera. The Yes! chant makes getting behind him fun for people and everyone loves an underdog. And I agree that him winning the belt (ideally to close WMXXX) would be an all-time WrestleMania moment. Allll those people chanting YES! and raising their arms in unison would be amazing! ...and then weeks and months will pass and this underdog story is over. His storyline loses appeal. The Yes! chants become boring (I am guessing...though I am still amazed that these idiots find "What?" chants entertaining or funny). But, I think Daniel Bryan, the character, has less than a year left in him as a top-shelf main event player. I think the guy looks like a wholesome, decent man and I hope I am wrong. I hope he has a long career ahead of him. Actually, I hope he has a long life ahead of him. This career isn't a good thing long-term, especially with diving headbutts, etc. But, I am rooting for the man himself. That being said, my PREDICTION is that he will drop out of the main event by year end and possibly sooner.

If other people were wrong about Bryan being done by now, then THEY were wrong. If he is still the man a year from now, then I will be wrong. But, don't lump me in with these puppets. My prediction comes from what I have seen and what I believe will happen. Most of the other people's predictions come from..other people's predictions. Hardly any original thought in the IWC.
Fair enough I personally have seen Bryan prove critics wrong about if he is just a fad or a flash in the pan. I guess what we have to look at is the Rumble reaction. Yes "Yes" is a chant and people always say "YES" is more over than Bryan but what we got in the Rumble is that people were chanting "Daniel Bryan" or "We Want Bryan", take note people were not chanting for Daniel Bryan the performer and not his catchphrase.
Fair enough I personally have seen Bryan prove critics wrong about if he is just a fad or a flash in the pan. I guess what we have to look at is the Rumble reaction. Yes "Yes" is a chant and people always say "YES" is more over than Bryan but what we got in the Rumble is that people were chanting "Daniel Bryan" or "We Want Bryan", take note people were not chanting for Daniel Bryan the performer and not his catchphrase.

Typical WZ forum "reader"...

AGAIN, you are talking about something I did not say. "People always say "Yes" is more over than Bryan". That is correct, people do say that. But, I didn't say that at all. I mentioned that the chant was a big part of his current appeal. What I DID SAY was that the character would fizzle by year end. You cannot disprove that by saying that he was being cheered for at the Rumble (2 days ago, whereas my prediction has to do with 330+ days from now) Obviously, I realize he is being cheered NOW, or the fizzle prediction of A YEAR FROM NOW would be needless. He is HUGE now and WWE should give him--and the Universe--that WM moment. However, I think they need to do it sooner than later because his current act will tire. They should have let Mysterio win his David/Goliath belt and then taken him out of the title picture, as a man his size CONSISTENTLY winning is preposterous. But, they foolishly ignored his size and let him win regularly, which took steam out of his story. His merchandise, appeal to kids and international crowds, and marketing strength have kept him around. Not his story. Bryan has none of those things and will soon be yesterday's news, as far as the main event goes. That is my prediction.

You're trying to win the World Series in Game One, Shooter. My prediction will either be right or wrong a year from now. It cannot be wrong until then. Hang in there. Maybe argue with people who actually address whatever it is that's bothering you because I am not talking about the same thing as you. Or you don't know how to express it...
You know what we will never know until we get there I agree. But I say take the chance. WWE took a chance on Batista in 2004 and Lesnar in 2002 with them only started to get hot the final months of 2003 and is a rookie respectively. So yeah why not take a chance on Bryan if they can take a chance on those guys right?
You know what we will never know until we get there I agree. But I say take the chance. WWE took a chance on Batista in 2004 and Lesnar in 2002 with them only started to get hot the final months of 2003 and is a rookie respectively. So yeah why not take a chance on Bryan if they can take a chance on those guys right?

Hey, I'm all for it. I truly hope I am wrong. This guy seems like a straight shooter (Shooter haha) and I hope he is a major player after this "holding him down" angle ends with him proving himself worthy to the Authority. I just would hate to see them waste his huge heat now just to make a point. I fear they will, hence my prediction. But, I hope I am wrong.
I feel the crowd should understand their part in the show and realize they are not the show. If you're just now getting that, even though I've said it multiple times, then I suggest you work on your reading comprehension.

You would, but I've never pegged you as having much respect for or knowledge of pro wrestling.

Why? Why didn't they like Rey Mysterio? What did Rey Mysterio do to make the crowd not like him?

The answer, as you well know, is "be someone other than Daniel Bryan". That's asinine logic. If Rey had come into the match at #9, he would not have been booed and you know it. The crowd was throwing a tantrum, they weren't being part of the show.

That's just the point. The crowd threw a fit because the guy who was never advertised for the Rumble match was passed over in favor of a man who was. That's beyond stupid.

Roman Reigns got the crowd behind him because he's a newer wrestler who has not had main-event success. If Reigns ever gets a sustained main-event push, that same crowd will boo him because he'll be successful and has large muscles. The type of fan who booed Sunday night doesn't like successful wrestlers with big muscles. They like little guys who are working hard to reach success.

Hence why they boo Cena and orgasmed over Daniel Bryan. It's why CM Punk was the hottest act in wrestling...until he held/competed for the title for a sustained period of time.

They did. And they were jackasses.

It is. There can never be captivating or sustaining storylines if crowds act like the one Sunday night. If you understood pro wrestling, you'd know that.

No, what's ridiculous is you saying such a stupid thing after I've repeatedly told you the exact opposite. Why do you continue to post this strawman after I've corrected you?

Recapping what you said:
• You think it's "disrespectful" or unknowledgeable to not want to act like a mindless drone following some formula.
• "They were jackasses" because they cheered who they wanted and booed who they wanted.
• You actually criticize the audience because they wanted to cheer for a "newer wrestler who has not had main-event success".

You can keep calling my arguments strawman to try and convince yourself that your point is anything other than total bullshit, but the truth is your whole opinion is completely misguided. Like I said, you have the right to such an opinion, but your opinion is so laughably stupid, that it's a wonder how anyone has ever taken you seriously at all. I've seen you say smart things before, but one dose of this stupid juice and it will affect how I perceive anything you write ever again.

I'll start practicing now, for all future instances where you try arguing your unique brand of logic:
"Yeah Sly, whatever you say."
Recapping what you said:
• You think it's "disrespectful" or unknowledgeable to not want to act like a mindless drone following some formula.
At this point, it's pretty clear you're not interested in any real discussion. Your constant blatant misinterpretation of what I say shows how weak your argument is.

By the way, if you don't think those people were acting like mindless drones, you truly don't understand much of anything.

"They were jackasses" because they cheered who they wanted and booed who they wanted.
They were jackasses because they were throwing a childish tantrum because a wrestler who was never advertised for the match didn't wrestle in the match and that childish tantrum ruined the experience for many others.
You actually criticize the audience because they wanted to cheer for a "newer wrestler who has not had main-event success".
I criticize "mindless sheep" like the ones you're defending for doing the same thing over and over again.

Daniel Bryan is the latest, but he's hardly the first. The same types of people who acted like jackasses at the Royal Rumble are the same kind we've seen for a decade now. They are the people who have NO idea what professional wrestling is, but they've deluded themselves into thinking they know more about it than anyone else because they read Internet dirtsheets and know the names of obscure moves.

You can keep calling my arguments strawman
I will, as long as you continue to post them.

to try and convince yourself that your point is anything other than total bullshit, but the truth is your whole opinion is completely misguided.
No, it's not. My position isn't selfish, nor is it born in the idea I'm the greatest thing in the world. Your opinion, however, RELIES on it. Your opinion relies on the concept that you are the greatest in the world and that your opinion (or whomever is the one acting like a jackass) should be heard, regardless of how stupid it is.

My position rests on long held traditions in pro wrestling, yours exists in the minds of narcissistic morons who seem to understand far less about pro wrestling than the children they regularly brush aside as unimportant.

Like I said, you have the right to such an opinion, but your opinion is so laughably stupid, that it's a wonder how anyone has ever taken you seriously at all. I've seen you say smart things before, but one dose of this stupid juice and it will affect how I perceive anything you write ever again.
I find it amusing how we both know how terribly you've been beaten in this thread, so at this point you're just basically throwing anything at the wall and hoping it sticks. You constantly misrepresent my opinion, lie about what I've said, routinely change the scope of our argument and when all else fails, you're resorting to words which make you look beyond stupid.

Oh, and you're the dumbass who fell for the fake Infraction really ought not attempt to judge the intelligence of others.

I'll start practicing now, for all future instances where you try arguing your unique brand of logic:
"Yeah Sly, whatever you say."
There's nothing unique at all about my position. On the contrary, this mentality you and so many other dumbasses now possess is a relatively new phenomenon in wrestling and it goes to show just how far the wrestling intelligence of the crowd has degraded. You have no understanding of, nor appreciation for, professional wrestling. None. You and others are too busy being stuck up your own ass, thinking your personal preference gives you the right to ruin the enjoyment of others.

The fact of the matter is the WWE gave their fans a great card and the crowd acted like a bunch of babies. They put Daniel Bryan in a match. John Cena is, without a doubt, everything any wrestling fan could ever want and they booed him. Rey Mysterio got booed simply because he wasn't Bryan. Reigns got cheered because he wasn't Batista. That crowd was awful. They made themselves look like complete jackasses, simply because they couldn't understand what pro wrestling is all about.

And for you to sit here and defend the absurdity of their actions reflects very poorly on you and shows the complete lack of respect and appreciation for pro wrestling so many fans of today possess.
Recapping what you said:
• You think it's "disrespectful" or unknowledgeable to not want to act like a mindless drone following some formula.
At this point, it's pretty clear you're not interested in any real discussion. Your constant blatant misinterpretation of what I say shows how weak your argument is.

I said fuck the idea that we have to follow some formula, and you said that it means I have no respect or knowledge of wrestling. That's a direct quote from you. How is that a "constant blatant misinterpretation"? I call you out on your ridiculous opinion, and you have to make up some excuse as to how I misinterpreted it. Obviously you're just feeling insecure.

And for you to sit here and defend the absurdity of their actions reflects very poorly on you and shows the complete lack of respect and appreciation for pro wrestling so many fans of today possess.

Hey look, here you are doing it again. You see, I thought we this was just a case of us having differing opinions about the audience reaction. But I see you've enlightened us all. Everyone who disagrees with you on this obviously doesn't appreciate or respect pro wrestling. :ass:

Oh, and you're the dumbass who fell for the fake Infraction really ought not attempt to judge the intelligence of others.

Huh? I didn't "fall" for anything. My CP was clean. I thought you were being stupidly confrontational and told you to infract me if you wanted to (future tense).

If you were somehow spamming me into thinking I had an infraction, I didn't notice. But at least it's good for you to admit the extent of how childish you really are. Like that we don't have to leave it up to our imaginations.

They were jackasses because they were throwing a childish tantrum because a wrestler who was never advertised for the match didn't wrestle in the match and that childish tantrum ruined the experience for many others.

"Ruined the experience for many others"? Pray tell. I'm sure Batista's experience was ruined, but how was any fan's experience ruined? I've spoken to people who were at the show. They just sat through 3 hours of a show they didn't like and according to them the only saving grace was THE CROWD.

By the way, if you don't think those people were acting like mindless drones, you truly don't understand much of anything.

Who's the mindless drone? The guy who cheers when the teleprompter says CHEER, or the guy who CHEERS only when he's having fun? According to me, it's the first one. According to you, it's the second. I don't have to argue this point. I'll let common sense do it for me.

They put Daniel Bryan in a match. Rey Mysterio got booed simply because he wasn't Bryan.

Rey Mysterio got booed because he wasn't as popular as Daniel Bryan. The Rumble relies on every entrant being a surprise entrant. Fans were hoping for their favorite. They were disappointed. It is what it is. Had Rey been more popular, he wouldn't have gotten booed.

John Cena is, without a doubt, everything any wrestling fan could ever want and they booed him.

:unsure: :farttorch:

Reigns got cheered because he wasn't Batista. That crowd was awful. They made themselves look like complete jackasses, simply because they couldn't understand what pro wrestling is all about.

So what? Lots of faces rely on being cheered solely because they're up against heels. Los Matadores and Xavier Woods both debuted against 3MB. They got cheered because they're up against people the audience doesn't like. Same thing that happened here. But you criticize it because what? You think people should mindlessly follow the formula and boo the heel?

I find it amusing how we both know how terribly you've been beaten in this thread, so at this point you're just basically throwing anything at the wall and hoping it sticks.

I've had some practice... Here we go:
"Yeah Sly, whatever you say."
By the way, if you don't think those people were acting like mindless drones, you truly don't understand much of anything.
Not to hijack this thread, but you're way off base here. Having been at the Royal Rumble, I saw first-hand the difference between people acting like mindless drones, and a crowd telling the WWE what they wanted. It was, for the most part, a great crowd. I say that not as someone unbiased, because I am, but I felt the crowd reacted appropriately for the most part to what they were given.

To be clear, the behavior during the Cena/Orton match was rediculous, but that's not relevant with regards to the Royal Rumble.

They were jackasses because they were throwing a childish tantrum because a wrestler who was never advertised for the match didn't wrestle in the match and that childish tantrum ruined the experience for many others.
The place in which the crowd acted like jackasses was during the Cena/Orton match. To chant boring 30 seconds into the match and heckle them both with chants made the match impossible to enjoy.

The Rumble match was a different animal. When you have El Torito, JBL, and Kevin Nash, all unadvertised, being given spots in the match that could have gone to Bryan, it's understandable why the crowd was upset and booed heavily.

I criticize "mindless sheep" like the ones you're defending for doing the same thing over and over again.
When have you seen a crowd turn on a show like that before, especially the Rumble match once they realized Bryan wasn't in it? I've been watching wrestling for 20+ years, and I've never seen it.

Daniel Bryan is the latest, but he's hardly the first. The same types of people who acted like jackasses at the Royal Rumble are the same kind we've seen for a decade now.
Who were the people who acted like jackasses, pray tell? The booing wasn't for Rey Mysterio, it was for the fact that he wasn't Daniel Bryan. The guy isn't an internet phenomenon blown up, he's the most over Superstar since John Cena in 2005.

And yes, I realize Daniel Bryan wasn't advertised for the match. But it's not as if there wasn't a storyline surrounding it. Bryan's Twitter reflected that in which he said on Sunday that he "wasn't in the match, but was trying very hard to get the Authority to put him in."

Fans seeing that had the right to be optimistic, then let down by the fact that he wasn't successful. And because of how over Bryan is, the demonstration of disapointment was tremendous.

The fact of the matter is the WWE gave their fans a great card and the crowd acted like a bunch of babies.
No, they sent a message to a company about what they wanted and did not want. Simple as that.

John Cena is, without a doubt, everything any wrestling fan could ever want and they booed him.
Agreed 100%, with all of this. That was ludicrous. But you can't take one place in the show where the fans actions were wrong and project them over an entire show. Cena, like he is yours, is my favorite wrestler. It annoyed and pissed me off the way the fans received was a very good match.

It doesn't mean they were wrong about everything, however, or that their anger was misplaced about Bryan not being in the Rumble.

Rey Mysterio got booed simply because he wasn't Bryan.
Anybody would have been booed there.

Reigns got cheered because he wasn't Batista.
Reigns put on a heck of a performance, including setting the Rumble record for most eliminations. That may have had something to do with us cheering him. As for Batista, his return did nothing to distinguish him as a face, and when he left four years ago, he was a heel.

Why should we have cheered a man who was blown up one minute into the Rumble, whose ringwork was sloppy, and his power moves lacking?

That crowd was awful. They made themselves look like complete jackasses, simply because they couldn't understand what pro wrestling is all about.
At parts yes. They doesn't mean that there's not an understanding of what pro wrestling is about. WIth Cena and Orton, you cheer the face and boo the heel, or at least, that's how it should happen. It didn't, and the boos for Cena were rediculous.

But Daniel Bryan is a face, and the fans wanted to see said face go on and win the Rumble. He wasn't even involved in the match, so they booed. I don't see the problem there.

shows the complete lack of respect and appreciation for pro wrestling so many fans of today possess.
I respect and appreciate pro wrestling greatly, so much that I paid a hefty sum for my tickets. I was put off by Cena's reaction, felt the crowd responded appropriately in the first two matches, and I have no problem with their reaction to Bryan not being in the Rumble. Nor did I think them wrong to boo Batista, a man who had been back with the company for six days, win it by casually tossing out the man who had thrown out twelve himself, and looked like a machine until Batista dumped him.

If anyone has a lack of respect and appreciation for pro wrestling, look no further than to our Royal Rumble winner. He flicked off the crowd and cocked his fist at one fan, only to stop about 3 inches short with a middle finger instead. Then, as he was leaving, he mocked the fans with Daniel Bryan chants using his middle finger.

That's the guy us Pittsburgh fans should have cheered? :rolleyes:
I said fuck the idea that we have to follow some formula, and you said that it means I have no respect or knowledge of wrestling.
And I said your claiming I said "mindless drone following some formula" was not what I said. Damn, you're dumb.

How is that a "constant blatant misinterpretation"?
Well, when you constantly misrepresent my position, claiming I said things I never said...that's how.

Hey look, here you are doing it again. You see, I thought we this was just a case of us having differing opinions about the audience reaction. But I see you've enlightened us all. Everyone who disagrees with you on this obviously doesn't appreciate or respect pro wrestling. :ass:
No, again you have misrepresented what I said.

I said people who act the way they did Sunday night, and people who defend their actions, doesn't appreciate or respect pro wrestling. I've actually said this numerous times.

At this point, given your obvious lack of honesty in this discuss, there's really no reason to continue pointing out again and again how wrong you are and your constant lies. I'll just address one last thing before moving on to someone who isn't a fucktard:

Huh? I didn't "fall" for anything.
I have two PMs which definitively say others. Why do you lie so much?

Not to hijack this thread, but you're way off base here. Having been at the Royal Rumble, I saw first-hand the difference between people acting like mindless drones, and a crowd telling the WWE what they wanted.
And what did they want? And how does what they want compare to the common IWC groupthink? How does what they think compare to how the Chicago crowd at Money in the Bank in 2011 think? And what happened to CM Punk once he did reach the top?

The mindless drone accusation comes from the IWC style groupthink regarding what makes a quality wrestler. Consequently, it also affects their thinking of what makes a bad wrestler. What happened at Royal Rumble was a large number of the mindless drones who hate successful wrestlers in favor of smaller undercard workers getting together to ruin a show.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting Daniel Bryan. If they had chanted "We want Bryan", I would have no problem at all with that, Hulk Hogan used to get that all the time. But when their hope for what they want turned into derision for the rest of the show, that's when it was clear that crowd was little more than a bunch of mindless drones giving voice to popular misconceptions far too many wrestling fans have.

The Rumble match was a different animal. When you have El Torito, JBL, and Kevin Nash, all unadvertised, being given spots in the match that could have gone to Bryan, it's understandable why the crowd was upset and booed heavily.
Understandable, but still wrong to act the way they did. You can not like something, while not detracting from the show. Even back in the nWo days, when fans through stuff in the ring...even though they were wrong to throw things in the ring, it was at least a part of the show. They threw the stuff at the bad guys, because the bad guys deserved it.

What happened at Royal Rumble had nothing to do with the show, and everything to do with the crowd throwing a tantrum.

And yes, I realize Daniel Bryan wasn't advertised for the match. But it's not as if there wasn't a storyline surrounding it. Bryan's Twitter reflected that in which he said on Sunday that he "wasn't in the match, but was trying very hard to get the Authority to put him in." Daniel Bryan TOLD people he wasn't going to be in the match? That makes it even worse.

No, they sent a message to a company about what they wanted and did not want. Simple as that.
No, it's not the simple. If they had just chanted "We want Bryan", that would be a simple message of what they wanted. I have no problem with that. But crapping on other wrestlers who don't deserve it is not what they "did not want", it was the crowd thinking they were more important than the show.

Anybody would have been booed there.
Which is my point. Dumbass (Feedback) was saying the crowd only boos because the performers made them booed. Rey did nothing to deserve that and his negative reaction was nothing more than a tantrum.

Reigns put on a heck of a performance, including setting the Rumble record for most eliminations. That may have had something to do with us cheering him. As for Batista, his return did nothing to distinguish him as a face, and when he left four years ago, he was a heel.
Reigns got cheered because he wasn't Batista, and those fans don't like successful wrestlers. Batista has had a very successful career and he worked the Rumble match like a face, not a heel.

If anyone has a lack of respect and appreciation for pro wrestling, look no further than to our Royal Rumble winner. He flicked off the crowd and cocked his fist at one fan, only to stop about 3 inches short with a middle finger instead. Then, as he was leaving, he mocked the fans with Daniel Bryan chants using his middle finger.

That's the guy us Pittsburgh fans should have cheered? :rolleyes:
Batista's actions were not appropriate either. I've never defended them, though the crowd definitely deserved them.
I'd like to comment on this thread, if I may. This being my first post on Wrestlezone. With all due respect to those involved in the discussion:

For one, I am a huge fan of Bryan and before it was announced that Batista would be returning, I was of the mindset that they had to be building towards a huge Wrestlemania moment for him that would culminate in Bryan winning the title amongst a sea of "Yes" chants.

But thats the thing. Batista returned. I didnt think there was any doubt after that, that Batista would be winning the rumble. And thats fine. Anyone whose been a fan of WWE as long as most of us have understands that Wrestlemania has become a social media and entertainment opportunity and not a "wrestling" showcase.

And again, thats fine. Makes sense. Its business.

We love the rumble. For most of us its our favorite event of the year. But that doesnt mean our favorite superstar always wins. Look at last year. Cena and Ryback were the last two. Cena won. Did the majority of fans want Cena to win? Outside of children, probably not. But would Dolph Ziggler vs The Rock have drawn more money? Of course not. And at that same Royal Rumble, The Rock won the WWE Championship, ending a 400+ day title reign for Punk. We didnt like it but it created a buzz. Thats what the WWE wants. With Batistas movie coming out and Rock not being at this years Wrestlemania, him winning creates the most buzz.

Furthermore, the crowd. I for one think think crowd booing Batista was totally reasonable. That didnt bother me much. It's the booing and disrespect towards guys like Cena, Orton, Mysterio and others that crosses the line. And I'm not a fan of those guys, either.

Most crowds boo Cena, fine. Orton is a heel, totally cool. Mysterio not being Bryan is understandable except for the fact that any other night he'd be cheered.

Altogether, the rumble event WAS good. The crowd just didnt receive the outcome they wanted.

Can you call it a tantrum? maybe. But you have to consider some of the best crows the WWE has ever had. Has Bryan won, wouldnt the crowd have erupted in a frenzy? Like Stone Cold winning the rumble in 98? Or RVD beating Cena at One Night Stand?

I think thats what most people are pissed off about. The fact that they didnt get the chance to celebrate like the aforementioned events.
And what did they want? And how does what they want compare to the common IWC groupthink? How does what they think compare to how the Chicago crowd at Money in the Bank in 2011 think? And what happened to CM Punk once he did reach the top?
It compares quite a bit to the IWC mindset, but when 5 year old children are booing and crying because Daniel Bryan didn't come out, it says quite a bit. All of these are rhetorical, you and I both know the answers to them.

1. The crowd wanted Daniel Bryan in the Rumble, preferably, to win it.
2. The comparison is easy to make between the crowd and the IWC mindset, but it doesn't make them mindless drones. It's been a pattern; people seeing something special in Daniel Bryan, and in doing so, desire to see WWE go all the way with him.

The mindless drones were the people who booed Cena and chanted for the Divas during the Cena/Orton match.

3. Different circumstances. Punk was still a heel/tweener heading into that match, but emerged as a top face. Much of that was due to the crowd's reaction to him.
4. He became the first wrestler ever to defeat John Cena on back-to-back PPV's, and he wound up with one of the longest championship reigns in WWE history.

The mindless drone accusation comes from the IWC style groupthink regarding what makes a quality wrestler. Consequently, it also affects their thinking of what makes a bad wrestler. What happened at Royal Rumble was a large number of the mindless drones who hate successful wrestlers in favor of smaller undercard workers getting together to ruin a show.
But it's not a mindless drone mentality. I could understand the viewpoint if my Pittsburgh crowd was the first to embrace a "smaller undercard worker", but this reaction and desire for Bryan has been there since Summerslam 2013. What you had was a frustrated group of people who are behind a wrestler as much as I've seen since Cena in 2005.

Dislike the behavior all you like, but the reason for it is 100% justified, at least in regards to the Rumble.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting Daniel Bryan. If they had chanted "We want Bryan", I would have no problem at all with that, Hulk Hogan used to get that all the time. But when their hope for what they want turned into derision for the rest of the show, that's when it was clear that crowd was little more than a bunch of mindless drones giving voice to popular misconceptions far too many wrestling fans have.
The crowd did chant "We want Bryan." Every time the countdown started for the next entrant in the Rumble, the chants for Bryan became deafening.

I'm with you on the derision for the rest of the show. The disrespect shown for Cena and Orton during their match was deplorable, as was booing Rey simply for being #30 in the Rumble.

What happened at Royal Rumble had nothing to do with the show, and everything to do with the crowd throwing a tantrum.
It had everything to do with the show. The crowd wanted Bryan to be standing tall at the end of the show, and when that didn't happen, the yconsequently sent a clear message to WWE that they were displeased with what they were providing as an alternative. Daniel Bryan TOLD people he wasn't going to be in the match? That makes it even worse.
Let me give you an example that may help here.

Your wife has informed you she that her boss is making her work through the night on your anniversary. But she tells you she's going to try to convince him to let her out in time for the two of you to celebrate. Wouldn't anticipation rise in you? Wouldn't there be anxiety in hopes that she could make it?

And then if she couldn't, wouldn't there be disapointment?

Same thing with Bryan. They were running a storyline giving fans hope, with Bryan attempting to get into the Rumble. It doesn't justify booing Rey at #30, as he would have been cheered anywhere else. But the anticipation and belief that perhaps Bryan got through to them was understandable, and so was the disapointment when they saw that he wasn't.

But crapping on other wrestlers who don't deserve it is not what they "did not want", it was the crowd thinking they were more important than the show.
It wasn't the crowd believing they were more important than the show, it was the crowd believing that Daniel Bryan was the most important and vital thing to making the show successful.

Which is my point. Dumbass (Feedback) was saying the crowd only boos because the performers made them booed. Rey did nothing to deserve that and his negative reaction was nothing more than a tantrum.
Agreed. Rey anywhere else in the Rumble draws cheers. However, one has to understand that from the time CM Punk and Seth Rollins entered at #1 and #2, the anticipation and belief that Bryan would enter was there. That's 50+ minutes of waiting, only to be left disapointed.

It doesn't mean that Rey deserved to be booed.

Reigns got cheered because he wasn't Batista, and those fans don't like successful wrestlers. Batista has had a very successful career and he worked the Rumble match like a face, not a heel.
I saw nothing that indicated Batista working as a face, he simply worked poorly. Reigns eliminated 12 men from the Rumble, and has been being pushed hard since Survivor Series. But you're right: People didn't want to see a wrestler who left 4 years ago after a successful career waltz in and win the Rumble after 6 days back with the company.

But to suggest that the fans only cheered for Reigns for that reason, from a live standpoint, seems off to me. They were behind a man who's been pushed hard, and had just broked the record for most all-time eliminations in the Rumble.

It was an exciting thing to see, and as a young, up-and-coming talent, my desire was to see Reigns win for those reasons once it was down to he and Batista.

Batista's actions were not appropriate either. I've never defended them, though the crowd definitely deserved them.
Isn't saying that the crowd deserved Batista's actions defending them in and of itself?
I just finished watching Rey Mysterio's 30th entrance at this year's Royal Rumble on youtube. Needless to say, the shower of boos wasn't instantaneous. There was a five second lag between the entrance and mysterio getting into the ring. That's exactly when the boos begun, thus signifying the audience's dismay was in no way directed at Mysterio, but at their despair of not having seen Daniel Bryan compete in the rumble. From then on, the only sounds that pervaded the air in the arena were of , "You didn't give us Bryan. Hence, we fuck and shit all over your Rumble. "

The final three combatants were Sheamus, a down and out Reigns and Batista. The entire 2-minute duration of Batista-Sheamus encounter
was filled with emphatic and resounding "NO" chants. After Batista eliminates Sheamus, the rainfall of lamenting-boos seemed to only just have begun, and at one point as Reigns prepares to Spear Batista, the arena erupts with resounding "Roman Reigns" chants too eager to transform back to emphatic boos. The arena erupted again as Reigns spears Batista but finally in a reversal of bodies and fortunes, Reigns is turned and thrown full-force over the top rope for Batista's victory .

Now, obviously something is wrong with the WWE universe. No matter what they get, always whine and show dismay. It's one thing for WWE to bombard our TV screens with age-old main-events like Randy Orton vs John Cena, or The Rock main eventing Wrestlemania twice in a row, and another thing for a pathetic arena crowd to shit all over a perfectly athletic royal rumble contest. When more deserving men like Chris Jericho did not win it (in 2012) and someone far less deserving as Sheamus did, where was this audience?

The Royal Rumble was never meant to be won by significantly and noticeably tiny men. Not Rey Mysterio, Not eddie guerrero, and certainly not Daniel Bryan. The only exception to this rule would be combatants of the size/physique of Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart. That's based on several factors such as a minimum believable height(5'11 at least), charisma, long-term performance track-record, physique, mic skills, etc. C M Punk eliminating Kane, Roman Reigns, John Cena, or Batista and winning the Royal Rumble is believable. Punk might not be as ripped as Hart, Benoit , and Angle, but his stature and overall intensity/presence can still make him credible. But over all, the most dominating and intense superstars in history have been the victors of the Royal Rumble- From Stone Cold Steve Austin to The Rock to HHH, Randy Orton, Batista, Undertaker, and Brock Lesnar. Rey Mysterio winning the royal rumble was a disgrace to wrestling, and him ever holding the WHC was a disgrace to guys like Sting, Goldberg and Ric Flair. No offence to mysterio, but that wasn't a cruiserweight royal rumble, and if a man's tiny and not a heavyweight, then that is what nature had for them.

And then there is Daniel Bryan. Bryan might be a good wrestler, but in terms of over-all intensity, charisma, athleticism, mic skills, he gets nowhere close to being a Kurt Angle, or Chris Benoit(average mic skills, was never a talker. But a legend and a machine) or Bret Hart(same as Benoit). Heck, he is 5 fucking foot 8. Since when did the WWE Universe want a tiny little man who's not even chiseled and intense want to win the Royal Rumble and headline Wrestlemania? What a damn disgrace. In an era of far better performers such as Antonio Cesaro, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler(Who's a perfect 5'11, if I'm not mistaken) , Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose and Rollins, and the HHH/WWE favourites Sheamus , Batista and Orton, why the heck does a mediocre combatant cause the Royal Rumble to leave such a distastefulness?

The YES and NO chants are the most stupid recurring phenomenon ever since 2012. It's one thing to make Zack Ryder the US champion because he was a goofball with an internet show, and another to create discord and disharmony in the entire WWE product by those stupid chants month after month. Goddamnit look at Randy Orton. Sure he's bland and boring at times. But he's tall, he's chiseled, and he can wrestle. And certainly doesn't bombard us with YES and NO chants like a fucking ******.

And the Austin "What!?" chants? They were disturbingly unpleasant at times. It's a fucking Undertaker or Ric Flair promo, and the crowd wouldn't stop saying "What?". Then says The Undertaker "What if I slept with your sister or momma". That was badass. But at least Austin was a phenomenon and those What chants were amusing too, only until Austin was involved in the said segment/promo.

I see a lot of physical similarity between Bryan and Guerrero(though he was much more ripped.). But ultimately, a great in-ring technician with a lot of passion and some demons to conquer, Eddie Guerrero was simply not a long-term main eventer. One of the reasons for that was his stature. Sure, he had his run with the WWE title, thanks to Mcmahon, and he deserved it too. But, think for a minute how he was booked to win that title. It took Goldberg to run in and spear Brock Lesnar, for him to hit the frog splash (which was only half as powerful as Rob Van Dam's five star. What a frog splash!) to win the title. It'd have been a damn disgrace if Guerrero would've been booked to cleanly (no steel chair) and single-handedly pin Brock Lesnar. Guerrero just didn't have the credible size or intensity(unlike Kurt Angle, who has suplexed big show and lesnar countless times), but what he did have was fiery passion, and fervent promos. Guerrero could talk! And talk like a Ric Flair too, with his own lovable little accent. On an apex of credibility believability, Chris Jericho will always overshadow and surpass Eddie Guerrero and Daniel Bryan. (Simply because he's 5'10 or more, thus rendering his presence at least a little more believable, next to combatants like HHH and John Cena). Even then, Jericho was never quite the man. But he became one of the biggest and most decorated stars. And unlike some, he never caused a ridiculous one-word chant to allow him to get over and deserve a Royal Rumble victory.

I have more sympathy for Vince Mcmahon than ever. I bet his reactions to the Daniel Bryan ******ed chants phenomenon are more full of agitations than mine, or his kayfabe displays in the past. Well, good for a fucking T-shirt with a beard if it gets them some money. But to want or desire a tiny shabby combatant to win the Rumble and headline wrestlemania over Batista, John Cena, Swagger, Cesaro ,Christian, Ziggler, Orton, Roman Reigns, Jericho, or Punk is beyond me.

Had they foreseen how the #30 entrant was going to be reacted to, The one way I can think of how Mcmahon would want to screw the WWE Universe(in typical Mcmahon fashion) would be to have Santino Marella's music play instead. (Imagine the hilarity, that music combined with the crowd reaction). Out comes Marella, walking like a ******, power walk, or whatever he calls it. Cobras everybody in the ring. Even Roman Reigns. That'd bring some justice to the disgrace that was Royal Rumble 2014.

On a side note, Roman Reigns is amazingly, ridiculously sexy. The long hair, cold-callousness, the part-blankness part-fury emitting from his eyes, the stature, the valour itself was more reason to like the Rumble than any long-bearded goof's absence. Roman Reigns is amazing. It'd be a lucky woman to be a woman and sleep in the same bed as Roman Reigns of 2014(whatever his age).
Are you trying to piss people off and be a troll at the same time? Sure the Royal Rumble was pretty bad this year but a lot of the stuff you're posting is ridiculous. Come back later, I think you're drunk.
Are you trying to piss people off and be a troll at the same time? Sure the Royal Rumble was pretty bad this year but a lot of the stuff you're posting is ridiculous. Come back later, I think you're drunk.

Very amazing for you to decipher from someone's post that they're drunk. I do not see a single display of incoherence in my post nor any valid grounds for that conclusion. I'm certainly not Kurt Angle. Also, I don't drink alcohol , or smoke. Be disappointed, if you may, because invalid opinions about someone's physiological state at a given point in time don't actually affect their external reality.
Yeah, crowd shitting all over the Royal Rumble just because of one guy was ******ed but I think WWE did that on purpose. They could have just let Daniel Bryan be in the Rumble and get eliminated but why left him out of the Rumble? WWE knew fans won't like the fact that Bryan won't be in the Rumble and chant for Daniel Bryan,etc.
Wow, this post is certainly all over the place. As I don't have time right now to address all of the disagreements I have with it, I'll simply pick an easy one and be on my way. Okay, here goes;

Sheamus was booed out of the building when he eliminated Jericho. It's true.
Yeah, crowd shitting all over the Royal Rumble just because of one guy was ******ed but I think WWE did that on purpose. They could have just let Daniel Bryan be in the Rumble and get eliminated but why left him out of the Rumble? WWE knew fans won't like the fact that Bryan won't be in the Rumble and chant for Daniel Bryan,etc.

It's still possible that the WWE planned this all along so that they can keep having a storyline by screwing him out of the Championship. That is fine but the way they did by leaving him out of the Royal Rumble completely was a huge miscalculation by the WWE. Instead of fans being upset that their hero got screwed over by the villain in the story, it's now fans being upset at the product as a whole. So it's basically turned from people hating the bad guys in a movie because they are so evil to people hating the movie itself.

They could have at least made DB and CM Punk #1 and #2 so that it shows the Machine is trying to screw them. Make them reach until the last entrant only to get screwey elimination.

I guess in the WWE's mind what I am thinking is that they knew Bryan was super over so putting him in the Rumble would make everyone less popular especially the one that was going to win the Rumble Batista. If let's say Batista vs. Bryan were the last two and Batista wins, they might have thought fans would have turned on Batista.

Which they would have but they didn't realize that not putting Bryan in would also cause a huge uproar. Yeah the WWE miscalculated this though they were at the point that they couldn't win either way. Though one would think what made the WWE decide to have Batista win in the first place when Bryan was the logical choice.
It's really hard to take you seriously. You seem to be just trolling to get attention.

Anyway, daniel bryan deserve better.

Daniel Bryan fans should've RIOTed and attacked batista lol.

But in all seriousness, WWE fcked up with Daniel Bryan many times, this should've been the huge payoff.

Aren't us whining impatient Daniel bryan fans so annoying? We couldn't wait to the huge payoff that was going to happen last summer/fall, we all knew WWE was going to reward him by having win the rumble and the title at mania. That obviously happened -__-

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