Cena and Bryan will be Co-Champions at the end of Royal Rumble.


Pre-Show Stalwart
With D-Bry and Cena basically being family now cause of the Bellas, here's my bold predication.

At the Rumble there's a triple threat match for the title with Orton, Cena and Bryan. The finish has either both Cena and Bryan making Orton tap or Orton gets pinned by both guys. They argue and each hold ONE belt being CO-CHAMPIONS for a month until the Elimination Chamber PPV. I have no clue how this would work going into Wrestlemania though. Especially with the chamber. Obviously the dream route would have CM PUNK winning the Royal Rumble and going on to face Daniel Bryan at WM 30.

There was some nice symbolism there which could back this up when Orton first entered Raw and he stood between Bryan and Cena with both belts in the air. Also, CM Punk wasn't in the crowd and he's the biggest guy there besides those three. They're saving his whole world title story for the Rumble. Out of sight - out of mind. Kind of like how Cena announced Bryan for the Summerslam main event and he wasn't in the whole roster crowd.

This does raise another question. If Bryan is in the title match at the Royal Rumble PPV, then who wins the Rumble besides CM Punk? Seriously, who?

So we'll have a month of Bryan shouting "No! I am the WWE World Heavyweight Champion!".

Interesting theory, in your view would that somehow lead to another unification match at Elimination Chamber?
What I'm saying is also, with only one belt, and us trying to map out the path to Wrestlemania, how's Elimination Chamber gonna work this year?
No, just no.

Bryan will win the title at the Royal Rumble in either a match that if Orton is DQ'd he loses the title as he can't be Bryan clean or a no DQ match.
Then he gets his rematch inside the Elimination Chamber and again loses.

Punk wins the Rumble and we get on hell of a Wrestlemania main event.

Well that's what I'd like to see happen I doubt it will.
This does raise another question. If Bryan is in the title match at the Royal Rumble PPV, then who wins the Rumble besides CM Punk? Seriously, who?


He's due back any time now, and could be a "surprise" entrant, much like Cena in '08. He's amain event player, and now that there's no WHC title to go after he's gotta go for the WWE World Championship.
They, already blame Daniel Bryan for low ratings and PPV buys'', besides that it's pretty obvious CM Punk will win the Royal Rumble to face Randy Orton for the World Title..Since Punk is Suppose to be ''Anti-Authority, it's only a matter or time before he crosses paths with Triple H, Stephanie and Randy Orton.What we saw last Monday is ,only a preview of things to come. it's clear Punk will take down The Authority once and for all. Right now isn't the time for that though not until Feb-April.
What I'm saying is also, with only one belt, and us trying to map out the path to Wrestlemania, how's Elimination Chamber gonna work this year?

Maybe there won't be Elimination Chamber this year? or Orton overcomes the odds to prove he's credible champion.
There are plenty of things possible but I'm not sure Bryan and Cena being co-champs is a possibility. I think we are way more likely to see Cena beat Orton and Bryan win the Rumble. Then we have Cena vs Bryan at WM.

That is only one option and there are plenty of those. There is no guarantee that Bryan and Cena are in the title picture at Wrestlemania. If Bryan doesn't win the Rumble then it's Punk. We could easily see Punk/Cena or indeed the far more likely: Punk vs Orton.
I've been against the whole unification idea since day 1, but now that it's here they have to stick with it for a while. Doing something like co-champions/having 2 guys with world title belts makes the whole thing feel very pointless, especially since we would need ANOTHER unification match in order to settle "which one is the true champion".

As for RR Cena's obviously getting his rematch.
DB is probably still doing stuff with the Wyatts
As for the RR winner assuming they do the triple threat match idea then yeah Punk is the clear favorite.
I think that we could possibly be seeing Cena vs. Orton vs. Bryan at WrestleMania XXX. The concept of being a Co-Champion just doesn't really sound all that appealing when you consider the big deal WWE has made about unifying the two titles. Going back to having two guys carrying a belt, while both laying claim to being WWE WHC, sort of renders Cena vs. Orton at TLC as irrelevant.

Cena has an automatic rematch at some point against Orton. Daniel Bryan defeated John Cena for the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. Randy Orton has yet to defeat Daniel Bryan without some form of help. Daniel Bryan keeps getting screwed over by Orton & The Authority. These three guys are all intertwined together in a way that, at least as of right now, can potentially give the feeling of "it's anybody's ballgame." There's no definitive advantage that any single one of them has over the other at this point.

There's still a lot of time between now and WrestleMania to ultimately figure out where they're going with this. I don't see Bryan & Cena being Co-Champions, it's just too foolish after all the hype & speculation as to whether or not WWE was genuinely going to unify the titles. Given that Orton is the first WWE World Heavyweight Champion, I don't see him dropping the title until, at least, WrestleMania. They started things off on the right foot by giving Orton a decisive win over Cena for both titles, so playing hot potato so soon could undermine things. At some point, however, I do think that Cena & Bryan will wind up in a full blown feud. I could see it going down during WrestleMania season, but maybe it'd be better to hold off on that until post WrestleMania. For the next 4.5 months or so, there's going to be a lot going on in WWE with the build to WM XXX. Who's Taker gonna face & will he end the streak? Will Triple H get back into the ring? Will it be Punk vs. Triple H? Are Vince & Triple H going to resume the power struggle storyline? Will we get "one more match" from HBK? If so, could it be against Punk or Bryan? When will The Shield ultimately break up and how? Will Goldust turn on Cody, or vice versa, and when? Who'll be the next tag champs? Will Big E. make it to WM as IC champ? Will he defend it and, if so, against whom? Will anyone be called up from NXT during WM season and, if so, who?, etc. As I said, all kindsa stuff will be going on, so maybe saving Cena vs. Bryan for after the big show could ease the transition into the post WrestleMania doldrums when things start to die back down.

He's due back any time now, and could be a "surprise" entrant, much like Cena in '08. He's amain event player, and now that there's no WHC title to go after he's gotta go for the WWE World Championship.

True. I wouldn't be surprised to see it happen since it's been speculated since early this year that they wanted Orton vs. Sheamus for the WHC at WM.

Also, I wouldn't be surprised if they go with the big guy (Sheamus) instead of one of the little guys (Bryan, Punk).

I could see Cole hyping Sheamus up with the win saying he's the 5th multi-RR winner, joining the likes of Hogan, HBK, Cena and Austin. I'm just not sure if the fans would buy into it.

Hopefully, Cena gets a dream match at Wrestlemania - facing somebody like Goldberg or Hogan and Bryan finally gets a big win and cherish over somebody like HBK/HHH
I would love to see Orton vs Cena vs Punk vs Bryan for the Title at Mania. I would have Cena get screwed at the Rumble, then get a chance to redeem himself in a number 1 contenders match at Elimination Chamber. Meanwhile Punk and Bryan have a Bret/Luger finish.

Lesnar vs Orton for the title would be interesting. That would leave Taker vs Cena, Triple H vs Punk and Bryan vs Shawn Michaels if the rumors are true.
Sure Daniel Bryan would be WWE champion soon but I doubt WWE would put him in yet another match with Randy Orton at Wrestlemania (assuming Orton would be WWE champion then) since they have booked this match twice at PPVs & couple of times on TV shows as well (Correct me if am wrong). That's where I feel Daniel Bryan chance of winning Royal Rumble alone looks slim. May be a Punk-Bryan finish together or Bryan-Cena together leading to a triple threat encounter at Mania or Punk alone winning the Royal Rumble looks more of a possibility to me.

If Vince-Triple H are in agreement with Triple H vs CM Punk at WrestleMania, then it would be either in a situation where Triple H becomes WWE champion (I dont see how this will happen though) OR Triple H screws Punk at Royal Rumble. There are so much talks about Shawn Michaels for one more match. I am not sure of this but if it does happen I guess it would be against Daniel Bryan.

If Triple H vs CM Punk and Daniel Bryan vs Shawn Michaels is planned for Wrestlemania, then who wins the Royal Rumble is the question? Cena (not again), Undertaker, Lesnar, Sheamus ?!?
I doubt Sheamus gets a huge pop when he returns..Most of the wrestling fans I talk with on a daily basis don't even miss the guy and didn't even remember him.
I doubt Sheamus gets a huge pop when he returns..Most of the wrestling fans I talk with on a daily basis don't even miss the guy and didn't even remember him.

True. I feel the same but you know WWE obviously don't care based on how they continue to push him strong despite Bryan getting more cheers, especially in their Extreme Rules match. I still remember when he faced Del Rio at Night of Champions last year, the fans cheered for Del Rio despite him being the heel
This angle wont happened because wwe wont give bryan a champion now. If they give the authority failed again.

this year rumble winner is sheamus. He goes against randy for the title and wins.

at royal rumble Bryan vs wyatt with some stipulation like if bryan loss then joins wyatt family. If he wins then wyatt dont disturb bryan anymore.

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