Royal Rumble 2014 Discussion

The way i see it going down

WWE WHC Match: Orton(c) vs Cena......Winner Orton via punt to the head

IC Title: Big E (c)vs Fandango........Prob a Preshow which Big E wins

WWE Tag Team Championship Elimination Match - Cody Rhodes & Goldust(c) vs. The Real Americans vs. Harper & Rowan vs. Rollins & Reigns. Winner and new Tag Team champions Harper and Rowan

DB vs Bray Wyatt: Winner Bray Wyatt with a aid by Harper and Rowan distracting DB.

Rumble: Order in which i think most likely winners

1: DB
2:CM Punk
3: Batista
4: Y2J ( first undisputed champ vs first WWE WHC holder)
5:Sheamus (I could see it)
6: Brock Lesnar
7:Cena ( again wouldn't put it past WWE)
8: Reigns
9: HHH
10: DB and Punk via elimination each other at the same time.
I would like CM Punk or Daniel Bryan to win Royal Rumble but not sure if WWE writers also think the same. If at all they make either of the win, it would be really good. CM Punk deserves more as he has not won Royal Rumble yet after so many years. Daniel Bryan also has not won but he is young and his time can come. I dont have a problem with either of Punk/Bryan winning.

What WWE may do is they can make returning Dave Batista straight win the Royal Rumble which does not makes sense to me as there are other deserving guys OR they wont complicate much and make Cena win the Rumble and get him to main-event at WrestleMania. John Cena is still the top guy in WWE and may will be until the day he retires.

John Cena is potential contender to win every Royal Rumble he enters. Reason I say this is if we go by statistics - Since WrestleMania 21, John Cena has competed for the WWE Championship or World Heavyweight title every single year except WrestleMania 28.
I loved it when The God Father and Goldust popped out of nowhere at Last year's Royal Rumble..
or "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan and Road Dogg the year before..
or Diesel the year before that..
The list goes on and on..

This year, I would jump out of my seat if a Gangrel or Viscera or a APA or Hardcore Holly music played when the countdown stops.

Who do you think should/will make a fun cameo at this year's Royal Rumble.?

At least 3 Legends will apear at the Rumble as that's how many Surprised Entrants at the least. I loved at MSG the Rumble where Cena won, when Snuka and Piper were Entrants everybody in that ring even The Undertaker froze like lil kids and watched them fight for at least 20 secs. Now that was priceless as far as this year I hope Bruno or Bob Backlund appear in it.
Bruno and Backlund are too old.

But it would be great if Jake Roberts showed up even though that's higly unlikely according to Jake. I think the pop would be amazing and when he hits the first DDT on some douche like Ambrose.....electric,

Same for DDP, I think he had the best year last year outside of in ring wrestlers....helping with the recovery of Jake and Scott Hall should be rewarded. Hell I would say HoF also, but maybe I'm a little sentimental.

Viscera has been putting on good matches in the indies late last year, why not.

Personally I'd want Jericho, but that's me. Also maybe Rhino...and although they did it with Booker T from the announce table...I wouldn't mind JBL either.
The best thing about this Rumble is that it really isn't clear who is going to win. Batista is probably the most likely, being that returns the week before. But there are also chances for Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Roman Reigns, Sheamus (if he returns), and even the Undertaker.

As for surprise entrants I'd say there are good shots for Sheamus, Jericho, and RVD. In a Rumble this stacked, there really isn't a need for old legends like Piper and Snuka. Either way, I'm excited as this has the potential to be the start of one of the best Road to Wrestlemanias ever.
After Monday, Lesnar looked dominate and Henry sold him well. Why can't Henry try to fight back and give him a decent program? Lesnar is going to go over, but Henry would be a very different match for Lesnar to be a part of. There is a good feud between those two that gives Lesnar the rub to Cena, Orton or Taker and gives Henry something to do at the Rumble.
I was hoping maybe Lesnar's attack on Henry would lead to Lesnar vs. Big E. Langston somewhere down the road. It won't but it would be nice if it did. Langston is on his way to big things and sticking up for Henry and giving Lesnar a tough fight would be huge for him. I'd like to see Langston go over Lesnar but there's no way that's going to happen before whatever big angle they have planned for Lesnar at mania. Then again, like I said, the match won't happen at all. Wishful thinking.

As for the Rumble, I think Lesnar should be in the Rumble match. Instead of just declaring himself number one contender he should have to earn that spot. Lesnar would definitely add some spice to the Rumble match.
I agree Brain I'd like to see Lesnar vs Big E. as well. I don't agree Lesnar should be in the Rumble match tho. If he is next in line for the belt why would he enter? I think a decent idea would to end up pushing a Big E vs Lesnar match at the Royal Rumble. Big E could stick up for Henry and have Lesnar blindsiding Big E. You have Big E showing some dominance leading up to the match as well. The match wouldn't be for the IC belt just a regular match. You could have Big E lose the match but still look dominant and as a major threat. This would also give the IC belt a slight boost showing their champion almost beat the former UFC champ Brock Lesnar. Lesnar would come out looking good and as a major threat to either Cena or Orton's belt.
I almost expect Brock to pull double duty. I think he and Henry would provide a nice secondary match on the card and then he could also jump in the Rumble somewhere around 20 or so.

If we don't have a match between the 2 after what happened on Raw, I'll be left shaking my head. You don't treat Henry like a jobber here just because it's Lesnar. He'll want his revenge and should come after him for round 2 this Monday.
I almost expect Brock to pull double duty.

Brock Lesnar doesn't pull double duty. Now don't get me wrong I think it be sweet if Lesnar was in the Royal Rumble. However I think the only logical way Lesnar could be in the Royal Rumble is if The Authority says Lesnar needs to earn a Number 1 contender spot. If not what would be the point of him entering the Rumble if he is already guaranteed a title shot?
WWE already showed us everything we need to see in a Henry/Lesnar match on Monday: Lesnar spearing Henry through the barricade, and the sight of Brock's freakish strength for an F5 on Henry. That's it, and there's no need to waste a pay per view spot on Henry VS Lesnar.

Also, I don't see an upside to using Henry as a tune up guy for Lesnar, because Lesnar already destroyed Henry with ease, so any unpredictability for the winner is non-existent. WWE just used Mark Henry as a sacrificial lamb to build up Lesnar as a dangerous threat to the winner of the Orton/Cena match. On top of that, Brock Lesnar is a big money player in WWE, and Lesnar's primary focus is blockbuster match ups. They're not going to waste one of his pay per view spots on a throwaway match with Mark Henry on the road to Wrestlemania.
I'd like to see Langston go over Lesnar but there's no way that's going to happen before whatever big angle they have planned for Lesnar at mania. Then again, like I said, the match won't happen at all. Wishful thinking.

That's the thing; by the time Langston is deemed ready for Lesnar, Brock may have moved on from WWE. I was surprised he re-signed for 2 years; they must be paying him an amount of money he couldn't refuse.

On the other hand, if the best match-up WWE could find for Brock at present is Mark Henry, it's entirely possible Lesnar has already gone through the list of viable opponents and is now on to a wave of less attractive match-ups.

Admittedly, Big E looks better than I ever thought he would. He's not an immobile big man, as so many musclebound guys are. But as much as I'd like to see him against Brock, I just can't see it yet.....not from a "PPV sales" standpoint, anyway.....and, more importantly, I don't think WWE management can see it, either.
It will involve the Wyatts or the Shield.

The Wyatts will be the last four involved, and the other two will leave on their own, leaving Bray and Daniel. Daniel will come close to going over the top rope, and then turn on Bray.

Or same scenario with the Shield being the last three and Reigns eliminating the other two.
I don't agree Lesnar should be in the Rumble match tho. If he is next in line for the belt why would he enter?

Because he shouldn't be next in line for no reason. Have him earn his shot instead of just declaring himself number one contender. Having Lesnar in the Rumble would add some star power to it and put in a dominant favorite. Then Batista can spoil his plans of being number one contender by eliminating Lesnar and setting up a match at mania.
I think we will see Brock Lesnar vs Mark Henry at the Royal Rumble, Brock needs a match or two leading up to Wrestlemania, and Henry deserves the push and the payday.
;esnar needs to be kept looking strong and vicious, wiping out Henry is a good start. Maybe Langston confronts Brock at Old School Rwa, Heyman has stated something Old School will be going down.
Onto the rest of the Rumlbe, I fully expect John Cena to defeat Randy Orton and become the WWE World Heavuweight Champion.
I think Batsita should be kept away from the WWE title initailly, I would have Batista return as the jealous hot head and come after Randy Orton, hell even spear and cost Orton the title match. Orton vs Batista at Wrestlemania XXX sells itself with it's history, Flair I am sure would be brought in and of course Helmsley will have his hands all over that program also.
If the Tag titles are not being defended, I guess the Rhodes brothers will have another opportunity to have a go at each other like previous Rumble matches.
CM Punk has his hands full with the Shield, I think the Shield will blwo up in the Rumble, Reigns possibly eliminates both Rollins and Ambrose and his run as a singles star commences the following night.
Batista returns to Raw just before the Rumble so no doubt he will throw his name into the hat to spike buy rates. He will either win it or someone like Lesnar, Triple H or Taker will start a fued with him there.

As far as surprise entrants go, I don't think we will see any and with that the best we could hope for is someone like Billy Gunn. I do think we will see some surprise returns though - RVD, Christian and Sheamus will probably be the three superstars we see returning. The Shield and The Wyatts will take up 7 places so there will be some big names to miss out this year.

I am calling a spot....Daniel Bryan with the other 3 Wyatts. They clean house and Bryan is bullied and eliminated. The other 3 wait for their 'next victim' and Batista makes his way down and eliminates them all.

Also, I wonder what Kofi Kingston has in store for us this year. Would love to see John Morrison be a surprise and they do something insane together.
IMO Batista will have about more or less equal eliminations as Roman Reigns and once they face off they both eliminate themselves.

This will become turning point for reigns as he might get booked to fight Batista at mania and they tease it but ultimately they opt for Brock with batista.

Rumble match winner might be Bray or Big E.
I am very excited I am going to be there, and I hope that it will be CM Punk or Batista coming out on top. I see that as a very likely scenario. At least it is was more unpredictable than last year at this point.
With recent story-lines, I predict it could be either between Cena, Batista, Bryan or Punk. Regarding John Cena, he is hot favourite any year when he enter Royal Rumble (already mentioned in my earlier post). Everyone is excited about Batista return myself included but I dont want him to win this for sake of it. There are other deserving who have been waiting to close WrestleMania - someone like Bryan or Punk.

How Bryan can win? Lets say final four at the Royal Rumble are Daniel Bryan and The Wyatt Family, with Bray telling Bryan to eliminate himself, and the crowd’s “YES” chants proving too strong for the brainwashing tactics of Wyatt eventually Bryan eliminating the entire Wyatt family and winning the Rumble.

How Punk can win? Similar to Bryan scenario with little twist - Final four of CM Punk and The Shield, which leads to Reigns eliminating one of his partners (Shield nails Punk near the rope and Reigns go for a super-man shot and Punk moves out & Ambrose gets eliminated, or vice versa) and then Punk eliminating the left Shield member winning the match. What this could do is it will also start Reigns face turn slowly.
Brock Lesnar vs Big Show seems set for this year's Royal Rumble. These two faced off 11 years ago in the 2003 Royal Rumble as well, which Brock won. This time Paul Heyman is on the other side, but the result is unlikely to change.
Many superstars have won the RR match over the last 26 years and they went on to glory. But who deserved or deserves to win the ROYAL RUMBLE match. Any legendary, retired wrestler, active wrestler or passed away wrestlers in your opinion. Your valuable thoughts...
I think the rumble is between Batista and Bryan. Batista is obviously a hot favourite but I have a weird feeling Bryan is gonna turn on Bray on the final 2 and take him out for the win
here's the updated list of participants in the 2014 Royal Rumble Match:

Alberto Del Rio
Bad News Barrett
Big E Langston
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Dean Ambrose
Kofi Kingston
The Miz
Rey Mysterio
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Xavier Woods

it's an interesting field right now and WWE should add the following people to round out the field:

Antonio Cesaro
Bray Wyatt
Christian (Surprise Return)
Curtis Axel
Daniel Bryan
Damien Sandow
Dolph Ziggler
Evan Bourne (Surprise Return)
Jack Swagger
Sheamus (Surprise Return)
Sin Cara
Rob Van Dam (Surprise Return)
Chris Jericho (Surprise Return)
Here's the current list of Royal Rumble entrants;


-Alberto Del Rio


-Xavier Woods

-Kofi Kingston

-The Miz

-Cody Rhodes


-Big E Langston

-Seth Rollins

-Dean Ambrose

-Roman Reigns

-Rey Mysterio

-CM Punk

- Bad News Barrett


As we can see, we have 16 people already entering the Rumble. Obviously, we have spaces for some surprise returns... I'd say maybe Jericho, Sheamus, RVD & Bourne. Possibly a couple of personalities joining in, Booker T & JBL.

That would take us to 22, meaning we've still got a few left over. Possibly obvious extra entrants including Brodus Clay/Tensai and a few more low carders could lift us up to 27/28, meaning there's 2/3 leftover spaces. Who better to fill them up but NXT Superstars? (One's that aren't Bo Dallas that is...) I'd have to go for, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn & Alexander Rusev.

So, what I'm asking you guys is;

What 14 superstars would you use to fill up your last spots? Use returns, current superstars, NXT guys, whatever you feel like.

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