Royal Rumble 2009 Live Discussion

Im so flat though compared to last year.

I went to Mania last year and was all hyped after the Rumble, not going this year, so not as hyped but still should be good
Somehow I got 10 weeks from NWO to Mania.

Either way, LONG build up for it. Almost two months after NWO. Very nice.
So overall, Royal Rumble 2009 meaning the whole show: meet, fail to meet, or exceed expectations?

Personally as a whole it met my expectations, normally Royal Rumble cards only have one good match besides the Rumble, and there are rarely any shocks in those. The woman's match was great. WWE title kept me on the edge of the seat at the end, as they kept making me think different things would happen. The world title match was amazing, and Matt Hardy going heel at the end was more of a surprise then Christian being behind it, and i don't really want Christian to be pushed immediately to the main event anyway.

The Royal Rumble itself started of great with several shockingly early entrants. RVD and Santino bits were good, and the Orton win, while predictable leaves Wrestlemania still very open. There could be so many matches happening at Wrestlemania, and unlike past years its still very unpredictable.

All in all i reckon as a whole better then last years, but the ending had something missing, but perhaps that's what they wanted, as we'll tune in to Raw, and the empty feeling leaves the future unknown.

Or I'm reading far too much into this as its 4 Am here.
Thanks for trawling the posts to get that. I was right that HHH would get Kozlov out quickly. I also drew 3-3 with my flatmate in guessing who would come out next, so I'm a winner in my eyes.

actually the forums fucked up and my post just so happen to end up near that one, so I quoted it :p
lol anyone else think thaat Hacksaw was in it cos he is being inducted into the HOF finally?
Overall a good Rumble.

Hardy vs Edge was a great match and the build up to who was gonna come out to screw over Jeff was done well. I know everyone must be looking forward to the Hardy vs Hardy matchup at WM25. I was hoping for Christian, but this will do.

The Rumble match itself I give it a B+. I had a feeling that Orton would win it. My only complaints could be the unknown entrants. With the exception of RVD coming back, I was not impressed with their choices there. Dolph, Regal, Hacksaw, Golddust, JTG, there were some better options there. Umaga or Kennedy should have made their return tonight with a strong performance. Usually a big named Legend is in there and a new or returning superstar. I was honestly looking forward to HBK coming out at # 30.

I think the lead up to WM will be great with a McMahon vs Orton angle, maybe seeing Stephanie as the true leader of the Legacy.
I liked it for the most part. GREAT set of matches before the main event. Rumble was solid, not great, but solid.
I think the lead up to WM will be great with a McMahon vs Orton angle, maybe seeing Stephanie as the true leader of the Legacy.

Good thinking. This would make sense with taking out Vince, but I would far prefer Randy V Edge/ maybe with HHH, then Randy V Cena
ECW title was decent, Divas match was pretty good for a divas match, WHC title match was boring, and WWE title match was fairly good until the shit ending, Rumble was predictable as fuck, with RVD being the biggest highlight

Overall the PPV is a big Meh, not worth the $40 I spent
ECW title was decent, Divas match was pretty good for a divas match, WHC title match was boring, and WWE title match was fairly good until the shit ending, Rumble was predictable as fuck, with RVD being the biggest highlight

Overall this PPV was a big fat pile of meh, and nowhere near worthy of the $40 I spent to see

EDIT: it tookk three fuckign attempts to get that^^^^ to post, these forums are fucked:angry:
ECW was pretty good for ECW, predictable
Diva was good, Melina was botchy, surprising
WHC was a super boring match, as well as predictable
WWE was good, Glad to see Edge as champion again, but feel sorry for Jeff
RR was good, too many people in it. For a second there I actually thought my random pick of Ted DiBiase was going to win. But it was obviously going to be Orton.
ECW was pretty good for ECW, predictable
Diva was good, Melina was botchy, surprising
WHC was a super boring match, as well as predictable
WWE was good, Glad to see Edge as champion again, but feel sorry for Jeff
RR was good, too many people in it. For a second there I actually thought my random pick of Ted DiBiase was going to win. But it was obviously going to be Orton.
Nominated for the 2009 Wrestling Year End Awards-

Show of the Year, Royal Rumble

Match of the Year, Hardy vs Edge

Shock of the Year, Matt turns on Jeff
Read M. Hardy's myspace... that should be the shock of the year... 20 yr old people not having a grasp on Pro Wrestling is Lawlz Worthy..
Yeah, easily biggest shock so far. Nominate Jeff's pyro accident also. That was a suprise when it happened. I'd throw in RVD but he'll be surpassed soon.
Read Matt Hardy's myspace. That should be shock of the year. 20+ year old people not having a graps on pro wrestling. Now that is Lawlz worthy.
I think what he meant was when #30 came in there was still a lot of people in the ring
LAWLZ at some of the people in this thread. Seriously, IMPOSSIBLE to fucking please. this show was fucking incredible. No match was bad, great finishes, great swerves. great rumble. just fucking GREAT

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