RAW LD 12/14/2015 - SMAAAAAAAAARKS!!!!!!!!

That was awesome. How could you not like that ending?

They had storytelling and drama. STORYTELLING AND DRAMA... ON MONDAY NIGHT RAW!!!

I'm 100% behind Reigns. I always sorta liked him, but I absolutely hated his booking. Now they're doing a fantastic job, and let's just hope they can continue.

Better yet, I'm actually excited for Raw next week. It's been a long time since I truly was.
The funny thing is that that title change took place in Philly

I knew it would have been close by. Because I was at the Raw in June in State College, PA when HBK and HHH got back together as DX after clearing the Spirit Squad out of the ring. Which was the night after One Night Stand 2006. And I recall RVD only holding that title he won off Cena at ONS for about 3 weeks.
There's literally no denying that it's impressive WWE took Reigns from "nobody gives a shit" to "almost everybody is behind him" in a 24 hr. period.
So does Sheamus losing the title tonight to Roman Reigns mean that Alberto Del Rio can lose the US Championship on Saturday's house show to Brock Lesnar?
It's partially that, but if that's what it takes to FINALLY get the fans behind Reigns, so be it.

well, to be fair, 'smarks' have been calling for 'badass Roman' for a long time, and WWE seemingly finally obliged at TLC and continued it tonight for the most part.
Now, for Roman and his "empire" to stay over, they would be wise to not make him back into Cena 2.0 come next week, or at least too soon as that would drain his momentum away in the blink of an eye.
Badass Roman needs a badass foil though. It worked for Batista because he could face HHH and then Taker. Hell even Khali was a great foil for Batista for a few PPV.

Who does badass Roman have? The league of nations look more like CM Punk's straight edge jobbers than HHH's evolution.
Badass Roman needs a badass foil though. It worked for Batista because he could face HHH and then Taker. Hell even Khali was a great foil for Batista for a few PPV.

Who does badass Roman have? The league of nations look more like CM Punk's straight edge jobbers than HHH's evolution.

Brock fucking Lesnar. Cena, Undertaker, and Triple H have all put Lesnar over the goddamn moon, now it's time for Lesnar to do the same and job out to the next big era face.
Brock fucking Lesnar. Cena, Undertaker, and Triple H have all put Lesnar over the goddamn moon, now it's time for Lesnar to do the same and job out to the next big era face.

But I fear the crowd will turn on Roman if he wins that matchup. They could both be booked as babyface/tweeners going into the match but the result might give ammo to the bitter smarks to turn on Reigns again.
Pinned AJ Styles at Bound For Glory, pinned Bully Ray at Victory Road and pinned AJ again at Sacrifice.

In addition to never shutting up. Like ever.

Can't blame him for that, someone tells you "Hey we're gonna put you over one of the best guys in the business" you gleefully say "Okay! Fuck yeah!". And who cares about Ray, a decent heel run but Dreamer going over him is no big deal happened 30 times at least before that.

And I think he's a pretty funny/interesting guy. Being one of the few sober guys in the ECW days gave him so many great stories.
Can't blame him for that, someone tells you "Hey we're gonna put you over one of the best guys in the business" you gleefully say "Okay! Fuck yeah!". And who cares about Ray, a decent heel run but Dreamer going over him is no big deal happened 30 times at least before that.

And I think he's a pretty funny/interesting guy. Being one of the few sober guys in the ECW days gave him so many great stories.

Well then I can blame him for being a guy nowhere near as famous or important as he thinks he is and for never going away when a small handful of people who can't let a very glorified indy promotion that lasted less than eight years die fifteen years later, meaning we had to see these ECW reunions and hear the stupid chants over and over and over and over in a variety of promotions.
Well then I can blame him for being a guy nowhere near as famous or important as he thinks he is and for never going away when a small handful of people who can't let a very glorified indy promotion that lasted less than eight years die fifteen years later, meaning we had to see these ECW reunions and hear the stupid chants over and over and over and over in a variety of promotions.

I really don't think Tommy Dreamer thinks he's as important or famous as you think. In fact, in every interview I've read or heard from the guy he's incredibly humble and very self deprecating, referring to himself as a fat slob who was in the right place at the right time. I have no idea why you'd think the guy is full of himself.

And maybe people STILL chant for that "glorified indy" promotion (including both tonight and last night, a hair shy of 15 years after it ceased to exist) because it actually had a huge impact on the business and changed it forever? I know you're Mr. "Fuck ECW" but you can't even try to debate the impact it had on wrestling. It's STILL over and beloved by fans and hasn't existed for almost two decades. You have never heard any other chants for defunct promotions have you? Nope. No WCW chants. No UWF. No WCCW. ECW's the only one.
I really don't think Tommy Dreamer thinks he's as important or famous as you think. In fact, in every interview I've read or heard from the guy he's incredibly humble and very self deprecating, referring to himself as a fat slob who was in the right place at the right time. I have no idea why you'd think the guy is full of himself.

And maybe people STILL chant for that "glorified indy" promotion (including both tonight and last night, a hair shy of 15 years after it ceased to exist) because it actually had a huge impact on the business and changed it forever? I know you're Mr. "Fuck ECW"

Not quite. It certainly was influential, though I'll stay out of the argument of how much more trouble it caused than good for the sake of keeping this brief. I'm much more Mr. Censored FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SHUT UP ABOUT IT ALREADY.
but you can't even try to debate the impact it had on wrestling.

I wouldn't, though it's far from the most influential promotion in history, which it seems to be treated as, especially by its fans.

It's STILL over and beloved by fans and hasn't existed for almost two decades. You have never heard any other chants for defunct promotions have you? Nope. No WCW chants. No UWF. No WCCW. ECW's the only one.

Because the people won't go away, including Dreamer with his constant "I still fight for the spirit of ECW every single day", followed by tears and a hardcore match that is about as far from what ECW was like as it could be.

I don't hate ECW. I find it to be one of the most rose colored glasses covered promotions of all time, but it definitely had its moments. My problem is how it's treated as this golden promotion when it had a heyday of roughly four years at best. You can cater to a small group of fans who will eat it up live, but that doesn't mean the masses want to see it. If they did, ECW would have lasted longer than it did.

Short version (too late): let it rest in peace instead of bringing back the same acts over and over and over again. There are other people who could use those spots instead of catering to a small niche audience.

I haven't minded this run so far at all, but it needs to be over soon. If it's in a short spurt then I can live with it but it's when the things go on and on for months that it gets old in a hurry. Granted it's helped that they've been jobbers the entire time.

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