RAW LD remix ft. Timbaland

That terrible Nickelback song does the exact opposite of get me excited for a show. It makes me want to smash my face into my television set, destroying both in the process.
The last two RAWS have been dreadful but tonight has potential. Aside from Cena Vs Sheamus, which is unpredictable because of Cena being missed next week, and Bret Hart stuff, I'll remind everyone that The Marine 2 is out tomorrow apparently and this would be the perfect moment for the Diabiase face turn, especially considering Jan 4th next week.
So they can't say balls...outside of the intro song. Wahey, gotta love that consistency.
They should be having the title match right now. Then a second title shot at the end. Cena wins...then loses. That's what needs ta happen. If they want me to watch Raw instead of studying...well, they have a lot of work to do. I want some Nitro 99 type booking.
I watched last week's Raw earlier, and it was shit. I hope today is better. Having less than 3 dwarf segments would be a start.

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