RAW LD 2/8/2016 - The Reality Strikes

Corey Graves and David Otunga are making some very good points about Daniel Bryan on the pre-show. Booker is also cutting down the kayfabeness after listening to these two.
It was an awesome pre show. Loved all the discussion on Bryan's career and injury, and that video in the middle. I'm glad that the schedule I checked lied to me and made me set the alarm 30 minutes before I would have.
Booker and Graves said something along the lines of "if anyone can do it, it's Daniel Bryan" so we'll have to see how legit this whole thing is.
Man this is gonna be a emotional RAW I first caught Bryan in action back in the early 2000s in my home city her win Australia and the card had Nigel McGuniness on it too and dammit Bryan was good.
The issue I have with Daniel Bryan tweeting is that it killed all the suspense and made everything less emotional. I mean come on. Someone announcing their retirement isn't something that you should want to know about going into a show.
The issue I have with Daniel Bryan tweeting is that it killed all the suspense and made it less emotional. I mean come on. Someone announcing their retirement isn't something that you should want to know about going into a show.

Gotta get the ratings up.

Forget it everyone just turned off with her on.
Bryan and the Yes! Movement has to be most organic and powerful attraction they've had in a decade.

Great this cum dumpster.
Haha 30 seconds into Stephanie's promo and Daniel Bryan's fans have hijacked the show already. :lmao:This should be good.

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