
Why do there even need to be works. You know all its gonna do is upset people. You know drama will stem from it. Why even bother is that really fun for you? If you get your kicks from watching people squirm im sure there are tons of other things you could be doing to entertain yourselves than pretend some idiot former poster was hacking the forum putting peoples security information at risk. If hes hacked before why wouldnt they think he could hack again?
Why do there even need to be works. You know all its gonna do is upset people. You know drama will stem from it. Why even bother is that really fun for you? If you get your kicks from watching people squirm im sure there are tons of other things you could be doing to entertain yourselves than pretend some idiot former poster was hacking the forum putting peoples security information at risk. If hes hacked before why wouldnt they think he could hack again?

Two things.

A) The joke pleased and amused far more people than it upset. There are maybe 3, 4 people upset by this. Whereas there have been about a dozen people who loved it in the Bar Room alone. Majority rules.

B) CCS has never hacked this site. Which was part of the point, and partly why we couldn't believe how god damned gullible some of you are. Would you guys believe it if we told you K B raped one of us as well? It's another constant punchline around here, just like CCS.
Two things.

A) The joke pleased and amused far more people than it upset. There are maybe 3, 4 people upset by this. Whereas there have been about a dozen people who loved it in the Bar Room alone. Majority rules.

B) CCS has never hacked this site. Which was part of the point, and partly why we couldn't believe how god damned gullible some of you are. Would you guys believe it if we told you K B raped one of us as well? It's another constant punchline around here, just like CCS.

i wast nline when it happened so i dont really care. I was just putting down my opinion on the whole thing from what i gathered. Anyway its over so who cares. When is the forum gonna be fixed and haha less.
OMG...someone might get my e-mail address and I might have to click the add to blocked senders list once, maybe twice. Fuck me cruel world.

Dude, fuck you. OK.

I work at a bank where if shit's compromised, whether it's an email or whatever, serious stuff can happen. People send phishing emails daily asking for information. I know it was a prank, but to say there's been some security risk isn't funny to me. And many others I might add.
Why do there even need to be works. You know all its gonna do is upset people. You know drama will stem from it. Why even bother is that really fun for you? If you get your kicks from watching people squirm im sure there are tons of other things you could be doing to entertain yourselves than pretend some idiot former poster was hacking the forum putting peoples security information at risk. If hes hacked before why wouldnt they think he could hack again?

we have ways of protecting ourselves from hackers, I've heard Jonny say something about it long ago
You weren't even online when this happened, what are you complaining about Lariat? This didn't affect you in any way.
This isn't a bank. This is an internet forum. There are no multimillion dollar v-cash transactions being fraudulently processed.

This wouldn't be funny at a bank. It's hilarious on a wrestling forum.
You weren't even online when this happened, what are you complaining about Lariat? This didn't affect you in any way.

I get on here for the first time in three days...simply because I've been burned out with the forum, which happens I guess. I come back to see some ha ha thing going on. I browse through it, see people freaking out about this, then 'whoops, it's a joke, now laugh'. I just see how the forum really is. If you're not in a 'clique', then you're not cool. And whomever was in on the joke may have found it funny and some that weren't in on it may have, too. But there are more people that think it's stupid than you think.
A) The joke pleased and amused far more people than it upset. There are maybe 3, 4 people upset by this. Whereas there have been about a dozen people who loved it in the Bar Room alone. Majority rules.

I know a lot more people upset, than I do happy with it. The only ones happy with it were the ones that took part, and like 3-4 of the people who have never been part of a good WZ prank. Which is fine and all, I can understand the point to the prank. It may have been fun for you guys, but it seems as if, a lot more are unhappy, than they are happy.
I get on here for the first time in three days...simply because I've been burned out with the forum, which happens I guess. I come back to see some ha ha thing going on. I browse through it, see people freaking out about this, then 'whoops, it's a joke, now laugh'. I just see how the forum really is. If you're not in a 'clique', then you're not cool. And whomever was in on the joke may have found it funny and some that weren't in on it may have, too. But there are more people that think it's stupid than you think.

Theif, that was a bad idea. The word clique's a naughty-naughty word around here.

Just fair warnin'. <3
This isn't a bank. This is an internet forum. There are no multimillion dollar v-cash transactions being fraudulently processed.

This wouldn't be funny at a bank. It's hilarious on a wrestling forum.

I'm aware of this, but I'm also aware of the fact that if some really did hack in here and get email addresses, they can be spammed and possibly be hacked by people who phish for information for a living. It's not as serious as it would be at a bank. I know if someone really did hack the forum, they'd do a little more than change some names around and shit. I'm sure they'd try to crash the forum.

And of course you found it funny.
What clique? I've never heard of me and K B being involved in any cliques. The people that were picked to join in on the joke were completely random and only chosen because they were online at the time.

I'm done responding to those of you who feel like some big injustice has been done. If you didn't find it funny, fine, more power to you. But don't insult the staff. You have absolutely NO right to.
I'm aware of this, but I'm also aware of the fact that if some really did hack in here and get email addresses, they can be spammed and possibly be hacked by people who phish for information for a living. It's not as serious as it would be at a bank. I know if someone really did hack the forum, they'd do a little more than change some names around and shit. I'm sure they'd try to crash the forum.

And of course you found it funny.

Actually no, I think it was really fucking ******ed. Its different when you do it 1 or 2 a year, but not every month. And you can counter with the line "internet, its serious business" but who was it that thought up and planned out a "rib" on an entire forum? Seems like that takes a lot more thought and effort then being annoyed by something.
What clique? I've never heard of me and K B being involved in any cliques. The people that were picked to join in on the joke were completely random and only chosen because they were online at the time.

I'm done responding to those of you who feel like some big injustice has been done. If you didn't find it funny, fine, more power to you. But don't insult the staff. You have absolutely NO right to.

I know the rules, X. If I insult someone, and they feel it's aggravating, I can be banned. I don't care. No one's insulting you or any of the staff. Period.
What clique? I've never heard of me and K B being involved in any cliques. The people that were picked to join in on the joke were completely random and only chosen because they were online at the time.

The one where if you don't kiss everyones ass you'll never be anything at WrestleZone. No matter how hard you try, just look at Marquis, Rusty, Lariat, Fizzy, Tdigle how much time they've put in at WZ, because they haven't kissed ass, they aren't higher ups right now.

I'm done responding to those of you who feel like some big injustice has been done. If you didn't find it funny, fine, more power to you. But don't insult the staff. You have absolutely NO right to.

I assure you, I have the right to do whatever the fuck I want. As long as I'm breaking no forum rules.
The one where if you don't kiss everyones ass you'll never be anything at WrestleZone. No matter how hard you try, just look at Marquis, Rusty, Fizzy, Tdigle how much time they've put in at WZ, because they haven't kissed ass, they aren't higher ups right now.

I assure you, I have the right to do whatever the fuck I want. as long as I'm breaking no forum rules.

Really man...don't start this one up. >,<
I know the rules, X. If I insult someone, and they feel it's aggravating, I can be banned. I don't care. No one's insulting you or any of the staff. Period.

You're not insulting us? Calling us immature and elitist in so many words aren't insults?

That's fine if you didn't care for it. No one says you had to find it funny.

The one where if you don't kiss everyones ass you'll never be anything at WrestleZone.

Is that a joke? Half of the current staff is populated by people who've never kissed an ass in their life. You think guys like N*orcal, FTS and Shocky got where they are from kissing ass? Boy are you wrong.

No matter how hard you try, just look at Marquis, *Ha*Ha, Fizzy, Tdigle how much time they've put in at WZ, because they haven't kissed ass, they aren't higher ups right now.

Marquis? You mean the guy that EVERYONE on here respects for his MMA knowledge? Fizzy? You mean the guy that's going to be having a grand old time with IC, N*orcal and myself in a week or so at a bar in New Jersey? Tdigle? You mean the guy who just had an entire fucking sub-forum created soley for him? Yeah, those guys don't get any respect, huh.

The reason those people aren't mods has nothing to do with whether or not they "kiss ass".

I assure you, I have the right to do whatever the fuck I want. as long as I'm breaking no forum rules.

Insulting the staff = breaking the rules.
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