
All of the staff are actually members of the Illuminati.

Yes we are. Dick Cheney, X, and myself are on our way to Pebble Beach for 18.

Not holes, murders of our opposition, then a quick back nine, some scotch, and then we set to work on manipulating wall street. I hope Tdigle is ok with that.
I'm part of the clique. Except I don't actually have any WZ Members on msn. It's sort of a one man clique.
Ah, man, after this post, I'm handling this thing through PM, except for the people I respond to, of course. It's your right to respond to me in here. I'm trying to take a break, but I keep on getting told that my name's getting trashed, and that I should handle my own.

Ummm, no. But I could do that here if you wanted me to.

Sure, if you want to man, be my guest.

It was a red herring. It was a joke. The people who got banned were in on it. What is your fucking problem with it? Did something happen to you? Were you wronged? Or did you just want to show off that awesome vocabulary while saying nothing for the hundredth time. We get it, you know some words.

So, you're trying to tell me here that everything I say lacks substance. I think I've made my case already, and it's been duly noted. Also, do you want to really call me out for showing off? It seems ever since I expressed my love for literature on here, you've had a hard on for me. I would say that this is probably because you measure your worth through others, and must be the smartest person at all times.

So, yeah, I'll cut out my talk of books, as long as we don't have to hear any more of your stories of how high you were during tests and still aced them. Hypocrite much there?

I can't help the words, though: I probably love them as much as you love weed.

Then go. Are you the guy who tells a girl off for rejecting you and then continues to berate her until she responds?

Stop baiting me with shit like this then. Also, this is a horrible fucking analogy. In this instance, you are the girl who has rejected me, but must go into detail about every little thing that turned you off and led to you rebuffing me.

Use MSN for that. That's the source of this, again, isn't it?

Is this supposed to be a reference to the group? The same group that you were allegedly in? The same group that you implicated me in even though I haven't said a thing to you outside of these forums? I manned up and confessed to being in this group because I saw how much it offended the staff here.

Or go ahead and tell us about trust issues on the internet. It's the fucking internet. Everyone on here might as well be child molesting identity thieves. You would never know any different.

How is this even relevant to what I was trying to say? Essentially, you're trying to tell me that you pretended to hack into the forums, but it's all right because you weren't really a hacker. I still don't get what makes this all right.

The fuck do I need brownie points for? I was never a kiss ass and I won't start now. It's a fucking joke. You have the vocabulary of an adult and temper of a child.

Strange how similar we are then, huh?

Are you a motherfucking prude?! You have any idea what a goddamn nod has to go through? sifting through nooby-ass posts, putting up with jackasses who think they're better than admins and mods? what are you, 5?

Jesus H. Motherfuckin' Popsicle Christ Dipped in butter!! IT WAS A MOTHERFUCKING JOKE! Don't treat it like the death of a motherfucking parent or something. X said he didn't have anything to do with CCS doing what he did ang getting in prison for it! god fucking damn, grow a motherfucking pair and take the fucking joke. Don't let it get to you just because you defended a guy that did the same thing!!

GOD MOTHERFUCKING DAMN!!! I'm done with rant, and moving on...I suggest you do the same.

Son, make 75 posts. Then, I'll be more than happy to make you my e-bitch.

Yes we are. Dick Cheney, X, and myself are on our way to Pebble Beach for 18.

Not holes, murders of our opposition, then a quick back nine, some scotch, and then we set to work on manipulating wall street. I hope Tdigle is ok with that.

Frankly, I could give a fuck who you are. I find it funny though how you try to make it seem as if I equated what you did here to major crimes against society. I'm starting to see a pattern to your method of reasoning here, though: building up your opposition as a straw man, and putting words in their mouth. Oops, I used the term "straw man." I guess that makes me just as stuck up as you and your usage of the term "red herring."
We may disagree on things tdigle, but don't insult the ganja. Them's fightin' words.
I wasn't even involved. I just think that people's bitching about a prank is absurd. Oh no, I was scared someone might send phishing e-mails.....fuckin A bro, that's the point. They wanted to scare you a little bit, and then tell you they were just kidding.

It's like when you were drinking at a friend's place in high school. Someone would always say, "Oh shit, your parents are home." And after the panic they'd laugh and say they were kidding. You'd call your friend an asshole and move on.

I do, however, like how TDigle tells us that we are being uppity and then tells someone to get to 75 posts before they criticize him. He's not being elitist at all. I respect the guy with 50 posts who understands a joke more than the self-righteous people who bitch for attention. That's for sure.
I thought the whole thing was hilarious. I've been an admin, and I've been a demoted admin, on a much smaller board then this. There are times when you have to liven things up. As long as no one is hurt by the prank and it was funny when all was revealed, isn't it OK?
Admins and mods do a ton of shit for their forums. And you know what? SUCKS. It's a job, and a thankless one. People bitch about all sorts of stuff when you're just trying to make things better. You also have to deal with the other members of the team who do things without telling the others. So if someone wanted to have some harmless fun, what's the big deal? There are times when you need to have a laugh, and blow off some steam. No harm, no foul.
I do, however, like how TDigle tells us that we are being uppity and then tells someone to get to 75 posts before they criticize him. He's not being elitist at all. I respect the guy with 50 posts who understands a joke more than the self-righteous people who bitch for attention. That's for sure.

Dis is true, Diggle my boy.
Dis is true, Diggle my boy.

I'll man up here. You're right, what I said to Steven was totally uncalled for, especially since I don't think post count has anything to do with your posting abilities. So, Steven, please accept my apology, and let me use my one Eliot Spitzer card for this instance.

Anyway, someone was able to convince me that this incident only really affected The Bar Room, so I'm just gonna pull a Spawn and keep a low profile in here for a bit. It would be insane to leave here, given how much rapport I've built with certain posters. Also, I PMed IrishCanadian25 three times (yes, people, you heard right, three times) to get my Directors Showcase subforum. I spent an enormous amount of effort lobbying for this subforum, so I would be an idiot to just up and leave it; it would be akin to being allowed to board a NASA space shuttle and then just turning around in my car once I reached Cape Canaveral.

Also, if it matters, I endorse Sam for the new admin spot. I think IrishCanadian25 once mentioned in a TM House that he would want him as his successor, plus he'd change everyone's names to satisfy his and Jake's scatological sense of humor (e.g., tdigle would be changed to tdingle, and TM would be changed to BM Canada Bowels). So, Sam's your man.
I still don't think my question has been answerd. I couldn't possibly read and find out myself. What was the prank?
This is what happened cuntbag:

Shocky decided to step down as admin, and take some time off the forums for awhile. Like it's a chore or something. Anyways, as a going away prank he changed some of the censors on the forum to block out a whole bunch of words and replace them with the word "Ha*Ha". Words like Undertaker, McMahon, Wrestlemania, Bret Hart, Norcal, Slyfox, McMahon, and a shitload of others. A bunch of people on the forums started freaking out over it, and so I went ahead and told everyone in the Bar Room that the site was being hacked, presumably by CCS. KB than pretended as though his account had been hacked onto by CCS, and started banning a few regulars (all of whom obviously were in on the joke and OKed the bannings) to sell it to everyone. People started freaking out. The stupid ones, that is. We revealed the prank, and a bunch of people who's soft, gooey feelings are hurt by such things as this freaked out and proclaimed to never post here again. All of whom began posting again within an hour.

That's basically it. Lame joke that some people thought indicated the staff is mostly comprised of Nazis and pedophiles.
This is what happened cuntbag:

Shocky decided to step down as admin, and take some time off the forums for awhile. Like it's a chore or something. Anyways, as a going away prank he changed some of the censors on the forum to block out a whole bunch of words and replace them with the word "Ha*Ha". Words like Undertaker, McMahon, Wrestlemania, Bret Hart, Norcal, Slyfox, McMahon, and a shitload of others. A bunch of people on the forums started freaking out over it, and so I went ahead and told everyone in the Bar Room that the site was being hacked, presumably by CCS. KB than pretended as though his account had been hacked onto by CCS, and started banning a few regulars (all of whom obviously were in on the joke and OKed the bannings) to sell it to everyone. People started freaking out. The stupid ones, that is. We revealed the prank, and a bunch of people who's soft, gooey feelings are hurt by such things as this freaked out and proclaimed to never post here again. All of whom began posting again within an hour.

That's basically it. Lame joke that some people thought indicated the staff is mostly comprised of Nazis and pedophiles.

I almost wish I was here...I miss all the good stuff :(
I missed it too due to working fricking 55 hours last week
The prank wasn't as great as the people who got upset about it later.

That's where the true entertainment came in.

Sly's right. I missed the initial prank, but was amazed at the sheer amount of butthurt that followed.

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