Spaceman Spif
Getting Noticed By Management
What the fuck.... isn't all this supposed to be about having fun? Isn't this supposed to be a place where we can come and discuss our thoughts and opinions on wrestling and whatever else? Isn't this supposed to be a place where we go to the bar room to let loose and again have fun? WHERE THE FUCK HAS THE FUN GONE PEOPLE? We got all these thread that started off fun, but then more than likely end up with people getting pissed at someone else over something stupid. I understand that the nWZo perhaps got a bit out of control with the whole taking over thing and that yeah maybe some of us did take over threads and ruin the point of the thread, for which I apologize if I personally did any of that, which may have been like once. Anyways with that aside, to the nWZo, come on, let's just have fun, we aren't taking anything over and we have no reason to be over the top or over bearing and piss people off, that's not what we are about as has been stated many time.. To Lee and the others pissed off about the nWZo ruining the video game tourny, get over it for christ's sake. All X did was what everyone else has done, asked his friends and fellow nWZo co-horts to vote for the games he thought deserved to win. Some voted that way, some didn't, big deal, it's not like it hasn't happened before. To those who started the nWZo bashing threads, maybe we deserved a little bit of it, but enough already, it's getting old. Plus it looks like it's being taken care of, so let it go.
For the love of God let's stop bashing eachother and just go back to having fun. I love these forums and generally I like most everyone on here, and it saddens me to see people being so petty over all this bullshit. Please let's just have some fun. I hope it's not to much to ask. I want to be able to read thread again and laugh at how fun they are, not shake my head asking myself what the fuck. And if I get some heat over this post so be it, oh well I just want to see people having more than fun again than being pissed off at eachother.

For the love of God let's stop bashing eachother and just go back to having fun. I love these forums and generally I like most everyone on here, and it saddens me to see people being so petty over all this bullshit. Please let's just have some fun. I hope it's not to much to ask. I want to be able to read thread again and laugh at how fun they are, not shake my head asking myself what the fuck. And if I get some heat over this post so be it, oh well I just want to see people having more than fun again than being pissed off at eachother.