Mr PPV:e prep You decide...


Staff member
OK, Mr PPV. You must answer this question in the next 24 hours if you are to inducted into the great halls of the nWZo. You must answer with your true feelings and give legitimate reasoning as to why you think this. Be prepared to be questioned by the nWZo on why you think this and be prepared to have a rebuttal. Also, post your answer in this thread and not the nWZo thread please.

Your topic: WWE has been more of a success than that of the Attitude Era, both commercially and with the fanbase. Discuss.

Good luck.
Well I'd have to assume any person believing this would have to be a raging idiot or a 12 year old with every single Cena merch. This is really simple all you have to do is compare, when is the last time we got to see a nice gruling HITC or cage match? When's the last time we seen someone with an actual interesting gimmick that has gotten over? Today in WWE PG things are as stale as ever and honestly I'd be surprised if ratings ever reached the height of the Attitude Era.

Will there ever be a feud as epic as Austin vs. McMahon? The DX army vs. WCW, Austin vs. Rock? Probably not and the WWE themselves will probably never allow anything like it again. What happened to wrestling being targeted to a older audience? Since when were adults fighting made for a younger crowd? And the thing that bothers me the most about this is why the PG rated material is allowed to continue when you can clearly see it's nowhere near as popular as it once was? Am I the only one who feels like we need another WCW like promotion? If it wasn't for WCW beating WWE in ratings the Attitude era would of never began and bring such great wrestling memories to all of us.

Honestly I don't think the day will come when WWE feels another threat like WCW, because TNA will NEVER be that ever to me TNA is a fucking joke, hell the original ECW was more of a threat than TNA will ever be. WWE PG will never be anything compared to the Attitude era, I will admit unlike some people I've seen bitching about every single thing WWE does because not everything about the PG era is terrible, but of course not the way the WWE should set their standards all.

Commercially I believe WWE PG has been more successful especially with the fact that many of the wrestlers now can be seen outside of the ring, thanks to the subsidiary company WWE Studios. Though the domestic gross for all four theatrical releases were laughable compared to their budget, they managed to out weight themselves in DVD sales and rentals (also note that all four films are shit), the studio has seen more success as co-producers with the Rock's first three films. Now than in the Attitude era I've seen wrestlers featured more of talk shows and muscle magazines than I ever had, WWE now has been promoted in other media more than what I can remember.

Now the fanbase...not so much as positive. For one ratings are nowhere near as high as they use to be back in the mid 90s. People today constantly bitch and moan on message boards and forums about how WWE today sucks ass and this move was dumb and that feud was gay and so on...basically like anything these days with people saying something as not as good as it was back in the 'day'. Now young teens and kids this a whole different story, and for one reason is they probably would get a confused look on their face when you asked them anything about the Attitude era...believe it there are people who watch WWE today who know nothing of its existence pretty sad right? So I believe fan reaction to the PG era is very very negative(unless you are a kid) and about 90% of fans would love nothing more to see a product more like the Attitude era.
I'm inclined to say yes. Mr. PPV can obviously post well thought out ideas. Although, you do need to cut back on the insulting ones intelligence. Before I give a definite thumbs up, however, I pose you this question:

You stated that the product shouldn't be targeted toward kids. How do propose Vince gains new viewers for when the older crowd can no longer watch it, for whatever reason, be it death, or just not caring anymore?
Umm..why the fuck does Mr. PPV have to go through this elaborate initiation process? If he wants in, let him in. Nobody else had to answer some big question.

You're in Mr. PPV. Who's left for him to choose from?
What. Did you read his post?

He said the original ECW was more of a threat to WWE than TNA will ever be.

That makes no sense.
How is the original ECW more of a threat than TNA?
Why did WWE feel the need to take ECW talent and use hardcore type matches more often than they ever had? Back then ECW was on the, hell if ECW was never sold to McMahon I believe that right now ECW would be the #2 brand and TNA would be #3.
I'm inclined to say yes. Mr. PPV can obviously post well thought out ideas. Although, you do need to cut back on the insulting ones intelligence. Before I give a definite thumbs up, however, I pose you this question:

You stated that the product shouldn't be targeted toward kids. How do propose Vince gains new viewers for when the older crowd can no longer watch it, for whatever reason, be it death, or just not caring anymore?
I should of explained this, but I forgot. I don't think it's 100% wrong to target kids, I do however think it is wrong to solely target them by bringing the entire company down to the PG level, even WWE studios followed this format and from now on will not release a rated R film. I hope that gives you an answer.
ECW's business was shit compared to TNA. The product may have been great, but if I remember correctly they never posted a profit year. Not one single year. TNA has.
Who the fuck is Mr. PPV? You guys really do want this to be like the original nWo. Is this guy playing the part of Horace Hogan?
ECW's business was shit compared to TNA. The product may have been great, but if I remember correctly they never posted a profit year. Not one single year. TNA has.
And sadly this is why it's not around today, but product wise I strongly believe that if ECW was around today that it would be more over with wrestling fans than TNA.
Who the fuck is Mr. PPV? You guys really do want this to be like the original nWo. Is this guy playing the part of Horace Hogan?

Mr. PPV is actually a pretty decent poster, he's been heavily involved in the video games tournament.

But yeah, we've basically let just about anyone in. Have you seen the role I delegated to Christian Battlez? He's Slick freakin' Johnson. I didn't even remember him being in the nWo until I looked at Wikipedia.

Atleast something good has come out of this thing though; Tenta and myself have encouraged all of these young posters to go off and post quality stuff in the non-spam sections, and they've done just that. Can't say nothing good has come from this.
Yeah. You have to wait for Doc to make it though.

And I'm trying to get more people to post in the TNA section so hopefully tomorrow when more people are on I can get the competition thing started.
You'll have to talk to Doc about that, he's the guy who makes the sigs. I don't think he's online right now, but when he does come online I'm sure he'll have no problem making you a sig. The question is though, who do you want to be? Unfortunately these are the only people left:

Ron and Don Harris
nWo Japan members

Holy shit, that's basically it. There's literally almost no one left to choose man, lol.
Yeah. You have to wait for Doc to make it though.

And I'm trying to get more people to post in the TNA section so hopefully tomorrow when more people are on I can get the competition thing started.
Nice, I was wondering is this only WCW nWo guys or could I have Goldust in mine since he was in the WWF nWo?

I would gladly take part in your competition, but the thing is...I don't watch TNA at all, I usually read results and semi-keep up to date with what's going on there. I've tried to get into it but for some reason I just can't...I did back in Jan 08 go to a TNA house show. Lots of fun I got autographs for a few of the guys and got some pics
You can post in the threads that don't require having to keep up with the product.

Thanks for wanting to help out.

Today was a very good day for the TNA section. There were a lot of people posting in it and hopefully tomorrow will be better.

I won't be making threads until past 3:30pm here so hopefully M_F hasn't ran out of threads.
It appears that the role of Trillionaire Ted may now be open.

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