
It's funny, guys like Becker, Justin, and Wes always know when pranks are occuring because the only REAL disciplinary drama always involves one of them...
Like I said in the Board Room, Wes has cleared up a lot. Don't be angry at him as there were outside circumstances that he explained to me.
So about 12 hours laetr, is anyone still pissed? I didn't really find the prank itself funny, but everyone overreacting to it was hilarious.
Fts is in the clique, thats quite obvious. *Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha and Shocky got their spots during the Jake and Jonny days, when aWrestleZone world wasn't cliquey, really.

What fucking Clique? The mods? Yeah Milk, we're all a big clique and you're just not cool enough to be a part of it. Sorry, you caught us. We're actually the Illuminati.

By higherups, I obviously meant mods. Not respect.

We already have a ton of mods, you actually think guys like tdigle aren't mods because of personal grudges or something? Again, bullshit. If tdigs stays and doesn't flip out on the staff over this, he's going to be a mod in no time. You think guys like IC are going to hold grudges against people because they're not in our secret society?

I beg to differ. But I would like to leave this part to the names I've just mentioned. I don't want to bring any heat to them, by any means, and respect all 4-5 of them immensly too much to ruin any shot they have at getting modship in the near future.

Again, just stop Milk. You clearly have no understanding of how this forum works. Personal feelings have NOTHING to do with being modded. Zilch, zero, nada. You think the admins have personal grudges against tdigs or something? Don't be ridiculous, the guy just had an entire god damn sub forum created SOLEY for him.

I never insulted the staff. I questioned their actions, and proclaimed them to be hypocritical. I'm sure there are others who agree, I'm just not an invertebrate, and stand up for what I think is right.

But again, IC (the guy who said the whole thing about the CCS hacking threat being wrong a few months back) wasn't involved in this. I've never claimed pranks like this were wrong, and I'm fairly certain KB hasn't either. So explain to me how that makes me and KB hypocrites, for something we've never said.

Stop Milk. It's over, and nobody cares anymore. Put it behind you.

Yea, now that we've done stuff like this, you can guarantee that me or anyone who's had a say so in this will never be considered for any kind of mod spot. Then again, I could be wrong.

Nah Lariat that's not how the staff works. The first time I was modded a few years back one of the admins at the time (Jonny) fucking hated me and had even banned me at one point for insulting him. Some present staff members as well don't like eachother. Personal feelings has nothing to do with becoming a mod, and if guys like tdigs continue to post and contribute here it's only a matter of time before they're modded.
It's funny, guys like Becker, Justin, and Wes always know when pranks are occuring because the only REAL disciplinary drama always involves one of them...

:wtf:, How the fuck are you dragging my name into this, I haven't said shit about this prank, didn't even know it happened till just now when I read the thread, and TBH don't really give a fuck about it, since I hardly ever have time to post anymore, with the exception of the hour or so I have before work, and for the record, I don't recall ever once complaining about any infraction/warnings that staff has ever given me
Came back to get my puro stuff.

You know, klunderbunker, I wouldn't have had a problem with what you did here if double standards didn't persist when it came to the rules. We, as regular members, are told categorically that we will be perma-banned for alts and for anything that presents a threat to the security of this forum.

CCS, before he admitted to all of his alts and was still a regular member of this board, got put into prison for the exact same stunt you pulled tonight. I tried to argue for his release, seeing how it was just a joke and how staff had just broken the rules with their "Luther in prison" joke (didn't Luther create something like 10 alts that day?), but IrishCanadian25 explained very clearly to me how what CCS did should not be taken lightly. And, I told him sorry for complaining about it.

But, now you have done something on this forum that your boss said should always be taken seriously. He informed me of how it could mean the leakage of my email and other information should someone with malicious intentions hack into this forum. So, what makes what you did tonight any different from what CCS did earlier? You tried to present yourself as a threat to the security of this forum. Of course, you could argue that, being on staff, you have the regular members' interests in mind, but I think the lengths that you'll go to deceive us show that this is not true.

In the end, I like way too many people on here to let what you did ruin my enjoyment of these forums. Also, there are some people that I truly do trust on staff, and I know that they would never do anything that would be harmful to my privacy on here. But, some cooling off time is needed. Furthermore, I think what I said here in this post is pretty reasonable, and I hope IrishCanadian25, Shockmaster, and Luther take it into consideration in deeming what pranks are allowable in the future.

Are you a motherfucking prude?! You have any idea what a goddamn nod has to go through? sifting through nooby-ass posts, putting up with jackasses who think they're better than admins and mods? what are you, 5?

Jesus H. Motherfuckin' Popsicle Christ Dipped in butter!! IT WAS A MOTHERFUCKING JOKE! Don't treat it like the death of a motherfucking parent or something. X said he didn't have anything to do with CCS doing what he did ang getting in prison for it! god fucking damn, grow a motherfucking pair and take the fucking joke. Don't let it get to you just because you defended a guy that did the same thing!!

GOD MOTHERFUCKING DAMN!!! I'm done with rant, and moving on...I suggest you do the same.
Are you a motherfucking prude?! You have any idea what a goddamn nod has to go through? sifting through nooby-ass posts, putting up with jackasses who think they're better than admins and mods? what are you, 5?

Jesus H. Motherfuckin' Popsicle Christ Dipped in butter!! IT WAS A MOTHERFUCKING JOKE! Don't treat it like the death of a motherfucking parent or something. X said he didn't have anything to do with CCS doing what he did ang getting in prison for it! god fucking damn, grow a motherfucking pair and take the fucking joke. Don't let it get to you just because you defended a guy that did the same thing!!

GOD MOTHERFUCKING DAMN!!! I'm done with rant, and moving on...I suggest you do the same.

You need to shut the fuck up. He doesn't have any idea what a mod does? Neither do you or I. Guess what. Being a mod is voluntary, so sob stories do'n't fucking cut it.

Tdigs doesn't like that fact that he had to fucking worry about his personal information being vulnerable. That is serious business.
You need to shut the fuck up. He doesn't have any idea what a mod does? Neither do you or I. Guess what. Being a mod is voluntary, so sob stories do'n't fucking cut it.

Tdigs doesn't like that fact that he had to fucking worry about his personal information being vulnerable. That is serious business.

Agree with you Murf that Steven just flipped out without any just cause. Don't go attacking the regulars Steve, not cool.

That said, again Murf, ANYONE DUMB enough to have believed that CCS was hacking this forum, I feel sorry for. For God's sake, CCS came on here on an alt and TOLD EVERYONE that it wasn't him when the prank first started!

Sorry, but I have no sympathy for anyone dumb enough to have believed this.
You need to shut the fuck up. He doesn't have any idea what a mod does? Neither do you or I. Guess what. Being a mod is voluntary, so sob stories do'n't fucking cut it.

Tdigs doesn't like that fact that he had to fucking worry about his personal information being vulnerable. That is serious business.

I got mod work on my belt. not on wrestling forums but other places. and i am aware its voluntary. :D
Are you a motherfucking prude?! You have any idea what a goddamn nod has to go through? sifting through nooby-ass posts, putting up with jackasses who think they're better than admins and mods? what are you, 5?

Jesus H. Motherfuckin' Popsicle Christ Dipped in butter!! IT WAS A MOTHERFUCKING JOKE! Don't treat it like the death of a motherfucking parent or something. X said he didn't have anything to do with CCS doing what he did ang getting in prison for it! god fucking damn, grow a motherfucking pair and take the fucking joke. Don't let it get to you just because you defended a guy that did the same thing!!

GOD MOTHERFUCKING DAMN!!! I'm done with rant, and moving on...I suggest you do the same.

The quickest way to lose respect on the forum is to do shit like this. You don't have the FIRST clue on what transpires on this forum. And you chiming in with this rant pretty much tells me that deep down inside, you're an idiot.
Agree with you Murf that Steven just flipped out without any just cause. Don't go attacking the regulars Steve, not cool.

That said, again Murf, ANYONE DUMB enough to have believed that CCS was hacking this forum, I feel sorry for. For God's sake, CCS came on here on an alt and TOLD EVERYONE that it wasn't him when the prank first started!

Sorry, but I have no sympathy for anyone dumb enough to have believed this.

The thing is, you haven't been here for a lot of the recent pranks. Tdigs has always had a problem with the way they go down. Really, KB should have sent him a pm. I wouldn't expect you to know that, but KB should know.
The quickest way to lose respect on the forum is to do shit like this. You don't have the FIRST clue on what transpires on this forum. And you chiming in with this rant pretty much tells me that deep down inside, you're an idiot.

well, what am I supposed to do? keep quiet about all of this? In either case, I at least know when I've overkilled on something, and this is one of those times. To Tdigs, I apologize. I got pissed on something that I had no place in, so at least I'm gonna man up about this whole thing and just apologize about it all.

And I got no patience for anyone that just gets pissed at the fact that someone overreacts. Tdigs did so at something that was relayed as a joke. Regulars or no, I call it like I see it. If it's a problem, my bad if it's not, good.

I got a shitty temper.
How about we just let this die. I think things might have gotten out of hand and it would be best if the staff doesn't pull another joke if it's going to get people mad or get them to leave. Or if they're going to pull a joke, send some PM's to those that are going to be mad or whatever over it so that we don't have anyone overreact to something that was meant to be a joke. So, let's just let this die.

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