
Stop sucking up. I watch you suck up to everyone everyday. Formulate an opinion do't just go with the in crowd and go with how you feel jeesh.

Umm. That's exactly how I feel. Just because I feel the same as other people doesn't mean I'm sucking up.

And who are you to tell me what I should and shouldn't do?
How is it elitist?

And besides, the people who pull pranks in high school are usually the dorks. The cool kids are busy doing drugs and having sex.
Not really. Most of the pranks were pulled by the jocks in my school. Or as I call them today, drug addicts. I don't know the whole story and have been reading some of the threads on this, but this was bush league. And there was nothing funny about it.
Not really. Most of the pranks were pulled by the jocks in my school. Or as I call them today, drug addicts. I don't know the whole story and have been reading some of the threads on this, but this was bush league. And there was nothing funny about it.

You weren't here when it was happening , how would you know? Atleast a dozen posters have said this was hilarious.

And I'd hardly call it "elitist" when we included several non-mod posters in on the joke and worked together to pull it off.

If you didn't find it funny...sorry we couldn't entertain you bro. Some of us were thoroughly entertained though. Look at the Bar Room, this is the most traffic it's had in weeks.
Someone that says CCS was a respected poster cannot be taken seriously by me.

Were you even around when CCs was here? Didn't really think so, so your opinion on him really, means nothing. CCs was a decently good poster. Even IC25 said he was slowly becoming his favorite poster. You know the CCs who misses WZ, and is willing to do anything to get back into it. CCs was a damn fine poster, who had decent opinions. His veiws on religion, which got him a shitload of heat from the forum, were simply what he was taught. When the guy was serious, he was good. Simple as that.
CCS was shit. I could point you in the direction of dozens and dozens of better posters on here. Half of the noob posts I have to sift through every day impress me more than CCS ever did.

And hey Milk, maybe CCS might have been able to earn himself a pardon in the future if he hadn't created 10,000 alts. He dug his own grave my friend.
Were you even around when CCs was here? CCs was a decently good poster. Even IC25 said he was slowly becoming his favorite poster. You know the CCs who misses WZ, and is willing to do anything to get back into it. CCs was a damn fine poster, who had decent opinions. His veiws on religion, which got him a shitload of heat from the forum, were simply what he was taught. When the guy was serious, he was good. Simple as that.

Yes I was around when CCS was here, so my opinion does mean something. He was given plenty of chances from what I understand and if he really did miss this place he would stop making alts.
Major difference though: Luther and I are people that have earned the trust of the forums. Also, as we've said many times, had CCS simply told us what he was doing, not only would we have been fine with it, we would have likely gone along with it. On this, we knew everythign was fine because I let the staff know it was fine. The way I did that, I dropped a note saying "Hey, it's *Ha*Ha, CCS hasn't taken anything over, and this is a work." Had CCS sent us something like that, all would have been fine.

That's hard to believe.

Come on tdigs, how can you get upset over this? It was a minor prank, a tradition that has been carried on this forum since it's inception.

But please don't presume to know what "the boss" would think about this prank.
Because you don't have access to the Board Room, and you have no idea whatsoever about the background of this situation. Trust me, no one is upset about this.

I cannot believe something like this would anger you so much tdig. It was a joke. No one was harmed. Nothing is wrong. Calm down, the prank had a VERY valid reason for being done, and you'll know in due time what that reason was.

Huh? I don't presume, he told me himself how he feels about security threats, whether real or staged.

Holy fucking shit. This is too much for me.

No one tried to present themselves as a threat to the security of the forum. They presented to the forum that there was a security threat, which turned out to be false, just to get a rise out of some people.

In what way did anyone do anything to break anyone's trust? This is akin to hiding someone's cell phone. Technically, you stole it, moved it, and made someone hard to contact. In reality, you hid someone's phone. It's a joke.

Do you really want to try and belittle me here? Anyway, what the hell is the second paragraph even supposed to mean? Is this a play on words meant to confuse my little, uncomprehending brain? Presenting to the forum that there was a security threat would entail that klunderbunker told us, "Look guys, this poster here can possibly do harm to the forums." Presenting himself as a threat is exactly what klunderbunker did...I don't think he'd even deny this. What we're arguing about here is a totally different issue. Lastly, where did I say that trust was broken? Did you just extrapolate that word, without its contextual meaning, from my post?

But, listen, I'm done with this. I just came on here to tell people that I said I was leaving so I could just cool off for a few days. I don't want to say anything that I don't mean and/or will regret later. Now, go ahead, wannabe cool kids, and post your "The Internet Is Serious Business" pictures; who else posts these besides people trying to earn brownie points or those that expect others to have thick skin when they have never been the butt of a joke themselves (and who would probably flip their shit if the roles were reversed)?
CCS was shit. I could point you in the direction of dozens and dozens of better posters on here. Half of the noob posts I have to sift through every day impress me more than CCS ever did.

CCs was decent, I didn't say he was great or anything.

And hey Milk, maybe CCS might have been able to earn himself a pardon in the future if he hadn't created 10,000 alts. He dug his own grave my friend.

CCs felt he was treated unfairly, that his banning was unjust, and decided to retaliate like a child. While waiting for clemancy would have been best, we was just stupid about the way he went about handling things.
Huh? I don't presume, he told me himself how he feels about security threats, whether real or staged.

You're well aware that IC isn't the only admin on this forum TDigs. This whole thing was approved of by an admin. That should be enough for you.

I can't believe how pissy you're being about this. That something so minuscule as this would deter you from posting at these forums is pretty baffling. But if you're somehow offended by all of this, sorry we had to lose you TDigs. We'll miss you, but if you don't like it here we're not going to try to convin ce you to stay. We don't need more people on here ragging on the staff anyways, we have plenty of those.
OMG Wes. Do you really think THIS was an attempt to be serious? We do these so people go with it. I'm sorry it didn't live up to your's and Brian's level of intelli.....yeah that's just not something you two have.

Hey...that's hurtful, you were grateful of me not even 2 weeks ago. :(
And the internet is serious business when someone says 'security risk'. Email addresses and other somewhat confidential information can be hacked. Messengers can be spammed. But real hilarious though. Great job!
And the internet is serious business when someone says 'security risk'. Email addresses and other somewhat confidential information can be hacked. Messengers can be spammed. But real hilarious though. Great job!

Again, if any of you are stupid enough to believe us when we tell you that CCS is hacking the forums...well good riddance.

CCS is the number one punch line on these forums, how the fuck could ANY of you actually believe this? Glad to see some people like Wes were able to use their brain for a second and see this as the work it was.
Do you really want to try and belittle me here? Anyway, what the hell is the second paragraph even supposed to mean? Is this a play on words meant to confuse my little, uncomprehending brain? Presenting to the forum that there was a security threat would entail that klunderbunker told us, "Look guys, this poster here can possibly do harm to the forums." Presenting himself as a threat is exactly what klunderbunker did...I don't think he'd even deny this. What we're arguing about here is a totally different issue. Lastly, where did I say that trust was broken? Did you just extrapolate that word, without its contextual meaning, from my post?

Ummm, no. But I could do that here if you wanted me to. It was a red herring. It was a joke. The people who got banned were in on it. What is your fucking problem with it? Did something happen to you? Were you wronged? Or did you just want to show off that awesome vocabulary while saying nothing for the hundredth time. We get it, you know some words.
But, listen, I'm done with this.

Then go. Are you the guy who tells a girl off for rejecting you and then continues to berate her until she responds?
I just came on here to tell people that I said I was leaving so I could just cool off for a few days.

Use MSN for that. That's the source of this, again, isn't it?

I don't want to say anything that I don't mean and/or will regret later. Now, go ahead, wannabe cool kids, and post your "The Internet Is Serious Business" pictures;

Or go ahead and tell us about trust issues on the internet. It's the fucking internet. Everyone on here might as well be child molesting identity thieves. You would never know any different.
who else posts these besides people trying to earn brownie points or those that expect others to have thick skin when they have never been the butt of a joke themselves (and who would probably flip their shit if the roles were reversed)?

The fuck do I need brownie points for? I was never a kiss ass and I won't start now. It's a fucking joke. You have the vocabulary of an adult and temper of a child.
OMG...someone might get my e-mail address and I might have to click the add to blocked senders list once, maybe twice. Fuck me cruel world.

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