
But I guess it's a good thing because I get to stick my dick in something that isn't my underwear or a tube-sock for a while.


Fuck K-B and whoever was in on this, you got me! Fucking hell, I was freaking out like what is going on?!

Don't take it so seriously Wes & Tdigs, just some fun, I woulda done it too if I was in on it, the mods must have had so much fun watching us freak out hahaha

Thanks for modding the forums guys, K-B you're a champ hahaha good prank IMO lol

I'm still smiling about it lol

Also I apologize to Xfear and others. While I get kinda annoyed, I'll just stfu and move on from now on if I can see you're having fun.

So yeah, sorry dudes.

Don't worry about it dude we all tell eachother to fuck off at one point or another on here.

I've hit the bong now, so you're all cool again. 'Cause that's how that works.
X, remind me that rep is coming yours and Savages way. I was trying to be able to give them to you back to back nights... but to no avail. This prank was fucking win right here
X, remind me that rep is coming yours and Savages way. I was trying to be able to give them to you back to back nights... but to no avail. This prank was fucking win right here

I'm sure I'll say something offensive and/or intelligent enough to remind you to send the greenbacks my way. I tried to give some to you myself earlier, to no avail. Let's make dirty rep-love Tentzicles.

Hahahaha can i sig this

Sig away sailor.
I left at the beginning to play America's Army. Once *Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha started talking about corrupted .php files, I knew it was a joke. Technical stuff wouldn't censor '*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha'.

It'll basically be like that scene from Dave Chapelle...

In which the old fifty year old principal and teacher have luscious hot sex, smothered in mayo
*Ha*Ha, I bought the first two books of the sookie stackhouse series. My g/f recently became a fan of True Blood.
I left at the beginning to play America's Army. Once *Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha started talking about corrupted .php files, I knew it was a joke. Technical stuff wouldn't censor '*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha*Ha'.
You have no idea how forums work do you?
I'm currently reading the third of that series. They're not bad.
Well she watched twilight and then got into the books, so I'm giving her that chance again.

On a side note, I'm actually waiting to surprise her after work so I'm on my iPhone. In case you notice a lower quality of posting.
They're light years ahead of Twilight. The Stackhouse Books have little depth but unlike Twilight, they don't take themselves seriously.
Ok, yes it was a rib. It's over now. THink about this.

We have responsibilities to perform as staff here. Justin said it best: it's a thankless job. We're having to deal with the spamming, the whining, the bitching, the lack of respect and thanks, arguments amongst the staff which you guys see next to none of but it blows away what happens out here in public, the stupidity of people like CCS and other alts, etc. So yes, every once in awhile we do things like this to have some fun. If you don't like it, get over it. It was a joke, and if people are going to leave over it like I've heard rumors of, I feel very sorry for you. This was a joke people. We, the staff, did it to have some fun. If you can't handle that, then get lives. Just think about it for a minute before you scream how lame it is. It's pretty fucking lame having to put up with as much bullshit as we do, so we do things like this every now and then.

However, look around: the bar room is fucking JUMPING with activity. I'd say it's a job well done.

Came back to get my puro stuff.

You know, klunderbunker, I wouldn't have had a problem with what you did here if double standards didn't persist when it came to the rules. We, as regular members, are told categorically that we will be perma-banned for alts and for anything that presents a threat to the security of this forum.

CCS, before he admitted to all of his alts and was still a regular member of this board, got put into prison for the exact same stunt you pulled tonight. I tried to argue for his release, seeing how it was just a joke and how staff had just broken the rules with their "Luther in prison" joke (didn't Luther create something like 10 alts that day?), but IrishCanadian25 explained very clearly to me how what CCS did should not be taken lightly. And, I told him sorry for complaining about it.

But, now you have done something on this forum that your boss said should always be taken seriously. He informed me of how it could mean the leakage of my email and other information should someone with malicious intentions hack into this forum. So, what makes what you did tonight any different from what CCS did earlier? You tried to present yourself as a threat to the security of this forum. Of course, you could argue that, being on staff, you have the regular members' interests in mind, but I think the lengths that you'll go to deceive us show that this is not true.

In the end, I like way too many people on here to let what you did ruin my enjoyment of these forums. Also, there are some people that I truly do trust on staff, and I know that they would never do anything that would be harmful to my privacy on here. But, some cooling off time is needed. Furthermore, I think what I said here in this post is pretty reasonable, and I hope IrishCanadian25, Shockmaster, and Luther take it into consideration in deeming what pranks are allowable in the future.
Major difference though: Luther and I are people that have earned the trust of the forums. Also, as we've said many times, had CCS simply told us what he was doing, not only would we have been fine with it, we would have likely gone along with it. On this, we knew everythign was fine because I let the staff know it was fine. The way I did that, I dropped a note saying "Hey, it's *Ha*Ha, CCS hasn't taken anything over, and this is a work." Had CCS sent us something like that, all would have been fine.
But, now you have done something on this forum that your boss said should always be taken seriously. He informed me of how it could mean the leakage of my email and other information should someone with malicious intentions hack into this forum. So, what makes what you did tonight any different from what CCS did earlier? You tried to present yourself as a threat to the security of this forum. Of course, you could argue that, being on staff, you have the regular members' interests in mind, but I think the lengths that you'll go to deceive us show that this is not true.

Come on tdigs, how can you get upset over this? It was a minor prank, a tradition that has been carried on this forum since it's inception.

But please don't presume to know what "the boss" would think about this prank. Because you don't have access to the Board Room, and you have no idea whatsoever about the background of this situation. Trust me, no one is upset about this.

In the end, I like way too many people on here to let what you did ruin my enjoyment of these forums. Also, there are some people that I truly do trust on staff, and I know that they would never do anything that would be harmful to my privacy on here. But, some cooling off time is needed. Furthermore, I think what I said here in this post is pretty reasonable, and I hope IrishCanadian25, Shockmaster, and Luther take it into consideration in deeming what pranks are allowable in the future.

I cannot believe something like this would anger you so much tdig. It was a joke. No one was harmed. Nothing is wrong. Calm down, the prank had a VERY valid reason for being done, and you'll know in due time what that reason was.
I wasnt here when this went down but have been for other pranks. I think they are good, dont see a problem with them and its all just a bit of fun.
I was viewing a thread about VKM reutrning to the announce team and I thought that the guy was trying to make the reader guess about who he was talking about by puting HAHAHAHA in place of his name. It was funny cause people couldn't figure out who he was talking about. Then I saw it was all over the forums, I thought someone had hacked the place or some shit.

Nice prank, a job well done.

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