
Haven't a clue, actually. I figured .php files had nothing to do with censorship and the like, though.

vBulletin forums are php forums. Php is a scripting language, which for this, is used to serve the forum software. However, for things like members and threads and so on to work, the php scripting sends information to a database.

So, what happens for forums to work is things are sent via php to the database, and the database returns the result to be viewed on the browser.

In this case, a php file was most likely edited/altered which is what is causing these things to happen.
vBulletin forums are php forums. Php is a scripting language, which for this, is used to serve the forum software. However, for things like members and threads and so on to work, the php scripting sends information to a database.

So, what happens for forums to work is things are sent via php to the database, and the database returns the result to be viewed on the browser.

In this case, a php file was most likely edited/altered which is what is causing these things to happen.

After reading that four times, I believe I have the gist of what you were saying.
Come on tdigs, how can you get upset over this? It was a minor prank, a tradition that has been carried on this forum since it's inception.

Jake and Jonny started this, and they weren't complete hypocrites about it. The problem the people that are having problems with this recent prank is that a respected member was recently banned over it. Same thing with Luthor created all his bots, a respected member was banned over not a few months before hand. The staff is being hypocrites about it, and no one likes hypocrites. Whether there be something behind this further, I do not know, but there was still no need to be a hypocrite, as no one likes that type person.

But please don't presume to know what "the boss" would think about this prank. Because you don't have access to the Board Room, and you have no idea whatsoever about the background of this situation. Trust me, no one is upset about this.

He was just restating information he was told, and asked the Admins to take into consideration as to why he was angry about it. We're not saying demod you guys, ban you guys, I think those angry, just want some control on the hypocrisy on the bans. I didn't really see him assuming the boss looked down upon it all.

I cannot believe something like this would anger you so much tdig. It was a joke. No one was harmed. Nothing is wrong. Calm down, the prank had a VERY valid reason for being done, and you'll know in due time what that reason was.

Heh, he was a CCs fan, when not batshit crazy, CCs was bright, and was a good poster, some people may still be mad over the banning of CCs. I personally know how much of a pain he was to the staff, but the reasons we were givin for his banning, was the same thing you, respected members of the staff did tonight. Thats why someone as cool as Tdigle, and myself, would get mad over such a harmless little prank.
Jake and Jonny started this, and they weren't complete hypocrites about it. The problem the people that are having problems with this recent prank is that a respected member was recently banned over it.

Who would that be?

Same thing with Luthor created all his bots, a respected member was banned over not a few months before hand. The staff is being hypocrites about it, and no one likes hypocrites. Whether there be something behind this further, I do not know, but there was still no need to be a hypocrite, as no one likes that type person.

Yeah, K B already explained the difference between this and what CCS did. There was absolutely zero threat to the forums during this prank.

But since you apparently know all of the inside going-ons of this forum, enlighten us Milky.

He was just restating information he was told, and asked the Admins to take into consideration as to why he was angry about it. We're not saying demod you guys, ban you guys, I think those angry, just want some control on the hypocrisy on the bans. I didn't really see him assuming the boss looked down upon it all.

A) Everyone who was banned was AGREED TO BE BANNED to play into the joke. They were all in on it.

B) The admins are not only aware of this prank, but were INVOLVED IN IT. So again, you guys don't know what you're talking about, and stop pretending as though you do. You don't see the Board Room, you have no idea what goes on.

Heh, he was a CCs fan, when not batshit crazy, CCs was bright, and was a good poster, some people may still be mad over the banning of CCs. I personally know how much of a pain he was to the staff, but the reasons we were givin for his banning, was the same thing you, respected members of the staff did tonight. Thats why someone as cool as Tdigle, and myself, would get mad over such a harmless little prank.

Again, K B explained the difference between these two scenarios already, but here it is again:

CCS pulled a prank like this without telling any of the admins or mods, leaving them NO CHOICE but to think he was serious.

When we pulled this prank, it was done with the full knowledge and approval of the admins. There was no threat.

See the difference? This is hardly the first prank pulled by the staff on the rest of the forum, hardly. If you can't take a simple harmless joke, well, than you take both yourself and life in general far too seriously.
Who would that be?

Didn't *Ha*Ha ban CCs for the same thing? Like 2 months ago, and this whole stunt you guys just pulled, being the same stunt you guys just pulled? That would be him.

Yeah, K B already explained the difference between this and what CCS did. There was absolutely zero threat to the forums during this prank.

Of course not. But neither was there when CCs did his. The diffrence between you guys and CCs is simple, CCs didn't wait for the aproval, but he DID send PM's to IC25 from what he told me.

But since you apparently know all of the inside going-ons of this forum, enlighten us Milky.

Never said I knew such things X..I was sharing the outlook that I, and many others who are upset over the hypocrisy of this prank has shown.

A) Everyone who was banned was AGREED TO BE BANNED to play into the joke. They were all in on it.

There were people banned? I said any information about being angry about people being banned by the prank?

B) The admins are not only aware of this prank, but were INVOLVED IN IT. So again, you guys don't know what you're talking about, and stop pretending as though you do. You don't see the Board Room, you have no idea what goes on.

So what you're saying is, that what IC25 told Tdigle about the whole "This has to be taken seriously, and can't be joked about" was a flat out lie? Pretty shitty.

Again, K B explained the difference between these two scenarios already, but here it is again:

CCS pulled a prank like this without telling any of the admins or mods, leaving them NO CHOICE but to think he was serious.

When we pulled this prank, it was done with the full knowledge and approval of the admins. There was no threat.

CCs asked me to stand up for him, and said he had sent PM's to IC25. As well as, there were about 19 people in the chat at which he said he was going to do this. Not sure if thats zero people not knowing, but there wasn't seriously any threat. IC25 knew this, as he was sent to prison, then unjustly banned after spending a little under 2 months in the prison.

See the difference? This is hardly the first prank pulled by the staff on the rest of the forum, hardly. If you can't take a simply harmless joke, well, than you take both yourself and life in general far too seriously.

This isn't the first prank. The originators of such pranks did it without being hypocrites. (Jake and Jonny) The new staff tries to duplicate what particially made Jake and Jonny so great, yet they do it with hypocrisy, which is just stupid.

I assure you I see the harmlessness in the joke. Its just I'm uneasy with the hypocrisy behind the joke, and IF IC25 had any part in this I really don't get it all, obviously IF such information was true, he boldface lied to Tdigle, which makes me uneasy as well.
You put WAY too much faith in CCS. You're going to believe him over all of us? That's just odd indeed.

As IC has said many times, different people are going to be given varying amounts of leeway. CCS had little, I'd think I have a solid amount, which I think I've earned.
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Came back to get my puro stuff.

You know, klunderbunker, I wouldn't have had a problem with what you did here if double standards didn't persist when it came to the rules. We, as regular members, are told categorically that we will be perma-banned for alts and for anything that presents a threat to the security of this forum.

CCS, before he admitted to all of his alts and was still a regular member of this board, got put into prison for the exact same stunt you pulled tonight. I tried to argue for his release, seeing how it was just a joke and how staff had just broken the rules with their "Luther in prison" joke (didn't Luther create something like 10 alts that day?), but IrishCanadian25 explained very clearly to me how what CCS did should not be taken lightly. And, I told him sorry for complaining about it.

But, now you have done something on this forum that your boss said should always be taken seriously. He informed me of how it could mean the leakage of my email and other information should someone with malicious intentions hack into this forum. So, what makes what you did tonight any different from what CCS did earlier? You tried to present yourself as a threat to the security of this forum. Of course, you could argue that, being on staff, you have the regular members' interests in mind, but I think the lengths that you'll go to deceive us show that this is not true.

In the end, I like way too many people on here to let what you did ruin my enjoyment of these forums. Also, there are some people that I truly do trust on staff, and I know that they would never do anything that would be harmful to my privacy on here. But, some cooling off time is needed. Furthermore, I think what I said here in this post is pretty reasonable, and I hope IrishCanadian25, Shockmaster, and Luther take it into consideration in deeming what pranks are allowable in the future.

Holy fucking shit. This is too much for me.

No one tried to present themselves as a threat to the security of the forum. They presented to the forum that there was a security threat, which turned out to be false, just to get a rise out of some people.

In what way did anyone do anything to break anyone's trust? This is akin to hiding someone's cell phone. Technically, you stole it, moved it, and made someone hard to contact. In reality, you hid someone's phone. It's a joke.
There goes any respect I may have had for you Milk.

I'm officially done caring about people who were offended by this. Take a joke. I came up with the CCS-hack prank in the first place, and I wasn't on staff when CCS was banned. So I can't exactly be a hypocrite over something I've never spoken out against, can I?

Sense of humor; learn to acquire one.
So CCS isn't smart enough to mask his IP address, but he can hack into a secure forum? Crazy......

It's almost like, it isn't true.
You put WAY too much faith in CCS. You're going to believe him over all of us? That's just odd indeed.

As IC has said many times, different people are going to be given varying amounts of leeway. CCS had little, I'd think I have a solid amount, which I think I've earned.

Granted what CCs did was stupid, the reasonings behind his ban, was what you all just did. Permission or not, it was still hypocritical of you, a respected member of the staff, just did, no?
You don't seem to be getting it Milk.

CCS wasn't banned for performing a prank. He was banned for going through with that prank WITHOUT permission. Which is quite a bit different from a prank WITH permission, now isn't it? CCS was banned for being a threat to the forum (something he's proven time and time again with each and every alt he makes). There was no threat here. See the difference?
There goes any respect I may have had for you Milk.

I'm sorry to hear that you've lost respect for me, but I do believe I have a right to express as to why I thought the prank was just a little too far don't I?

I'm officially done caring about people who were offended by this.

Not offended, I just don't get why CCs was banned for this, but you all were given permission to do it.

Take a joke.

I see the humor in it from your perspective, but in my perspective, CCs is being treated unfairly right now, and so was every other mother effer who ever made an alt and got banned for it, when Luthor made his 10 alts.

I came up with the CCS-hack prank in the first place, and I wasn't on staff when CCS was banned. So I can't exactly be a hypocrite over something I've never spoken out against, can I?

You didn't know about the CCs fiasco more than likely, but those who granted you permission, and those who went along with it, even knowing what happened to CCs, were the ones I were referring to. I'm not upset with anyone, I'm uneasy and I'm just not understanding why this was permitted.

Sense of humor; learn to acquire one.

Perspectives, learn to look at others, not just your own.

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