Old School Ask A Question Thread.

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Thanks Mr.Lariato! I've always thought about this because from what I've seen, Andre was very popular back then.
At the in your house where kevin nash and shawn michaels went against yokozuna and the british bulldog with all the titles-why did owen hart not start the match with yokozuna? he did a run in at the end of the match, but why did he not start the match???
Does anyone ever know what happened between Earl Hebner and WWE? Was he fired or did he leave on his own terms?
He was fired because he was trying to sell WWE Merchandise on his own apparently. It led to the release of his entire family from the company.
Wow. So Earl was making some extra cash on the side from selling WWE merchandise. I'm very surprised to learn this.
Does anyone know why it wasn't Hogan VS Flair at Wrestlemania 8, instead of Hogan VS Sid? Wasn't this perfect timing for Hogan and Flair to wrestle each other in a epic main event?
There are a few answers to that.

First thing was that Hogan was getting boos at this point and there was a big issue with potentially having heel Flair vs. semi-heel Hogan.

Second, there was a chance Hogan would be leaving and he did wind up taking the summer off. There was more or less no way Flair would go over Hogan and since Flair was seen as a more secure asset for the future, they couldn't put Flair over him so they went with Savage who they knew would be there too.
And to add onto KB's thoughts... the WWE also wouldn't let someone like Flair go over their biggest star in Hogan. Flair thought it would be best to go over, in a dirty finish mind you, and 'steal' the title from Hogan. Hogan would not do it... so they put the belt on Flair at the Rumble, talks for the main event with Hogan and Flair fell through, and you get Hogan vs. Sid and Savage vs. Flair.
No, from everything I have heard Austin and the Harts get along very well.

I think it was more due to a character thing. Owen's fall was in 1999, which was in the middle of the badass Steve Austin character vs. McMahon, and having Austin speak and breaking down in tears would be potentially harmful to his character.

If I'm not mistaken, Undertaker wasn't even on the show, for the same reason.

Actually Hitman himself said Owen and Steve Austin were at odds with each other because after Owen broke Austin's neck he apparantly didn't ring and check up on him afterwards. And Hitman being a friend of Austin's and very strict with his 'not injuring a fellow wrestler' policy made a point of telling Owen that he didn't approve of it and that he should have called. But they were supposedly fine with each other afterwards.
I will make an official post about this when I am allowed to, but I am looking for any information anyone has on my grandmother's wrestling days.
Her name (in the ring) was Ida May Martinez. I am having a hard time finding anything about her actual matches. I need to get ahold of articles in newspapers or magazines from the 1950s that have any information about her fights. If any of you out there have any old wrestling magazines from that time and want to photocopy articles for me, I would be really grateful and happy...
Thanks a bunch,
Have you been to glory wrestling dot com? and is it spelt Ida Mae? I just googled her and a good page or two came up with info on her :)
I recently stumbled on a bunch of tapes i had in my garage that contained a slew of episodes of WCW Monday Nitro and WCW Thunder and a few PPV's from the 1997 - 2000 era. I remember loving any match with Curt Hennig and DDP as they were both my personal favorites (Along with Raven and Ultimo Dragon). And I always wondered if DDP and Hennig actually really hated each other because if you watch those matches they had Curt most of the time looked like he was hesitant if not scared to be in the ring with DDP and you could see the chatter between them as they wrestled. Also DDP appeared to be very stiff with Curt in every match. I remember one match on an episode of Nitro where right off the bat DDP rolled Curt up in a schoolboy and got to a 2 1/2 count and let it up and began laughing at Curt and Curt was just looking at him like "Dude Cut the Shit!" I know that in the promo's DDP always stated that he hated Curt Hennig but i always took that as part of the angle but Looking at these old matches it seems like they genuinely hated each others guts. Anyone have any insight?

Here is one of their matches i found on Youtube.
Why did Bruno Sammartino have such long world championship reigns? Was he just that good/great or was there nobody else worthy of being champion back then?
He was Italian in a dominant Italian part of the country. He sold out tickets in his region everywhere he went. Sold out Madison Square Garden as much as the New York Knicks did at one point. There wasn't a bigger draw out there than Bruno and despite his work being chastised by the IWC most of the time, he could sell tickets. Hence is why he stayed on top of the WWWF for so long.
Also along with what Lariat said, it was a different era back then. Guys like Lou Thesz had reigns that were really long too. Also, Sammartino I believe still holds the record for sell outs of Madison Square Garden. You have to remember, back then the WWF Title more or less was the New England Title. Think of this: from 1963 when the title was founded until 1988 when Hogan lost the title, the belt changed hands in 3 cities: New York City, Philadelphia and Baltimore, with Philadelphia and Baltimore having one title change each. The territory system was the only system in existance and you would go around the area doing the same shows in each city. You would do the same show maybe 8 times a month in other words then start the cycle all over again back in the same city, say New York for example. It's not like today where everyone sees 2 new major shows a week. Just a time thing really.
I recently stumbled on a bunch of tapes i had in my garage that contained a slew of episodes of WCW Monday Nitro and WCW Thunder and a few PPV's from the 1997 - 2000 era. I remember loving any match with Curt Hennig and DDP as they were both my personal favorites (Along with Raven and Ultimo Dragon). And I always wondered if DDP and Hennig actually really hated each other because if you watch those matches they had Curt most of the time looked like he was hesitant if not scared to be in the ring with DDP and you could see the chatter between them as they wrestled. Also DDP appeared to be very stiff with Curt in every match. I remember one match on an episode of Nitro where right off the bat DDP rolled Curt up in a schoolboy and got to a 2 1/2 count and let it up and began laughing at Curt and Curt was just looking at him like "Dude Cut the Shit!" I know that in the promo's DDP always stated that he hated Curt Hennig but i always took that as part of the angle but Looking at these old matches it seems like they genuinely hated each others guts. Anyone have any insight?

Here is one of their matches i found on Youtube.

It's possible... because DDP's a douchebag. But I chalk it up to good kayfabe on the part of Hennig and DDP. They're old school style wrestlers and probably knew exactly what they were doing the whole time. Sometimes, it gets out of hand and the wrestlers go into business with themselves, but it's so rare and even more rare with experienced wrestlers.
Also, Curt HEnnig was a legit tough guy who knew his way around a real fight, while DDP wasn't at all. So I doubt Curt was scared of Dallas in any way.
If I remember correctly, something went on between Christy Hemme and Triple H. Apparently Christy made a move on Triple H, Trips of course found this out of line and went either to Steph or Vince about it.

Leading to Christy almost immediately being released.

Is this true or was it something else.
If I remember correctly, something went on between Christy Hemme and Triple H. Apparently Christy made a move on Triple H, Trips of course found this out of line and went either to Steph or Vince about it.

Leading to Christy almost immediately being released.

Is this true or was it something else.

There is a rumour like this doing the rounds, but as the story in the rumour varies there doesn't appear to be any validity to it. The official reason is that they just didn't have anything for her creatively. The realistic reason is probably that they didn't want to be paying somebody in OVW, which is where they'd sent her, the amount they were obliged to due to her playboy shoot.
Ive always had this question in my mind, and finally I remember to bring it up here in the forum. Of course we know Hogan has pinned Savage several times, most memorable in Wrestlemania 5. But has Savage every pinned Hogan clean 1-2-3? Ive been following wrestling for over 20 years and I cant remember if this ever happened. Whether it was at the E or WCW.
Nope. This feud has been going on forever and there is a reason. Never ever ever in like 10 years of matches has Savage pinned Hogan. Hell they were even feuding when somehow they both ended up in the NWO. I'd wager this has a lot to do with their RL issues.. not to mention Liz living with Hogan for a while back in the days..
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