Old School Ask A Question Thread.

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Yeah, I knew Triple H was The Game, I was just curious if it was true Owen was poised to have that title.

I've never heard that up until now, but I did some research and he was actually poised for a huge run, possibly a World Title reign. As far as him being 'the Game'? It's a possibility, but it would be different from HHH's version. I do know that Owen was poised for a run with the WWE Title before his death.
Around the time this was going on I wasnt watching wrestling as religiously as I used to. So I dont know the details as to how this took place. What I know is that Matt got injured, and some time after this Edge and Lita started the affair. But who made the move on who? And why did Matt lose his job around this time? I know by Matt discovering this affair he must have been furious, so he must have done something stupid. And how did Matt finally discover this was going on?
He found out by a voice mail in lita's phone. It was edge saying that she had to make a choice or something around that line and matt woke lita up and said we are going to play a game of telling the truth ..something along those lines is how matt found out
No, actually, edge was married and his wife found out about the edge/lita affair....then she called and told matt...and it goes from there...matt started posting on his website and then he took his personal life to work with him and then it caused him to be fired.....and thats the short version....lmao
That's what happened in real life. If you're looking for what happened on-air, it was this:

Kane beat Hardy in a match and got to marry Lita

Hardy was released

Snitsky bumped into a "pregnant" Lita, causing a "miscarriage" (it wasn't his fault!)

Edge won the first MITB at WM21

Bischoff declared a Goldrush Tournament, which featured an amazing match between HBK and Shelton Benjamin. Edge and Kane were in the finals.

The end of the match showed Lita betraying Kane by hitting him with Edge's briefcase, allowing Edge to fight Batista for his WHC without using the MITB.

Hardy started randomly attacking Edge on the way to his matches and backstage

Edge begged McMahon to let Hardy come back to WWE

Edge beat the pulp out of Hardy at SummerSlam '05

They continued their feud until Edge beat Hardy in a ladder match and forced him to go to Smackdown.
I dont care much for what happened with the storylines. I know about that Lita-Kane marriage and she got pregnant crap.

Im interested in real behind the scenes issues.

From what I read here in the WZ News Lita's dating CM Punk now?

And CM Punk went personally to Edge and Matt to let them know they were dating.
This question has been on my mind for a while. Was the ending to the Hogan/Warrior match at Wrestlemania 6 botched?


You see, at the end it looks like Hogan was supposed to get his shoulders up, but there's a three count instead.
I doubt it but it's possible. I know the part you're talking about without looking at the video but I always chalked that up to Hogan wanting to make it look like he was stunned by the missed leg drop instead of completely dead.
I doubt it but it's possible. I know the part you're talking about without looking at the video but I always chalked that up to Hogan wanting to make it look like he was stunned by the missed leg drop instead of completely dead.

That's a sound theory KB. I just thought it seemed odd because rarely did you see Hogan just lay down for a three count during these days, and from other eras of the Hulkster.
I know Randy Savage beat Hacksaw to be come king ,and I believe Duggan beat Haku.
Did Haku get the crown by beating Harley Race or did he get it some other way? I cant remember anyone being king between the two.
Race was injured in a Texas Death match with Hogan when he went through a table and the crown change never actually happened and Haku just became King. They had an official match at Rumble 89 to officially put Haku over where Haku kept the crown.
What is the source of the personal heat between the Hulkster and Stone Cold? I know it was supposed to be Austin-Hogan at WM 18, but Austin didn't want to do business or something, correct?
There really isn't heat. More or less neither guy wanted to job to the other so they got Rock in there and Hogan had no issue jobbing to him.
Do you know why Hogan was willing to Job to The Rock and not Austin?

Also I heard that at Hall of Fame ceromony when Austin inducted Bret (2006?) Hogan was there and was blanked by Bret and Austin when he tried to say hello. Do we know if that is true or not?
My guess would be that he hasn't liked Austin as Austin is the only person capable of being on Hogan's level and Hogan's ego stood in the way.

I've heard that also but I can't validate it.
Hey does anybody know the why there is such heat between Macho and VInce? I've heard the Steph rumor, and the one where he left for WCW aafter getting a "lifetime" guarantee of a job... Anybody heard anything else?
Numerous factors. Mainly Macho Man talking down about Vince's product and not being a 'loyal' superstar like Piper and others have been. The Stephanie rumor is just that. I wouldn't doubt if it was true one bit, but it's still a rumor.
Why didnt Andre The Giant ever have a reign as WWF champion? I know there was that one match where he beat Hogan, and sold the title to Dibase,but still, it wasn't a reign.
Andre was in the twilight of his career and putting the championship on a man who was nearly crippled by back pain and other ailments wasn't sound business judgment. Andre was a role player late in his career, hence why he was the inbetween for Dibiase and Hogan. Plus, Hogan was still huge back then and having the belt away from him during his time didn't happen unless he wasn't going to be around.
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