Old School Ask A Question Thread.

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Ricky Steamboat's greatest rival is Ric Flair. I'm wondering, did he ever feud with anyone else besides Flair and Savage that was worth remembering? Were there any great matches I should check out?

Another question I have is about Shane Douglas. Did he ever really have a big feud?
Ricky Steamboat's greatest rival is Ric Flair. I'm wondering, did he ever feud with anyone else besides Flair and Savage that was worth remembering? Were there any great matches I should check out?

He had some very entertaining feuds with the likes of Don Muraco and Jake Roberts before entering into his classic feud with Savage. He also had a few matches with Tito Santana in the Boston garden that were absolutely fantastic, though they never really "feuded".

I'd recommend as his last great feud the feud he had with himself and Shane Douglas against the Hollywood Blondes, Austin and Pillman in WCW in the early 90s. That was probably his last great feud he was involved in.

Another question I have is about Shane Douglas. Did he ever really have a big feud?

Well the Steamboat/Douglas vs. Hollywood Blonds feud I just mentioned was a fun one. Douglas had a few different big feuds in ECW, from Terry Funk to Tommy Dreamer to Taz. His best feud IMO was against Cactus Jack though during 1996.
I have read a few articles in regards to Bret, Hogan and Michaels.

Firstly i would like to know is it true that after Hogan beat Yoko at WM IX, that the plan was for him to face Bret at SummerSlam and was to pass the torch on to him? If this is true how come Hogan didn't do so? I know that he left after losing to Yoko at KOTR. Was this cos he didn't wanna lose to Bret or just that his contract expired or something?

Secondly is it true that Michaels was to face Bret at WM XIII and was meant to lose the title to him? But supposedly he got injured at the RR and was unable to do so. But i did read that Michaels had refused to lose to Bret, is this true?

Kind Regards
1. Yes that was the original plan and some promotional stuff was filmed. However, with the steroid trial going on and Hogan more or less becoming obsolete, Vince threw him out at KOTR and went with Yoko as champion, thinking that he would make Luger the new Hogan, which didn't work for one reason or another.

2. Originally yes, that was the plan for Mania 13, but the real reason why it never happened it very complicated. The story that I've heard Bret tell, which should be taken with a barrel of salt is that he was going to put Shawn in the sharpshooter at Mania with a sound effect set up under the ring to simulate Shawn's leg being broken, leading to Shawn being gone over the summer and returning at Summerslam for Bret vs. Shawn 3 where Bret would put Shawn over.

However, and we're now out of what Bret said, Shawn made a comment where he said something about Bret having "Sunny Days", which was a line more or less outing the fact that Bret was sleeping with Sunny. They had a legit fight at a show in California and Shawn "lost his smile" and forfeited the belt, saying his knee was destroyed. He was of course back a few weeks after Mania like nothing ever happened and Bret fought Austin at Mania instead with Taker and SId being for the title instead of just being a regular match. Had Bret not been heading to WCW, he would have dropped the belt to Austin at Mania 14 in the rematch, but Montreal happened.

Granted though, all of that should be taken with HUGE grains of salt given the sources.
1. Yes that was the original plan and some promotional stuff was filmed. However, with the steroid trial going on and Hogan more or less becoming obsolete, Vince threw him out at KOTR and went with Yoko as champion, thinking that he would make Luger the new Hogan, which didn't work for one reason or another.

2. Originally yes, that was the plan for Mania 13, but the real reason why it never happened it very complicated. The story that I've heard Bret tell, which should be taken with a barrel of salt is that he was going to put Shawn in the sharpshooter at Mania with a sound effect set up under the ring to simulate Shawn's leg being broken, leading to Shawn being gone over the summer and returning at Summerslam for Bret vs. Shawn 3 where Bret would put Shawn over.

However, and we're now out of what Bret said, Shawn made a comment where he said something about Bret having "Sunny Days", which was a line more or less outing the fact that Bret was sleeping with Sunny. They had a legit fight at a show in California and Shawn "lost his smile" and forfeited the belt, saying his knee was destroyed. He was of course back a few weeks after Mania like nothing ever happened and Bret fought Austin at Mania instead with Taker and SId being for the title instead of just being a regular match. Had Bret not been heading to WCW, he would have dropped the belt to Austin at Mania 14 in the rematch, but Montreal happened.

Granted though, all of that should be taken with HUGE grains of salt given the sources.

Thanks for that klunderbunker. That makes very interesting reading. I was not aware so much was planned and was going on and yet none of it went ahead, ah well.
He had some very entertaining feuds with the likes of Don Muraco and Jake Roberts before entering into his classic feud with Savage. He also had a few matches with Tito Santana in the Boston garden that were absolutely fantastic, though they never really "feuded".

I'd recommend as his last great feud the feud he had with himself and Shane Douglas against the Hollywood Blondes, Austin and Pillman in WCW in the early 90s. That was probably his last great feud he was involved in.

Well the Steamboat/Douglas vs. Hollywood Blonds feud I just mentioned was a fun one. Douglas had a few different big feuds in ECW, from Terry Funk to Tommy Dreamer to Taz. His best feud IMO was against Cactus Jack though during 1996.

Thanks for that Mr.Eko. I've watched Steamboat/Flair so much, and I've been wondering if The Dragon ever had any other notable feuds. I'll be sure to check out your suggestions, and the same goes for Shane Douglas.
Hulk Hogan was AWA world heavyweight champion back in the early 80's. Did he ever have any feuds with anybody other Nick Bockwinkel? Was his championship reign any good?
He never actually was champion. It was rather weird. Bockwinkle and Gagne were the most old school people in history and they said that Hogan shouldn't be champion because he was too much of a character and not enough in the ring. Hogan won two title matches over Bockwinkle but they kept throwing the decision out and giving the belt back to Nick. Hogan was given the two title reigns years later by Dale Gagne, who has no official connection to the AWA. WWE doesn't acknowledge either of the AWA reigns either, so officially he wasn't champion.
He never actually was champion. It was rather weird. Bockwinkle and Gagne were the most old school people in history and they said that Hogan shouldn't be champion because he was too much of a character and not enough in the ring. Hogan won two title matches over Bockwinkle but they kept throwing the decision out and giving the belt back to Nick. Hogan was given the two title reigns years later by Dale Gagne, who has no official connection to the AWA. WWE doesn't acknowledge either of the AWA reigns either, so officially he wasn't champion.

Wow that really is a bummer. I know Hogan has a ton of championship reigns under his belt, but still, this should be acknowledged.
Not really. he never held the title in the AWA. Dale Gagne simply started a company called the AWA and said it was the same company as his father's. It would be like memy starting a new WCW and sayiing my title had the same history. The WWE owns everything and all the trademarks and the title histories, just like they did with the AWA. Dale had no authority to do what he did and it's not official at all. Basically Hogan pinned Bockwinkle and then it was overturned very shortly thereafter, once on the same night. It's like in 2000 when Jericho won the title from HHH. It doesn't show up on the records. Same thing.
Not really. he never held the title in the AWA. Dale Gagne simply started a company called the AWA and said it was the same company as his father's. It would be like memy starting a new WCW and sayiing my title had the same history. The WWE owns everything and all the trademarks and the title histories, just like they did with the AWA. Dale had no authority to do what he did and it's not official at all. Basically Hogan pinned Bockwinkle and then it was overturned very shortly thereafter, once on the same night. It's like in 2000 when Jericho won the title from HHH. It doesn't show up on the records. Same thing.

Yeah that does make sense when you explain it like that, but where was Verne Gagne in all of this?
Verne was the owner that put his foot down on Hogan being champion. The problem was that Gagne wanted a bunch of Hogan's merchandise money which was a huge amount as Hogan was the star he would become on the national level with Vince. He also wanted to control Hogan's Japan bookings and get a cut of that, which was very lucrative for Hogan also as he was a big star there also. Hogan, having a good business mind, realized that would be fucking stupid of him to do as it should be his money and that he didn't need the AWA or its title anymore. He said no to Verne who said no title then. Hogan was in the WWF within a few months and pinning the Sheik about a month after he got back. Verne was just too old school and greedy to realize that Hogan was the hottest thing in the world and the fans loved him rather than the AWA name.

Gagne went out of business in I think 1990 and Vince bought the tape library and trademarks soon after. It's just like what he did to WCW and ECW.
Why was Bret Hart going over Ric Flair not a big deal? I think Hart won the WWF championship some time in 1992 from Flair. It's one of those moments WWE doesn't remind us of every chance they get. Was the match bad?
Why was Bret Hart going over Ric Flair not a big deal? I think Hart won the WWF championship some time in 1992 from Flair. It's one of those moments WWE doesn't remind us of every chance they get. Was the match bad?

I suppose it's never been made such a big deal out of simply because the title change wasn't aired on television or PPV, but rather was released on a Coliseum Home Video a few months after the match took place in Saskatchewan.

The match itself is actually damn good though, you can probably find it floating around online somewhere.
To add on to X's post, Flair was also in the process of going back to WCW. His contract was up and he wasn't renewing it, hence why he dropped the belt at a house show in Canada... to Bret Hart. Flair did the deed clean, Hart got a massive pop, and Flair beats Windham for the WCW World title less than a year later, only to lose it to Hulk Hogan.
I stopped watching wrestling in 96 just after Wrestlemania 12 (I thought I had out grown it, I was wrong) I started watching again in early 99 when I realized it had turned in to the coolest thing on the planet.

I've always wondered how and why HBK turned heel in 97, because when I stopped watching he was the top face.
Two words. Bret Hart. See Hart was well liked during this time and HBK and Hart were feuding. So by process of elimination, HBK was the bad guy. It also didn't help that during this time, he was in the Clique, which consisted of HBK, HHH, Razor Ramon, and Diesel. Razor and Diesel were later known as the Outsiders Scott Hall and Kevin Nash. During your absence, HBK and HHH formed DX thanks to Sgt. Slaughter calling them 'Degenerates'. At the time, they were heels because they had fun at other people's expense and were only out for themselves. It also didn't help that in late 1997, the Montreal Screwjob took place. Once this happened, HBK and Vince were heels. And there would be turns here and there, but for the majority of three years, HBK was one of the top bad guys in the business.
Did Bret Hart have any good feuds as WCW world heavyweight champion? I know he had to drop the title because of the kick to the head from Goldberg, but what about before then?
Not really. he only held the title 56 combined days and vacated it both times, once due to a contraversial match with Goldberg and the other due to the kick. So overall it would jave just been Goldberg.
Not really. he only held the title 56 combined days and vacated it both times, once due to a contraversial match with Goldberg and the other due to the kick. So overall it would jave just been Goldberg.

What was the controversy where he dropped the title? Was it kayfabe or real?
Hart was injured by Goldberg at Starrcade and fought with those injuries for about 4 weeks. Hart was unaware of how serious his injuries were, and once he realized how bad it was, he vacated the belt in January of 2000 due to post-concussion syndrome. The controversy was Hart being bitter toward Goldberg for not being a safe worker.
Hart was injured by Goldberg at Starrcade and fought with those injuries for about 4 weeks. Hart was unaware of how serious his injuries were, and once he realized how bad it was, he vacated the belt in January of 2000 due to post-concussion syndrome. The controversy was Hart being bitter toward Goldberg for not being a safe worker.

Wow that was a bummer. I've heard stuff about Goldberg not being a safe worker befroe, and the kick to the head was one of those moments that you just hate to see.
Supposedly that's what was going to happen. Instead they went with Triple H for that gimmick (you probably knew that) because of his death.
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