Old School Ask A Question Thread.

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Yes. There was a rumor that Nikita vs. Hogan would headline I think Mania 4 but it never happened. The offer that was given to him was constantly dropped down from main event level guy to somewhere just above 1987 Warrior, which just wasn't acceptable to Nikita so he stayed in the NWA.
Was it a jet-ski or Savage, that gave Hogan the black eye around Wrestlemania IX?
I've heard both; jet-ski is what the WWE officials feed us, and Savage is the unofficial reason. Do you guys know which is true, if either?

In his book Hulk said that it was a jet ski accident
Yes. There was a rumor that Nikita vs. Hogan would headline I think Mania 4 but it never happened. The offer that was given to him was constantly dropped down from main event level guy to somewhere just above 1987 Warrior, which just wasn't acceptable to Nikita so he stayed in the NWA.

Thanks for the info. A Nikita-Hogan feud would have been awesome - definitely better than the Hogan-Volkoff matches.
SAvage had his chance to fight Hogan on more then one occasion, including backstage. Savage ahs always been more of a talker in that regard.

What was the angle that eric Bischoff saw that inspired the nWo angle? They mention it vaguely on wiki and in interviews, but no specifics. Thanks!
SAvage had his chance to fight Hogan on more then one occasion, including backstage. Savage ahs always been more of a talker in that regard.

What was the angle that eric Bischoff saw that inspired the nWo angle? They mention it vaguely on wiki and in interviews, but no specifics. Thanks!

There aren't many specifics. Many say Bischoff took the idea from a Japanese faction back in the early 90's that ran roughshod on NJPW. The original idea wasn't to even have Hogan as the third wheel on the team. Of course, with a returning Hogan, he wanted to be in the spotlight...so he suggested being the 'third man'. Turns out, Hogan was right about it being a huge break for the faction. Although Hall and Nash didn't really get along with Hogan, it looked great on TV for quite a few years.
This came up in a Bischoff discussion.

Was he the first guy to use pyro? Was he the first guy to use lots of pyro?

Or, when did pro wrestling events start using pyro or start using pyro heavily?
Does anyone know what REALLY happened between Macho Man and Vince? I heard something about him and Stephanie? I've been curious as to why there;s so much bad blood between the two.
There aren't many specifics. Many say Bischoff took the idea from a Japanese faction back in the early 90's that ran roughshod on NJPW. The original idea wasn't to even have Hogan as the third wheel on the team. Of course, with a returning Hogan, he wanted to be in the spotlight...so he suggested being the 'third man'. Turns out, Hogan was right about it being a huge break for the faction. Although Hall and Nash didn't really get along with Hogan, it looked great on TV for quite a few years.

What do you mean, "there aren't many specifics"? It was largely based on the UWFi vs. NJPW angle.
Does anyone know what REALLY happened between Macho Man and Vince? I heard something about him and Stephanie? I've been curious as to why there;s so much bad blood between the two.

No one really knows what actually happened between them, but a lot of people believe it's because Savage was intimately involved with an underaged Stephanie. Nothing has been proven though and it's a lot of speculation, but that is what most people use as the reason for Savage not being in the HOF.
This came up in a Bischoff discussion.

Was he the first guy to use pyro? Was he the first guy to use lots of pyro?

Or, when did pro wrestling events start using pyro or start using pyro heavily?

This is by no means an "expert" opinion, and I say that because I have no idea if you are including the Japanese and Mexican groups or not, as I am not familiar with what they did ....... but yes, WCW did use pyro on a regular basis before Vince McMahon began using it.

This would have been back around 1995 when Nitro went on the air.

However, WCW also used pyro sparingly even at their PPV's before Nitro. I remember being at Superbrawl in 1994 in Baltimore, and they were using it for some entrances.

But when Vince McMahon fired back in 1997, with his brand new Raw set with the TitanTron, it completely blew everything WCW was doing out of the water, in terms of pyro.

Hope that helps.
This is by no means an "expert" opinion, and I say that because I have no idea if you are including the Japanese and Mexican groups or not, as I am not familiar with what they did ....... but yes, WCW did use pyro on a regular basis before Vince McMahon began using it.

This would have been back around 1995 when Nitro went on the air.

However, WCW also used pyro sparingly even at their PPV's before Nitro. I remember being at Superbrawl in 1994 in Baltimore, and they were using it for some entrances.

But when Vince McMahon fired back in 1997, with his brand new Raw set with the TitanTron, it completely blew everything WCW was doing out of the water, in terms of pyro.

Hope that helps.

To further that, this guy in the following video reckons the WWE started doing it in 1992-93, but it was only for Michaels alledgedly. However, having looked at all of his PPV matches in 1993, I'm led to believe that the pyro guy is mistaken, and it did start in WCW first. The WWE definitely had it going about the same time though, as Razor Ramon had pyro at some stage in WWE.

Pyro was used with WCW first. As I recall, Sting used falling Gold pyro for his World Title match at the Great American Bash back in 1990 against Ric Flair. That's the first instance of me personally seeing pyro being used in American wrestling.
As far as I know those two have never faced off. Perhaps on an episode of Superstars or something in the late 80s, but odds are never.
I'm with X. If Shawn and Warrior actually wrestled, it was on a house show or an old episode of Wrestling Challenge or Superstars...but there was never a story with those two. However, Ultimate Warrior did wrestle a friend of Shawn Michaels and squashed him at Wrestlemania 12. His name was Triple H.
What is The Rock's real name?

okay yeah, I know its supposed to be Dwayne Johnson but I just found out that "Soulman" Rocky Johnson's real name was Wayde Bowles.

So is "Dwayne Johnson" just a stage name again like how Tom Cruise is really Tom Maphoter and Charlie Sheen is Carlos Estevez?
No his real name is Dwayne Johnson, same name he used when he played football for Miami. That's his real name.
2 Questions
If memory serves, Hunter Hearst Helmsley gave Pedagree to Warrior but Warrior got right back up. What was happening behind the scenes?

In a match with Owen Hart vs HBK, HBK passed out. What was the cause, and how did it effect?
1. HHH was still little more than a jobber at the time and Warrior was like Hogan when it came to no selling. It was perfectly normal.

2. It was part of an angle where Shawn was having a lot of injuries, partially because of a legit attack on him outside of a club. In the match Owen kicked him in the back of the head and he collapsed. It was fake.
Is there like a way of knowing how much these old territories Vince bought are worth now? Maybe how much he bought them for? WCW, ECW, AWA, you get the general idea.
Not really. More or less someone would make Vince an offer on them and he would accept or decline it, but I couldn't ever imagine him selling them unless it was for a completely ridiculous amount of money. It's really hard to gauge what those are worth.
i was hoping someone here could help me with this question. i cant remember this guys name. he made a few appearences in the old ecw and maybe a couple with wwf. he got his start in the world bodybuilding federation. he was built up like a monster and then just kinda dissapeared. i know someone knows the answer because i discovered him when someone mentioned him on this site. so does anyone know?????????
i was hoping someone here could help me with this question. i cant remember this guys name. he made a few appearences in the old ecw and maybe a couple with wwf. he got his start in the world bodybuilding federation. he was built up like a monster and then just kinda dissapeared. i know someone knows the answer because i discovered him when someone mentioned him on this site. so does anyone know?????????

Yeah, that's Achim Albrecht. Most wrestling fans would remember him as Brakkus. After his sub-Tom Magee level failure at wrestling he went back to competitive bodybuilding for a while, but I don't know what he's doing these days. (Not that you asked)
Is there like a way of knowing how much these old territories Vince bought are worth now? Maybe how much he bought them for? WCW, ECW, AWA, you get the general idea.

WCW's assets were 2 million dollars by the time Vince bought them. ECW and the AWA are unknown but rumored to be in the hundreds of thousands.
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