Old School Ask A Question Thread.

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The very first time I remember it being talked about was during the match with HHH but it was really said as an afterthought. When he pinned him JR said that he was 9-0 as if it was a huge deal for the first time. I don't remember anything about it prior to that.
i have a few questions, i'm sorry if they have already been asked i really dont feel like going through all 23 pages

one how did they do the whole undertakers casket was set on fire but when they opened it up he wasnt in there, and others like it??

when people come out from under the ring like say for instance the bella twins, how do they get under there without the crowd seeing them? i'd like to assume they dont go under there before the crowd shows up and just wait until there match. ive never been to a live wrestling event, ive only seen it on tv and youtube

why doesnt wwe allow good moves to be used anymore? like paul burchill's c4 or like undertakers tombstone and hhhs pedigree, the never look realistic anymore, they just look stupid

and why do guys with talent and charisma get put on the shelf like elijah burke, i thought he was gunna be succesful as he always entertained me and his in ring ability was impressive too

and how come some wrestlers can use the same name in different companies but others cant

like booker t was always booker t in tna in wwe in wcw, but when christian moved from wwe to tna he became christian cage, and rhyno remained rhyno, but the dudley brothers got different names, kurt angle stayed kurt angle, but goldust had to be black reign
Taker's Casket-there was a back door to it or a trap door under it. He slipped out of it and was either under the ring or slipped out during Kane attacking the casket.

Typically they'll either be under there for the whole show with a monitor as Hornswaggle would do, or sometimes if there's a bunch of people they'll slip down there in the crowd and dive under when something's going on.

The next two aren't closed questions.

About the names, most of it is due to copyrights. Booker is his first name and Kurt Angle is his real name so it's not like they can copyright that. With the others, WWE owns those copyrights, and it's illegal to use them elsewhere.

Hope that helps.
How many matches did SCSA and THE ROCK have?

Off the top of my head on pay per view.

DX December 1997 for the IC Title
WM 15 for the WWF Title
Backlash 99 for the WWF Title
6 Man Hell in the Cell at Armageddon 2000
Wrestlemania X7 for the WWF Title
Survivor Series 2001
Wrestlemania 19, and Im pretty sure I'm missing more
There was also the rematch the night after WM 17, and the Survivor Series match was really them on opposite teams but it came down to them, so that one needs an asterisk.
like booker t was always booker t in tna in wwe in wcw, but when christian moved from wwe to tna he became christian cage, and rhyno remained rhyno, but the dudley brothers got different names, kurt angle stayed kurt angle, but goldust had to be black reign

Rhyno was actually renamed "Rhino" as he was called in ECW, the WWE own the rights to the name Rhyno but not Rhino.

Kurt Angle and Booker are their real names, as for the "T" part, I don't think they could copyright a letter. Christian Cage was his ring name before he got to WWE so it wouldn't have been their trademark, hence why they just called him "Christian", and trademarked that.

The Dudleys thought Paul Heyman had given them the trademark, but he actually sold it to WWE along with all of the other ECW rights. Thus they ended up being 3D.
So im watching the battle royal on "The best of SNME" and this dude Billy Jack Haynes is a fuckin stud. great look. what the fuck ever happened to him?? He looks like he shouldve been a star.....
That's a good question taht there really isn't a straight answer for. He was REALLY into Portland, kind of like you are about Northern California. Later that year there was a show in Portland where Hayes was booked in a tag match as a jobber. He either refused to do the job and was fired or got the match changed, worked it, and then was fired. After that he went to the indies for about 9 years and retired.
I have a question. I was looking through some Ted DiBiase galleries for that shot of him wearing the World Title and I came across this:


Now what match was that?
I asked Slyfox this earlier but he said I should ask it in here. Who is heavy metal. Slyfox says he is badass but I've never heard of him.
In WCW, they ripped off songs for people to use as theme songs. Most notable Smells Like Teen Spirit/Self High Five and Jericho's. Now, did WCW have any agreement with any record company to make similar songs for wrestlers or were they just plain ripping the sound of the songs off?
Ŧяĩpļē Ŕ;967119 said:
In WCW, they ripped off songs for people to use as theme songs. Most notable Smells Like Teen Spirit/Self High Five and Jericho's. Now, did WCW have any agreement with any record company to make similar songs for wrestlers or were they just plain ripping the sound of the songs off?

I'm not sure about Jericho, but DDP's song was definitely a modified version of Smells like Teen Spirit and was noted as such by WCW, there's no way they'd have gotten away with it otherwise. Given the promotions history of dealing with musical acts, I wouldn't be surprised if they paid for the other ones too.
I'm not sure about Jericho, but DDP's song was definitely a modified version of Smells like Teen Spirit and was noted as such by WCW, there's no way they'd have gotten away with it otherwise. Given the promotions history of dealing with musical acts, I wouldn't be surprised if they paid for the other ones too.

Yeah Jericho's sounded somewhat like Evenflow by Pearl Jam. Seems like WCW loved ripping off grunge music
Basic concept of War Games:

Two teams of four men each. At the beginning, each team sends in one man and they fight for five minutes. At the end of the first five minutes, a coin is flipped. The winning team (literally the heels every time) send in its second man for a two minute 2-1 advantage. After two minutes, the team that lost the toss sends in its second man to even it up for two minutes. They alternate until all 8 men are in. Once all 8 are in, it's submission only to win.
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