Old School Ask A Question Thread.

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He carried on wrestling till 2001, and then he retired and became a singer. Apparently he normally appears in a wheelchair, which isn't very surprising to be honest.

i know this part he broke his neck in a match where he went for a moonsault and slipped and landed on his neck then was placed in a submission afterwards which aggrivated it badly.

but i am just eager to know what happend wether he required surgery or what from the mask melting to his face etc
is it true that new jack was arrested for stabbing another wrestler ? nd if so what ever came of the charges?

There was an incident in '96 when a 17 year old kid who called himself Mass Transit substituted as New Jack's tag team partner. Transit got the crap beaten out of him and at the end New Jack bladed him and he started bleeding a lot. Jack probably didn't mean to hurt him because he asked the kid if he was alright shortly afterwards. The kid had lied that he was 19 and had trained and knew what he was doing. Jack was tried for assault and battery and sued by the family of the kid (his real name was Eric Kulas, he survived the incident). When evidence came up that the kid asked New Jack to blade him (Kulas/Transit had never done it before), Jack was acquitted in the criminal trial and later got off the civil one.

The kid later died from a gastric bypass surgery he was having. He had a lot of weight problems. It probably wasn't connected to the thing with Jack.
Anyone know where Ralphus is or what he's doing these days?

Ralphus as in the J.P.S Ralphus.

Gosh, I miss the old Chris Jericho.
Does anyone know where to find the video of the WCW announce team spoiling the Mankind WWF title win? I have never seen or heard it and would like to know what they said. I searched youtube and wrestling gone wrong, and couldn't find it.

It's on the Monday Night War DVD, I have it, good DVD aswell.
Anyone know where Ralphus is or what he's doing these days?

Before he started as Jerichos manager he was a truck driver for WCW, so I'm guessing that he probably went back to driving trucks.
back in the monday night wars, there were two guys from japan, maby mexico idk. but they were in the nwo, and had tag belts from another promotion and they appeared every so often on nitro. i was just wondering who they were and why the were in the nwo?
The only two that I remember were Great Muta and Masahiro Chono, both legends in Japan. WCW and NJPW had a working agreement and there was actually an NWO Japan for a good while.
Does anybody know when HHH started using his entrance(the whole water bottle and spitting it in the air)? I was trying to think back to when he started it, I dont remember him doing it in the DX days but Im not sure. Just wondering because I think it kicks ass.
Not sure exactly but it was sometime between Summerslam 2000 and WM X7.

To be honest, I was actually thinking he started spitting water and carrying a water bottle with him, as early as 1998 in the Summer. Obviously he didn't use the Motorhead theme song.. but if the overall question is when did he start bringing a water bottle with him.. then it dates back to 1998, 1999 that I know of.
To be honest, I was actually thinking he started spitting water and carrying a water bottle with him, as early as 1998 in the Summer.

I think you're right. He had a water bottle in his entrance in WWF Attitude the computer game, which was about 6 months out of date when it came out in October 99, so that would put him doing it in early 1999 at least.
Sorry to double post, but I have a question, and no-one else has had one for a while.

One of my jobs is that I answer questions that people send in via text. The other week somoene asked who has won both the US title and IC title. They claimed there were 21, and I'm sure something was said on Smackdown about Shelton being the 21st. I managed, by a combination of trawling Wikipedia and my own memories, to get this list, which is in no particular order.

1. Ric Flair
2. Triple H
3. Kurt Angle
4. Shelton Benjamin
5. Carlito
6. Edge
7. Booker T
8. Stone Cold Steve Austin
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Chris Benoit
11. Bret Hart
12. Jeff Jarrett
13. Shane Douglas
14. Curt Hennig
15. Dustin Rhodes
16. Ricky Steamboat
17. Roddy Piper
18. Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine
19. Lance Storm
20. Rick Rude

What I really want to know is, is there a 21st, and if so, who is it?
Of course, I must have missed him off because he would have been listed as Razor Ramon. I spotted Goldust though, so I should have done better. Thanks.
I'm trying to think back but it was quite awhile ago so I don't remember, but what exactly triggered the whole fans turning on the Rock thing? Was it a cena situation where they were just tired of him or was it planned by WWE(F)?
If you're talking about Rocky Maivia when he first started in the company, it was pretty much that he was one dimensional and was too happy all the time. He was smiling and laughing about everything because he was "so happy to be there" even when he lost. The fans got sick of him so he was turned after an injury.
Hey Guys and Gals,

I'd like to do trivia questions where can I go on here to post them or do they already have something like it?
FYI Triple H was never US champion

No, he wasn't, you're right. I've actually just gone and looked at my work file, and I had remembered it wrong, and I did have Scott Hall written down after all. So, I'm asking again, who is the 21st?

The list stands as

1. Ric Flair
2. Scott Hall
3. Kurt Angle
4. Shelton Benjamin
5. Carlito
6. Edge
7. Booker T
8. Stone Cold Steve Austin
9. Eddie Guerrero
10. Chris Benoit
11. Bret Hart
12. Jeff Jarrett
13. Shane Douglas
14. Curt Hennig
15. Dustin Rhodes
16. Ricky Steamboat
17. Roddy Piper
18. Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine
19. Lance Storm
20. Rick Rude
I think something's wrong with your saying there were 21 as I went through every IC champion ever and you have the whole list.
I think something's wrong with your saying there were 21 as I went through every IC champion ever and you have the whole list.

I know, that's what I thought too. I went back through the list myself. It wasn't me who said it, it was on Smackdown, and also the customer at work. For the record, I appreciate the effort.
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