Old School Ask A Question Thread.

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Their isnt an official time when the attitude era ended but it was probably after WM X-seven, 2001
On the old WWF wrestling superstars show, was the world title defended on the broadcast?

As far as I know, no. There were few title defenses on WWF Superstars of Wrestling because they were filmed so far in advance. There's a website that lists all of the results, and the WWF Champion fought very few times. There are exceptions, for example Hulk Hogan fought Bob Orton jr. on the 25th May 1987 show when he was the champion, but i don't know if it was a title match. There's more examples, see for yourself at http://www.angelfire.com/wrestling/cawthon777/superstars.htm
I have a couple of questions!

Highest rated Clash Of the Champions ever?

Last time WWF aired Primetime Wrestling on the USA network?

Finally, the combined total of attendance for Wrestlemania 2 with the three locations!

Thank you very much!

Not sure about WM2, but I believe the highest rated COC was the August 1994 edition main evented by Hulk Hogan vs Ric Flair. Primetime Wrestling basically turned into Monday Night Raw in Jan 1993. Randy Savage was a ring announcer. On the very first episode Curt Henning busted up a Ric Flair/Tito Santana match and Flair challenged him to a "loser leaves town" match to be held the next week. It was Flair's last televised WWE match till McMahon bought WCW and became one of Henning's most famous matches.
Ive read recently that there is heat between HHH and the Undertaker and that they need to be kept off the same show.

Does anyone know what this is from?
Ive read recently that there is heat between HHH and the Undertaker and that they need to be kept off the same show.

Does anyone know what this is from?

There is no complete fact behind this.But I read in Powerslam Magazine(Well worth a read) that HHH is the most powerful wrestler with Taker a close second.So how would a locker room survive with 2 major assholes?They have to be seperated for their own good.Or else the locker room would be divided when it comes down to a decsion.So thats it.
Why is Vince McMahon so adamant about not doing business with Randy Savage? Does anyone really know or is it just rumors and speculation?
Why is Vince McMahon so adamant about not doing business with Randy Savage? Does anyone really know or is it just rumors and speculation?

I can NOT say this with any fact to it, but I've heard several rumors that the reason is because..

Savage made a couple sexual passes at Stephanie, when Stephanie was still nothing but a child/young teen. The fact that apparently Savage has also sexual stated he would "give it to her" (in a more perverse tone) also indicates that its highly unlikely he'll be getting any type of deal with the W.W.E. again.

Once again, I can NOT say this is the truth, as its only a rumor I've heard on more than one occasion. But at the same time felt it was worth mentioning, since as I stated.. I've heard it from more than one person, multiple times.
Are you refering to Rude's career ending injury? If so it wasn't a reverse DDT. I've seen it on youtube. Just search Rick Rude vs Sting and it should show up. The area around the ring was on a platform that was about a foot off the ground and Rude hits his lower back on the step similar to how Shawn Michaels hit the casket when he injured his back.
I've got a question, WM 14 Hell in A Cell.
How did they fake Big Bossman being hung? i never truly got that, one of the mysteries of wrasslin.
it was Mania 15, and by my guess is, he had something hooked up to his jacket in the back of the neck.
Why did HHH drop the belt to Hogan one month after he won it at Wrestlemania?(The one where he faced Jericho)
Even I can answer that. I'm pretty sure it was because Hogan was still so ridiculously over, and Vince saw that at Wrestlemania 18 so he tried to re-create, in Warrior's own words, what was simply un-re-creatable.
What does Sandman and Sabu's heat stem from?

I take from heat you mean how much the big guns despise them.Well theres a number of reasons-

1.Both gained fame from ECW Which many in WWE believe is simply garabage wrestling.

2.They both botch quite a lot.

3.Hard to work with/Both are pricks.

Thats it really.
I was reading something i saw this about Bryan Clark when he was Adam Bomb. Anybody know what the hell this was about?

Bryan Clark had the dubious distinction of being the first wrestler to be "slopped in the rear" by Henry Godwinn at a Superstars taping. Many fans in the first five rows can be seen vomiting as Clark is getting "slopped" in the center of the ring by Godwinn's enormous schlong. The event was described by many fans in attendance as being a brutal and pornographic display of sweaty man-love.

Does anyone know what happened in the incident above?
Bryan Clark was indeed known as adam bomb in his early wwf/e days. He was managed initially by Johnny Polo (later known as raven) and then by Harvey Whimpleman. Biled from 3 mile island he used a power bomb as his finishing move. The poor fool was dressed in this silly yellow and black singlet,wore rubber gloves and goggles!
Okay, so The Shockmaster, could he have been great if played by someone else? from my understanding Dusty Rhodes' brother played this one, but, he did a terrible job at it..I may be wrong here, but i guess thats what my older posters are here for :)

I have a question about the Site as well, if you dont mind me asking, Is there a way to ask someone in a message directly?
The Shockmaster was Tugboat/Typhoon. No realtion to Rhodes as far as I know. That's not really a proper question for this thread. The answer is based on opinion. But would somebody with a glittery Stormtrooper helmet have made it? Most people would say no.

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