OCW Information/Action Thread

The former opponents stare each other down as Murfish looks into the eyes of the number one contender. Harthan looks up at Murfish and says

Tonight, stay out of my way. I broke you before, and I'll do it again if I have to.

Murfish laughs and says nothing as an evil smile creeps onto his face. The Pale Destroyer leaves as we go to a break.
As we come back from break, the Taz Title is on the line! Introducing first is the challenger, hailing from Belfast in Northern Ireland, he weighs 278lbs, Polley! Metallica's Better Than You plays the challenger to the ring as he wants nothing more right now than a 4lb ribeye steak, but he'd settle for another Taz Title reign.
His opponent is from Neverland, Texas. Being accompanied to the ring by Billie Jean and the Smooth Criminal, he weighs 251lbs, and he is the OCW Taz Champion, this is the Thriller!
The bell rings and the much taller of the two men goes straight for Thriller. The smaller champion has to bob and weave to stay out of the giant's way. After diving out of the way for nearly three minutes, Thriller zigs when he should have zagged and is launched into the corner by the massive hand of Polley. Once in the corner, Polley swings for the champion with a forearm smash but Thriller ducks underneath and hammers away on Polley with right hands to the jaw. After five or six shots, Polley smiles at him, prompting Thriller to hit the floor as fast as he can.
Thriller talks it over with the Smooth Criminal who apparently has some advice for the champion. With a somewhat more confident look on his face, Thriller slides into the ring again and we're back at it.

Polley goes a bit slower this time as Thriller is trying to find a way inside on this 6'9 monster in front of him. Polley and Thriller lock up, which is just a bad move for the champion as he is lifted into the air and placed easily on the top turnbuckle. Polley leaves him there and connects with a slap that sends Thriller out to the apron of the ring. The champion is angered now and comes into the ring to do something about it. As he marches towards Polley, the challenger beats on his chest and growls at Thriller who can't back up fast enough.
Polley goes for that champion again but this time Thriller is ready for him as he lands a perfect front dropkick to Polley's left knee. The challenger goes down to one knee as Thriller kicks at the knee again and again. Polley goes down to the mat from a running forearm smash as Thriller continues to work over the knee. Smooth Criminal and Billie Jean look on with approval as their partner hammers away. Thriller hammers on the knee for the next two minutes before setting up for a spinning toe hold. As he gets it in, Polley grabs him by the throat!
The challenger is somehow able to get to his feet with his hand firmly around Thriller throat, and on one leg gets him into the air for a huge chokeslam! Thriller is flat on his back as Polley holds onto his knee and crawls over to the Taz Champion. Polley hooks the far leg but is called off as the official sees Thriller in the ropes. Using the ropes to get to his feet, Polley picks up Thriller and shoves him into the corner again. This time Thriller can't escape as Polley lands a combination of right hands, overhand chops and forearm smashes to the head and chest of the Taz Champion.
Polley grabs Thriller to set for a belly to belly over head suplay but the knee gives out on him in mid throw! The Taz Champion lands on Polley but can only get a two as Polley slips his shoulder up at the last possible second. Thriller tries to shake the cobwebs loose as Polley holds onto his knee. Both men stagger to their feet with Polley holding onto the ropes for all he's got. In another great power display Polley lifts up Thriller for an atomic drop but Thriller is able to counter into a bulldog, slamming Polley face first into the mat and both men are down.
Both men are up to their feet almost by the count of 8. Thriller has his back to Polley who uses every bit of energy he has left to absolutely blast the hell out of Thriller with a huge forearm smash over the back of the head. Thriller is down almost instantly. Polley rolls him over before looking to the corner to set up for the Guillotine Legdrop. With Thriller not moving at all, Polley climbs very, very slowly to the top rope. With a grimace on his face, the former Carbomb stands up and is promptly hit in the knee by a steel chair! With Billie Jean arguing with the referee over who did better in team bobsled at the 1952 Olympics between Croatia and Bolivia, the Smooth Criminal nailed the challenger in the knee and then over the head with the chair! With Polley hunched over on the top rope nearly out cold, Thriller was able to get to his feet, climb to the middle rope and land a huge ThrillSeeker on Polley! Jean realizes that they don't have bobsled in the summer games just in time for the referee to count the pinfall, as the voice of the King of Pop fills the arena!
We cut to the back to see Monkey getting a massage to try to alieveate some of the pain before his World Title match tonight. As he is getting rubbed, a delivery man arrives and asks Monkey about putting fresh flowers on the grave of KB. Monkey is angry, shouting that he just paid to have new ones put out a week ago. Apparently they have already died. Monkey signs the forms and throws the delivery man out as we go to break. The random tag match of the week is next!
Michaels heads into the arena as he passes Rusty at a very fast pace. Michaels stands in the middle of the ring as he waits to face......
Back in the arena we see Rusty and Nighthawk set to go two on two with Vengeance and DeSade. As soon as the bell rings Rusty kicks DeSade low for the disqualification. Nighthawk shoves him and asks for an explanation but gets a right hand to the face followed by a low blow leading to a Ratings Spike! Rusty demands a mic as Vengeance heads for higher ground.

My name is Rusty. I am the ONLY four time OCW World Heavyweight Champion. I led the Impact Players, I led the Aussie Army, I put Sabre flat on his back before KB did and I am the biggest star that OCW has ever seen. Yet week after week I'm stuck here in bullshit tags and triple threats that are getting me absolutely nowhere, and I AM FUCKING SICK OF IT! Never again will I waste my time on bullshit like this. It's been far too long since Rusty had some gold, and that needs to change. So whoever walks out of tonight with the OCW World Heavyweight Championship, I'll be looking for you. Now play my fucking music!

Superstar plays throughout the arena as we go to the back to see JD Michaels on his way to the ring to meet a brand new OCW competitor.
The theme from the Godfather is heard as the newest OCW superstar, Joey Manicotti makes his way into the arena. The fans can see it just as plain as day: there's something odd about him.
A rather plump man, Joey steps into the ring and removes his bowler and gloves. JD Michaels looks a bit nervous as the alleged mob boss rubs his hands together. The bell rings and Michaels is knocked off his feet almost immediately. A huge left hand to the head and down goes Michaels! An elbow drop follows as Manicotti goes to the second rope. The ring shakes as the 322lb frame comes crashing down onto JD Michaels with a splash. He pulls Michaels up at two though and stands him on his feet. In an impressive display of athleticism, Manicotti rolls forward, catching Michaels in the face with the heel of his boot! Blood begins to trickle from JD's face as Joey picks him up one more time. Instead of whipping him in though the big man just shoves him into the ropes. Michaels bounces off and is uncerimoniously lifted off the mat and slammed down in a picture perfect sidewalk slam. Finally Joey lets this end as the chilling music plays one more time.
As we return from teh break, Animal I Have Become is heard and as the crowd rises to their feet, Mike Harthan appears, ready to lock up once again with Monkey for the OCW World Heavyweight Title! Harthan slides into the ring and begins pacing back and forth like a caged lion stalking his prey. Save Me is the next sound that is heard and the OCW World Champion makes his way down the aisle alone this time, but as he is walking he is met by the fists of Harthan!
Harthan starts off hard and fast, ramming the head of Monkey into the guard rail at ringside and the champion is reeling in the early going. Monkey staggers away from Harthan but is brought down after a bulldog on the concrete! Monkey is in big trouble here as Harthan is on fire int he early going.
On the floor, Harthan rubs Monkey's face into the concrete as our announcers explain that the Disembodied Voice has barred Murfish, CCS and Trademark from ringside. Mike picks up Monkey and sets him for a gorilla press slam! Instead of slamming him though he tosses him into the ring through the bottom and middle ropes. Harthan goes to the top rope and waits as the World Champion staggers to his feet. As Monkey gets up, Harthan comes off with a chop right between the eyes of Monkey to send him down to the mat again. The crowd is on their feet as Harthan is on fire.
A headbutt is dropped onto Monkey and then another one as Harthan isn't stopping for a second. He picks the leader of the Primates up and sends him into the corner. Harthan charges but drops low, pulls Monkey's legs out and crotches him against the post! He doesn't let go though and does it again and then a third time. Again he doesn't let go though as he does something odd and wraps the legs of Monkey who is face down in the ring around the post and locks in a Texas Cloverleaf around the post!
As the referee hits a four count Mike lets go before grabbing it again and pulling with all he's got. He slams Monkey's right leg into the post three times as Monkey is screaming in pain. Harthan slides back into the ring as Monkey tries to get up. As he exposes his face, Harthan lands a seated dropkick, knocking the champion back to the mat. The challenger sets Monkey up onto the second turnbuckle on the inside but has him face the crowd instead of the rign. What could he possible have planned?
Harthan climbs to the outisde of the ring and faces Monkey on the top rope. After another few right hands, Harthan lifts Monkey onto his shoulders and tombstones him from the top rope down into the ring! He gives the sign for the triangle choke as Monkey is out cold.
Harthan grabs the arm to set up for the choke and he locks it in! The referee goes to raise Monkey's arm to check on him and the arm drops three times!
As the referee collects the belt and is about to hand it to Harthan, he pauses as he sees Monkey's foot on the bottom rope and none other than Papa Shango next to it. An evil grin comes over Shango's face as he motions that he put the foot on the ropes. Harthan can't believe what he's hearing as Shango pulls Monkey out to the floor and after leaning him against the apron, blasts him in the jaw with a lead pipe! The referee has no choice but to ring the bell and disqualify Harthan, meaning that Monkey is still OCW World Heavyweight Champion!

Harthan tries to get the belt away from the referee as Shango turns and leaves through the crowd. Harthan still can't believe what happened and holds his head in his hands as we go off the air!

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