OCW Information/Action Thread

4. Final Chapter

How can we not include the greatest show in the history of OCW on this list? Beginning with the ahem, debut of Trade Smarky Mark shouting some nonsense about Luther for Admin and ending with the double main event of Murfish vs. Monkey vs. KB vs. Norcal and Shango vs. Rusty, how could this match not make the list? Sure there was another Final Chapter since then, btu this one is the mold that it was set in. Every feud was ended, new feuds were established, and it was the ultimate proof that OCW had arrived.
3. Sudden Impact

It was on a faithful October morning when for the first time ever, the name Impact Players was heard in OCW. What followed was the greatest roller coaster that any wrestling company in Australia had ever seen, as four men took OCW completely by storm, capturing every men's title. Led by Rusty, Sparky, IC and Polley ran roughshod over OCW and everyone in it for the next year.
2. Newharted

In the show that KB has handpicked as his all time favorite, OCW became the first television show to be able to record a person's thoughts as we ventured into the twisted mind of Spunky. We were shown his dreams of literally everyone in OCW being either fired or killed, culminating with Spunky revealing that he was in actuality a robot, killing off KB and Sabre to proclaim himself OCW Champion for life before destroying all of Australia in a great explosion. He then of course, woke up.
And now we come to #1. With all of the great moments that OCW has gone through over the years, there is one ovation that tops them all. It was one night when things simply couldn't have gotten any worse, when out of the darkness rose the light brighter than a thousand suns that forever changed the couse of OCW history. You all saw it one week ago, and I don't think i even need to say it. Let's just go to the video.
Save Me by Shinedown is heard in the arena as the reigning and defending OCW World Heavyweight Champion, and by default the boss of OCW, makes his way to the ring. Last Sunday at Gates of Hell, Monkey was able to defeat his final challenger Papa Shango and establish himself as the undisputed king of OCW. Accompanied by Murfish, CCS, Trademark, and the turncoat known as DeSade, Monkey is in his finest splendor, dressed in a custom made suit lined in gold, and wearing the OCW Championship around his trim waste. Of course, he has his own mic.

Hear ye, hear ye. Now that I have your attention, I'd just like to say...

I TOLD YOU I WOULD DO IT! I TOLD YOU ALL!!! Everyone said the Voodoo Man would be the end of my days as champion, but once again, I have proven each and every one of you wrong. I have beaten everybody that there is to beat. I've beaten Shango, Norcal, IC, Thriller, Rusty, and of course, the first man that I beat. Wait a second. Beat isn't the right word. When it comes to KB, I...For the love of all things good and holy, what do you want now?

The scientist that has been pestering Monkey for the last three months is out at ringside again, clipboard in hand, desperately trying to get a chance to speak with Monkey.

Never in my life have I gotten so sick of seeing someone as much as I'm sick of looking at you. Tonight is supposed to be my crowning glory and I have to look at your stupid face all over again. Get in here. You've got 2 minutes. Say what you've been trying to say and get this over with.

The man in the white coat steps into the ring tentatively as this is hardly what he's used to doing.

Mr. Monkey sir, it has come to my attention that the flowers around Mr. KB's grave have been continuously dying.

Monkey nearly hits him for this being the subject but using his infiniate patience and wisdom is able to effortlessly avoid such a thing. (give me a break. The guy signs my check)

I took the liberty of conducting a study as to why these flowers continued to die. Upon further investigation I discovered that they were constantly being poisoned. After testing the soil, I found battery acid in it.

Monkey's face is clearly interested now as he's not sure where this is going.

The acid seemed to be coming from the grave of Mr. KB himself. I was left with no choice but to dig up the grave and as I looked inside the casket, I say KB lying there with all of his skin on his body. Clearly this was impossible as he had been dead for nearly 6 months. I took his body back to my laboratory where I found this in his head.

The scientist holds up a screw.

It was then that I discovered this was no man at all. KB was a machine!
Wait wait wait. KB couldn't have been a machine. We've all seen him bleed. Robots don't bleed.

Very true. That's because most of the time KB was human. If you recall during the fight in the parking lot with Sabre, KB fell from a wall before he was killed. I found survaillence footage that showed the real KB being pulled into a secret compartment inside that wall and being replaced by the robot.

But that would mean.......OH SHIT!

Yes. KB is still out there somewhere.
CCS begins to speak.

Maybe not so far after all.

CCS rips his own head off to reveal KB! With a huge superkick KB takes down Murfish before grabbing Monkey by the throat and launching him into the corner where he pounds away on him. The crowd has gone completely insane as KB hammers away at the man that wanted to kill him but couldn't get the job done. Soon thereafter Monkey is completely unconscious. KB's wrath ends for the time being and after he shakes the scientist's hand, Firefly plays over the arena as KB takes Monkey's "I'm the Boss" pin and places it on his own shirt, reclaiming his rightful spot on the top of OCW!
Due to the OCW World Title being vacated, the final OCW show will be built around the idea of finding a final champion, in the first ever...

Official Rules for the GBOF: Twenty names will be placed into a hat. They will be randomly drawn to create ten tag teams. Five tag matches will take place, resulting in ten people being vicotorious. During the night, a second ring will be placed above the regular ring, making the top mat 15 feet above the floor. The ten winners will be placed in the bottom ring and a battle royal will take place. Once someone is eliminated, tehy will be sent to the top ring. This will continue until one is remaining. To be eliminated from the second ring, they have to be thrown 15 feet down to the floor. The final people in both rings will then go one on one, for the OCW World Heavyweight Championship!
Ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for the drawing for the first of 5 tag team matches in the Gravy Boat of Fighting!
Introducing first, he is the former Taz Champion, weighing in at 254lbs, VENGEANCE!

And his tag team partner, hailing from the Land Down Under, he is a former Impact Player, This, Is, SPARKY!!!
In just the first matchup we can already see the odd combinations that can come from this format, as we have a mobster teaming with a transgender......thing. Vengeance starts off with Manicotti to open up what is, *sigh* the final show in company history. Tonight is all about one thing: the OCW World Heavyweight Title.

The pair lock up and the rookie named Joey easily shoves Vengeance to the mat. Again Vengeance tries to lock up but once again Joey shoves him away. Vengeance goes after him one more time but this time goes for a go behind into a waste lock but Manicotti stick his ass into Vengeance to break it up. The speed of a big man doing that would make you think he'd done it before. Vengeance is in trouble now as he is backed into the corner of his opponents. Showgirl grabs for him but misses. Vengeance turns around to go after him/her but is caught from behind by a big splash in the corner!
Vengeance falls to the mat in a heap as Manicotti makes the tag. Showgirl steps through the ropes and measures Vengeance for a running knee drop to the forehead. The former Taz Champion is in big trouble here as Showgirl adds on a pair of elbow drops to keep him there. Showgirl mounts the second turnbuckle on the inside but as Vengeance stumbles to his feet, Sparky runs down the apron and grabs Showgirl, launching her from the second rope to the floor in a huge release German suplay!

Showgirl is almost out cold as Sparky climbs to the top rope and comes down to the concrete with a massive Frog Splash! Showgirl is out cold as Sparky sends him back into the ring. Vengenace is nowhere in sight though as he and Manicotti are brawling in the corner! Sparky comes over to help his new partner as he grabs Joey from behind, landing a springboard bulldog to send the big man down!
Vengeance goes for the cover on Showgirl but the referee is trying to get the fat carcass of Manicotti out of the ring. With the help of Sparky they finally get him to the floor. Finally we get to the count but Showgirl gets his shoulder up at the last second! Sparky cannot believe it as he begs for a tag. His partner obliges him and sets on the top rope. As Showgirl turns around Sparky jumps off with a diving clothesline, but the gender-challenged wrestler falls from exhaustion and Sparky eats the canvas!

The referee goes to a double count as both men are still down. On the chance that we have a draw, neither team will advance and we will send alternates to the finals. As the referee is at 5, Showgirl is stirring a bit. Joey is back on his feet and waiting on a tag. Sparky is still down as Showgirl is back up.

Sparky is crawling for Vengeance as Showgirl makes the tag to the big man. Manicotti, showing great speed for a big man is able to nail Vengeance in the face to knock him to the floor. With Sparky still on the mat, Manicotti jumps onto his back, crashing down with all of his weight onto the small of the former Taz Champion's back! Staying in this position, Manicotti locks in a camel clutch! Vengeance is trying to get in to break the hold but is still shaken from the baseball slide. Sparky is reaching desperately for the ropes but jsut can't get to them. After nearly 30 seconds in the hold, Vengeance lunges in to rake the eyes of Manicotti and save his partner!
Vengeance pulls Sparky to his corner as the referee's count is at four. With Vengeance now just inches away, Sparky is able to reach up and make the tag to bring in his partner! Vengeance comes in like a house on fire, pounding away on Manicotti for all he's worth. Manicotti for the first time ever is in real trouble as the fresh former Taz Champion pounds away on him with chops and punches and kicks in the corner. Vengeance sends him into the ropes and in an amazing display of strength lifts Manicotti off his feet with a huge powerslam! He goes for the cover but doesn't realize that when he sent Manicotti into the ropes the mobster made a blind tag!

From the top rope comes Showgirl but the cross body misses! As it holds its ribs, Showgirl is kicked in that general area before suffering a severe case of WHIPLASH!!! Vengeance lands a low dropkick to the face of Manicotti before diving on top of Showgirl to get the one, two, three!!!
Our next team, weighing in at a total combined weight of 502lbs, and I swear this is completely random drawing, are the team of the OCW Taz Champion Thriller and the Smooth Criminal!
The tag team partners make their way to the ring as the legendary King of Pop's music plays them down the aisle! Neither could be any more, ahem, thrilled at this pairing as they are indeed a normal tag team combination. The only thing that matters now is whom will they be facing?

And now, introducing their opponents. First, hailing from Sydney, Australia, he is Timbo Slice! And his partner, weighing in at 284lbs, OCW fans please welcome back THE MIGHTY NORCAL!
This is almost painful to watch. Norcal is in the ring before Tim and absolutely cleans house. A double noggin knocker and the two guys stuck in the 80s are already in trouble. The strongest man in the history of this company is on fire here in the very early going. Norcal sends the Criminal into the corner and follows him in with a huge clothesline. With one hand Norcal sends him back into the corner and hammers away with massive forearms about the head and shoulders. Thriller is back on his feet but not for long as Norcal turns around and literally spears Thriller out of his shoes!

Tim climbs up behind Smooth Criminal and lands a picture perfect Diamond Dust onto him to send him down to the mat. As Tim gets to his feet though Norcal lifts him at least seven feet into the air and slams his own partner down with a huge Sky High! After launching Thriller (and his shoes) and Tim to the floor, Norcal picks up the limp body of the Smooth Criminal and brings back his old standard by Pedigreeing him nearly through the ring. This is academic as what used to be Tim and Norcal advance!
As SC is helped to the back, we hear the sounds of Men At Work as Daniel Stokes and Nighthawk are on their way to the ring!
And their opponents, introducing first from the outer reaches of your mind, the only OCW star to ever actually defeat himself, SPUNKY!!!

The crowd erupts as Dan and Nighthawk celebrate in the ring. There's no way they could actually lose this match.

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