OCW Information/Action Thread

As the first team introduced is celebrating, the announcer says two letters that bring them back to Earth very quickly: "And his partner, also returning to OCW, he is a former member of the Impact Players, I freaking C!!!
Dan and Nighthawk look at each other and realize they're in real trouble. Both slide out of the ring and try to hammer away on Spunky but his partner will have none of it. In an amazing display of strength, IC lifts both of them into the air and chokeslams them at the same time!
Both men come crashing down onto the concrete as Spunky plays with some string on the outside. IC isn't sure of what to make of this as he lifts Dan over his shoulder and carries him to the ring. With an a loud thud, Dan is powerbombed down and covered, ending yet another destruction.
His tag team partner is the Voodoo King, Papa Shango! This could be a very interesting partnership to say the least. Both men look at each other tentatively as neither are trustworthy of the other.
Their opponents...are nowhere to be seen. As the referee begins to count them out, DeSade and Pip N. Wellington slide into the ring from behind and go for a double rollup! They get long twos as Shango and Harthan kick out.
The referee has his back turned as he is trying to get a member of each team out of the ring. Harthan sees his chance and slides to the floor. The hardcore one picks up a steel chair and drills the referee across the back with it! He turns and unloads on Pippen right between the eyes! Shango shoves him as if to say what in the hell are you doing but Harthan is long gone. He has entered into that place in his mind where nothing can be heard and all that matters is pain.
With DeSade watching, Shango and Harthan are going at it! The former rivals for the #1 contendership are hammering away at each other and this fight is already spilling out of the ring. The fight is on as Harthan has lost his precious chair. The two spil out into the crowd as the fans go nuts! Shango spears down Harthan and hammers away on him but the king of Hardcore is ready for him. Harthan reaches up to choke away on Shango before bringing up his legs to lock in the Triangle Choke! Shango realizes what is going on and stands as quickly as he can. Using every bit of strength that he has in him, Shango pulls his tag team partner back and swings him forward to slam him into the steel barricade at ringside! Harthan refuses to let go after three shots and Shango is fading fast!
the referee is still out of it as is Pippen. DeSade doesn't know what to do so he picks up the chair and hops the railing. With a mighty swing he cracks it over the back of Shango, sending the Voodoo Man down and out. Harthan finally lets go of the hold but immediately goes for DeSade! He throws him into the barricade which is bent severely! Mike rains down right hand after right hand to the head of his opponent who has been busted wide open!
Harthan is energized by the sight of the blood as Shango's limp body is somehow being bodysurfed around the arena! DeSade is completely out of it as he is tossed back into the ring. Harthan dives under the ring to look for more weapons as Pippen sees a body next to him. He drapes an arm over him as the referee is shaking the cobwebs loose. Not realizing that one partner is covering the other, the referee counts the pinfall!
It is now time for our final match before the Gravy Boat of Fighting begins! This is truly a main event indeed. Introducing our first tag team, weighing in at a total combined weight of 581lbs, the team of Monkey and Murfish!
And their opponents....

That is all that is heard as the sounds of Saliva's Superstar is heard throughout the arena. The crowd rises to their feet as Rusty and Polley come throguh the curtain!
Murfish and Monkey look at each other and hit the floor and the fight is on! Monkey goes for Polley as Rusty ducks a right hand from Murfish to hammer away on his jaw. The Pale Destroyer is knocked backwards towards the railing as Rusty pounds away. The third right hand is blocked and Murfish grabs Rusty by the throat. With near ease he lifts him into the air and throws him into the steel post!

Monkey and POlley are brawling around ringside as Polley sends Monkey face first into the announce table before landing a belly to back suplay onto the floor. Monkey is dazed as Polley stomps away at him. Murfish throws Rusty into the ring as the four time champion holds onto his back and we are officially underway!
Murfish sends Rusty into the corner and rams him head first into the top turnbuckle before Rusty finally falls to the corner where he tastes a running knee from the Pale Destroyer. Polley and Monkey have finally made their way to their respective corners and this is finally resembling a real tag match. Rusty is pulled to his feet and whipped into the ropes. He ducks a clothesline and comes off the ropes with a high cross body that gets two. Rusty with chop after chop to send the larger man back against the ropes. Murfish though ducks underneath one to backdrop Rusty up and over the top rope!

Rusty isn't that sloppy though as he lands on the apron. He runs to the corner and comes off on Murfish with an elbow right between the eyes! Rusty grabs a headlock on Murfish but the power man is too much for him as he lands a series of kneelifts to break that after about two seconds. With Rusty sent sprawling, Murfish is able to tag in Monkey. As the leader of the Primates comes after Rusty he is popped in the ribs, allowing him to tag in his fellow Impact Player as Polley is now the legal man.
Polley grabs Monkey and throws him shoulder first into the post. With a running charge he slides low and grabs the legs of Monkey to pull him to the mat. Polley puts one hand on Monkey's legs and the other oin his jaw before jumping up to put his own feet on the post. Polley pulls on Monkey as hard as he can as the former World Champion screams in agony! The referee is counting but Polley doesn't seem to care. Finally Murfish is able to break up the hold but Rusty is right tehre to meet him. Monkey is barely moving at all as Polley stalks him in the ring.
Polley can be heard to say that this is for KB as he kicks Monkey right in the face. Another kick follows as Monkey is knocked into the corner where he sits in complete agony. On the floor Rusty and Murfish are hammering away at each other in an old feud that simply won't die. Rusty is thrown over the table where he slides into Sam. Murfish gets a running start to dive over teh table but completely wipes out Luther in the process! As the referee is checking on them both, Monkey lands a perfectly place low blow to Polley to finally get a breather.
Monkey rises to his feet as Polley is hunched over. A running clothesline sends Polley to the mat again. Murfish and Rusty are trying to get to their feet as Sam and Luther are trying to figure out what hit them. Murfish is back to his feet somehow as Monkey drives his knees into the face of Polley. With a final shake of his head Monkey is almost back to his full strength now as he looks to his corner for Murfish but sees that he's all alone.

Murfish is back to the apron but Rusty is up as well. He reaches up to grab Murfish and attempts to powerbomb the much larger man to the concrete below. Monkey sees what's going on and lands a baseball slide to take Rusty out. Murfish makes the tag to give Monkey a breather as he and Rusty go at it on the floor. Polley sees Murfish coming and catches him in a small package! This only gets two though as Murfish is able to slip his shoulder up.
Rusty blocks a back elbow from Monkey and backdrops him up and over to the concrete outside the ring area! For the first time all match, Rusty is able to get back to his corner to be in place to tag his partner. that's easier said than done though as Murfish's power game is becoming too much for Polley to handle. Murfish sends POlley in but makes the fatal mistake of ducking his head, allowing Polley to land a spinning neckbreaker!
Rusty leads the crowd in the cheering for the Impact Player as he reaches out for his partner. Monkey is crawling back to the corner as well while Murfish is inching his way back to him. Both men reach out and make the tags at the same time! Rusty jumps over the top rope and meets Monkey in the middle of the ring as the fight is on! Both men hammer away at each other with huge right hands! the crowd is on their feet watching these two legends of OCW go at it for the right to go after the OCW Title. Monkey gets the advantge with a quick kneelift but as he whips Rusty in he's reversed as Rusty catches him with a back body drop!

Rusty sets for the Ratings Spike but Monkey is able to counter at the last second, sending Rusty into the corner. A charge misses though and Monkey eats the turnbuckle. Rusty rolls him up but only is able to get a two count. Rusty backs into the ropes again and comes off with a high cross body block but Monkey rolls through it! Rusty is up on his shoulders for GAME OVER, but as he spins Rusty around Polley punches him in the stomach, making him drop Rusty into perfect position for the huge Ratings Spike that follows! Polley dives over the top rope landing on Murfish as the referee counts down Monkey, sending the Impact Players to the finals!
Therefore, your final 10 competitors, vying for the OCW World Heavyweight Championship are as follows:

Timbo Slice
Mighty Norcal
Papa Shango
Mike Harthan
Spunky's Replacement

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