My Thanks To All Of You


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
As you may have noticed, I tend to be on here a bit. While some of you may disagree, I've always thought that WZ was more than a forum and more like a family. Laugh if you want but what other place do you keep coming back to like this? Anyway, in case you didn't know it, I asked for a list of people that are regulars/were regulars/etc. to be made for the purposes of this. I have to make this now as tomorrow I have family coming in and I'll be busy with them and the Cowboys game tomorrow. So, this is my thank you to all of you guys here, individually.

The order is based solely on the order they were posted in the thread with any people I thought of popped in at whatever point I thought of them. If you're not on the list, one of three things happened.

A.) The people that made the list as well as myself forgot you.
B.) None of us know you.
C.) You suck.

Note 2: about halfway through this it's turning into what I think is cool about people, so just deal with it.

Jane – Having such smooth balls.

Lariat – Being from Kentucky. That’s just awesome always.

Pete Rose’s Haircut – Giving me a good laugh when you freaked over Becker being banned.

Ztwhite – Making me think of Lunchtime Suicide based off of the initials T. White

Murfish – The Hardcore Title Wars

Doc – Being one of about 4 people here that can make me laugh.

Tenta – That Foley war. I’m still waiting on your reply.

Dexter – The Good Burger skit. That was my first return to OCW in forever.

Dave – That’s my uncle’s name and since he is the person I try to emulate, that’s a cool name.

Blade – Blade was the first R Rated movie I ever saw, so thanks for being the one that took my innocence, and considering my reputation here, that’s a freaking HONOR.

CH David – Chicago is awesome, so it’s good to have a person with the same few letters. Also that’s for letting me get a good stretch in there.

Phoenix – Dude, that’s just an awesome name.

Coco – Causing havoc in the bar room, and then the relief when we figured out it wasn’t you.

Sidious – For bringing Star Wars love here.

TM – Do I have to do this one? Uh, for getting FTS to hug me the day you were modded.

NSL – You’re my son. I have to like you.

Taker’s #1 Fan – For being from Winchester. I didn’t know anyone here had even heard of that town.

Xfear – For keeping me from actually having to do anything.

Norcal – Infracting in the real world. And that night with the gerbils.

M_F – For being a prop in my war vs. Sly.

Shocky – For allegedly being the person I’m the second coming of. I still want a debate in Old School with the master.

Guycompton – Having a Ryder avatar which puts the song in my head.

Tdigle – Having fucked up names and having this one being short.

Becker – Making me feel more intelligent every day.

Sly – For being one of the only people who can embarrass me in a debate.

IC – I’d be thankful for you giving me some of whatever you were smoking when you put me on staff. That stuff must be POWERFUL.

Jake – Keeping this place alive. We wouldn’t be here without you. And for being one of the few people that argued In Your House with me.

Justin – The day where I was pranking the place and you figured it out, yet you flamed me anyway. That’s easily the hardest laugh I’ve ever had here.

Polley – Mentoring me when I joined staff.

Will – Never getting a G-mod spot.

General Disaray – Anything South Park is cool so there we are.

Luther – Repping me more than anyone else ever has. Luther 4 Admin.

Dewey – Hopefully paying me well.

Pep3 – Giving me a run for my money in Old School.

Matt Foxx – Given that I’m obsessed with Zorro, the name puts his theme song in my head so that’s always good.

Bex – That one PM.

Sam – The Tag Tournamet and running TNA so I didn’t have to.

Shadow – Being the person that made the first thread I ever posted in.

Wes – For being a Cowboys fan along with me.

Harthan – Having my favorite name in OCW.

Gelgarin – That Sting vs. Thesz post. That thing was amazing on a ton of levels.

JMT – For keeping me from having to watch MMA and mod it anymore like I had to when I was NWS mod and was FREAKING LOST.

TLC – Posting in my review threads, which I always appreciate.

Amazing Death Agent – Having a cool name, since I know very little about you.

JKO – Oh you were just fun all around.

Falkon – Having a vagina. I think.

Ellisman – You were perhaps the most fun I ever had going after someone. That was awesome.

Ty Burna – Making a hip hop thread so I didn’t have to. Not my style at all.

Red Cross Knight – You brought out Dark KB that even freaked out Norcal. That was one of my finer days.

Shaka Zulu – Same as Death Agent, but still a cool name.

Theo Mays – You make cool sigs and there was one time I argued with you over something which was fun.

FTS – The Democrat vs. Republican debates. Those things are just fun in every sense of the word.

Lee – Anyone that loves Zelda is cool, and the Games Tournament was fun.

AE – For having cool characters in your name, despite the fact that you haven’t been here in like a year.

RVDGurl – For being the hottest person I’ve never seen.

Hiphopopotomous – Your name is almost like that of Albert’s at one point, and I was a mark for Albert.

Marquis – For having a finishing move called the DeSodomizer. That is just freaking awesome. And for the Boulder stories.

Mattmoses – For being very underrated in Old School which is more or less my home.

NoFate – For managing to stay out of the bar room for so long. No one else that I remember managed to do that.

Razor – For supporting the team that UK actually beats.

Jazwaz – For hitting on Dragon which was just freaking sexy.

Dragon – For being the most adorable person of all time.

Jonny B – Same as Jake. Without you, we wouldn’t be here.

Dysturbed – For being older schooler than me.

Paulwall – For being older schooler than me.

Aussiehobo – For not taking up a home and letting a person own a home.

Downward Spiral – I never liked you.

Big Ace – For being an inside joke between Norcal and I.

Prax – For giving me a good laugh when you set the record for shortest time between clemency and being banned.

AJ – For being a target I had when I was trying to get my post count higher.

Derf – For taking my mod spot that I turned down and making me look far more valuable by comparison.

RG – For being Old School, and therefore slightly chilly but not quite cold.

Cola – For scoring me points with Becca.

Coco – For being delicious.

Fizzy – For being one of the few people that came out of prison and being a model reformed person.

SavageTaker – For those few days when you so desperately tried to out creep me out.

D-Man – For keeping IC busy so he didn’t drunkenly post in the Board Room.

Milenko – For putting up with more crap than anyone here deserves. And for that time when I showed you up as Chester.

Little Jerry Lawler – For being the Kamikaze in OCW.

Jpfizzle – For being Luther’s only supporter a lot of the time.

LigerBomb – For being someone else from Kentucky. And I used some of the stuff you put in the workout thread.

Miko – For being the hardest person on the forums to keep track of.

Supercrazy – For breaking my record of staying unnoticed for so long on here.

Simpsons_Fanatic – For being one of the props I used to beat Sly for the first time.

48.7 – For giving me so many easy shots in the SFAC.

Christian Battlez – For carrying on the E-Fed crazy.

Kingdirty – For not being clean. Yeah I’ve got nothing here.

Big Pimpin – Uh, for not being small? Again, I’ve got nothing.

Jobber Bob – For giving me a person to think of when I hear the name Bob that isn’t a sponge.

Ricky – For being the only staff member I forgot to put on here originally.

Indyjon – For being a good rookie.

Hip2Square – For having aname I’m still trying to figure out.

Suneeboy – For some good Old School stuff.

Byrnside – For being the last person on this list because it’s taken me an hour and a half to finish.

Brain – For being the person that posts in my reviews more than anyone else.

Jack-Hammer – For getting Goldberg chants going in my head.

Kenny Powers – For having the same last name as a character in That Thing You Do, which is one of my all time favorite movies.

HHHKing – For posting in my review threads.

Mr. Baller – For being the undisputed Baller. Yeah I’ve got nothing here.

Thriller – For being the only person that actually took my advice on a name.

Numbers – For having the most difficult name to remember on this whole place.

Nitafrog – For some reason you make me think of La Femme Nikita for some reason and Peta Wilson was hot.

Smooth Sexual Chocolate – For putting Mark Henry’s theme in my head.

Tim – For being one of the guys that kept OCW alive.

Bearded One – For making me laugh that someone could actually like the Jags.

Erin – For keeping Will sexually satisfied so I don’t have to anymore.

Sparky – For being an Impact Player.

Rusty – For being my protégé and being the centerpiece of OCW.

Spunky – For blowing up Australia in my favorite OCW moment ever.

Gunnz – For making up such ridiculous stories.

Echelon – For standing up for women’s wrestling.

Shock – For making me my first sig.

CCS – That one post I made against you in the trial. X and Wes were impressed by my evilness in there, so that was cool.

Disco – For making us one of the few forums where we had a legit wrestler here. Being able to talk to a guy we watch on TV every week is really amazing when you think about it.

Konnan – For making a beautiful wedding with X.

Kasey – For being Sly without the dick. Wait what?

Dan – For being an OCW original.

Mantaur – Mantaur totally reeked of awesomeness, so there we are.

Monkey – For organizing the ****e Semen.

CM – For doing the WZPC because no one else will.

DIAR – Your original name was cool, and that’s all I’ve got.

Thank you all for making this place the absolute best forum in existence. We couldn’t do any of this without all of you and everyone else that was omitted. If you were left out, let me know. I won’t do anything about it, but I’ll know I forgot you.
Woah, thats really impressive. I wouldn't have been able to name something about a quater of those people- before I started commenting on their signatures or avatars :) I havn't seen La Femme Nikkita- but I shall take it as a compliament anyway :)
If you're not on the list, one of three things happened.

A.) The people that made the list as well as myself forgot you.
B.) None of us know you.
C.) You suck.

Thank you all for making this place the absolute best forum in existence. We couldn’t do any of this without all of you and everyone else that was omitted. If you were left out, let me know. I won’t do anything about it, but I’ll know I forgot you.

Looks like I'm not on the list and going by you're reasons for why.... I'm thinking it's choice B in my case. I don't post here enough for enough of you guys to know me that well yet. I plan on changing that.
Put Cowboys fan in that list, too, KB. And me and you need to debate Old School. Better tag team, Midnight Express or Rock N Roll Express?
I'd take the RNRE for the simple reason of they never had a third guy. The Midnigts were great and that combination is the absolute undisputed biggest influence on tag wrestling today, but I've never been able to go with a team that replaced someone (granted they didn't lose a step) over a pair of originals.
I'd take the RNRE for the simple reason of they never had a third guy. The Midnigts were great and that combination is the absolute undisputed biggest influence on tag wrestling today, but I've never been able to go with a team that replaced someone (granted they didn't lose a step) over a pair of originals.

No respect for Kato then? Humph.

You obviously haven't watched RR '91 and '92.

I've already done the reviews for them, and not only do I know who he is (Paul Diamond from the AWA), but that Rockers match was excellent. The problem was I never saw an Express match taht was great against a team that was worse than they were.
I talk to you every second we're online, about everything in the world. And all I get is 'that one PM'? :disappointed:
On behalf of KB, I'd also like to thank myself for being the biggest draw in OCW history, between the Irish-Canadian Car Bombs and the IC25 / BA52 feud.
To anyone that didn't think OCW meant much: THE ADMIN was a part of it. Actually I can't think of any bit name from that time period that wasn't.
I'd take the RNRE for the simple reason of they never had a third guy. The Midnigts were great and that combination is the absolute undisputed biggest influence on tag wrestling today, but I've never been able to go with a team that replaced someone (granted they didn't lose a step) over a pair of originals.

To me, that puts the Midnights over the top. They replaced a member and they got BETTER because of it. That never happens in Tag Wrestling. Although NO team in the 80's had the kind of pops that the RNR had, the Midnights were a great team, but like you said, KB. Against inferior teams, there wasn't much they could do to make them better. The RNR were masters at putting teams over, even when beating them. I remember the RNR's first NWA Tag Title win against the Russians (I believe it was Ivan Koloff and someone not Nikita Koloff). Anyway, Robert Gibson was getting beat up for what had to be 20 minutes. So many close calls on tags, then when the tag was finally made to Ricky, it was like a bomb went off. They were special back in the 80's. That's for sure.
That was likely Krusher Khreschev, more commonly known as Smash. And Gibson was the one that got beaten on for that long? That's very unusual.
The pleasure is mine and thank you as well KB, in my early days I knew you were one of the reasons to stick around here, thank you for making it a great place to be as well.
That was likely Krusher Khreschev, more commonly known as Smash. And Gibson was the one that got beaten on for that long? That's very unusual.

Yea, it was Krusher Khruschev, or Blacktop Bully, or Repo Man. LOL. And yea, it was an oddity. Ricky's usually the one being beaten. But the match was 45 minutes, so it was likely that BOTH Ricky and Robert were beaten up that long. But when they won the Tag Belts, the place came unglued.

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