I need the help of WZ to make the forum better


Excellence of Execution
I plan on creating a brand new FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for the forum, both to be posted as a thread, and possibly on the forum link itself. What I need is for members of WZ to help me think of common questions about the forum that I should include in the FAQ. It doesn't matter if it is insignificant or not, if you have an idea, please post it.


Please do not suggest the following:

Anything from that thread. If it is already in that thread, I do not need it again. Additionally, do not suggest any of the following. I am aware that I have doubled some, but it's just the things I've thought of off the top of my head:

Reputation – 10 reps 24 hours. 10 reps to spread. 10 rep to count, 30 posts to count, max color bars
User Ranks
Custom User Title
Avatars –Where to find, no custom
Create threads – 10 non-spam posts, wait until forum catches up
Buddy List and Ignore
Spam definition
Name Change rules
Warnings vs. Infractions and what happens when they run out
Youtube and Dailymotion BBCode
Where to find Moderators, and how to tell mods from regular posters
People who run forums not responsible for running Main site
How to make a Signature
Sig banners/how to find image size/where to have them shrunk
BBCode Link
Haven’t received Validation/Can’t post
Number of images allowed in a post
What does “Future Endeavored” mean?
What are VBookies, and what can we do with vCash?

Difference between “Ask a forum question” and Complaint thread

Is there anything else new members of the forum, or even regular members of the forum might want to know that I can put in the FAQ?
Why should they join this forum over others?

I don't know if it's already a question but it would be a great to way to tell new members the things we have here and give them many reasons to join these forums.

If I keep thinking of questions, I'll post them to help out as much as possible.
The only way to see if things can work is trial and error. If something's attempted and not getting the best feedback, then scrap it. If people like it, then keep on, keeping on.

My two cents is to have a separate Movies section and a separate Television section. That would open things up for more discussion and threads on different aspects of such broad topics.

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