Ways to make WZ cool again...

In fairness I don't think Wrestlezone was ever as good as people like to mention it. When people look back on this year in three or four, it will probably be lauded. Thats how things always look when they are contained and abrieated. JKO's banning and re-admission from the bar room, Falkon's mysterious gender, and the Secret Santa thread will probably become legands in future years.

And yeah really come on- who needs to be told that they are cool? I enjoy visiting here sometimes and sometimes I don't. And when I don't I don't visit. Everything has peroids of rises and fallows- its just the nature of life. You reap what you soe from life- if you don't put something into the forum you won't harvest anything either.
Because it's a wrestling forum, and nobody actually gives a shit about cars, so just because one person thinks "Ohwe should have a car forum", we ain't gonna do it because no one will care. This is WRESTLEzone not fucking GENERALDISCUSSIONzone, so we have a small NWS section and a big wrestling section. If you wanna discuss cars, JOIN A FUCKING CAR FORUM, because this isn't the GOD DAMN place to discuss cars with shitty lights on the bottom, tinted windows and TVs in the BOOT that are pretty much the LAMEST and STUPIDEST idea since your parents decided to procreate. So yeah, basically, we're not having a car section, because NO ONE, besides you and your "friends" (a.k.a, people you've met on another car forum) would actually care one GOD DAMN bit about a fucking car enthusiasts section.

Jeez. I was just asking. Don't need to get all "Fuck You" on me. I was just making a suggestion.
Oh, for the record, I don't really like cars that much. I was just curious we have so much but that. Sorry. :shrug:

I'm a put a forum in yo' FORUM, that way you can POST when you POST!!

Come on, Lariat. You're better than that.
Come on, Lariat. You're better than that.


:rolleyes: What the five fingers SAY TO THE FACE?!



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