[Unofficial] Explain Your Forum Name

The reason why my forum name is Big Pimpin is cause im simply a pimp, im kinda big & by big I don't mean fat, I am simply very very good with the girls & it's my user name on my myspace.

Billy Gunn stole your "the one" gimmick?

Technically, yes. But it's not like I had it copywrited or anything.

And I doubt very seriously he was randomly walking through Iowa and over heard one of my friend's giving me shit by saying..

"Hey, 'The One', what's up?" and he'd think to himself.. "I was an ass, now I could be a 'The One', it's genius!"
Ive had so many names I can't rembemr them all so here's the one s I do remember.

The Outsider: Started out with this name. at the time I was a Nash fan so It worked out for a little while.

Big Ace...Of Spades: This was Luthers idea. i wanted it to be Big Ace but couldn't because that names is already registered and I was listening to the Motörhead song Ace Of Spades so I combined them.

Jose Jalapeno... On a Stick: My favorite Jeff Dunahm Puppet. It got to long to type out everytime i wanted to log in so I changed it back to B A...O S

'The Great' Milenko: Not only the name of my WZCW Character It's aslo a song and an Album by The ICP.
Mine is so uninteresting. I am Irish-Canadian. My lucky number is 25 because I was born on September 25th.

BritishAmerican52 is, as you all know, my evil twin brother. Stands for everything I stand against.

Mr. IrishCanadian25 is my power trippy name, and my anti-hero is Stone Cold Mighty NorCal.

I've never had any other names, as I feel frequent name changes prevents a poster from establishing themselves. I attest much of my promotional success on these boards to the fact that I branded myself as "IC25."
I've always been Dragon on forums, for as long as I can remember, and whenever I go to a place where Dragon is already taken, I slap an "Eternal" in front of it. Voila, Eternal Dragon.

Flames Out
I've always been Dragon on forums, for as long as I can remember, and whenever I go to a place where Dragon is already taken, I slap an "Eternal" in front of it. Voila, Eternal Dragon.

Flames Out

I bet you have a pet Dragon somewhere.
Mine is LegendThriller for Jeff Hardy and H4L stands for Huskie 4 Life. I go to Northern Illinois University and after the shooting up here last year, I started using H4L for everything
To what IC was saying, I think there is a point for most people that they will have a name that boils down to a final product. Mine is TM. Sure you can reach that point, and then try out other names, but in the end, you are always TM. or THE Brian Becker, or IrishCanadian25, or Ace.
My name was Monkey Mania because I like Monkeys. I also could let Monkey Mania Run wild if i wanted too.

I then changed it to the Shaman of Monkey. Which was horrible but I liked John Morrison.

Then it was back to Monkey Mania. Then to Major Monkey Mania. Because of the forum attacks.

THe Monkey Warrior was a classic spin on the Ultimate Warrior. As The Rainbow Haired Monkey is actually a play on Jeff Hardy.
My name was generated randomly for World of Warcraft when I used to play, and it just stuck for me across the internet.

I always thought it had a nice ring to it.
madcap is the alter-ego wrestler name i made for myself 10 years ago. It's stuck and been used on every forum I've been a member of
Well that's supposedly what i am.

I prefer just to acknowledge the Irish/Italian parts.
I'm uncreative and didn't want attention or hate so I chose mysterio even though I'm really not a huge fan, but people here seemed to hate Hardy & HBK and if my name was Melina fan people would assume I was a girl, so I chose Mysterio. Thought about changing my name just to M_F, but when I first started posting people said I had a "newb name" so I'm keeping it.
Mine has a pretty simple story to it, I'm a simpsons fanatic. The 742 is their house number so I added that in. My username on most sites is this, but sometimes I go by leafs4ever.

m_f and s_f742...sounds like a tag team in the works lol.
BRIANBECKERISAGOD.. used it on other forums, someone once told me i was a god so i made it my user name.

Mr Friday Afternoon= Well its what the Disco calls himself when he called up mark Madden on ESPN Radio...

Fleury's Glove Hand= Well i changed it during the Stanley Cup playoffs because he was played well...

Hail_2_Shady= Pitts fight song is Hail to Pitt. Shady is a god in Pittsburgh So Hail 2 Shady made sense.

Heywoodjablowme= Well i stole it from another forum :(

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