OCW Information/Action Thread

In the ring are their opponents: DeSade and Vengeance!

The champions hold up the belts as teh crowd cheers for the Men At Work. As they turn around, Vengeance and DeSade try to attack them early on. Tim ducks but Dan doesn't and the teams split off into one on one fights, as Tim is with DeSade and Vengeance is with Dan. Tim pounds away on the former Taz Champion while Dan is evening the odds with Vengeance. The faces attempt to whip DeSade and Vengeance into each other but both are able to reverse them and send the champions into each other!

In an impressive display of reflexes, Tim slides underneath Dan as he leaps into the air and catches DeSade with a hurricanrana to send him to the floor! Tim nips to his feet and catches Vengeance in a Russian leg sweep! Dan goes to the apron and it's Tim vs. Vengeance as finally the match officially begins. Tim pulls Vengeance to his feet and whips him into the corner with amazing force. A monkey flip puts Vengeance into the middle of the ring followed by a fast tag to Dan. Stokes climbs to the top rope and comes off with a huge flying elbow to the chest of his opponent and Vengeance is in big trouble!

Tim is waiting on DeSade to get up and as he does, TIm dives from the apron to the floor, catching DeSade in a huge Blockbuster! At the same time, Dan is perched on the top rope and comes off with the spin wheel kick to nearly knock Vengeance's head off and get the pinfall!
We cut back to the ring where it's time for our next match. On his way to the ring, he is a former multi-time OCW Tag Team Champion as well as a former Taz Champion, Polley!
We cut to the back to see RBI with Mike Harthan who was absolutely robbed of the OCW World Title last week. When asked about this, he doesn't so much talk as scream.

SHANGO! You want to come into my match and steal what I had rightfully earned? You had no business in MY match. Did you hear what I said Shango? It was MY match, my night, my chance to achieve my glory. If you wanted the title for yourself all you would have had to do was ask for a shot and I would have made you tap just like I made Monkey. You want to be in the spotlight so bad? I'll give you a chance to be in the spotlight. At Line In The Sand, since you like hitting people with things so much, why don't you step into my kind of match? Mike Harthan vs. Papa Shango in a hardcore match? I'm right here Shango. You knocked Monkey down, now why don't you try knocking me down? I'll be seeing you later.

Harthan storms off as RBI is a bit shaken.
Back in Black by AC/DC is heard as the winless but definitely impressive Nighthawk is on his way to the ring!

Nighthawk, in the middle of an epic losing streak that has run the stretch of his entire career, steps into the ring almost desperate looking for a victory.
Nighthawk never takes his eyes off of Polley as the bell rings. The pair meets in the middle of the ring and we get a staredown. All of a sudden Nighthawk trips the leg and locks on a heel hook to go for a quick submission. Polley desperately tries to get to the ropes and finally is able to reach them but his ankle is damaged badly. Nighthawk stalks Polley as he is trying to pull himself up. As Polley is on his feet, Nighthawk kicks the injured ankle as hard as he can, again sending Polley down to the mat in pain.

Nighthawk jumps into the air and is just a second late from snapping Polley's ankle as the Irishman is able to get out of the way. Polley looks up at Nighthawk but all he sees is a look of anger as Nighthawk kicks Polley right in the face with the flat of his boot, sending him spiraling down to the canvas again. The referee is looking at Polley and wondering if he should stop this. Nighthawk goes over to POlley and starts driving knees into his face as hard as he can. Polley is in big trouble as he can barely defend himself. A large bruise has already formed on his face as the referee has finally pulled Nighthawk off of him.

WIth the only energy that Polley has in him he says don't stop it to the referee as Nighthawk picks up Polley and absolutely plants him in the middle of the ring with a piledriver. He them jumps into the air and stomps down on his chest which might have woken him up from being unconscious. Nighthawk heads to the top rope and evily stares down at Polley. He leaps into the air and Polley moves out of the way just in time. Nighthawk crashes face first into the mat which tears away, sending Nighthawk through the ring and down to the floor below!

The referee and the camera looks down into the hole and we see Nighthawk completely out cold. The referee had no choice but to start counting as Nighthawk is officially outside the ring! He hits ten and we have a countout! Nighthawk has lost again!
As we return from a break to have the ring repaired, it's time for another tag team encounter as Spunky and Kamikaze are in the ring, set to face off with the #1 contenders to the OCW Tag Team Titles!

The would be meals for the lions called the Rock N Roll Ninja and Marcus Blade stand in the ring but are suddenly jumped from behind by their opponents! Blade and RNRN storm the ring through the crowd and pound down the challengers. After a big boot to Spunky to send him to the floor, followed by a baseball slide to knock him down by Blade, the two monsters send Kamikaze into the ropes and catch him in a double hiptoss slam to the mat. The signal that it's over as both men pick him up with ease and land a double Jackknife powerbomb! RNRN gets a running start and dives through the ropes to spear Spunky down again as the the referee counts three and this mugging is over.

As the challengers celebrate, Tim and Dan appear on the stage holding up the belts, saying they'll be waiting for these two monsters.
As Kamikaze is scraped off the mat, we cut to the back to see Shango standing in an undisclosed location, and he apparently has something to say.

For seven days I've been asked what was I thinking when I knocked Monkey out cold with a steel pipe so he could keep his title. Why would I do something like that to a man that I hate deep down in my soul? Mike Harthan, two nights in a row you were an eyelash away from taking away my title. Last week i stopped you because I am the man that takes the title from Monkey. I am the man that is destined to be the one that avenges KB. I am the man that will become the next OCW World Heavyweight Champion. If you have a problem with that and want to take it up with me, then I will see you at Line In The Sand. If that's what it takes for you to understand my destiny, then so be it. I am putting everyone in OCW on notice: no one but Papa Shango is going to become the OCW Champion, and I mean no one, except for me.
We cut to Monkey who is standing in front of a monitor and clutching the belt to his chest even harder than usual, when a knock on the door nearly makes him jump out of his skin. He shouts to come in and a short delivery man walks in. Monkey yells at him, demanding to know what he wants. The delivery man hands him a bill saying that it's the total amount of the flowers that have been placed at the grave of KB.

Monkey snickers and opens the bill, before screaming about the amount.

THREE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED AND TWELVE DOLLARS???? What are we fucking putting there for him, gold plated roses??? This has to be a mistake. Let me see this.

He rips through the rest of the letter, before continuing to shout.

The son of a bitch has been dead for 6 weeks and he's gotten 34 dozen bouquet of flowers???

Sir if I may interject, the delivery man pipes in, from what I understand the flowers continue to die.


The Pale Destroyer appears and after a flick of the wrist from Monkey, Murfish chops the delivery man in the back and carries his unconscious body to the hallway where he throws both he and the cameraman out.
The 322lb man makes his way to the ring as he adjusts his fedora slightly. Showgirl begins doing her warmups in the corner but it splashed by Manitcotti after a running start! He lifts Showgirl's limp body onto his shoulders before falling backwards, sending her crashing into the mat below. A pair of huge elbows follow before Manticotti picks her up and whips her into the ropes, finishing this quickly with the Family Reunion and a pinfall.
Breakout continues with the returning Showgirl in the ring. Since the abolishment of the women's division, she has decided to become the first intergender wrestler in OCW history! Her opponent on this evening, the not quite right Family man, Joey Manicotti!
It is now time for the main event of the evening!

This match is set for one fall, and if Rusty wins, he receives an OCW World Title shot at Line in the Sand! If Murfish wins, Rusty is banned from ever challenging Monkey for the championship!
As For Whom The Bell Tolls plays, the arena turns blue and Murfish, apparently somewhere between bloodthirsty madman and clergy appears on the stage. With a focus in his eyes that hasn't been seen in many a month, the unofficial priest of OCW makes his way to the ring. After apparently blessing all four sides of the ring, the unmistakable sound of Superstar is heard, and his opponent makes his way into the arena!

Rusty, the Australian folk hero, makes his way to the ring to amazing applause. He slides into the ring and locks eyes with a man that he's had many wars with over the years. Murfish looks at him with a different look than Rusty is used to seeing from him. the bell rings and Rusty goes right for him. As he attempts to tackle him into the corner, Murfish steps out of the way. Instead of hammering Rusty as he gets out of the corner though, Murfish gives him a clean break, much to Rusty's surprise. Rusty tries for a kick to the ribs but Murfish kicks his foot out from under him to send him to the mat, not really hurting him, but taking him off his game.
Rusty wastes no time though and grabs Murfish's leg to bring him down. Both men are on the mat now as Rusty is in his element. With a perfect floatover, the four time OCW Champion is on top of Murfish with a front chancery. This doesn't last long though as Murfish stands straight up and sits Rusty onto the top rope to break the hold. Rusty, ever the hot head, doesn't like this and slaps Murfish in the face. The Pale Destroyer snaps back to his old self for just an instant and lands a perfect uppercut to Rusty's chin. Murfish grabs Rusty by the throat and attempts to raise him into the air for a chokeslam to the floor! Rusty is slammed down, but he is able to catch Murfish's arm and arm drag him to the floor, causing both men to land on the concrete!
The referee begins his ten count as Murfish clearly took the worst of that. Rusty landed on the apron which broke his fall before he slipped down to the floor. Murfish was pulled over the top rope and went directly to the floor below. Rusty is up to his feet at about four while Murfish is still down. Rusty drops a headbutt to the back of Murfish to keep him down as we're at 6. The Aussie slides into the ring but in doing so breaks up the count, therefore restarting it. Murfish is staggering to his feet now, but Rusty isn't willing to wait. He hits the other rope and launches himself in a huge plancha that nails Murfish right in the chest!
This plan would work beautifully but Murfish catches him in the air, spins him around and lands a picture perfect spinebuster on the floor! Rusty is barely moving as Murfish continues to catch his breath. The Pale Destroyer gets up and lifts Rusty to his feet slowly as both men are still sore. With the count at seven, Murfish throws Rusty back in before going in himself, thereby avoiding the count out. Like a beast stalking his prey, the larger Murfish drops a leg on Rusty to keep him down, before doing something very uncharacteristic and going to the top rope! Murfish, the near 300lber, comes off with a picture perfect splash that catches Rusty perfectly. The former champion goes for the cover but somehow Rusty kicks out! The priestly version of Murfish is rapidly disintegrating, as he chokes Rusty to a four count before choking him again. Rusty is picked up but he lands a right hand to break the momentum, and then another. A third one hits and Murfish is backed up a few steps. Rusty hits the ropes for a clothesline but Murfish catches him with a high knee to the face, putting Rusty back down again.
Murfish kicks him in the ribs again before locking on a Sydney Crab. Rusty screams in pain but is stuck in the middle of the ring. He crawls for the ropes but just can't get there. After nearly a minute in the hold, Rusty is an inch from the ropes, when Trademark pulls it away from him! The referee, for the first time in professional wrestling history, actually looks at the ropes to see what Trademark is up to. After a mean glare, Trademark lets go of the ropes, allowing Rusty to free himself from the hold.
Murfish is apparently concerned with Rusty's well being. He looks down at him to see if he can continue, which turns out to be a mistake. Rusty connects with a quick headbutt to the jaw, sending Murfish back a few steps. With a hand on his ribs, Rusty holds the ropes and lands a kick to the midsection of Murfish. The crowd starts to make a little noise as their hero comes back into this match! Rusty lands an elbow to the jaw of a charging Murfish before hip tossing him into the middle of the ring. This is a mistake though as the ribs continue to bother him. Murfish takes the chance to go for the Fatality but Rusty shoves him into the ropes. Murfish bounces off and Rusty pulls him into a quick rollup! He only gets a two count though as Murfish shoves him off. Rusty's ribs are still bothering him as Murfish lands a right hand to the breadbasket of his opponent. A swinging neckbreaker sends Rusty to the mat. Another legdrop follows and Rusty is in trouble. Murfish picks Rusty up and whips him into the ropes for a backdrop. Rusty, in an amazing display of athleticism, turns around in mid air and is able to land in a bulldog oon his opponent and both men are down!
The referee begins his ten count but both men are up at 8. Rusty pops Murfish with a right hand, followed by another and another. Murfish is sent into the ropes and powerslamed to the mat. Rusty can't cover though because of his ribs being strained. Instead he gives the sign for the Ratings Spike! He gets Murfish into position but the Pale Destroyer is able to roll out of it and locks on the Death Sentence chokeout! Rusty is in big trouble but manages to stay on his feet. He reaches out for the ropes but realizing he can't reach them, Rusty does the best thing he can think of. He jumps into the air, lands his feet onto the ropes and springs backwards, flipping over Murfish. On the way down though, he is able to grab Murfish's head and spin him around with the Ratings Spike! Rusty covers as the count can't even be heard over teh cheers. The three goes down and Rusty is once again the number one contender! We go off the air as random notes of Superstar can be heard over the roar of the crowd!
Welcome to the OCW Top 10!

With one week to go before the biggest show in the history of OCW, we felt that it would be a good idea to count down the top ten moments in OCW History!
10. This is Marcus Blade

It was the night of Gates of Hell, and the enigma that was Marcus Blade entered into the Iron Cage to do battle with four others to determine who would go on to Final Chapter 2 to face Sabre for the OCW World Title. Following a brutal war, Blade was seen in the back pulling off his mask. On the mirror in front of him was a photograph of Sabre. Blade took it from the mirror and crushed it in his hand, to reveal his true identity: KB.

Showgirl is a wrestler we all know and tolerate. Sure she's a bit strange at times, but that's probably because she used to be a he. For those of you new to OCW, it went a little something like this. SHowtime sucked. I mean he really, truly sucked. No one could stand him, so to incur some favor with KB, he agreed to volunteer for an experiment. On the following Breakout, Showtime made his way to the ring for a Women's Title Match. RBI ran up to him to ask how he could do this as he was a man. Clad in a trench coat, Showtime flashed RBI, revealing that he....I mean she, had undergone a sex change. Never again has anyone agreed when KB says he needs a volunteer.
8. Theeeeeeeeeeeeey're BACK!!!

At Line In The Sand, Tim and Dan defended their tag team titles against the monsters known as the Rock N Roll Ninja and Marcus Blade. The masked men went to war against the speedy champions and following two insane powerbombs walked away with the gold. Upon winning the titles, they unmasked to reveal the previously fired IC and Norcal, making their collective return to OCW.
7. Genesis

Every great thing has to start somewhere right? Well OCW is no exception. After months and months of buildup, we had our first show. At the time no one knew what to call it, but Breakout was coming. Headlined by Rusty vs. Sparky, the undercard featured Timbo Slice challenging Judy Bagwell for the Aussie Heavyweight Title. Never has one seemingly insignificant show caused such a ruckus.
6. 1-54.

Following his match with CM, that was KB's win/loss record as he finally got the King freaking Kong sized monkey off his back and beat someone in his own company. We had all known of the power of the DDT, but it was the greatest move to never actually win a match until that night. The celebration was on and no one could contain themselves as KB had finally won his first match!
5. You Can't Go Home Again

It was on the night of Honorbound that we finally saw the true depths of Sabre's evilness. As KB challenged Timbo Slice for the OCW WOrld Title, Sabre and co. were back in Lexington, Kentucky as they visited KB's old home. The house that OCW was allegedly created in was blown to smithereens by Sabre himself who lit a fire in the basement that eventually hit the gas pipes that he had broken. KB's absence for the next four months allowed Sabre to almost take over OCW.

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