Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
In the ring are their opponents: DeSade and Vengeance!
The champions hold up the belts as teh crowd cheers for the Men At Work. As they turn around, Vengeance and DeSade try to attack them early on. Tim ducks but Dan doesn't and the teams split off into one on one fights, as Tim is with DeSade and Vengeance is with Dan. Tim pounds away on the former Taz Champion while Dan is evening the odds with Vengeance. The faces attempt to whip DeSade and Vengeance into each other but both are able to reverse them and send the champions into each other!
In an impressive display of reflexes, Tim slides underneath Dan as he leaps into the air and catches DeSade with a hurricanrana to send him to the floor! Tim nips to his feet and catches Vengeance in a Russian leg sweep! Dan goes to the apron and it's Tim vs. Vengeance as finally the match officially begins. Tim pulls Vengeance to his feet and whips him into the corner with amazing force. A monkey flip puts Vengeance into the middle of the ring followed by a fast tag to Dan. Stokes climbs to the top rope and comes off with a huge flying elbow to the chest of his opponent and Vengeance is in big trouble!
Tim is waiting on DeSade to get up and as he does, TIm dives from the apron to the floor, catching DeSade in a huge Blockbuster! At the same time, Dan is perched on the top rope and comes off with the spin wheel kick to nearly knock Vengeance's head off and get the pinfall!
The champions hold up the belts as teh crowd cheers for the Men At Work. As they turn around, Vengeance and DeSade try to attack them early on. Tim ducks but Dan doesn't and the teams split off into one on one fights, as Tim is with DeSade and Vengeance is with Dan. Tim pounds away on the former Taz Champion while Dan is evening the odds with Vengeance. The faces attempt to whip DeSade and Vengeance into each other but both are able to reverse them and send the champions into each other!
In an impressive display of reflexes, Tim slides underneath Dan as he leaps into the air and catches DeSade with a hurricanrana to send him to the floor! Tim nips to his feet and catches Vengeance in a Russian leg sweep! Dan goes to the apron and it's Tim vs. Vengeance as finally the match officially begins. Tim pulls Vengeance to his feet and whips him into the corner with amazing force. A monkey flip puts Vengeance into the middle of the ring followed by a fast tag to Dan. Stokes climbs to the top rope and comes off with a huge flying elbow to the chest of his opponent and Vengeance is in big trouble!
Tim is waiting on DeSade to get up and as he does, TIm dives from the apron to the floor, catching DeSade in a huge Blockbuster! At the same time, Dan is perched on the top rope and comes off with the spin wheel kick to nearly knock Vengeance's head off and get the pinfall!