OCW Information/Action Thread

We open the show with Monkey, Murfish, Trademark and CCS in the ring together, arms behind their backs, standing at attention. As the team stands in the ring, the fans begin chanting for Shango! Monkey raises the mic to his lips.

He ain't coming out.

The crowd begins to chant KB.

He's dead you fucktards.

How about Murfish?

He's already here.

Well fuck! How about Eric Cartman?

Cartman's not real. Are you people that stupid that you'd come and watch something completely fake every single week that's never going to happen in the real world? Do you have any idea how dumb you'd have to be to waste your time coming to the same place to imagine something happening? Like that could ever happen.

Monkey continues to speak.

And for all of your smarkasses out there, yes Rusty I'm talking to you too, Shango's not in the gorilla position waiting to do a run in.
The team stands in the ring, awaiting the crowd to be quiet as they have something to say. Quiet down or I'll put on a WCW rerun.

A pin is heard dropping in row 48-D.

Thank you. Now as many of you may have heard, I'm in charge of this company. Before I go on, let's get a live shot of the grave of that son of a bitch names KB.

We cut to a scene in a graveyard, where the tomb of OCW's founder is seen with dead flowers all around it. As we cut back from the graveyard, Monkey continues what might be the longest in ring intro of all time. However, as he begins to speak, he is knocked to the ground and is apparently being stomped on. Every member of Monkey's entourage begins wildly swinging and CCS screams out I've got him before getting knocked to the mat. Soon a voice is heard booming throughout the arena.

The Disembodied Voice is sick of everything that has been going on in OCW. I absolutely cannot, or will not take this anymore. Monkey, you know what I have over you, and I'm going to reveal it right now. Monkey.....

A shot rings out, and following a thud, a pool of blood forms on the stage.
Monkey looks down at the body, and as he and his crew leaves, they pick up the DV and head to the back. We return with the former Taz Champion Sparky in the ring, ready for action! His opponent is nowhere to be seen, but suddenly the lights go out completely! From the ceiling comes Kamikaze!

Kamikaze misses and lands on the top rope, slingshotting him back through the roof and into outer space! We cut to our outer space camera, where we see Kamikaze being looked at by aliens known as the Slyborgs. More on that later, as Kamikaze enters the Uncle ship.
As we attempt to patch the hole in the roof, we see Nighthawk on his way to the ring, set to go one on one with one of this opponents this Sunday in the battle royal, Jonny!

Due to a technical difficulty, the rest of the show was not recorded. Here is a first hand account of the results:

Jonny def Nighthawk
Tim and Dan def Manbeast and Revolver
Marcus Blade def Rock N Roll Ninja

The show ends with Harthan locking Monkey in the chokeout with Monkey holding his hand up to tap out as we go off the air.
King of Queensland is on the air! We open the show with a look back at what's happened over the past month dating back to Final Chapter Two, beginning with the death of KB at the hands of a hypnotized Monkey. As we now see the arena, pyro explodes and the crowd is going insane as King of Queensland is set to go! To begin the show, it is time for the tag team battle royal! As all ten men are in the ring, we are ready to go!

Participants include: Nighthawk, DeSade, Pippen, Adam Revolver, Ted McNailer, Vengeance, Polley, Jonny, Marcus Blade and the Rock N Roll Ninja!

The rules are simple: these ten men will battle it out, with the final two receiving a tag team title match at Line in the Sand!

Nighthawk and DeSade immediately go at it in an effort to renew their rivalry. The Mobile Homers try to stay in the middle of the ring, but the other six men begin to circle the OVW Southern Tag Team Champions. As apparently the OCW talent doesn't take kindly to strangers, the pair are promptly picked up and launched over the top rope, eliminating them from the match. As Pippen wipes his eyes for his fallen hero, Vengeance catches him with a dropkick to the back and we're already down to seven!

As Nighthawk and DeSade hammer on each other even more, RNRN and Blade have seperated themselves, as have the new tag team of Polley and Jonny. Vengeance is left in the middle of the ring as the only man without a corner. Without anyone to have his back, Vengeance charges at Nighthawk and DeSade who never see him coming. DeSade is crushed by the splash as his head is slammed into the top turnbuckle! Nighthawk and Vengeance stomps away on him as the other four men say the hell with it and meet in the middle of the ring as the war is on! Polley hammers away on RNRN but there's little effect. The Ninja pounds right back, sending Polley realing backwards a step or two. As he is staggered, the masked Blade kicks him low before knocking Jonny backwards. The monsterous warrior charges the Englishman and hammers away on him, driving him to the mat and pounding him down with punches and forearms.

On the other side of the ring, Jonny is almost out cold at the hands of the monster called Marcus Blade. Finally once jonny has been knocked nearly out of it, he is picked up and launched onto the other four men, sending them all down! During this melee, DeSade is still down on the mat and not moving an inch. Nighthawk and Vengeance join the other 4 men in the center of the ring and pound away on him with everything they have. The triple team of these two and Polley hammer away on the Ninja. Somehow though, the RNRN holds his own! As only Blade is on his feet, Tim and Dan appear from the back to watch their competition for next month. Jonny, Nighthawk, Vengeance and the Ninja stand to their feet to charge at Blade, but he easily backdrops Polley and Vengeance to the apron. Both men hold on, but Tim and Dan pull them down to the floor! We are down to an unconscious DeSade, Nighthawk, the RNRN, Jonny and Marcus Blade!

All of the remaining men gather together to attack Blade, but nothing is working. As he knocks them down one by one, Dan jumps to the top rope and launches into Marcus with a huge spinwheel kick to the jaw, and Blade is sent spiraling backwards! Jonny staggers to his feet, but he is caught from behind by the Rock N Roll Ninja with a Kung Fu YEAH and a karate chop, sending him to the floor below and we are down to four!

Vengeance and Polley charge back into the ring and beat down Dan as Tim comes into the ring, armed with a chair. DeSade is finally getting to his feet but is blasted right between the eyes by the chair, sending him up and over teh top rope! Tim hits Polley and Vengeance to break up the assault on his partner, but now Blade is back on his feet. With one hand on Tim's throat and the other on Nighthawk's, Blade chokeslams both men! RNRN picks up Nighthawk and launches him over the top rope! The Rock and Roll Ninja and Marcus Blade have won the battle royal!
Tim and Dan try to get to their feet to look at their challengers, but the monsters snarl at them before leaving the ring in unison. Teh tag champions realize they might be in trouble as we cut to the back to see Numbers preparing for his match. The former Taz Champion looks far from confident tonight as he walks down the aisle to face the Pale Destroyer. The lights begin to flicker as Murfish appears in the middle of the ring behind Numbers! He almost immediately locks on the Death Sentence, and in what might be a record time, this match is over. Numbers is out cold but Murfish won't let go of the hold. Murfish pulls with everything he's got at the neck of Numbers but refuses to let go.

Security appears to try to get Murfish off of Numbers but nothing is working. CCS appears and is finally able to talk the monster off of Numbers, which brings him back to reality. Murfish falls to his knees and buries his face in his hands as CCS attempts to console him. As the fans look on in confusion, Man, I Feel Like a Woman chimes up and the most interesting person in OCW history appears in the form of Showgirl, set for an intergender contest!

As she adjusts her bra, Showgirl slowly steps over the middle rope and wiggles a bit, wiping out the first four rows at ringside. Thankfully, the Hyden Concierto breaks up this monstrosity, and it's time for Spunky! Spunky walks through the curtain, clad in a three piece suit complete with handkerchief. He brushes the dust off of his shoudlers before climbing into the ring, as the crowd isn't sure what to think. Spunky asks for a couple of chairs and is granted his request. He pulls from his pocket a small nameplate that says Byron Von Spunkleford and a liverwurst sandwich with cottage cheese. Using the other chair as a table, Spunky sits down and proceeds to have lunch.

Showgirl isn't sure what to do, so she picks up the sandwich and eats it. Spunky isn't sure what to do as he swallows his bite. Standing up, he taps his lips with his hankerchief, then looks at Showgirl with a bit of an angry look on his face. How could she take his sandwich? Taking the hankerchief from him, Showgirl slaps Spunky across the face with it. SPunky has no other option here but to defend his honor. With a quick jump, he grabs onto the arm of Showgirl and pulls her down into a fujiwara armbar! As he cranks back on it, Showgirl refuses to tap out! After nearly a minute in the hold, Spunky leans down and plants a huge kiss on Showgirl's lips! The tapping can't come fast enough as Spunky has won!
Cardinal and Michaels react to the ringing of the bell, but Rusty is long gone. The three can't believe what's going on. Actually it's more like two as Punch is barely conscious. Monkey appears on the screen.

I don't believe this. You all lost to one man. I've had it with you guys. Right now, triple threat match. The winner keeps his job. GO.

Michaels immediately kicks Cardinal low three times in succession, before diving onto Johnny Punch and getting the fast three count! Therefore, Scott Cardinal and Johnny Punch ARE FIRED! JD Michaels is suddenly getting cheers for what he has just done. He's not sure what to do now as he heads to the back. As he is heading to the dressing room, Murfish of all people comes down to check on Punch, who is now unconscious from the levels of pain he was experiencing. Murfish begins to check on Punch, apparently praying for him. Cardinal, rubbing his crotch to aleviate some of the pain, looks on in confusion over this. From the back comes Australian police to arrest Cardinal for public indecency! As Cardinal and Punch are being taken away by their respective takers, we cut to a video recapping Thriller's rise to prominence and his Taz Title win over Sparky from two weeks ago.
We cut to the back where we see Team OVW heading towards the ring for their handicap match with Rusty! As the trio is on their way to the ring, Rusty appears from behind with a sledgehammer, and blasts Johnny Punch in the leg with it! Punch collapses to the ground, clutching his leg which is bent to the side in a terrible looking shape. Cardinal and Michaels jump Rusty but the former World Champion is on his way to the ring, as it looks like this is now a one on two match!

Rusty slides into the ring and lands a knee to the side of Cardinal's head to knock him to the floor, leaving JD Michaels and Rusty alone in the ring. Michaels is able to get the jump on him though and lands a double axe handle to the back. Rusty is down as Michaels stomps away at him. In the back we see Punch still down having received no help whatsoever. Cardinal is back up now and hammering on the side of Rusty's head. The OCW original is in trouble as the numbers are starting to catch up to him. Cardinal slides back into the ring and picks up Rusty before getting a hand from JD. They whip him into the ropes and put him down with a pair of back elbows to the face. Another pair of elbows are dropped as Team OVW emulates the Rockers from their, ahem, glory days. A choke by Michaels is assisted by knees to the chest and ribs of Rusty. The referee counts but JD lets go at 4.

Both members of the team go to the middle turnbuckle and come off with splashes, one after the toher. Cardinal covers Rusty but only gets a two count. Michaels locks in a chinlock as Cardinal kicks Rusty in the ribs and chest. As Rusty begins to fight his way out of it, Cardinal hits the ropes and lands a seated dropkick to Rusty's face to send him back down to the mat. Michaels drops a pair of legs onto Rusty to keep him down as Scott Cardinal grabs him by the legs to set up for a Texas Cloverleaf. Rusty however kicks Cardinal off to send him into the ropes, before nipping up, grabbing Cardinal by the head and pulling him into a Codebreaker in mid air! Michaels goes after Rusty with another axehandle but is caught by a right hand to the ribs to stop him. Rusty grabs him by the head and sends him down with a knee lift to the jaw. As Cardinal is trying to get any part of his wits abotu him, Rusty starts dropping elbow after elbow onto Michaels.

Rusty picks JD up and whips him into the ropes, but as he lifts him into the air for a spinebuster, Michaels grabs Rusty by the head and pulls him down face first into the mat! Rusty is covered but again kicks out as Michaels is getting frustrated. He locks in a front facelock on Rusty and starts to drive in knees to the head of the former champion. Rusty is in trouble as he can't get out of the way of these attacks. Cardinal is also getting back to his feet, but as he is still groggy, he picks up Rusty's leg and places it on the bottom rope before he can catapult down on it with all of his weight. This is a mistake though, as Michaels has to let go of his hold because of it! Michaels is forced to break the hold by the referee, which lets him see that it's Cardinal's fault. JD pushes Scott and asks what in the hell he's doing. Cardinal says that it was a mistake. As Michaels' arms are going all over the place, Rusty is able to get him feet up and kicks Michaels into Cardinal, who is hit with a forearm. Scott Cardinal spears Michaels down and hammers away at him as Rusty slips under the bottom rope as he shakes his head.

With his hand on his head, Rusty runs through the curtain as the crowd begins to boo. The referee is trying to pull Cardinal and Michaels apart but it's not working at all. Soon, Rusty returns with Johnny Punch, still clutching his leg, being pulled behind him. As Punch continues to scream, Rusty picks him up and slams his probably broken leg into the guard rail! The scream gets the referee's attention just in time for Rusty to slide Punch in and lock on an Indian Death Lock! Punch can't tap fast enough, and Rusty has won this handicap match!
Thunderstruck signals the arrival of Sparky, the former OCW Taz Champion and the challenger tonight. He is sporting a far more serious look than usual today, as he wants his championship back. The sound of one of the biggest hits of the 1980s begins to play, as Thriller heads to the ring, flanked by the girl that is not his lover, the OCW Women's Champion Billy Jean! As Thriller heads to the ring, Sparky jumps to the floor and meets him in the aisle. The beating is on as Thriller is beaten from one side of the arena to the other. To say Sparky is fired up would be a huge understatement. He hammers away on Thriller with no regard for the rules. Finally the Taz Champion is thrown into the ring where he begs off from Sparky who will have none of it. Sparky drills him back into the corner and drives knees into the jaw of the champion.

Thriller is barely able to even get his hands up to defend himself as Sparky lays into him. The Taz Champion is planted in the middle of the ring by a slam as Sparky heads to the top rope for the Frog Splash. Thriller rolls out of the way at the last second though, and Sparky eats the canvas. Thriller gets to his feet and tries to pick up Sparky for the Thrillseeker, but Sparky rolls through into a small package. As the ref's hand is coming down for three, Billy Jean shoves the two men over so Thriller is on top! The referee's count comes down for three, but he looks up to see Sparky's shoulders down! Thriller has won the match!

Sparky can't believe it as he grabs the throat of the referee, screaming for an explanation. The man can't get the words out though as Thriller and Billy Jean are trying to get out. Sparky jumps over the top rope and pounces on both of them, slamming the champion's head into the concrete. The champion is almost out cold as Sparky turns his attention to Billy Jean. As he stalks her, from nowhere, Numbers of all people jumps Sparky with a chair! Thriller is helped to his feet as Numbers puts his arm around Billy Jean and the three leave, with the sounds of Smooth Criminal plays. The fans are beyond puzzled at the idea of Numbers' actions, and his apparent alignment with Thriller and Billy Jean, as the Smooth Criminal!

As the three leave, we cut to the back to see Shango getting ready to face off with Tits Magee and Lumpy Magoo.
It is now time for the main event of the evening! We see Harthan making his way to the ring with the OCW Hardcore Title in his hand. As he heads up the hallway, RBI chases him down, asking what he is thinking as he heads to the ring for the most important match of his career.

Harthan looks down at her, then back at the championship.

According to this championship belt, Mike Harthan is the best hardcore wrestler in the world. While you may or may not agree with that, one thing that no one can disagree with is that Mike Harthan leaves more than anyone else in the ring every single night. I've been in some of the most violent matches that this company has ever seen and I couldn't be prouder of the things that I've accomplished with everything from steel chairs to lead pipes to blowtorches. But you see tonight, the rules are a bit different. Tonight isn't about making your opponent scream for mercy as you mutilate his body with whatever instrument of chaos you happen to find lying around. Tonight is about being able to put another man's shoulders down on the canvas for three seconds so you can have your hand raised and be called the best wrestler in the world. This belt says that Mike Harthan is the best hardcore wrestler in the world. I gave almost everything I had to earn this title, but as of now it means nothing to me. I don't want to be called the best hardcore wrestler in the world, but rather the best wrestler in the world. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go and try to do that.

Animal I Have Become signals that Mike Harthan is on his way to the ring to wrestle Monkey for the OCW World Heavyweight Championship!
The challenger ribs his hands together in the ring and paces back and forth, awaiting the World Heavyweight Champion. Shinedown's Save Me brings a smile to the face of Harthan, as the Champion arrives into the arena, flanked by Murfish and Trademark. Harthan runs his hand over his head as he realizes his challenge has just gone up. Monkey climbs into the ring and after handing the championship to the referee, we are finally set to go!

The bell rings and the pair circle each other with monkey looking very nervous. Harthan lunges forward and Monkey can't get to the ropes fast enough. Harthan has a coy smile on his face as if to say he was just testing Monkey. Harthan and Monkey take back their original positions with Monkey continuing to look nervous. Finally the pair locks up. Harthan whips Monkey over almost immediately and takes over the champion on the floor in a headlock. Monkey tries to get out of it but Harthan is using his power advantage to hold onto his opponent. Nothing Monkey can do is working as his neck is cranked on by Harthan. Monkey slips his arm onto the waist of Harthan and rolls him up for a fast two but the challenger refuses to let go of the headlock. The same thing happens again but this time Harthan lets go of the hold and rolls backwards before dropping an elbow that misses. Holding his arm, Monkey moves in with a forearm smash to the side of the head. Mike Harthan blocks it though and immediately goes for the Triangle Choke!

Monkey backtracks even faster this time and is able to get out of the hold just in time. Harthan's legs were just about to lock around the head of the champion as he made the ropes.
As Shango has made his way to the ring, we are now waiting on the arrival of Magee and Magoo. As Shango waits, we see Rusty and Harthan dragging Magoo and Magee out to the ring, both very bloody. With an amazing display of strength, both men are sat inside the ring in front of their opponent for the evening. Shango picks up a mic from ringside.

Monkey, what you see laying before me is your own future. A month ago, you took away the life of an innocent man. I don't care what any of you may have thought of him, but he didn't deserve to die. KB was a tyrant. He worked us to death, didn't give a damn about how healthy we were, disregarded our wishes and opinions, and he wouldn't hesitate to rip you a new asshole over the most trivial thing. He was without a doubt, the toughest son of a bitch I've ever had to work for.

But, I always knew, that there was a burden that he carried that came with the job. After all, all he was really doing was what we in the locker room all strive to do; and that's keep our fans every bit as entertained as we damn well could. And even though we butted heads, many, many times, we both knew we were simply striving to make OCW the best it could be, for the fans, and for ourselves. We respected each other for that. And now, I realize, that KB was an actual friend to me.

Which is why it is a travesty that his pet, his life's work, now lies in the hands of the man who took him away from us. I refuse to allow that son of a bitch to get away with what he did. And so I promise to the fans, to KB's friends, his family, I vow to KB HIMSELF, that I WILL... MAKE... MONKEY... PAY!!! I will wrest OCW from his clutches if it takes my til my last breath.

So mark my words Monkey. One day soon you're going to run out of people to hide behind. There won't be any more bodyguards to hide behind, no more slaves to send in front of you. Your time is coming soon, and at the end of it all there is nothing but me. I don't care who I have to go through, or what I have to do. One day soon, it will be just you and me, with no one left to do your fighting for you. I don't care when and I don't care where, but one day I will get my hands on you, and the OCW Title. You will pay Monkey. You most certainly will pay.

Monkey slides to the floor to break the momentum but Harthan slides right out after him! The challenger goes after the champion immediately but as he rounds a corner he runs into the monster Murfish. The former advisaries stare each other down as Monkey is quite literally hiding behind the man in front of him. Harthan goes for Monkey but Murfish shoves him away. Having none of this, Harthan goes for Murfish and another fight is on! Harthan spears Murifsh into the apron of the ring and drives shoulder after shoulder into him. As this brawl is going on, Monkey slips onto the apron and comes off with a huge double axe handle to the back of Harthan to take him down! Trademark has the referee's attention as Murfish and Monkey begin to beat down Mike Harthan! The referee finally turns around and sees what's going on. Murfish tries to back off to avoid being caught but he's not fast enough. The referee is ordering Murfish and Trademark back to the lockeroom!

Monkey sends Harthan back into the ring, but the challenger has had a lot of damage done to him. He tries to get to his feet but Monkey is waiting with knees into the small of the back of Harthan. Monkey says for Harthan to get up but as the challenger tries to do so, Monkey stomps him down again. With taunt after taunt, Monkey's confidence begins to grow. He pounds away on the back of his opponent with wreckless abandon as there's almost nothing that Harthan can do after his ambush. Monkey rams his knee into the head of Harthan to put him back down onto the mat. The OCW Champion then makes a huge mistake by spitting down on Harthan's chest. The challenger is on his feet almost immediately and going for Monkey with everything he's got. Punches, kicks, shoulder blocks and everything else that he can throw at his oppoinent. The grimmace on his face shows what kind of pain that he's in but he refuses to let the pain stop him. Monkey is in big trouble as he is hammered on by Harthan!

Monkey can barely get his hands up to defend himself as Harthan hammers away on him. A big right hand and Harthan has the champion down on one knee! A back elbow to the jaw and Monkey is down on both knees. Harthan follows up with a front dropkick right to the jaw and Monkey is down and nearly out cold! Harthan goes for the cover immediately but only gets a two count as Monkey gets his foot on the bottom rope.
Harthan doesn't waste a second in going back to beating on Monkey. As he lifts him off the mat, Harthan drives in a series of elbows to the jaw. Monkey is barely on his feet at the moment as Harthan is pounding away with evertyhing he's got. Never has spitting instead of swallowing been more of an issue.

Swallowing his pride I mean you perverts.

Harthan sends Monkey into the corner with amazing power. He spins Monkey around so he is facing the buckle. Harthan gets a running start and goes for a splash but Monkey is able to get out of the way just in time. As Harthan's chest crashes into the buckle, Monkey is ready for him. He snaps off a perfect dropkick to send the challenger to the mat and finally break his momentum. Harthan is down as Monkey shakes the cobwebs out of his head. He stumbles over to Harthan but as he picks up the challenger, Harthan locks Monkey in the triangle choke!

Harthan is pulling for everything he's got on the neck of Monkey! The champion is fighting for everything he's got but he can't escape no matter how hard he fights. His resistance is slowing down as the referee continues to check him. MONKEY TAPS!!!
Harthan jumps to his feet but no music plays, no title is handed to him. As he looks around, he sees that the referee is with CCS who has come to ringside and was on the apron! Harthan gets a running start and spears CCS through the ropes and into the guard rail! As Harthan is pounding away on CCS and the referee continues his count, Monkey has barely moved an inch other than rolling onto his back. Harthan hears the count and slides into break it just in time to avoid being counted out. He picks up the limp Monkey and sits him on the top rope for something. Harthan backs into the opposite corner and runs at Monkey before jumping into the air for a hurricanrana. Monkey jumps off the top at the same time and catches Harthan in a huge sitout powerbomb!

He somehow hooks the leg of Harthan but only gets two! Monkey can't even stand up on his own as he reaches for the ropes to pull himself up. After a struggle to stand he reaches over to Harthan but gets rolled up into a small package for a long two count as the crowd pops to their feet again. Both men are nearly spent but Harthan is getting to his feet first. He stalks Monkey as the champion is climbing to his feet, using the ropes to get up again. With a running start Harthan dives at him but Monkey ducks low and Harthan goes through the top and middle rope. With Monkey pulling the top one down though, Harthan's neck is trapped between the top and middle ropes, strangling him! Monkey sees Harthan trapped and falls flat on his face on the mat. The referee is trying to free Harthan but it's taking time. As he is caught, Harthan is rapidly losing consciousness. Finally he is freed but at a huge cost to his level of energy. Monkey rises to his feet after a brief rest and starts to lay into Harthan with big right hands. Harthan can't fight back and the ropes are all that's keeping him up.

After bouncing off the ropes again, Harthan uses everything he's got left in him to nail Monkey with a huge shoulder block to send him across the ring. Harthan is getting his 19th wind as he goes after Monkey with everything he's got left in him. He picks him up and plants him with a slam before taking the long climb up to the top rope. Harthan comes off with a huge splash off the top rope! The referee is in perfect position for the count. His arm comes down for the one as the crowd rises to their feet. As he hits the mat for the second time the crowd is ready to explode. When the time comes for the three he stops as Monkey raises his shoulder off the canvas! Harthan falls backwards to his knees before picking up Monkey one more time. He sends him into the ropes and as Monkey gets closer to him, Harthan jumps into the air to lock on the triangle choke again! This time though Monkey is ready for him and holds onto the ropes, causing Harthan to crash on his back onto the mat.

Monkey wipes the sweat from his eyes as he leans down to Harthan. He drops a knee onto the chest of his opponent before going for a cover. At two, he picks Harthan up. Monkey picks Harthan up one more time and sits him on the top turnbuckle. As he's getting ready to attack though, Harthan is able to kick him off! Monkey is sent backwards into the middle of the ring. Harthan climbs to the top rope and lands a huge clothesline to put the champion down! He goes to the other corner and is perched, waiting on Monkey to get up again. Harthan comes off with a flying tackle this time to put Monkey down again! Monkey crawls over to the ropes and tries to pull himself up again. He finally gets to his feet as he is still standing next to the ropes. When he is on his feet he looks around, Harthan comes off the top rope with a tomahawk chop! Monkey steps out of the way though and shoves Harthan down onto the top rope crotch first! Harthan falls forward as Monkey gets underneath him. He pulls Harthan onto his shoulders before spinning him out with the GAME OVER! Monkey drapes an arm over Harthan's chest as the referee counts three!

Murfish and Trademark are almost immediately in the ring to help Monkey to his feet as the referee hands him the OCW World Heavyweight Championship belt. With his head hanging down, FIREFLY begins to play! Monkey's head snaps up to look at the stage as we go off the air!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Breakout is on the air.

Feel free to discuss it as it goes in the old school OCW thread.
Our show begins with Save Me by Shinedown welcoming in the man that is somehow still the reigning OCW World Heavyweight Champion, Monkey!
With a walk that is as slow as imaginable, Monkey, flanked by Murfish, Trademark and the CCS, is barely able to get down the ramp towards the ring. After nearly a minute of limping, the entourage goes ahead of him to part the ropes. As Monkey is about to get into the ring, the music suddenly stops and the champion spins around.
A now familiar voice can be heard throughout the arena, as the still healing Disembodied Voice has something to say.

Oh come on Monkey. Spare the people the time and the boredom of your same old tired speech about how you dominated someone else last night and how you were never in any danger at all. The only reason you can keep spreading those lies of your's is that OCW Title. And yet again you have it tonight. I look down at you tonight and I see before me a champion. I see before me a champion with a beautiful championship belt on his shoulder, and I think to myself, that is a championship that should be defended here tonight.

Monkey motions that he's injured but the DV cuts him off again.

Oh shut up Monkey. Tonight, in the middle of the ring, Monkey and Harthan Part II! Now get out of the ring so these people can be entertained!
As Monkey and his crew hobble out of the ring, I Touch Myself sounds as the fattest team in history appear, as Tits Magee and Lumpy Magoo are ready for tag team action!
The pair head to the ring but just before they climb onto the apron, the Rock N Roll Ninja and Marcus Blade jump the rotund pair! Blade and Ninja, still clad in their masks, send Magee and Magoo into the stairs and post respectively as the assault begins. The two musclemen beat down the former tag team champions as the bell has yet to ring. The referee is unsure as to what to do here as Magee and Magoo never even had the chance to defend themselves.
Blade sends Magoo into the ring and we finally get a bell to start the match. On the floor, the Ninja is pounding away on Tits Magee who can barely get his hands up to protect himself. In the ring, Magoo is being beaten down very quickly. Within 15 seconds, Blade has Magoo up and drives him down with a jackknife powerbomb to end this assault as quickly as it began.
As the Ninja slides into the ring, both men signal that the tag titles are as good as their's come Line In The Sand as we go to the back.
We see Harthan arriving to the arena with RBI bouncing up to him, drawing a pop from the crowd. As he is about to be asked about his rematch later tonight, Murfish pops up to interupt.

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