OCW Information/Action Thread

Finishing Move-Chipmunk’s Delight-Diamond Cutter
Music-Hyden Concerto in D flat
Hometown-The Outer Reaches of Your Mind

Do you remember that kid in the back of your class that ate paste every day and was sent home on the short yellow bus? Well imagine if he was sent to Oxford by mistake instead of being called dumb as an ox. After graduating Magna Cum Lousy, he became the manager of a rubber chicken factory. He was fired after a bad feathering incident. From there, Spunky was elected President of Madagascar, where he produced, starred in and directed a revival of the Broadway hit Westside Story. After he left the theater, Spunky became a fisherman and caught 28 tuna with his bare hands in an hour. However, he was mistaken for an anchor and thrown overboard off the coast of Australia, where after a brief stint as a librarian, he wandered into the OCW Arena after seeing a sign that said fans wanted. Armed with a box fan, he walked into the arena looking to sell it for money to buy his next bottle of Sunny D. As he was walking along his merry way, Spunky accidently was hit the head by a flying Murfish during one of his battles with the boxes. Spunky was knocked silly and has been that way ever sense.
Finisher-Thrill Seeker-Screwdriver
Music-Thriller-Michael Jackson
Hometown-Neverland, Texas

This is kind of a weird one. Thriller, accompanied by his “best girl” Jeannie Bill has come to OCW for some reason. Since the Disembodied Voice got drunk last night and signed him to a contract we can’t fire him so he has to stick around. While not really a solid in ring competitor as he’s never won a single match, Thriller has danced his way into both the ring and our hearts over the past few months. Lately he has taken a much more serious approach to the wrestling aspect to his career which has gone quite well indeed. If he can add that to his resume, Thriller could become a most dangerous person.
Timbo Slice (Tim)
Finishing Move-Blockbuster
Music-Down Under-Men At Work
Hometown-Sydney, Australia

The original OCW pest and king of the jobbers, Tim is one of the few people in OCW that has grown up in front of our eyes. From a noble family in Sydney, Tim grew up in the lap of luxury watching wrestling in between his opera and violin lessons. Realizing that this was what he wanted to do, he disowned his multimillionaire family to pursue a career in wrestling. This went badly at first as he couldn’t find any work other than as a hog flogger and male stripper. Eventually he made his way here to OCW where he annoyed a whole new group of people for a time, before being taken in by the fans and finally finding success.
Tits Magee (Fictitious)
Finishing Move-Power Slam
Music-I Touch Myself-Divinlys
Hometown-Anchorage, Alaska

Um, what do you really want me to say here? His name is Tits Magee. He’s fat, he’s creepy, he likes to eat. Somehow he’s a former OCW World Heavyweight Champion. Can I stop looking at him now?
Trademark (TM)
Finisher-You’re Fired-The Stroke
Music-Million Dollar Man
Hometown-His Own Private Caribbean Island

A rich bastard that will never let you forget that he’s a rich bastard, the Trademark has tried more than once to take over OCW with his evil schemes. He’s easily the closest thing that OCW has to a mustache twirling villain. He’s shown once in awhile that he has some true wrestling skills but is more likely to buy his wrestlers for hefty sums. Having been left his money by his rich uncle Ebenezer, Trademark lives in a world where he sees money as the only power and he’ll stop at nothing until he owns OCW.
Vengeance (Richard)
Music-Ladies and Gentlemen-Saliva
Hometown-Melbourne, Australia

Vengeance is one of the most consistent performers in the history of OCW. He does his thing and takes no prisoners at all. The speed of the Whiplash has put down many an opponent and has won him a record 4 Taz Titles. Perhaps the best member of the midcard to never break into the main event, Vengeance is always on the outside looking in. Will this be the year that he finally makes the transition to full time main eventer? We certainly hope so, as he’s nothing but fun to watch in the ring.
Now that we have all of the Bios that are currently active listed, here we have a list of the PPVs in OCW. The biggest show of the year by far is Final Chapter, followed by Total Impact, then Call to Arms. After that it's debatable what goes where. The year starts with King of Queensland.

1. King of Queensland
2. Line in the Sand
3. Tip of the Sword
4. Total Impact
5. Winter of Violence
6. Gates of Hell
7. Call to Arms
8. Horizon's End
9. Final Chapter
Now, for those of you that haven't read OCW lately, or perhaps wold like a refresher on this, I'll begin to post the previous shows, beginning with Final Chapter 2, and moving on through the latest PPV, King of Queensland. Also, for those that may be intimidated by the size of the first show, I promise you, it's by far the longest of the year and of all time in OCW. The rest are much shorter.
Welcome to the second annual Final Chapter!!! A video package begins with a shot of a book entitled OCW: Sophomore Year. The book opens and we see a series of scenes from shows and matches throughout the year, showing the stories leading up to every match on the card, and culminating with the entire saga of Saber and KB over the past year. The unveiling of KB as Marcus Blade turns to black and white and the page turns again, revealing a series of blank pages. The book closes and we are live in Sydney, Australia in front of over 15,000 fans in the Rod Laver Arena! As Olivia Newton-John finishes up with Advance Australia Fair, we hear the sounds of the Final Chapter theme song, the Foo Fighters’ Long Road to Ruin!

The fireworks go off all over the arena as the banner saying Final Chapter is raised into the rafter, with a pyro display underneath it of a huge 2, and for the first time in over a year, Final Chapter is upon us! As always Sam and Luther are on commentary and as they speak in awe of the sheer magnitude of what is in front of them, Pippen is on his way to the ring! After he soaks in the sights surrounding him, he looks up at the Final Chapter 2 banner and pulls out a mic. He is about to speak, but is cut off by the sounds of the Final Countdown! Numbers walks through the curtain and seemingly couldn’t be happier about being back in Sydney for the second ever Final Chapter! The former Taz Champion is in the ring soon thereafter, and the opening contest of Final Chapter Two is underway! The two feel each other out for a bit as Pippen asks for a handshake. Numbers thinks about it and then flips a double bird at Pippen before kicking him back into the corner, much to the crowd’s delight! Numbers stomps him down and drives a double knee into the face of the allegedly still injured Pippen. Pippen is pulled up to his feet and hip tossed halfway across the ring as Numbers follows him. The former Taz Champion picks him up and sends him into the ropes where he dropkicks him down with amazing leaping ability. The dropkick scores him a two count as Pippen gets out of it. Both men back to their feet now and Numbers slams Pippen quickly, and then does it again. Pippen rolls to the outside to get a breath but Numbers is on the top rope already and dives off for a high cross body! Pippen has a bit of quickness himself though and Numbers goes crashing to the floor! Numbers crashed hard and is in a lot of pain. Pippen lifts his arm to get a better kick into the ribs before sending Numbers back into the ring. A falling fist right between the eyes has Numbers holding both his ribs and his head, but another fist and it’s just his head. Pippen goes to the middle turnbuckle and comes off with a diving fist that gets a two count before going in for a chin lock. Numbers tries to fight out of it but as he gets to his feet, Pippen rotates around so that Numbers’ back is across his, and then drives him down in a nicely done Orton-esque backbreaker. For some reason Pippen locks in a Melbourne Crab as the fans cheer for Numbers to get out of it. The former champion crawls to the ropes but as he is about to reach them, Pippen breaks the hold and drives an elbow straight into the small of the back. Pippen lands an X Factor in the middle of the ring and says that’s it. He climbs to the top rope for a moonsault but Numbers has pulled off his boot. He throws it with most of his remaining energy, hitting Pippen in the back of the head! The crowd is getting more into the match now as Numbers takes off the other shoe to balance himself out. He climbs up behind Pippen and goes for a German suplay from the top, but Pippen rolls over and lands on top of him in a cross body! Numbers rolls through it though and catches Pippen with a spin out powerbomb that only gets two. Numbers, clad in only socks on his feet, climbs to the top rope and comes off with a huge diving elbow that misses. Pippen slowly gets to his feet and stalks Numbers. As he waits on him, Numbers is up as well and walks into an attempt at a Fisherman’s suplay. He gets out of it though and goes for a running clothesline. Pippen is ready for it though and punches him in the ribs to take him down with a jawbreaker. Pippen once again climbs the ropes but he stops to yell at a fan. Using this momentary distraction, Numbers has the chance to get to his feet and mount the ropes as well. He lands a punch to the short ribs of Pippen, before locking his hands around the waist of his opponent. In an impressive display of strength, Numbers lands a German Suplay off the top rope into a bridge, for the one, two, and three! Numbers falls over, completely spent but happy with his victory! As Pippen gets to his feet he charges at Numbers, who casually steps aside as he tosses Pippen over the top rope and down to the floor. Numbers gives a slight fist pump as he heads to the back, having won the opening match at Final Chapter 2!

We cut to the back with RBI and DeSade who is asked about his title defense tonight.

“You want to know how I feel about my title defense tonight? You want to know how I feel about having to face two men and win twice to defend my title on the biggest night that this company has ever seen in front of more people than I’ve ever had the privilege to wrestle in front of in my life? You want to know how I feel? I feel ready. I feel excited. I feel like a champion is supposed to feel. I feel confident. Confident that no matter what KB or whoever wants to throw at me that I’m going to hold onto this title for as long as I have breath in my body, because there is no way that either of those two men out there tonight are going to take it from me.”

DeSade leaves and Nighthawk is on his way to the ring. The rookie still looks cool, but even he has to crack a smile as he looks out at the 15,237 people in attendance tonight. Nighthawk climbs to the top rope and tosses his arms and head back much to the delight of the crowd. Just as pumped as they are to see him tonight, they are even more miserable to see the next person that walks through the curtain: Vengeance. The crowd boos with great anger as perhaps the most successful Taz Champion in OCW history makes his way into the ring. He and Nighthawk start the fight before DeSade is even in the arena. The pair hammer away at each other with Vengeance going for the Whiplash and Nighthawk trying to set up Vengeance for the Muscle Buster but neither man can hit either. A huge clothesline from Nighthawk sends Vengeance up and over the top rope. We cut to a shot of DeSade, still in the locker room, watching the match on the monitor. The referee sees the same image that we just saw on the big screen and begins to count DeSade out. The champion, remembering the Taz Title rules sprints from the back towards the ring and is lucky enough to have Nighthawk whip Vengeance back into the ring to break the referee’s count. Without that there was no way that DeSade would have made the ten count. The three are in the ring for the first time with Vengeance in trouble with Nighthawk. DeSade continues to stay back and not get involved in his own title defense, showing why he is the champion already. Nighthawk gets thumbed in the eye by Vengeance to break up his offense. Vengeance lands a right hand on Nighthawk to send him back a step, then does it two more times. He locks on a side headlock and takes Nighthawk down to the mat as DeSade continues to look on with a smirk on his face. The pair is doing the dirty work for the champion as he stands back in the corner. The referee signals to DeSade to get into the action but he implies he’s just fine where he is thank you. Nighthawk pulls on a headscissors to break the hold and almost gets a sunset flip but Vengeance is out before the referee is even on the mat. Nighthawk goes for Vengeance but is caught with a back elbow in the corner. Vengeance climbs to the middle rope and comes off with a diving shoulder block to send Nighthawk sprawling across the ring. Vengeance looks DeSade in the eye and the champion recoils a bit as the former champion comes at him. DeSade drops low and slides under the bottom rope as Vengeance leans over to grab at him. Nighthawk reaches up and rolls up Vengeance but the pin attempt is broken up by DeSade. Nighthawk looks at the champion with a look of confusion and then goes after him. The pair goes to the floor and Nighthawk chases him around the ring. DeSade slides into the ring and as Nighthawk follows him in Vengeance catches him in the back of the head with a knee. The champion still has had almost no physical contact in the entire match as he just sits back and watches these two go at it. Vengeance locks on a camel clutch to which DeSade isn’t sure how to react. He hits the ropes and goes for a perfect dropkick to the face of Nighthawk but Nighthawk ducks low and DeSade kicks Vengeance in the face instead. Vengeance shakes the cobwebs loose and glares a hole in the face of DeSade. The champion realizes that he has made a big mistake. In something that may never happen again, Vengeance and Nighthawk look at each other and then at DeSade, and somehow an alliance has been formed. The pair goes after DeSade, and Nighthawk gets his hands on him first. The pair both land rights and lefts on him and Vengeance sets DeSade up on his shoulders. Nighthawk goes up to the top rope but DeSade has escaped. Nighthawk looks down at both of them, and lands a huge double clothesline from the top to take both men down! He covers the champion who kicks out at two, and then Vengeance who also kicks out at two. Nighthawk is frustrated but clearly in control of the matchup, as he goes back to work on the champion. He sits DeSade up on the top turnbuckle and keeps him there with a big right hand. From behind though comes Vengeance who kicks Nighthawk low. DeSade is up on the top though and comes off with a hurricanrana that takes down Vengeance! A cover only gets two though and we are still at full strength. Nighthawk isn’t quite back on his feet though as DeSade drops him with a double axe handle smash. He then slides to the floor and grabs Nighthawk’s legs. The left leg of Nighthawk meets the ring post and the shouting begins. Vengeance chokes away at Nighthawk as the leg is again wrapped around the post. DeSade locks in a figure four around the ring post as Vengeance kicks away at the kneecap. DeSade breaks the hold and slides back in the ring to break the count though, and is met with a quick Whiplash from Vengeance! He goes for the cover but DeSade’s leg is just underneath the ropes and the count has to end. Nighthawk is holding his knee so Vengeance goes after him instead and locks on a Figure Four. Nighthawk is trying desperately to get to the ropes but he just can’t get there. DeSade is back up though and is on the top rope. He lands a huge elbow drop onto Vengeance and goes for a cover! He gets the one, two, and the three! Vengeance has been eliminated and it is now one on one for the Taz Title between DeSade and Nighthawk!

DeSade takes the opportunity though and covers Nighthawk, but he gets his shoulder up. The damage has been done to the knee though and it is one against three quarters of another. Vengeance is getting to his feet and dropkicks the referee! He then begrudgingly leaves the ring, but instead of heading for the back, Vengeance picks up a chair and comes back into the ring and blasts Nighthawk in the knee with it. Three more shots to the leg follow and with the help of DeSade, Nighthawk is stood up and Vengeance lands the Whiplash on Nighthawk before finally leaving. DeSade nods to Vengeance who returns it and then goes for the cover. He gets the one, the two, and that’s it! Nighthawk raises his arm to somehow break up the pinfall attempt! DeSade is stunned as is Vengeance. The champion starts pounding away at the knee of Nighthawk, but as he goes for a figure four leg lock, Nighthawk rolls him up with an inside cradle! He only gets two though as DeSade is able to kick out. Nighthawk goes for DeSade but the knee gives out and he falls down to one knee. DeSade lands the DeSade Spiral on the challenger! The referee is up just in time to get in position for the count. He rolls him over into the cover, but fails to hook a leg. Nighthawk somehow raises his leg up and puts it on the bottom rope just in time to break up the pin. DeSade is beside himself while Nighthawk is barely able to move. The champion goes over to the leg that is still on the ropes and cannon balls down onto it. Nighthawk screams in pain as DeSade does it again, and the knee is in big trouble. He reaches between the legs of the challenger and sets him into a Texas Cloverleaf. The hold does exactly what it is supposed to as the pain on the face of Nighthawk is at an unbelievable level. He holds on for as long as he can but eventually his base falls out from underneath him and the referee goes to check on his arms. It falls once and DeSade cranks back on the hold even harder. It falls twice and DeSade locks it on even more. The arm is raised a third time, but this time it stays in the air! Nighthawk rises up and crawls on his forearms towards the ropes. With one foot to go, Vengeance pulls the bottom rope away from him and keeps Nighthawk in the hold. With everything that he’s got in him, Nighthawk lunges and grabs the bottom rope. With the referee on DeSade to break up the hold, Vengeance pounds away at Nighthawk who absorbs every single blow! The hold is finally broken and Nighthawk goes back into the ring. DeSade isn’t sure what’s left to do with Nighthawk so he picks him back up and sends him into the corner. A big chop connects but Nighthawk shakes it off. Another and this time Nighthawk looks up a bit. A third chop and on this one, Nighthawk looks DeSade in the eye and with a hand on the ropes, chops DeSade instead! Nighthawk is firing back somehow and has the champion in trouble! DeSade is knocked backwards but Nighthawk makes a mistake by trying to take a step forward causing the knee to go out on him. He falls down to one knee but is still able to land some left hands to the ribs of the champion. With a headbutt to the ribs, DeSade is sent reeling!

Nighthawk somehow gets up to his feet and lands a one footed dropkick. He lands on his back but kicks DeSade off as he goes for the leg again. Somehow Nighthawk has enough left in him to nip up and land on his feet! He sends DeSade into the corner and pounds away with forearms to the head of the champion. Vengeance is beside himself on the floor as Nighthawk is on a roll. DeSade manages to get a knee into the ribs to break up the attack and send Nighthawk into the middle of the ring. The champion follows him in but walks into a huge Codebreaker from Nighthawk to send DeSade up against the ropes! Nighthawk is clutching his knee though and simply can’t go for the cover. He crawls over to DeSade but can only get a very long two as the champion kicks out at the last possible second! The crowd is on their feet and hanging on Nighthawk’s every single movement. Both men are on their knees now and start to hammer away at each other with no one being able to get the advantage. In a great move, Nighthawk lands a right hand to the ribs and pulls DeSade over in a butterfly suplay from his knees! The move hurts him more though as the torque that is put on the knee is almost more than he can bear. DeSade is able to get up first somehow and gets a double underhook set on Nighthawk. The challenger, using every last bit of energy in his body, backdrops DeSade up and over the top rope! Nighthawk gets up to his feet as the referee begins to count DeSade! With the count at five, DeSade is on his feet but refuses to come back into the ring. The referee’s back is turned and from the outside comes Vengeance again with a chopblock onto the injured knee of Nighthawk! DeSade slides back into the ring and goes for another figure four. This time he locks it in and Nighthawk’s knee is completely gone. The pain is almost unbearable but Nighthawk refuses to quit! DeSade pounds away on the kneecap to try to finish off his opponent, but Nighthawk refuses to submit! The referee checks on him every second but Nighthawk is still in the match! He’s breaking down though and he lands on his back. The referee counts his shoulders down but Nighthawk gets his shoulder up at the last second! With the last surge of adrenaline he has in his body, the challenger is going to try to turn the hold over! He screams as he gets the shoulder of DeSade off the mat and tries as hard as he can to turn the hold over, and he gets it! The pressure is on the leg of the champion now and the referee is checking on him! DeSade is able to keep the momentum going though and turns the hold back over again. Nighthawk tries to fight his way out of it again but this time the energy is gone. The referee checks on Nighthawk again and while he says no, the lights are going out in his eyes and he’s in the middle of the ring. His shoulders go down and the referee goes for a count. This time though, Nighthawk is out cold and DeSade gets the three count! Vengeance slides into the ring and starts driving right hands into the head of the unconscious Nighthawk. The referee tries to break it up but Vengeance just doesn’t care. As the beating continues, from the rafters comes Kamikaze! Armed with a chair he chases the two men off and stands guard over Nighthawk as we cut to the back to see Sabre and RBI.

For the first time in his tenure in OCW, Sabre looks nervous. RBI asks him about his showdown tonight with KB, but Sabre has nothing to say and simply walks back into his locker room.

Following the amazing effort that we have just seen by Nighthawk that just wasn’t enough, it is time to completely change gears as it is time to determine the first ever OCW Hardcore Champion in an I Quit Match! The wars between these two men since the arrival of Mike Harthan to OCW, as well as the levels of violence that Murfish has gone to over the years are shown. The gong begins to sound and the king of hardcore, Murfish, is on his way to the ring. From behind comes Harthan with a chain around his arm. He blasts the Pale Destroyer in the back of the head with it and sends him down to the floor. Harthan pulls the chain off and tries to wrap it around the neck of Murfish, but the former OCW Champion is ready for it and pulls the chain to send Harthan into the apron head first as he gets back to his feet. A double axe handle sends Mike down to the ground as Murfish kicks him low. He goes under the ring to see what he can find and comes out with a chair. Murfish lifts the chair up and blasts Harthan over the back with it, then again and again. He picks up the chair and measures Harthan, before driving the edge of the chair into the side of his head. The referee checks to see if Harthan quits but the answer is a mumbled no. Murfish throws him down the aisle and every time Mike tries to get to his feet he’s knocked down to the ground again by the chair or a Murfish right hand. The pair go to the stage where Harthan is able to get his hands on a television cable. He dodges the chair shot and somehow lassos the chair away from Murfish. Now it’s time for Mike to inflict some damage as he blasts Murfish in the ribs and the across the back with the chair. He sets the chair up on the stage and as the former OCW champion is hunched over, Harthan gets a running start and using the chair as a stepping stone, jumps over Murfish and sunset powerbombs him down off the stage! Harthan is dazed but Murfish is almost completely out of it. Mike has enough in him to go backstage and comes back with an anvil case that he tries to run over Murfish with!

Murfish is able to get out of the way at the last second and chops Harthan down to the concrete. The two fight over the anvil case with Murfish’s power being too much for Harthan to fend off. He is pinned back up against the stage and has the anvil case rammed into his ribs. Harthan is down on the case but still standing up as Murfish wanders off and comes back with a long metal pole. He sets it up like a javelin and runs at Harthan, attempting to impale him with it! Harthan looks up in time to get out of the way but Murfish sees him move. In an amazing feat of athleticism, Murfish uses the pole to pole vault up to the stage! He looks down at Harthan who can’t see him, and dives off with a bulldog that drives Harthan face first into the concrete! Mike is busted open and busted open really, really badly. The referee finally has a chance to ask if he wants to quit but he is out cold, and in this contest, the only way to win is if someone says I Quit, so the matchup continues! Murfish drags Harthan into the back of the building and throws him through the window of an office before kicking the door in. He beats on Harthan with the door for awhile before setting for a Fatality on the remnants of the door. Harthan is able to shove him into a locker though, and the he shuts the door and locks it, trapping Murfish inside! Murfish rams his head against the door in a vain attempt to get free but to no avail. Harthan tells the referee to ask him, but Murfish does nothing but roar. Harthan leaves for a minute as the referee tries to unlock the combination lock to the door. Harthan returns wearing a red shirt rather than a white one as it is almost completely soaked in blood and with a metal cricket bat in his hands. Harthan shoves the referee out of the way and beats on the door with the bat, denting it in. The sounds of Murfish’s body being hit by both pieces of metal are excruciating as the assault continues. A wild swing is off target though and the lock is broken. The door opens and Murfish falls out, nearly unconscious and now bleeding as well. Harthan looks down at him with a sadistic smile and hits him in the side of the head with the bat, knocking him across the room and down onto the floor. Murfish is out but as the referee goes to ask him, Harthan hits him in the knees with the bat, waking him up with pain. Murfish’s screams are loud enough to wake the dead so Harthan kicks him in the teeth, knocking one of them out to silence him. He drags Murfish out of the office by the hair and they go further back into the bowels of the building with Murfish bleeding and limping even worse now. The pair continue their battle near the catering area. Murfish is trying as best he can to get back some momentum and is finally able to do so with a shot to Harthan’s head with a bottle of Gatorade. He follows it up with a Barbecue sandwich to the face and a handful of napkins being shoved down Harthan’s throat in an attempt to strangle him. Harthan kicks Murfish low to break up the attack and slams him into the Coke machine in the corner. As a Sprite falls out, Harthan grabs it as Murfish chokes him and shakes it as fast as he can. He hits Murfish in the head with it and then opens it up, directing the spraying soda into the eyes of the Pale Destroyer to temporarily blind him. The fight continues on with Murfish trying to regain his vision. Harthan throws Murfish into a door that opens slightly then kicks him through it. The pair has fought out into the parking lot out near the production trucks. Harthan lunges at Murfish with a 2x4 that he’s picked up, but Murfish drops low and avoids it.

He grabs the board and lands a Russian leg sweep, sending the wood across the throat of Harthan. Murfish is now in control and he rams Harthan into the side of a production truck. He does it again and again until finally Harthan goes through the side of the truck! His head is stuck inside the truck but his body is still out the outside! Murfish takes the opportunity to beat Harthan with the board until it is broken across his back. With an evil gleam in his eye, Murfish goes towards the door of the truck and rips it open. The sound of the engine starting up means only one thing. With Harthan still sticking out of the side of the truck, Murfish begins to drive it forward! Harthan wakes up and realizes he is in trouble as his feet are starting to bounce off the pavement. He fights to get free but is likely regretting that he succeeds. Mike gets out as the truck is starting to gain speed, but he falls out and bounces onto the asphalt. Luckily for him he was able to turn in the air and he landed on his side and not on his face. Using the tiny bit of energy he has left, Harthan crawls under the truck and gets to the other side where he climbs into the open back of it as Murfish has stopped driving when he saw Harthan hit the pavement. Harthan is now in the back of the truck as Murfish hops to the ground. Seeing the shoe sticking out of the back, Murfish goes after him while smiling, as the referee follows. He grabs the foot of Harthan and pulls him out, but in an act that I wouldn’t recommend letting your children watch, Harthan comes out with a blowtorch and sets it off in the face of Murfish! The screaming is ungodly and the blood is flowing out of the head of Murfish as he collapses on the bed of the truck. Harthan throws the torch down and as the referee is finally calming down Harthan yells at him to ask him. Murfish has finally blacked out from pain and blood loss and simply can’t say anything. Mike looks at the referee and asks if the rules say Murfish just has to say he quits which the referee affirms. Harthan pulls the tattered shirt of Murfish over his head and after dipping his finger into the cut on his forehead, uses his own blood to write the words I QUIT on the unconscious body of Murfish. Harthan points to the body and says to the referee, “He says he quits!” The referee, perhaps in an attempt to just end the madness, says that’s it and signals for the bell which rings in the arena. Harthan has “won”, and as he is handed the title collapses, completely unconscious. The ambulances have already arrived and both men are on stretchers within minutes as the crowd is in stunned silence.

We go to the back again to see Tim and Dan getting ready for their match later tonight as RBI knocks on the door. She isn't warmly greeted as Tim sees her and kicks her out.

"If your name isn't IC or Polley or if you're not wearing a Red Coat, stay the fuck out! Red Coats we're ready!"
Minutes later and the next match is about to being with Spunky and the Rock and Roll Ninja in the ring ready to face the hottest tag team in OCW right now, Tits Magee and Lumpy Magoo, but the crowd is still in awe over the level of violence they just saw. As the match begins, the Croatian broadcaster is losing his mind at ringside, screaming that the people in Zagreb won’t stand for such violence and that OCW has just lost their Croatian TV deal. He asks for a mic in the middle of the match and begins to scream into it, blasting OCW and KB for what they’ve allowed the children to see tonight. In the ring, Spunky has Magee down but hears the rant that is going on. He and the RNRN hop to the floor and grab the broadcaster’s mic and hit him in the head with it. Spunky yells down at him as he tries to get to his feet, but he turns around and walks into a powerslam through the table by Magoo! The referee’s count hits ten, and Magoo and Magee have won again! The pair celebrates as RNRN checks on Spunky, who instead of accepting the help blasts RNRN in the head with the back of his fist before screaming that it’s all his fault! He rips the mask off of RNRN and puts it on himself! Spunky now says that it’s all his fault and begs the performer previously known as RNRN to hit him. RNRN isn’t sure what to do, but he finally blasts Spunky in the face then leaves shaking his own head.

We are now ready to go in a match that will end the career of a former OCW Champion, as either Norcal or Shango will be leaving us forever. A highlight reel of the wars that these two men have had for the past two years is shown, culminating with the War Games match and the brawls that have followed it. In the back, RBI is following Norcal as he marches to the ring in an attempt to get a quick word with him. He pauses for a split second and looks down at her. The only words to come out of his mouth are “Get away from me before I end you.” RBI scampers away and the music of Born in the USA begins, and we are almost underway! The crowd already begins to chant the song Goodbye to Norcal, getting only a reply of double middle fingers in response. He stands in the corner of the ring and throws punches at the air as the lights dim and the sounds of Not Listening begin. The crowd jumps to their feet as the Folk Hero of OCW, Papa Shango has arrived! Shango greets the fans with an energy that could rival Jeff Hardy before turning his attention to the ring in front of him, and one of his arch rivals in OCW. He slides into the ring feet first to keep his eyes on Norcal in a smart move. The referee goes over all of the rules in the middle of the ring before the bell goes off. As he raises his arm to call for it, Norcal decks the official! The referee is down and the fight is on between Norcal and Shango. Shango is pounding away at the side of the head of Norcal with everything he’s got in him as the fight spills out to the floor. Norcal throws Shango over the barrier and this fight is going out into the crowd. Norcal picks up a chair that still has a person in it and blasts Shango over the head with it. The person is caught by the fans and body surfed around the arena. Shango sweeps Norcal’s legs out from underneath him and kicks him in the ribs. He mounts Norcal and drives right hands into his head before pulling him up to set for a pile driver on the concrete which he connects with! Norcal is almost out and Shango goes for a cover before realizing that there’s neither a referee nor is this a falls count anywhere match. He picks up Norcal and sends him backwards further into the crowd as the head towards the television tower where we broadcast the show live around the world. Norcal is thrown into the tower but is able to grab onto it and climb up. Shango follows but using his basic training capabilities, Norcal beats him up the tower. He waits on Shango to get up and then blasts him in the head with a television camera which will be coming out of his paycheck. The Mighty one shouts down to a fan to throw him a chair. He gets his wish and then begins to wear Shango out with it by delivering shot after shot across the back. After nearly twelve shots Norcal holds the chair up above his head before pulling it back down towards his face in a mistake.

Shango rams his own head into the chair to send it crashing into the skull of Norcal to knock him almost silly! Both men are down now as the referee is trying to get to his feet in the ring. In his dizziness though he stumbles through the ropes and hits his head on the guard rail, knocking himself out even further, leaving this to be little more than a street fight! Back on the tower, Norcal is starting to get to his feet but so is Shango. Shango grabs Norcal by the throat and chokes him backwards but there’s not enough room for this. Norcal begins to climb a ladder to another level of the tower with Shango’s hand still wrapped tightly around his throat. Norcal kicks Shango in the face to break up the choke before grabbing him under his arms, lifting him up into the air and landing a huge Sky High from the tower down onto the ground below! The crowd chants HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT as the camera swings down to show a crash pad that they landed on some 19 feet below the tower! Both men are almost out cold but Norcal is stirring a bit. With the energy he has left in him, Norcal drags Shango’s nearly lifeless body back towards the ring, feeling that now is the time to end the OCW career of one of the finest wrestlers the company has ever seen. With Shango over his shoulders in a Fireman’s Carry, Norcal begins the march back towards the ring, barely able to stay on his feet. From out of nowhere though, Norcal is kicked in the face by someone that we can’t see. The camera swings around to show that it’s the crowd surfing fan that knocked the muscle man off his feet! Shango sprawls down onto the arena floor before somehow getting to his feet. Norcal is up first though and the brawl continues. Shango is on the losing end of the fistfight though as he is still hurting from the Sky High off the tower. Shango gets a running start at Norcal but is caught in a spinning spine buster, but Shango is able to counter into a monkey flip that sends Norcal back first into the ringside barrier! He then spears Norcal’s torso into the wall, nearly crushing him in the process. The referee, in an amazing coincidence is just now getting to his feet and doesn’t realize that Norcal and Shango are just now getting back to ringside. Shango grabs the foot of Norcal and locks in an ankle lock on the outside! Norcal screams in pain as he looks for an escape method. The referee is finally on his feet and sees the submission hold locked in on the other side of the ring. He slides back into the ring, but considering the importance of this match he is counting very, very slowly. After about fifteen seconds he is able to get up to a two count as Norcal is desperately trying to find a way out of the hold. With nowhere else to go he tries to climb up the steps. As he gets up to the apron, he does an incredibly powerful pushup and then back spins out to launch Shango into the ring and break the hold! Holding onto his ankle he crawls into the ring before realizing the only flaw in the move that he just used: it had no effect on Shango at all. The Papa is waiting on Norcal as he slides into the ring with a headbutt to the back and then another! Shango pulls Norcal into the middle of the ring and locks in a bow and arrow submission, bending the body of Norcal over his own knees! The referee checks on Norcal who is trying desperately to get Shango’s hands off of his face. Figuring out that this method simply won’t work, he does the next best thing and uses his weaker left hand to hit Shango in the face and nose. After three stiff shots, the hold is still on! Norcal shouts to the referee something unintelligible to which the referee reacts in a most odd manner. The referee shouts back at him, asking what did he just say? Norcal shouts again and the referee, desperate to know what Norcal says pulls Shango’s hands off of Norcal’s mouth, allowing him to shout that he said he’s a Muppet as well as get out of the hold! Holding both his back and his ankle, Norcal leans against the ropes to hold him up. Shango charges at him but Norcal, in a move of both desperation and exhaustion, falls to the mat and pulls the top rope down with him sending Shango up and over, where he crashes down onto the floor below. Norcal stands up somehow and in a display of amazing strength and endurance, jumps over the top rope and lands down on Shango in a huge cross body block! Shango is down with Norcal on top of him as the referee begins his count. When he gets to three, Norcal stands up and holds up his arms in triumph, thinking that he has won the match in his state of delirium.

The referee tries to explain that it wasn’t a pin but Norcal is already on the second rope celebrating. Shango is crawling back into the ring slowly and sees Norcal up on the ropes. Using a little thing called intelligence; he knows he hasn’t lost the match yet. Papa lurks behind Norcal, waiting on him to jump off the ropes as he always down. Norcal jumps down in a spin out and Shango is waiting on him! He catches Norcal across his shoulders in the Taxi Driver! Shango gets his running start and then plants Norcal head first into the canvas! He goes for the cover but Norcal somehow gets a shoulder up! Shango can’t believe it as he falls off of Norcal and pounds on the mat in frustration. Norcal hasn’t moved an inch though and Shango is up to his knees. Looking down at Norcal laying prone on the mat, Shango gets up to his feet and goes to the outside in something very unorthodox for his in ring style. He climbs to the top rope and waits on Norcal to get up. The Real American staggers to his feet and turns around looking for Shango. Papa jumps off going for a hurricanrana but is caught in a huge Sky High! Norcal and Shango are both down on the mat and can barely move. Using the little bit of strength left in his body, Norcal is able to drape his arm over the chest of Shango for the cover. He gets a one, he gets a two, but he doesn’t get a three! Shango gets his shoulder up as if to say that he’s not ready to be retired just yet! Norcal can’t believe it as neither man is able to sit up much less get to their feet. The two gladiators have given this everything that they’ve had but it’s just not enough to put the other away. The fans are on their feet cheering both men on, regardless of what they think of them. Norcal begins to move first, drawing on his former military background of never saying die. Norcal is up to his feet first and goes to pick up Shango. Standing at Shango’s feet, Norcal is stunned when Shango nips up, wrapping his legs around the neck of Norcal and hurricanranaing him onto the middle rope. Shango is on his feet now as Norcal staggers around to face him again. Papa picks him up and plants him down with the Cena flippy move! He doesn’t go for the cover though and this proves to be a mistake. Norcal is pulled up to his feet and picked up onto Shango’s shoulders yet again. This time though, Norcal is able to fall down around the back of Shango and locks in a full nelson! Shango is fighting for everything he’s got but he’s like a doll in the massive arms of the Mighty one. Norcal locks the hold in even tighter now and the life begins to fade from Shango. Norcal takes the punishment up to another level as he lands a picture perfect Dragon Suplay on Shango, still holding onto the full nelson but suplaying him up and over his head and down into a pin. Shango is out of it but Norcal doesn’t let Shango get counted. Instead he rolls Papa over into a camel clutch position, but still holding onto the full nelson! Shango is comepletely out of it and the referee calls for the bell to end the match! SHANGO IS OUT OF OCW!!!

Norcal refuses to let go of the hold though, shouting to the referee that Shango must suffer. The hold is still locked on and Shango’s face is turning a bright purple. The pressure on his neck is ungodly as Norcal uses all of his power to crank back on the hold. The referee signals for another bell and goes to speak to the announcer before sliding out of the ring and sprinting for the back. The ring announcer, with a voice shaking harder than Brittney Spears’ ass at one of her coke induced concerts, says that due to Norcal not releasing the hold, the official has reversed the decision, making Shango the winner of the match and sending Norcal out of OCW! This makes Norcal break the hold and then slide out to ringside. Ignoring the concept of don’t shoot the messenger, Norcal grabs the ring announcer and throws him into the ring post! Then he wraps his lifeless body around the post and grabs his face and legs, before jumping into the air and placing his feet against the post! The announcer is now looking like a human slingshot as Norcal pulls on his unconscious body. Finally security comes down and breaks it up as a pair of stretchers are brought out for the two men that Norcal has injured. The security then says that Norcal must go, but the former champion refuses. When arguing doesn’t work, the security has only one option left and they use it: a stun gun is jabbed into the chest of Norcal, sending him down to the ground! The security picks him up and carries him out towards the exit of the arena!

We cut to a video package on the short history between Becca and Showgirl, showing the rivalry the pair have had over the OCW Women’s title, including a seemingly unneeded shot of Becca kissing Stephanie that no one seems to mind being included. The video of these two goes on for a good while, before we finally go to the back to see Norcal being thrown out against his own will.

As Norcal if forced out of the building, the music of Becca hits and it is time for the OCW Women’s Title to be decided! With a slightly bandaged ribcage, Becca saunters down to the ring as the crowd cheers her on. She stands in the corner with more focus than any of us have ever seen her have. Showgirl’s music of Shania Twain’s Man! I Feel Like a Woman hits, and the OCW Women’s Champion is on its way to the ring! The champ gets into the ring and after handing the title to the referee has to dodge a superkick from Becca! The champion is on the run in the early going as Becca is out for revenge and the title. A big right hand and Showgirl is sent back into the ropes. Becca lands another one and goes for a spear to return the favor but Showgirl is out the back door. She rolls Becca up but only gets on as the Rugby player’s legs are too powerful this early on in the match. Showgirl hits the ropes and Becca nips up just in time to land a perfect belly to back suplay on her to put her down. Becca chokes away at her and then slams her head into the mat repeatedly. The referee tries to break it up but after Becca smiles at him that idea is long gone. Showgirl is pulled to her feet and sent back to the corner. A back elbow sends her head shaking as Becca begins to drive her shoulder into the ribs. On the 5th one, Showgirl jumps into the air and Becca hits the post shoulder first. Showgirl rolls her up but only gets two as Becca kicks out again. Showgirl goes for a crowbar but Becca is able to roll around at an amazing speed to roll up Showgirl in a cradle! The Champion’s feet are in the ropes though and the referee has to break it up. Becca gets to her feet quickly and begins to shake the feeling back into her arm and shoulder. She switches to her left hand as Showgirl is in trouble again. The champion lands a fast kick to the ribs and then a dropkick though to regain the momentum and then locks in an armbar, much to the screams of the challenger. Becca is able to get back to her feet though and fights off the champion long enough to hit the ropes, but Showgirl catches her with her signature sitout spinebuster that somehow only gets two! She stands Becca up and gives her another one, but still it only gets two! Showgirl is furious and stands Becca up one more time. As she screams at Becca, Becca shrugs and kicks the hell out of Showgirl with a huge superkick! The cover is academic as Becca has regained the OCW Women’s Championship! The crowd erupts as the music is playing and Becca is handed the title. Showgirl hasn’t moved an inch as the new champion holds up the belt with her good arm and heads to the back to celebrate!

It is now time for a match that is the true definition of a grudge match, as two former members of both the Impact Players and the Aussie Army are going to go at it. We see a long video detailing the wars that have led up to this final battle in the saga of Rusty and Sparky. We see Sparky being held down by Rusty throughout his career in something that only he has seen in this entire time. The video ends with a shot of Sparky looking down at Rusty at Horizon’s End after costing him the OCW Title. The image transitions into a shot of Sparky in the back with RBI. The usual question is asked and then Sparky begins to speak.

“Rusty, since OCW began the two of us have stood side by side and fought war after war. Neither one of us was ever in front of the other and we were a team. That’s what I’ve heard you say every time you’re asked about us and I am fed up with all of your lies! You know damn well that it was always about you. Rusty was the leader of the Aussie Army and the leader of the Impact Players. Why never me? What about Sparky? What about one of the founding fathers of OCW? How come I never got that OCW Title shot? The answer to all of those questions is the same thing: Rusty. For two years he’s held me down so he can shine. Tonight, that all comes to an end Russell. Tonight, the Spark turns into a star of his own.”

Sparky leaves and the music of the man that just gave that interview is heard throughout the arena as he appears on the stage. As Sparky stands in front of the crowd, Rusty nails him from behind and the fight is on. Rusty sends Sparky down the stage with great force as he hammers away at his former partner. The two men that main evented the first show in the history of the company are going at it again tonight at Final Chapter II with even more anger than they had before. Sparky is thrown into the ring and begs off of Rusty who will have absolutely none of it. The former four time OCW World Heavyweight Champion is on the attack and kicks Sparky in the face to send him back into the bottom rope. Rusty pulls him to his feet and plants a back elbow on the jaw of Sparky. Sparky is in big trouble in the early going and as Rusty goes after him again, He goes for a jumping leg lariat but Sparky ducks and Rusty crotches himself on the top rope. Sparky dropkicks him to the floor and follows him to the floor. He throws Rusty into the guard rail and chops him down. Rusty is in trouble now as Sparky is all over him. A knee to the head sends Rusty even deeper into trouble. Sparky sends him into the ring again and slingshots over the top rope to come down with a rolling headbutt into the chest of Rusty. A long two count follows as Sparky is getting frustrated in the early going. He locks in a chinlock on Rusty and cranks back on it as the fans boo. Sparky starts to shout down to Rusty as the hold is on even longer. After three minutes or so Rusty has had enough and starts to get up to his feet! He pounds elbows into the ribs of Sparky as the look on the smaller man’s face tells his whole story: he is panicking. The hold is broken and Rusty comes off the ropes with a running foot to the face. Sparky is in trouble as he hits the mat. Rusty goes to the ropes and lands a diving shoulder block and then another. He signals for the Ratings Spike and locks up the hold! He lifts Sparky into the air and goes to spin him, but Sparky spins out of it! Rusty isn’t sure what happened but Sparky lets him know by clotheslining the hell out of him to send him back down. Sparky goes to the top rope from there and dives away with a high cross body that Rusty is able to duck underneath! Rusty gets to his feet and picks up Sparky again before smashing him in the face with a forearm. Another one connects but the third one misses and Sparky is behind Rusty. Rusty jumps forward to spring board off the ropes and comes off with a moonsault. Sparky rolls through it though, and lifts Rusty up into the air to pull him down with the Ratings Spike! He covers Rusty and gets the three count!

Sparky pops off of Rusty and can’t believe what he just did. The crowd is stunned as well as Sparky has his hand raised before looking down at Rusty and smiling. He leaves the ring with an orgasmic look on his face. Rusty begins to get up as Sparky is on the stage and somehow has a microphone. He has something to say.

“Rusty, my name is Sparky, and I am your winner!”

Rusty curses under his breath as the crew begins to place the tables, ladders and chairs at ringside for the upcoming TLC match for the OCW World Tag Team Titles!

We go to a split screen to see the two teams coming to the ring. Men at Work is heard as Tim and Dan appear in the crowd and come to the ring through the crowd! They pose while standing on the guard rail and receive amazing cheers and applause. As they reach the ring, the music of the Red Coats is heard to an extent as the fans boo them out of the arena. The champions make their way to the ring and seem completely unaffected by the sounds. As the bell is about to be rung, the announcer has something else to say.

“And their opponents, from Dublin, Ireland, IC and Polley, the Irish Canadian Car Bombs!” The crowd explodes as perhaps the greatest tag team in the history of OCW have made their way into this match! Tim and Dan look at each other and do stereo suicide dives through the ropes to take out the two monsters that are on their way to the ring. Jake and Jonny are the only two left inside but not for long as they go for a ladder. Jonny begins to climb as Jake runs interference. Jonny has his hand on the gold but stops and pulls out a flask as he needs a drink! This is all the extra time that Tim and Dan need as they are able to get back in and as Jake is stopped by Tim, Dan shoves the ladder over! Rum goes everywhere as Jonny goes down to the mat. IC and Polley are getting to their feet on the floor as Dan goes to the top rope and lands a plancha to take them down again! The two big men are pounded on by Dan as Tim and Jake fight in the ring. Dan has gotten a chair from ringside and is taking turns nailing both Car Bombs about the head and shoulders with it. Eventually he is satisfied with his handy work and goes back in the ring, chair in hand. As he goes through the ropes, Jake is whipped into the same ropes by Tim and collides with Dan! The chair is driven into Raw Talent who is sent to the floor! Jake powerslams Tim as Jonny is panicking over the loss of his rum! The Englishmen are arguing over the lack of attention Jonny is paying to the important things here, namely defending the tag team titles. Tim is getting back to his feet while Dan and the Car Bombs are still all down on the outside. Tim is back up and picks up the ladder. He lands a double shot to the two Battling Brits to send them to the outside. Tim goes to set up the ladder, but Polley has gotten up. Tim is getting up the ladder, but Polley picks up Dan’s chair and pelts it at Tim to knock him off the ladder! Polley climbs up to the apron but Dan is able to grab him and powerbombs him through the table at ringside! IC plows through Dan to take him down. He sees the ladder alone in the ring and goes for the apron, but the Red Coats show up and land a con-chair-to to the ribs to IC! He is sent down to the floor again where he lands on Polley. The match has been going on for ten minutes and neither Car Bomb has even been in the ring yet. Tim lands a baseball slide to take out Jake as Dan low blows Jonny. The Aussies both begin to set up tables in the ring as no one else is on their feet. As Shango might say, damn those are some stupid Australians. Eventually there are two sets of two tables stacked on top of each other in the ring. Dan gets another ladder set up in the ring, but instead of putting them under the belts, the pair sets them near the ropes. Both men climb up and wait on any of the four men on the floor to get to their feet. What they can’t see is Jake reaching up and grabbing the foot of Dan’s ladder. As he pulls it out, the ladder begins to sway. Eventually the swaying is too much and Dan’s ladder tips into Tim’s!

Tim’s ladder and Tim along with it goes tumbling over onto the floor where it is pressed down into the former World Champion’s ribcage! Dan lands on the top rope and goes falling to the floor as we now have more or less a tag team ladder match between the champions and the Bombs! IC and Jake are hammering each other while Polley and Jonny are going at it. A big right hand by IC sends Jake across the floor where he crashes into the barrier. Jonny low blows Polley and then slides into the ring where he is met by the 7ft monster IC. IC lifts Jonny up for a chokeslam but Jonny slides off the back and hooks IC in a neckbreaker to take him down again. Jonny resets Dan’s ladder and climbs up one more time. Polley is stumbling back into the ring though and climbs up the other side, and very soon we have a fist fight on the top of the ladders. Jonny’s alcohol filled head is slammed down into the top of the ladder but he doesn’t fall. It’s slammed down again and again but Jonny refuses to fall. From out of nowhere next to the ladder comes another ladder that Jake has set up. IC is back into it now though and he climbs the other side, and we have four men up in the air on the tops of a pair of ladders. IC has the upper hand on Jake and after grabbing a chokehold on Jake, he climbs up another rung on the ladder. IC then picks up Jake and powerbombs him through one of the stacks of tables! Polley has punched Jonny out so badly that he is able to jump off the ladder and legdrop Jake to put him nearly out cold! Polley grabs his hip in pain though as he landed on a broken piece of table! IC grabs Jonny and raises him over his head but from behind comes Dan who shoves the ladder over! Jonny is driven back first onto the concrete while IC is driven rib first into the top of a ladder. Dan doesn’t see this though as he climbs up the ladder and pulls down the titles!

Tim and Dan have regained the OCW World Tag Team Titles! All six men are down except Dan who is holding both belts over his head from his knees. Men at Work plays as the Aussie crowd goes somehow more insane than they were before. Following all of the carnage that we have just seen we go to the back one more time to see RBI, this time with the owner of the company, KB.

“So many people want to know boss, what are you thinking going into your shot at Sabre tonight?”

“In every man’s life, there is always someone that can be viewed as the personification of all things evil. It takes a truly gifted man to be able to see who that certain someone is. The vast majority of us see him just as he is about to knock our teeth down our throats. When I was a young man I made some decisions that I knew would haunt me later in life, and that only one man would haunt me because of it. And now, the time is upon us. It is the biggest match in the history of OCW. This match has been over a full year in the making, but has taken a pair of lifetimes to get us here to this moment in time. With the moment finally being upon us, I really can’t begin to understand what this match means to me. My entire life has been building up to one night, and I know in my heart that if I fail on this day, then I will fail for all eternity, and that’s not something that I can live with. So I have to go out there and literally fight for my life, because I’m one of the blessed ones that got to see who that certain someone was. That certain someone is you Sabre, and tonight I turn the tables on you. Tonight I knock your teeth down your throat, and I’m going to do it for every single person whose life you’ve made a living hell since you got here.”

The crowd is waiting as the ring announcer says that it is time for the Main Event of Final Chapter II! The sounds of Firefly begin and the crowd rises to their feet one more time! KB appears on the stage as the lights are going crazy around him. The boss looks down at the stage as he marches towards the ring in a more focused state than any of us have ever seen him before. As he is announced from Lexington, Kentucky and weighing in at 273lbs, the crowd sings the song back to him which causes him to raise his head up and smile at the crowd. Acknowledging that there wouldn’t be an OCW without all of these people before him, Klunder can be seen sighing heavily and then taking a small bow towards the fans. Just as fast as the lights go back to normal and the music ends, the lights begin to flicker and the cheering turns to booing. Sabre appears in the middle of the ring with the title held in his hand and a lock on his face that could cut through stone. He hands the title to the referee and we go to the formal introductions. Both men are staring each other in the eye and the fans all go quiet, knowing that they’re about to see a war. The bell rings and we are officially underway. KB’s stare into the eyes of Sabre would be enough to scare any normal man to death, but not Sabre. He instead swings his left arm overhead and tries to bring it down between the eyes of KB but the owner of OCW blocks it! He grabs the arm and pushes it away before hammering on the jaw of Sabre with big right hands to send Sabre backwards a few steps. Klunder follows him and swings hard but Sabre ducks underneath if and plants a left hand into the midsection of his former friend. KB is sent backwards as well with Sabre now gaining control. He lands that big overhand chop that sends KB spiraling backwards. Sabre follows him in at a run but KB grabs him and plants him down with a sidewalk slam reminiscent of the Big Boss Man. This only gets a two though as Sabre is trying to just shake it off. KB follows up on the attack by kicking Sabre in the back of the head, sending him face first into the mat. A leg drop to the back of the head makes Sabre repeat what he just did. In an impressive display of strength, KB lifts Sabre off the mat and lands a release German suplay! He shoots a half nelson to get Sabre onto his back and covers but again only gets a two. Sabre is picked up and whipped into the corner while Klunder sets himself in the opposite corner of the ring. With a running start he goes for a jumping splash but Sabre ducks out of the way!

KB crashes into the buckle and has all the air driven out of him. Sabre gets a running start of his own and throws himself into Klunder’s back with as much force as he can to send KB’s chest into the buckle. As he is being held up by the ropes, Sabre picks up KB from behind and plants him down with a Razor’s Edge. This gets only a two as well though which seems to surprise Sabre. The OCW Champion picks up Klunder and powerslams him down in the middle of the ring. Sabre mounts the middle rope and comes off with a senton back splash that makes KB grab his chest again. Sabre is in complete control of the match as he jumps into the air and comes down feet first onto KB’s chest. The referee looks down at KB as if to ask if he wants to quit. Klunder stops everything that he’s doing and looks at the referee as if to say Bitch are you crazy? Sabre stops this fairly quickly by driving his knee into the side of the head of KB. Even the boss can’t shake off something like that quickly and is clearly in trouble. Sabre picks up KB and sends him into the corner to inflict more punishment. He lifts KB up onto the second rope and punches him to keep him in place for a bit longer. Sabre goes to the outside and climbs up behind KB. Klunder takes the opportunity that he sees and elbows Sabre in the ribs. He locks his hands around the champion’s neck and jumps from the second rope to slam him down with a huge Whiplash from the ropes! Sabre is down in the ring and KB shakes his head a bit before going for a cover! He only gets two though as Sabre is able to kick out again. Klunder has control now though and kicks Sabre in the ribs to set up for the DDT! Sabre feels it coming though and lands a picture perfect Northern Lights suplay on him! KB kicks out at two though and both men are up to their feet at the same time. Sabre sends Klunder into the ropes but this is reversed and Klunder sends Sabre into the ropes again. He launches him up into the air and pulls him down into a cutter in a one man 3D! No cover though as he goes to the outside and then up to the top rope. KB dives off with a swan dive headbutt which just barely misses as Sabre manages to get out of the way! The fans groan as KB crashes down into the mat with full force behind him. Sabre sits up slowly and looks over at the challenger. He gets behind Klunder and locks in a Dragon Sleeper. KB rocks as much as he can to try to get out but is seemingly stuck. He reaches his feet out and can feel a rope but the referee doesn’t think that’s enough to validate breaking the hold. KB bends down and pushes off with his feet to swing his legs up onto the top rope. From there he uses the same momentum to backflip over and send the back of Sabre’s head into the mat! KB stays on top of him and gets a one count out of it as Sabre quickly is out of it. Using the position he’s in, KB locks in his own Dragon Sleeper on Sabre! The champion realizes that he’s in trouble as Klunder’s powerful arms crank on the hold, putting more and more pressure on the neck of Sabre. In a show of strength even more impressive than the ones that KB has displayed, Sabre forces KB forward into the air and gets him onto his shoulders to drive him down into the mat with an over the shoulder piledriver! KB is down on the mat as Sabre crawls on top of him a full 30 seconds later after having shaken off the effects of the Dragon Sleeper and the energy drained from him by lifting a man the size and weight of Klunder over his head and piledriving him. The count only gets a long two as KB is able to get his shoulder off the mat somehow! Sabre is clearly frustrated as this is by far the hardest match that he's had in his OCW career. Klunder can barely move as Sabre gets back on him. He picks up KB and plants him down in one of the hardest slams anyone has ever seen. Sabre then goes to the top rope and signals that it’s over. He comes off with a 314lb Shooting Star Press onto the chest of KB! The referee comes down into the cover but only gets a two count! Sabre gets up and looks down at Klunder in awe of what he just experienced. Sabre can’t believe it when KB rolls over and pushes himself up to his knees. He looks up at Sabre with a look of vengeance in his eyes.

KB takes a chop to the head but shrugs it off. Another chop and KB is still not hut at all. He lands a right hand into the ribs of Sabre that takes some air away. A left hand does a little more of the same and now Klunder is up to one knee. He fires off with even more rights and lefts to the ribs and head of his opponent. Sabre is sent backwards even more as KB pounds away on him. Klunder backs into the ropes to gain some extra momentum before crashing into Sabre with a huge forearm smash that puts Sabre down. He hits the ropes and does it again but Sabre gets back up. KB comes off with a third but Sabre is one step ahead of him this time and lifts him into the air to drop him throat first across the top ring rope. Klunder bounces back off the ropes and lands in the middle of the ring. Sabre doesn’t go for a cover but instead hits the ropes and lands a seated senton onto the chest of KB. Then Sabre gets up and gives him another one! A big splash follows as Sabre has apparently gone into 80s monster heel mode on KB. He picks up the challenger and locks in a huge bearhug on him. KB is in big trouble after the beating that his chest and ribs have taken so far in this match. The massive arms of Sabre squeeze even more of the life out of KB as the referee looks on at him. He sees the eyes of KB rolling back in his head as the breath is taken from his body. The arm of KB is raised once and it falls. It’s raised again and the result is the same. As the referee goes to raise it a third time, KB screams right in the face of Sabre that he’s not done. With a force that hasn’t been seen in a long time, Klunder rams his head into the face of Sabre, clearly breaking the champion’s nose in the process. The hold is broken as Sabre holds his face. KB nails him with a huge dropkick to the face and then another one as Sabre is sent flying into the ropes. KB hits the other ropes but Sabre ducks underneath a clothesline from the challenger. KB turns around and walks into the Cyclone! Sabre himself can’t believe that he managed to hit it but he gets on top of KB and is promptly launched into the second rope! Klunder pops to his feet and plows into Sabre with a huge spear! He has the champion down and starts raining down rights and lefts to the head of Sabre who is just trying to cover up! The fans are on their feet as the challenger is back in charge of the fight! He picks up Sabre and whips him into the corner so hard that he can barely stay in it. With a running start KB lands a picture perfect splash in the corner! Sabre can’t even get out of it and KB takes advantage of this. He pulls Sabre out of the corner and leaps into the air, jumps off the top rope and spins around to catch Sabre with a huge jumping clothesline! Sabre staggers up to his feet and KB is waiting on him with a huge right hand, and then another. Sabre is getting rocked by KB’s right hands as the owner of the company is on a roll. A huge overhand right and Sabre is almost knocked to the mat. Sabre comes at him and KB lifts him off the mat and after spinning him around nearly plants him through the ring with a huge spinebuster! He mounts the second turnbuckle on the inside and drives an elbow directly into the face of Sabre. No cover though as Klunder picks him up again and kicks him in the ribs. After bouncing off the ropes KB hits the standing Blockbuster on Sabre to put him down again. The crowd is beginning to erupt as KB goes to the outside and lands a perfect springboard spin wheel kick right to Sabre’s jaw! He picks Sabre up and the champion can barely move. The challenger hits the ropes and lands a huge diving clothesline and the champion is almost out of it. Somehow he staggers to his feet as Klunder is perched on the top rope just waiting for his target to turn around. KB comes off the top rope with a huge missile drop kick that connects to the chest of Sabre. He doens't go for a cover but instead gets up and gives the sign for the DDT! The crowd is chanting for the DDT, and as Sabre turns around he walks right into the boot and the front facelock. Yet again he feels it coming though and lifts Klunder over his head, but this time KB is ready for it and flips over the shoulder. Sabre turns around and walks into the boot to the ribs and KB GETS THE DDT! The referee sprints around for the count!



Even the sounds of Firefly can’t be heard right now as the crowd has moved into a level of cheering that borders on euphoric. KB can barely stand up in the ring. He is handed the title belt and as he looks down at it tears begin to flow down his face, because after all this time he, the true owner of OCW, has become the World Heavyweight Champion! He climbs to the middle turnbuckle and holds the belt high above his head as Sam and Luther begin to say their goodbyes for the night. The champion begins to wrap the belt around his waist as Luther says have a good night, but apparently the show isn’t over as Sabre knocks KB over the ropes and down to the floor below. The new champion tumbles to the floor and slams his exhausted head into the concrete below. The referee tries to stop Sabre but there is madness in the loser’s eyes as he punches the referee so hard he is launched into the front row of the fans. Sabre turns his attention back to KB and hammers him again and again as he throws him down the aisle towards the arena entrance. KB tries to fight back but Sabre is in complete control. Sabre throws him through the curtain and into the back where he uses anything he can get his hands on to beat the champion with. After hitting him in the head with a table, Sabre grabs him by the hair and marches through the back of the building and throws KB out into the street. KB is back on his feet now and throws a big right hand that catches Sabre off guard to knock him backwards. The owner is now getting some control as he rams Sabre into the building. He sets him for yet another DDT onto the concrete this time but Sabre shoves him off and chops him over the head to send him back even further.

KB charges again but Sabre stops him with a kneelift to the ribs and a big left hand. One more time KB comes at Sabre but this time Sabre launches him up and over his head, but KB is able to gain his balance on a wall. As he is about to jump down onto Sabre, the former champion hits him low and shoves him off the wall. KB lands very shortly thereafter with a hard thud as the wall was only a few feet high. The camera cuts to the other side of the wall where KB is flat on his back. He opens his eyes and suddenly screams as a piano falls from the sky and crushes him. His body goes completely limp, and Sabre begins to laugh. The camera cuts to the cab of the crane that dropped on KB and Monkey looks on in awe from the driver’s seat at what he has just done. The OCW locker room appears and tries to get the massive object off of him. With everyone pushing they finally do as paramedics arrive. An EMT checks on him but after only seconds announces that KB is dead. Becca screams that this can’t be happening as Numbers and Nighthawk can’t bring themselves to look. Tim says that OCW itself just died. From out of nowhere come police to arrest Sabre who is placed into the car laughing hysterically as one of the police can be heard saying they saw the whole thing from the station just down the street. Murfish, his head covered in bandages and stitches is even in shock as he looks at Shango and asks how something like this could happen. Shango looks at his hated rival and says, “Forget it Murfish its OCW.” as we go off the air.
First Breakout after Final Chapter 2

BREAKOUT is on the air! Our show opens with a shot of the crowd in complete silence as the wrestlers surround the ring while the Disembodied Voice stands inside of it, holding a piece of paper.

"I hold in my hand, the last will and testament of KB."

"I, KB, being of unsound mind and very sound body, just ask Becca if you don't believe me *wink icon*, have died. Ain't that a fucking bitch? I mean really, you're not supposed to die when you're 26 years old. Fuck I hate it when shit like this happens. Good advice people: always go to people's funerals. Otherwise tehy won't go to your's. Speaking of which, I need to go get Terry to make a note of that. Alright back, told Terry to get my dead ass a funeral. Why am I writing this again? Oh yeah, I'M DEAD! Anywho, there's got to be a ton of ways I could have died, and I figured each one needs a different will with it. See attached list for those."
"In the event that I am shot, get Norcal to break that fucker's neck, and my aunt Sally gets everthing. Fuck, I don't have an Aunt Sally. Give it to Dragon.

In the event that a rhinocerous rams his horn up my anal crevice and I die of a massive orgasm, give everything to Rusty.

In the event that Viscera sits on me, leave everything to Jesse Ventura.

In the event that I am run over by a train leaving Melbourne at 9pm traveling at 160km/hour, then run over by another train leaving Sydney at 8pm traveling at 180km/hour, leave everything to the person that figures out where they intersect.

In the event that I am killed when some jackass drops a piano on me after I get knocked off a wall by Sabre at Final Chapter II, which comes to dvd February 3, then I leave OCW to whomever is the OCW World Heavyweight Champion.

Finally, in the case that there is no champion, the Disembodied Voice will assume full authority until there is a champion! On with the fucking show! And get me some nachos!"
The Disembodied Voice continues to speak.

In light of the fact that there is no OCW Champion at the moment, I would like to announce that in three weeks at King of Queensland, we shall be holding a one night tournament to crown a new OCW World Heavyweight Champion! The top 8 OCW competitors will be established over the next three television shows, to determine who goes on to KOQ. Until that day, no competitors will be announced. As of right now, everything anyone has ever done in OCW means dick. From Rusty to Thriller, everyone is on a clean slate.

The first match in the new contest to be one of the top 8 begins right now, as Tim will face Spunky! As Tim is about to get into the ring, Monkey blasts him over the back with a chair! He hits him again and down goes Tim! Spunky tries to come in from the top rope but trips and falls, landing on Tim! The referee slides in and counts the three!

Spunky has beaten Tim!
We cut tot he back to see Murfish arriving, his head covered in bandages. The Pale Destroyer walks into the building. He slowly turns a corner until he sees.....A WALL OF BOXES. What follows next is amazing.

Murfish pounces on the boxes and can be heard screaming throughout the arena as he beats on the cardboard with wreckless abandon.

Die you mother fucking piece of shit ********ing bullfuck! I fucking hate you you asshole boxes! You ruined my fucking career! You damn boxes are going to rot in fucking hell after I piss on your rotting corpses! Fucking boxes! All this fucking cardboard and I fucking hate every damn bit of it! Fuck you fuck you fuck you you damn bull fucking cardboard! Fuck you to hell! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

Murfish goes into an insane frenzy, ripping and tearing at the boxes, desperate to destroy them. When he is finally finished he begins hyperventilating as he falls to his knees with his face buried in his hands, and weeps openly as he says he wants it all to end.

We go to commercial.
We come back from break to see Tim looking through the back for Monkey. He kicks down a door but instead of Monkey's, he's walked into Showgirl's dressing room. The screams from Tim are followed by him staggering back through the door, covering his eyes. As he walks through, he stumbles onto Dan who is out on the floor with a chair next to him as well!

Back to the ring where Pippen is waiting his opponent, who is supposed to be Dan! The referee begins his count as Dan is still out cold in the back. We get to ten and Pippen has won via count out! Pippen celebrates in the ring as the crowd is growing restless.

Our next contest will be a tag team match, scheduled for one fall! Our first to the ring are Jake and Jonny, THE REDCOATS!!! And their opponents, teaming for the first time ever, Spunky and Shango! Shango looks at his partner with a face that almost says I hate myself so much right now before stepping to the outside. As Spunky is dancing around in the corner, Shango tags himself in which the referee accepts. He then lifts Spunky over the top rope and sends him down to the concrete below in a chokeslam to the floor!

Shango leaps over the top rope and takes down both Red Coats with a double clothesline! He pounds away at the head of Jonny as Thriller isn't moving an inch on the floor. Shango switches over to Jake but the Englishman is back to his feet and lands a perfect dropkick to the face of the former World CHampion to put him down. Jonny rolls to the apron for some air as Jake drives his forearm into Shango. Papa is whipped in but reverses the manuever and sends in Jake, who crashes into his partner on the apron. Jake walks into a huge sitout spinebuster that gets no cover. Shango goes to the floor and sends Jonny into the post before landing a forearm to the head. Jake is getting up in the ring but as he crawls at Shango, the former champ tags them with a double noggin knocker! He slides back in to break up the count as Jonny is down on the floor. What comes next is almost academic. Shango lifts Jake up onto his shoulders and runs him around the ring an ungodly 6 times before planting him with the Taxi Driver! The three count is pointless as Thriller and Shango have won the match in dominant fashion!
Amazingly enough we have back to back matches as Polley makes his way to the ring! His opponent weighs in at a lot of lbs, Lumpy Magoo! The bell rings and the fight is on. Lumpy drives Polley into the corner and rams him in the ribs with shoulders, putting Polley in trouble early on. The Irishman staggers our of the corner and takes a knee lift into the ribs. Lumpy gets down in a three point stance and charges at Polley but this time he doesn't connect as Polley moves to the side, sending Lumpy's shoulder into the turnbuckle! POlley can clearly be seen mouthing the words my turn as he chops lumpy around the ring with the big man screaming a little bit louder after each one. Lumpy gets nailed with a dropkick to send him off the ropes and into a scoop slam from Polley to put him down. Polley goes up to the top but the leg drop misses!

Lumpy is back on his feet now and smashes Polley down with a double axe handle shot to the small of the back followed by an elbow drop. Another one and Polley holds his spine. Lumpy rolls Polley over before bouncing off the ropes and coming off with a big splash that gets two. Polley is pulled up and loaded up for a belly to belly suplay, but as Lumpy lifts him, Polley spins him around and suplays Lumpy instead! As he holds his ribs even more, Polley goes for a cover but also only gets two. Both men get back to their feet but Polley is in control. He grabs Lumpy and plants him down with a DDT! In nearly a flash he's up to the top rope and legdrops Lumpy to pick up the win!

As we come back from break, it is now time for the main event of the evening!

Nighthawk's music plays as he makes his way to the ring to a nice ovation. As is his custom he slides under the bottom rope and circles the ring as he awits his opponent.
Superstar kicks on and the crowd jumps to their feet, as the only multiple time OCW Champion is here! Rusty is furious from the last match that he had where he, the biggest star in the history of OCW that has a name beginning with Rus and ending with ty, was cleanly pinned by Sparky. The slightly taller Rusty steps to the top rope before hopping into the ring and we are set to go. For the first time in the history of OCW, we have a handshake before a match starts. Nice to see that.

The pair lock up and Rusty pushes him back into the corner and we get a clean break. Another lockup and Nighthawk takes over with a headlock. Rusty shoots him into the ropes to counter. He ducks a clothesline and Nighthawk does the same. Nighthawk hits the ropes again and Rusty takes him over with an armdrag into an armbar. Nighthawk cranks on the arm as Rusty looks for an escape. he gets back to his feet and tries an arm drag of his own but Nighthawk hangs on. Rusty looks at him with a bit of suprise on his face as the looks for another escape.

This time he gets up again and sweeps the leg of Nighthawk to send him to the mat and break the hold. An elbow drop fromt he attacked arm misses and Nighthawk goes for it again. This time Rusty is ready for him though and lands a drop toehold before floating over into a front chancery. Nighthawk slips out of it and grabs Rusty in a reverse waist lock but the former World Champion rolls out of it and grabs one of his own. In an impressive display of strength Rusty picks him up and plants him down on the mat again and floats over into another chancery but Nighthawk is out the backdoor one more time. Nighthawk rolls through and uses his own momentum to roll Rusty up in a mahistrol cradle that gets a long two count.

Rusty looks up at Nighthawk almost amazed as no one has ever out mat wrestled him before. he climbs back to his feet as Nighthawk has never looked more ready. Another lockup and Nighthawk goes for another headlock but then changes it into a hammerlock. Rusty counters to lock up the arm of his opponent but Nighthawk uses a great counter by sweeping out Rusty's legs with his own to land on top of him for another two. From ther Nighthawk rolls backwards over Rusty's head and leg trips him down before cranking back on the armbar again.

Rusty slaps the mat in frustration as he can't believe what's going on in this match. A rookie is flat out beating him at his own game! Nighthawk shifts the arm around to apply even more pressure on it as rusty looks for yet another counter. As the pain in his arm grows he fights up to his feet again and arm drags Nighthawk down but once again he won't let go, which is just what Rusty wanted. As the pair roll across the mat, Rusty uses his long legs and wraps them around the head of Nighthawk while pulling his arm backwards to lock in a perfect Triangle Choke!

Nighthawk is in big trouble as he tries desperately to get out of it but just can't. Rusty pulls with everything he's got on the hold but Nighthawk won't tap! The energy is leaving him though as the powerful legs of Rusty cranks on the neck and arm. On pure instinct, NIghthawk uses his own leg strength to flip over Rusty with the hold still on and gets a roll up! Rusty's arms are pinned down and he has no alternative but to break the hold to get one of his shoulder up. The damage may have been done to both men though as Rusty's arm is in bad shape and Nighthawk is gasping for breath.

Rusty holds his left arm as he goes for nighthawk. He chops Nighthawk into the corner and then lands an overhand chop that could have woken KB. He lands two more before throwing the first right hand of the match. Nighthawk feels it coming though and spins out of the corner. Rusty's momentum is two strong though and he is in the corner all of a sudden. Nighthawk starts throwing punches, but instead of a the head he starts to pound away at the left shoulder and arm of Rusty. As the former champion raises his right arm to defend himself, Nighthawk changes gears and chops him back into the corner then does it again. He doesn't stop chopping as his speed increases. Very soon his hand can barely be seen as he lands chop after chop. Rusty is barely able to stay up as Nighthawk lands at least 25 chops right against the chest of Rusty before Nighthawk finally relents.

As Rusty is falling forward, Nighthawk grabs the arm and pulls him into a crowbar! Rusty wakes up from his chop induced dream to scream in pain once again as the arm and shoulder are cranked on! Rusty is face down on the mat as his shoulder is bent in ways that shouldn't be humanly possible. Nighthawk pulls with everything he's got but he goes too far with it. As he lifts Rusty off the mat, Rusty spins over and rolls NIghthawk up in a crucifx! Nighthawk slips his shoulder out at the last possible second to avoid losing the match.

Both men are back to their feet now as Nighthawk charges the badly injured Rusty. Rusty ducks a clothesline and catches Nighthawk in the back with a stiff kick before going for the Ratings Spike! He gets him off the mat but his left arm is just worthless right now. Rusty can't do anything with Nighthawk, but his opponent is still in fine shape as he lifts Rusty over his head and comes down with a Northern Lights suplay! Rusty kicks out again somehow as Nighthawk is clearly frustrated.

He goes after Rusty again and lands a perfect knee lift to the jaw to send Rusty backwards. Nighthawk charges at Rusty but the veteran is one step ahead of him as he backdrops him to the apron. Nighthawk keeps his balance though and lands on his feet. Rusty doesn't see him as he leaps into the air and catches Rusty with a springboard missile dropkick! The former champion is covered but gets his foot on the ropes! Nighthawk can't believe it as he picks Rusty up again and slams him down. He climbs to the top rope for the swan dive but Rusty is up again. Nighthawk dives with a leaping clothesline that misses but he rolls through it and lands on his feet! He charges at Rusty but misses his clothesline. Nighthawk is running at the corner but jumps onto the turnbuckle to avoid ramming his chest into it. He loses his balance for a split second which costs him. Rusty pops him in the ribs with a punch and hops up behind him. He locks in the reverse front facelock for the Ratings Spike but Nighthawk backflips over him to counter. The hold isn't broken though and Rusty spins through as well. Nighthawk tries to do the same but can't get over all the way. Rusty uses the split second that he has Nighthawk up in the air in a reverse suplay position to bounce the back of his legs off the top rope and lands a slingshot Ratings Spike on Nighthawk! using his good arm Rusty hooks the leg, and it is over!

Rusty collapses next to Nighthawk as Superstar plays. He asks for a mic as Nighthawk hasn't moved an inch.

"Kill the music. All of you peopel that cheer for me, cheer for him instead, because this kid is fucking awesome!"

He drops the mic as the fans rise to their feet to cheer both men as we go off the air!
Breakout Results

Spunky def Tim
Pippen def Dan
Thriller and Shango def the Redcoats
Polley def Lumpy Magoo
Rusty def Nighthawk
OCW House Show Results:

Polley def Kamikaze
Harthan def Pippen
Murfish debuts his new talk show, entitles YOU'RE GOING TO HELL
DeSade def Thriller and Sparky to retain the Taz Title
Tim and Dan def Lumpy Magoo and Tits Magee
Monkey def Spunky
IC def Nighthawk
Rusty vs. Shango ends in a time limit draw
Official Breakout Preview

With two weeks to go until King of Queensland and the KB Memorial Tournament for the OCW World Heavyweight Championship, it's difficult to say who is in the lead and who sucks worse than a TNA PPV. Following the loss last week by Nighthawk in the main event, he clearly is lagging behind some of the other titans of the ring such as Pippen and Thriller. Who will advance forward into the tournament, and who will fall far behind and be relegated to American indy wrestling? Also, who attacked Tim and Dan last week? Find out this and more on Breakout!
Breakout is on the air! We open the show with The Disembodied Voice storming out to the ring with a mic in his hand.

"I have had enough of this tournament crap, this qualifying crap. I couldn't care less what KB's will says. Right here, right now, OCW World Heavyweight Title on the line, fatal fourway style!"

The crowd pops as the music of Rusty begins to play. As the former four time champion makes his way to the ring the crowd is erupting at this shocking development. Rusty has never looked better as the sounds of Not Listening means that Papa Shango is heading towards the ring. Out third to the ring is the Hardcore Champion, Mike Harthan!

Finally on their way to the ring is Monkey! The four men are in the ring but DV has something else to add.

"And just to rub it in that son of a bitch KB's face, this match has no rules. Anything goes, Falls Count ANYWHERE. Now make these fans happy! Show them why they should pay their hard earned money to come and see OCW! Ring the fucking bell!" Shango charges right at Monkey and spears him down to the mat so hard that the ring shakes. He rains down right hands as fast and hard as he possibly can as the Hardcore Champion is out on the floor looking for something to use. Rusty, easily the smartest man in the match, lets them do whatever they want.

As Shango pounds away, Harthan goes is on the floor to look for more toys. Harthan finds the old classic: a steel chair. He slides back into the ring and blasts Shango over the back with it, much to the relief of the murderer. Rusty dives over onto Shango for a cover but is only able to get a two count as Harthan pulls back the chair and nails Shango with it again. Harthan gets a rhythm going and the shots get harder and harder. Rusty pulls Monkey to the middle of the ring and looks down at him before grabbing him by the hair and spitting right in his face. The words You Make Me Sick can be seen passing over Rusty's lips as he pounds his fists into the head of Monkey.

Harthan is having a field day on Shango's limp body as he pounds away at the former champion with the chair. As Shango's movements become slower and slower, Harthan changes gears and stomps down on the hand of Shango and a loud crack is heard. This is followed by screams as Papa's hand may have been broken. Harthan kicks him in the face before turning around and blasting Rusty over the back with the chair, and the Hardcore Champion is in complete control
Shango and Monkey are nearly out of it as Rusty tries to get to his feet. Harthan has the chair raised over his head and lets out a primordial roar. With the chair in his hand and the blood of Shango on his hands, Harthan licks his lips before turning around the the former Voodoo Medicine Man (who swears by Voodoo Who?, the world's leading anti-witch doctor clinic. Remember kids-Friends don't let friends sacrifice chickens then sprinkle their blood over another person's body while dancing around them naked in order to place a curse of immortality on them so they come back as zombies like in that bad Bond movie Live and Let Die. Call today to schedule your appointment. Voodoo Who? Not you, that's who.) and smiling down at the blood flowing from his head and mouth. He lifts the chair over his head but is brought down by a low blow from Rusty.

The four time champion is trying to get back to his feet but his back is in pretty awful shape after that wicked chair shot. Monkey is still almost completely out of it after the beating that he received but some signs of life are returning to him. Not for long though as Rusty drives his knee into the face of Monkey before driving his knuckles into the face of Monkey as hard as he can. Blood begins to flow down his face as his nose has been broken badly.

Harthan is staggering back to his feet as he holds his balls while Shango is clutching his hand in pain on the mat in limited consciousness. Rusty has absolutely lost it in his beating of Monkey as he is now just pounding the back of his head into the mat before choking away at him. He grabs the chair and puts the end of it over the throat of Monkey to try to further drive the air from his body. Monkey kicks at the mat as Harthan's balls feel fine enough not to kick Monkey so far low that it hasn't even been discovered yet.
As Rusty continues to choke, Harthan goes to the floor to look for more toys. He comes out from under the ring with a bag labeled "Harthan's Christmas Gifts." Before doing anything else, he takes a steel pipe from below the ring and smashes it over the hand of Shango then nails him in the head with it to knock him out.

Having wiped Shango out, Harthan opens up the bag to pull out a hammer and a cinder blcok. He looks at Monkey and heads down towards his feet. He puts the cinder block between the feet of Monkey before shouting out, "It's Hammer Time!". He takes the hammer and drives it into the side of Monkey's ankle! Monkey would scream but Rusty slams the chair down over the face of Monkey to knock him back out again.

Going back to the bag, Harthan pulls out a large frozen fish. Rusty picks up the body of what used to be Monkey and sets him up in a front facelock, before DDTing him down onto the fish! Rusty picks him up and after he steadies him, Harthan blasts him over the head with the fish, breaking it in half. Harthan goes back to the bag and pulls out the last thing in it: a white bucket.

Shango is starting to stir a bit in the corner but is still barely conscious after the beating that he's received. Harthan turns the bucket around so that the label can be seen, and the words read "Boiling hot wax". You know what's coming. I'm sure you do. Harthan grabs Monkey by the throat and gets ready to put him head first into the bucket. As he stalls though, Rusty kicks him in the balls again, picks up the bucket and throws it at the barechested Harthan! The Hardcore Champion falls to the floor, screaming in pure agony as the wax begins to melt through the canvas! EMT's come out with fire extinguishers and water to try to clean the wax off, but it may be too late. Inside the ring, Rusty throws Monkey to the ground to shout down at Harthan that he doens't know what Hardcore is. From the back comes Murfish of all people, dressed in white from head to toe, carrying a chalice.
We come back from break to see a new mat, and somehow it is time for our second match, which is for the OCW Women's Championship! As Not So Mighty Mindy stands in the ring, Becca hits the stage. After she gets in the ring, the bell goes off and wouldn't you know it: fjord, shadoof, manicotti, Mindy is superkicked and pinned.

We cut to the back where Monkey is laying on a table with hsi ankle being worked on by doctors who say he was lucky and it's not broken. He has an IV in his arm, and is barely moving. Murfish, still clad in white, stands over his like a lion watching his cub. Monkey looks up at Murfish and in a voice that is barely audible, he says

"Prepare them, for they do not know what is coming."

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