Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
He looks down at Shango while Rusty turns around and hands him the cup. Shango, almost out of his mind with pain, doesn't even think of who just handed it to him and drinks his rival's offering. He immediately passes out on the canvas, as Rusty looks to Murfish in complete confusion. Murfish waves his arms in the air, sending smoke and powder into the eyes of Rusty. He falls to his knees rubbing his eyes as he has been blinded. Murfish takes this opportunity to climb into the ring and drape the unconscious arm of Monkey onto the chest of Shango! The referee runs over and counts the one two three!
Monkey is the new OCW World Heavyweight Champion!
Murfish carries the limp body of the new Champion to the back, as the crowd is stunned. Harthan has finally been cooled off and stretchered out as Rusty's eyes are being cleared out. Shango is beginning to stir now as the hole in the ring from the wax is being repaired just as we go to a break.
Are you the owner of an award winning elephant? I know I am, and if you're like me, you know what the biggest problem with them are: Earwax. That's right. How many times have you been heading to an elephant judgement and you see a ball of wax taht slightly resembles Al Gore in your prize specimin's ear? Well now that's no longer a problem, thanks to this right here!
This my friends, is the waxon, waxoff-omatic 5000. It is used by the top elephant ear waxers in the world, and now you can use it too! For just 39.95, you can erase all of your elephant's ear problems once and for all! Just call the number at the bottom of your screen and order the only elephant ear waxer the professionals use!
Monkey is the new OCW World Heavyweight Champion!
Murfish carries the limp body of the new Champion to the back, as the crowd is stunned. Harthan has finally been cooled off and stretchered out as Rusty's eyes are being cleared out. Shango is beginning to stir now as the hole in the ring from the wax is being repaired just as we go to a break.
Are you the owner of an award winning elephant? I know I am, and if you're like me, you know what the biggest problem with them are: Earwax. That's right. How many times have you been heading to an elephant judgement and you see a ball of wax taht slightly resembles Al Gore in your prize specimin's ear? Well now that's no longer a problem, thanks to this right here!
This my friends, is the waxon, waxoff-omatic 5000. It is used by the top elephant ear waxers in the world, and now you can use it too! For just 39.95, you can erase all of your elephant's ear problems once and for all! Just call the number at the bottom of your screen and order the only elephant ear waxer the professionals use!