OCW Information/Action Thread

He looks down at Shango while Rusty turns around and hands him the cup. Shango, almost out of his mind with pain, doesn't even think of who just handed it to him and drinks his rival's offering. He immediately passes out on the canvas, as Rusty looks to Murfish in complete confusion. Murfish waves his arms in the air, sending smoke and powder into the eyes of Rusty. He falls to his knees rubbing his eyes as he has been blinded. Murfish takes this opportunity to climb into the ring and drape the unconscious arm of Monkey onto the chest of Shango! The referee runs over and counts the one two three!

Monkey is the new OCW World Heavyweight Champion!

Murfish carries the limp body of the new Champion to the back, as the crowd is stunned. Harthan has finally been cooled off and stretchered out as Rusty's eyes are being cleared out. Shango is beginning to stir now as the hole in the ring from the wax is being repaired just as we go to a break.

Are you the owner of an award winning elephant? I know I am, and if you're like me, you know what the biggest problem with them are: Earwax. That's right. How many times have you been heading to an elephant judgement and you see a ball of wax taht slightly resembles Al Gore in your prize specimin's ear? Well now that's no longer a problem, thanks to this right here!

This my friends, is the waxon, waxoff-omatic 5000. It is used by the top elephant ear waxers in the world, and now you can use it too! For just 39.95, you can erase all of your elephant's ear problems once and for all! Just call the number at the bottom of your screen and order the only elephant ear waxer the professionals use!
Our next contest is for the OCW World Tag Team Titles! Introducing first are the challengers! Weighing in at some number and hailing from some place, we have the team of Spunky and Pippen! Out to the ring next come the OCW World Tag Team Champions, Tim and Dan!

The match starts out fast with Dan whipping Spunky into Tim who catches him with a huge spin kick to the jaw. Another fast tag soon thereafter and Dan comes in off the top with a diving clothesline. Two minutes into the match and Spunky has bene off his feet five times. The champions double team him and take him over with a double hiptoss and then an assisted splash from Dan.

A massive whip into the corner and Spunky is able to tag into Pippen who is treated about the same. Tim and Dan are completely dominating this match as Dan lands a picture perfect dropkick to send Pippen into lala land. A snapmare by Dan is followed up by a fast tag out to Tim who mounts the top rope and lands a high cross body that Braden Walker would be proud of. No cover though as the tag is made to Dan. The former Taz Champion goes to the ropes and comes off with the spinwheel kick to the jaw of Pippen and he is out cold. Tim jumps over the ropes to land a Blockbuster to the floor on Spunky as Dan scores the three count and gets the win!
It is now time for the main event of the evening, which is for the OCW Taz Title! Introducing first is the challenger. He is from Tasmania, and he weight 213lbs. He is, SPARKY!!! His opponent is the Taz Champion and hails from some place where they speak French. He is DeSade!

As the Frenchman DeSade makes his way to the ring, we'd like to take this time to remind you to use Astro Glide. Anytime that you're thinking about bum fucking a man, woman or iguana, make sure you use Astro Glide lubricant, which comes in 5 fruit flavors.

We are done with the advertisements for the night as it is time for the main event! Sparky, a former Taz Champion in his own right, is slow to start here as he is attempting to feel DeSade out. DeSade is also apprehensive but as the crowd is growing impatient, they lock up. The pair go into a great chain wrestling sequence as they try to find a bit of leverage over the other. DeSade locks in a go behind but Sparky will have none of that as he rams the back of the champion into the corner to force a break. DeSade tastes an elbow to the jaw as we cut to the back to see Vengeance looking at one of the monitors. He gazes intently as Sparky begins to take control of the matchup. He gets DeSade over and down onto the mat with a half nelson before moving onto a sideheadlock as the crowd isn't that into the match.

DeSade pounds away at the challenger's ribs as the crowd attempts to decide whom to cheer for in this rare Double Achilles Special. DeSade is able to get to his feet and takes Sparky over with a Side Russian Legaeeep which he floats over into a cover that gets jsut a two. Sparky tries to get back in control but the champion is starting to get warmed up and remind us all why he's the champion.

A slam puts Sparky down but as DeSade goes to the top rope for the Frog Splash Sparky is out the back door and regrouping. DeSade waits him in the ring, much too smart to go out onto Sparky's territory of expertise. Sparky slides back into the ring and is taken down almost immediately by a Japanese armdrag and then another. Sparky is shaken but not stirred as he tries to plant a knee into the ribs of the champion but is bulldogged down to the mat instead.

After face planting on the mat, Sparky is covered but escapes after only a short one count. DeSade locks in a deadly nerve hold as he squeezes even more of the life out of this crowd. After a few minutes of this, he does the unthinkable and switches to a sleeper hold. As the referee begins to check the arm of Sparky, he is able to slip off to the side and land a perfect atomic drop to escape the hold. He tries to get the Breakdown on DeSade but the champion slides to the outside where he takes a breather, drawing more booing from the crowd. After an 8 count he slides back in and lands a thumb to the eye to stop a charging Sparky. As the crowd continues to have their intelligence insulted, DeSade continues to ignore psychology and works on Sparky's knee.
DeSade stands up and drops a random elbow drop on his opponent before picking him up to German Suplaying him down to the mat. He goes up to the top rope for the frog splash, but for some reason only known to him, he climbs down to the middle rope and jumps off for the splash. Naturally he undershoots the splash and lands on his face. After this we hear the DV from the stage.

"Over my dead body is this match going to go on. I hereby award the decision to Sparky, on the grounds of DeSade's performance tonight has absolutely sucked. Due to the rules of the Taz Title, the winner of the match automatically leaves with the Taz Championship, so therefore, Sparky once again is the Taz Champion!

And in addition to that, the Taz Title will be defended next week, as Sparky defends in the first ever OCW Scramble Match, against the likes of Numbers, Vengeance, and Murfish! And as a little bonus, the winner will get a world title match later that night! Ladies and Gentlemen I apologize for the high levels of suck in this match, but as a going away present, you will get this! Boys?"

As the DV finishes speaking, the Car Bombs walk through the curtain with their eyes locked on DeSade, who is trying to back pedal desperately, but much to no avail. IC gets his hands around his throat as we go off the air!
Breakout Results

Monkey def Shango, Harthan and Rusty to win the OCW World Heavyweight Title
Becca def Mindy
Tim and Dan def Spunky and Pippen
Sparky def DeSade to win the OCW Taz Title
Breakout is on the air! We open the show with the new OCW World Heavyweight Champion limping down to the ring. What most people seem to have forgotten is the order KB left in his will: he who has the gold has the power. Monkey is now in charge of OCW. The champion climbs through the ropes gingerly, and with a wince, holds up the title for as many people to see as he can.

I know that KB's funeral was supposed to be at King of Queensland, but I can't allow that to happen. That's too long to wait to remember our fallen leader. As the new owner of OCW, I pulled a few strings and the funeral is now tonight. The only wrestling you'll be seeing tonight is voluntary. If the people want to wrestle they can. If not they don't have to. Everyone get down here, because it's time to pay your respects.

The locker room empties as the OCW roster makes their way down to ringside
Kamikaze falls from the ceiling. After bouncing off the mat he gets to his feet and clutches the coffin, weeping openly. He pulls off his mask and kisses the coffin, before stepping to the floor along with the rest of the mourners.

As we come back from break, Rusty, Tim, Dan and Shango have carried the casket to the floor and it is time for one of our first matches of the night. It is a tag team match, pitting Nighthawk, Pippen and Vengeance against JD Michaels, Johnny Punch and Scott Cardinal! The bell rings as Michaels and Pippen start the match out. Nighthawk can barely compose himself on the apron as the two lock up. Pippen grabs a headlock on Michaels. JD sends him into the ropes but is taken down by a shoulder block. Pippen hits the ropes again and hops over Michaels who pops up to his feet but is taken right back down by a running clothesline.

Pippen stands him up and goes for a wristlock before tagging in Vengeance. Michaels is sent to the ground by a fast armdrag as Vengeance lands a running splash for a two count. Another wristlock is followed by a tag to Nighthawk who comes in off the middle turnbuckle with a double axe handle onto the arm of Michaels. JD gets a knee to the ribs though and takes Nighthawk to his corner to tag in Scott Cardinal.

A double axe handle to the ribs and Nighthawk is in a bit of trouble. He rams Nighthawk into the corner head first and lands some kicks to the ribs and chest before whipping him across the ring and into the other corner. Cardinal charges but eats a back elbow from Nighthawk! A running forearm smash and Nighthawk breaks the momentum up enough to tag Pippen back in. At the same time Cardinal tags in Johnny Punch and the squareoff begins again.

Pippen goes on offense quickly as he kicks Punch in the ribs and sends him into the corner head first. Pippen whips him across the ring but gets reversed and Punch takes him to the mat with a big reverse elbow to the jaw. Another elbow to the top of the head before Punch holds Pippen for a big boot to the ribs by Cardinal who isn't tagged in.

Punch whips Pippen in and takes him down a ridiculous thrid time with the elbow to the jaw. This only gets one as Pippen tries to get back to his feet. Punches are thrown and the fistfight is on. Punch lives up to his name and wins that battle, knocking Pippen back into the wrong corner. Cardinal grabs his head and clotheslines Pippen across the top rope. He gets back to his feet slowly and is sent into the ropes. He ducks another elbow and lands a big right hand to the face of Cardinal. It dazes him enough to allow Pippen to tag in Nighthawk!

The nocturnal one comes in like he's on fire, nailing Cardinal with rights and lefts. A big kick to the ribs is followed by an Irish whip into the corner, where Nighthawk connects with a huge running leaping clothesline! This just gets two though as all 6 men run into the ring! Punch and Michaels are no match for their opponents though and are easily sent to the floor amongst the rest of the roster. The beatings continue on the floor as Michaels tastes the post and Punch tastes some fists.

Back in the ring, Nighthawk is perched on the top rope and comes off with a huge high cross body to Cardinal, which is good enough for the three coun!
As they all stand around the ring, Firefly begins to play as the casket is lowered from the ceiling and down into the ring. Monkey attempts to speak as the song ends, but he simply can't. He drops the microphone and implies that someone else should do it first.

DeSade begins the eulogies.
KB was an honest man, didn't ask much from life. Never quite fit in society due to his random imbalance. That's till he created OCW. Finally being able to put his random creativeness to use, KB discovered quite a few people that enjoyed his ways. From the madman Spunky to the ever entertaining Shango and even to the now hardcore OCW follower NSL. People may come and go on these forums, but they always come back to check OCW. Even if they don't make their presence known, they are here reading. Thus proves the power of KB's creative writing.

RIP, The Man, The Myth, Tina, The influence, KB

Becker steps up to the mic.

YES!!!! He's DEAD!!! I've never been so happy! Within seconds, a great cloud of dust kicks up and when it's over, Becker has been strapped to the post and beaten within an inch of his life. Becker stays attached to the post, until his partner CM pulls him off of it and carries him off to the back. The angry mob sees CM helping Becker off, they attack CM as well. Soon both men are laying in pools of their own blood. Monkey manages to get it together enough to say that they're both gone from OCW!
Before the match begins, Polley has one final thing to say.

Polley dons his dog collar and black robe (Because all Irish people are priests)

KB... for all our differences, you were always there whenever I needed you most, like that... , when you... , ok... maybe you weren't actually there for me at all. I offered to help you out time after time, and you not only ignored it, but betrayed my trust.

So KB, I'll drink to your health, after all... it's not like you can do it.


So Monkey, learn lessons from your predicessor's mistakes and manage to win the occasional match, it might help you.

Dust to dust, Champion to maggot food, KB... today we inter you into the ground. Rest in peace. The evil men do lives on, whilst the good is oft interred with their bones. May it be so with Caes... KB

It is now time for the main event of the evening!

In light of this match being to pay tribute to KB, what better way than to put on the match that started OCW? In a match that has yet to get old, one on one, Rusty vs. Papa Shango, right here, right now.
We come back from break and the fastest six showers of all time as the competitors are back where they were, with the casket back in the ring. Next to it are the Car Bombs, the Red Coats and the tag team champions Dan and Tim, who REALLY need a team name. The 6 men shake hands for one night only, before turning to salute the coffin. They step to the floor to a round of applause.

It is now time for our second match of the night: a one on one encounter between two of KB's proteges in OCW. Introducing first to the ring, Mike Harthan! And his opponent, accompanied to the ring by OCW Women's Champion Jeannie Bill, The Thriller!

On a side note, Cory is FIRED!

The match is a slower paced match, with Harthan finally grabbing onto the neck of Thriller, who is actually wrestling tonight, and choking him out to get the victory. He points to the heavens above and says thank you as we go to our last break before the main event.
The two men climb into the ring and shake hands, then hug each other as the bell rings. The match begins with a lockup and Shango goes around Rusty with a waist lock before lifting him off the mat and putting him down onto the ground while still holding on. Rusty rolls around to try to get out of it and the pair hit a new mat speed record for holds and counter holds yet neither man can get a clear advantage. Finally Shango goes for the ropes to break up the momentum and we get a clean break from Rusty.

The pair get back to their feet as the chant of Rusty goes up throughout the arena. They lock up again with Shango in control of a headlock. He goes behind Rusty into a hammerlock but Rusty has a counter for it and locks in a hammerlock of his own. Shango does the exact same thign to regain control of Rusty's arm. Just as he did before he picks Rusty up and slams him down to the mat in a reverse waist lock, but Rusty turns it into another mat wrestling affair here. He regains control only momentarily as Shango slips up and lands on his back for a split second. He escapes the cover and Rusty grabs another waist lock but once again Shango gets to the ropes for the break.

Rusty stands in the middle of the ring as the crowd chants his name. Shango moves in and we go back to the collar and elbow tieup. Shango gains control with another headlock and takes Rusty over with a nice maneuver and maintains the headlock on the mat. Rusty gets to his feet and sends Shango off the ropes. Shango takes him down with a shoulder block though. As he goes for Rusty, Shango gets caught by two stiff kicks to the head as Rusty gets to his feet. Two crisp armdrags by Rusty send Shango to the corner as Rusty stands in the middle of the ring with a fire in his eyes.

Shango checks his lips for blood after those kicks and we go to another tieup. Rusty takes over with the headlock and uses the same takeover that Shango used earlier in the match to get a one count as Papa's shoulders were down for a brief second. Twice Shango rolls Rusty up but only gets one each time as the headlock is maintained. They get back to their feet where Shango lands some forearms to the ribs to break up the hold finally.

Rusty whips Shango in and is taken down again by a shoulder block. Shango hits the opposite ropes as Rusty stays on his stomach. Shango stops in mid run to lock his feet under Rusty's arms and rolls him over into a pinning combination that just gets two. They both pop up and Shango levels Rusty with a forearm to the head which takes him down. Shango pulls him to his feet and chops him back into the corner with great authority.

He pulls him out and sends Rusty into the ropes before going for a backdrop. Rusty rolls out of it and pushes Shango into the ropes for a rollup but Shango holds on and Rusty rolls backwards by himself. He charges at Shango as he turns around and lands a huge clothesline sending both men over the top rope and to the floor. Shango stays down as Rusty climbs back intot he ring rather quickly as we go to a break.

We come back to see Rusty sitting on the turnbuckle with Shango behind him. The voodoo man lifts him up for a belly to back suplay off the top but Rusty rotates around into a cross body block to land on Shango! Rusty rolls off though and the referee begins his ten count. Both men get to their feet at the same tiem and Rusty starts throwing right hands that miss. Each miss is rewarded with a knife edge chop from Shango who soon has the advantage. Shango hits the ropes but walks into a huge Samoan Drop and both men are down!

They slowly get to their feet and right hands are exchanged. Rusty however is punched into the ropes and comes off with a huge running forearm to take Shango down! Rusty is on fire all of a sudden, taking Shango down three times in ten seconds with clothesline after clothesline! Shango staggers to his feet and walks into a huge backbreaker from Rusty that gets a very long two count!

Rusty sends him into the ropes but ducks low and gets caught by a kick to the face from Shango. He chops Rusty and sends him into the ropes but is reversed by Rusty. Shango comes off with a huge leaping forearm, catching Rusty right on the forehead! The referee begins his ten count but as he gets to 8, both men simoltaneously nip up! They turn to see each other and can't believe it. Rusty attacks with a kick to the ribs but it's blocked and Shango goes for a Southern Lights suplay. Rusty rolls through it though and comes down with a sunset flip on Shango. Papa rolls out of it at two though and grabs Rusty's legs before flipping over and rolling Rusty up for another long two. As the hand is coming down for three, Rusty flips him back forwards into another roll up for two! Papa rolls back out and both men get to their feet, but Papa takes Rusty down with a chop that is so hard both men go down to the mat!

Shango gets to his feet slowly and stumbles over to Rusty where he picks him up and shoves him into the corner. Papa lands chop after chop to the chest of Rusty before whipping him across the ring. Rusty reverses it though and comes at Shango with a huge diving shoulder block! Rusty grabs Shango and tries to set him up for the Ratings Spike! Shango lands some elbows to the head of Rusty to break out of it and backdrops Rusty to the mat!

Shango gives a quick signal for the Taxi Driver but as he lifts Rusty up into the air he is countered! Rusty lands behind him and as Shango turns around he walks into a huge superkick to the chin! Rusty dives onto Shango for the cover but Shango kicks out at the last possible second! Rusty slaps at the mat in frustration, stunned that Shango kicked out again!

Rusty picks Shango up and takes him to the corner where he loads him up for a suplay but instead places him on the top rope. After a right hand to keep Shango there, he starts to go up after him. Exhaustion begins to take its toll though as he can't follow up immediately. This delay is all the time that Shango needs as he is still sitting on the top turnbuckle. Rusty gets his wits about him and climbs to the middle rope but is met by right hands from Shango. After four great shots, Rusty falls backwards to the mat below. Shango pops up and lands a huge diving elbow drop into the heart of Rusty!

Rusty rolls to his stomach but Shango can't cover him. Papa pulls himself up using the ropes but can barely get to his feet. He gets to the corner and gives the sign for the Taxi Driver as Rusty staggers to his feet. Papa goes forward as he picks Rusty up onto his shoulders for the Driver, but Rusty counters again by slipping over the back. Shango turns around and gets caught by a massive bicycle kick to the jaw! Rusty into the cover, but somehow Papa kicks out again!

Both men stagger to their feet with Papa behind Rusty. He tries for a German suplay but Rusty elbows his way out of it. A third elbow and Shango is sent to the mat. As he gets up, Rusty gets a running start and jumps from the mat to the top rope, jumps backwards and spins around in midair, landing a huge clothesline on Shango! He covers his arch rival but yet again only gets two! Rusty cannot believe it as he waits for Shango to get to his feet. Rusty charges at Shango with a clothesline but Shango sends him over the top rope. The four time champion holds on though and waits for Shango to turn around. He jumps onto the top rope and springboards off into a huge high cross body! Shango is ready for him though and steps forward to pull Rusty out of the air and down into the Taxi Driver! The fans explode as Papa floats over onto Rusty to get the three count!
Not Listening plays as Shango can barely get to his feet. He taps Rusty on the chest as we go to our final break, with Monkey's comments up next.

Shango and Rusty are still in the back resting after that war, with Monkey now in the ring. For the first time since he killed KB, we are going to hear his comments on that fateful night. With a tear streaming down his cheek, he raises the mic to his lips.

Yes. I killed Klunderbunker. At the time I had no idea what I was doing as Sabre had control over my mind. I only knew what I did after seeing the body of KB laying dead that day. Sabre is the one to blame for this, but I accept the responsibility.

He brings the mic back up but can't speak. He is simply too choked up to continue on with what he is saying. As he wipes his eyes, he says one more thing.

If there's one thing that I've learned from all this, it's this.

He pauses again and wipes his eyes as the fans are hanging on his every word. Monkey stands alone in the ring with just the casket next to him. The rest of the roster has left him alone to give him his moment.

If there's one thing that I know in my heart since I killed KB, and as I stand here completely in control of my own mind, it's that I would do it again, and again and again!

I have waited for two long years here in OCW as I was held back by KB. Every single move that I made here was under his watch and absolutely nothing can be done on your own. One night many months ago, I was approached by a nightmare from KB's past known as Sabre. While at the time we were the bitterest of enemies, everything he said was something that I agreed with. There was no reason to listen to what some bastard of a man like KB told us to do anymore. The plan was formulated, and after a little doctoring to KB's will, I now stand before you as the sole owner, and the World Heavyweight Champion of OCW. It is in this new era that...

Monkey drops the mic and sprints from the ring as Shango runs down the ramp and comes after Monkey. Monkey runs into the crowd with Shango hot on his trail as we go off the air!
OCW E-Mail

Due to the nature of the matches from the last Breakout and considering that all wrestlers were working on a voluntary basis, all wins and losses have NO PERMANENT IMPACT on win/loss records. They are in essence, exhibitions.
Breakout is on the air! Our show opens with Monkey arriving at the arena, flanked by Scott Cardinal, Johnny Punch, Tits Magee, Lumpy Magoo and JD Michaels, who surround him as he walks down the hallway with the OCW World Heavyweight Championship over his shoulder and his bag in his hand. Monkey, even surrounded by this many guards still seems very nervous as he jumps at the sound of a trashcan being slammed shut. RBI appears to ask Monkey a few questions but is cut off by Cardinal and Magoo. Apparently no interviews as Monkey gets into his office. As he opens the door and hits the lights, the chair at the desk spins around to reveal Papa Shango!

The guards do their best to protect Monkey as Shango punches Cardinal down to the ground. Magoo and Magee block the door long enough for Monkey to retreat but as he's running he stumbles into Rusty who takes a swing at him as well. Monkey backtracks again and sees Lumpy with a bloody nose out on the hallway floor as the other three guards try to hold Shango back! Monkey is desperately looking for a place to hide as Harthan grabs him from behind! Harthan locks in the Triangle Choke on Monkey and the champion can't find a way out of it. As he is fading fast, Murfish and the Croatian Representative appear to attack Harthan!

As Murfish holds Harthan off, CCS gets Monkey away as Shango can be seen in the background landing a double DDT on Punch and Magee, driving them both down into the concrete!

After the opening video and theme song, we go to the arena where it is time for our opening contest!
The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the OCW Taz Championship! Introducing first, he is the Taz Champion, SPARKY!

Thunderstruck plays as Sparky makes his way to the ring with the Taz Title held down by his side and a big grin on his face. His oppenent is none other than Thriller! As Thriller makes his way to the ring, Sparky is nearly on the mat laughing so hard. Accompanied by Jeannie Bill, Thriller dances his way into the ring where the bell sounds and we are officially underway, with Sparky trying to compose himself.

Sparky saunters to the middle of the ring without a care in the world and walks into a bicycle kick to the jaw! Thriller blasts him into the corner with a huge backhand chop before charging at the ropes where he jumps to the middle rope and springboards into a picture perfect dropkick to the face of the champion! Sparky is in huge trouble as Thriller is on the top rope waiting on him. Sparky turns around and gets taken down by a chop from the top rope that lands right between the eyes. Thriller waits for Sparky to get to his feet and after a pelvic thrusty, picks him up and plants him head first with the ThrillSeeker, which gets the pinfall!
Spunky lets go of the hold and after adjusting his bra, stands in the middle of the ring while Rusty gets to his feet. Following orders, Rusty kicks Spunky in the jaw. He goes to pick Spunky up as his opponent yells out for a spinebuster and some elbow drops. Rusty, as confused as we are, does as he is told. Spunky shouts out COMEBACK and jabs Rusty twice in the ribs before sweeping his legs out from underneath him. Rusty is down for a second as Spunky continues to call out his offense. Spunky shouts out error and shoves Rusty to the mat. He then hits the ropes, jumps into the air and lands throat first on the top rope as Rusty gets to his feet. Spunky makes a motion for the Ratings Spike. Rusty nails him with it and pins Spunky to win the most confusing match in a long time.

As Superstar plays, the song is interrupted by the voice of Monkey.

Good match buddy. Good enough that you've earned yourself a new level in the OCW rankings. Who knows, maybe you'll get up high enough to challenge me again. Until then, have fun at King of Queensland when you meat Team OVW.
As the apparently new first couple of OCW stands tall in the ring, Sparky tries to get to his feet. Thriller throws out a dance and lands another ThrillSeeker on Sparky to put him out for awhile. It is now time for our next match, which will feature Rusty taking on Spunky! We come back from break to see Spunky in the ring dressed as a woman, clad in a two piece swimsuit.

Rusty looks at Spunky and shakes his head as if to say why didn't I see this coming. As the bell rings Spunky charges and walks into a huge boot to the face to stop him dead in his tracks. Rusty looks down at him in pity before Spunky yells at him to kick him again. SPunky gets to his feet and sticks his chin out. Rusty looks confused but pulls back to punch Spunky. Spunky feels it coming and does a standing backflip to avoid the strike. Rusty goes for it again but Spunky grabs his arm and forces him down into a Fujiwara Armbar!

He can be heard screaming at Rusty

Now this time we're going to do it right! KICK ME IN THE FACE!

Spunky apparently has something to say.

I've proven what I can do in this ring. I want my title match!!!

You want a shot at me? I could use a weekend off. Deal.

I don't want you. I want to be the WOMEN'S CHAMPION!!!

Monkey looks very confused but not at all suprised.

No wait. Not just yet. Let me have a warmup. I want Showgirl!!!

Monkey shakes his head in agreement as he asks where his asprin are, leading to a break with Spunky flashing the crowd.
We come back from break to see Numbers in the ring! His opponent is Papa Shango! The match lasts 32 seconds. Shango unleashes some of the fiercest clotheslines of all time before Taxi Driving Numbers to hell for the pin.

As we come back, Numbers is stumbling around in the back, hitting whatever he can find. He talks about being sick of this before stumbling into a dark room....
We to Monkey, Trademark, CCS and Murfish in their office. Monkey has something else to say.

Perhaps some of you may be wondering why you see us standing here before you. We have united because all of us are sick of the evil and the sin plaguing OCW. Men like KB and Shango have corrupted the minds of so many young men. As my associate of the Croatian Communication Systems, Mr. Clifford Clayton Snodgrass has told me, OCW has plagued many Croatian children's minds. He has informed me they are becoming creative and writing down such things as stories, songs, even plays! Such evil things must not continue. That is why the four of us come before you today to show you the way.

This path of ours will begin at King of Queensland. On that show, here are some of the matches you will be seeing-

Rusty vs. Team OVW
Spunky vs. Showgirl
Murfish vs. Numbers
Sparky vs. Thriller for the Taz Title
The winners of tonight's main event challenging Tim and Dan for the Tag Team Titles
Shango vs. Lumpy and Tits
Nighthawk and Pippen vs. Vengeance and DeSade
Monkey vs. Harthan-OCW Title
It is now time for the main event of the evening! It is a tag team match, where the losers are out of OCW! Introducing first, the team of Jake and Jonny, the Redcoats! Their opponents are also former OCW World Tag Team Champions, IC and Polley, The Car Bombs!

The pair of old rivals circle each other in the ring as we await the bell. As it rings, Jake and Polley are ready to begin the match. Polley pulls Jake towards him and locks on a crowbar submission hold that puts Jake down on the mat immediately! The Brit is screaming in pain as Polley cranks on his arm. Jonny climbs to the top rope and launches a diving headbutt at Polley, but the Irishman gets out of the way at the last second, sending Jonny's head into Jake's arm! IC comes in from the outside and kicks Jonny square in the head before picking him up and powerbombing him halfway to hell, as he lands on Jake. IC and Polley both mount opposite corners of the ring and as Polley comes off with a huge guillotine legdrop on Jake, IC lands a huge splash on Jonny as we get a bell!
IC has been disqualified for being on the top rope for more than 5 seconds! Polley immediately locks on a Crossface to Jake, who taps out and we get another bell!

Here are your winners: Polley and Jonny!!!!!!!

Breakout ends with pure shock as the old rivals stare at each other.
Breaking News!

Due to an altercation at a house show, there will be a ten man battle royal at King of Queensland, with the winner getting a tag title match at Line in the Sand! The participants are:

Marcus Blade
Rock N Roll Ninja
9 Fingers Dewey
Adam Revolver
We see a random video airing before Breakout begins of Disembodied Voice and his twin brother.

With just one week to go before KOQ, I have had enough already of Monkey attempting to tear down OCW and reform it in his image. Therefore as the unofficial boss of OCW, I am making the following match for this evening. Monkey will team with Murfish to face Mike Harthan and Numbers. Also in action tonight you'll see Rusty taking on Daniel Stokes, Nighthawk against Jonny, and Thriller has something to say. All this and more tonight. Go to the ring.

The cameraman turns and begins to walk, until he is smacked in the back of the head by DV's brother and we go to the ring for real.

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