OCW Information/Action Thread

Speaking of up there, Polley is in a fight nearly for his life. Harthan and Sparky are hammering away at him and the seven footer is in big trouble. He is whipped into the ropes by Harthan but the Irishman is able to reverse it. Harthan is sent off the ropes but gets leapfrogged by Polley. Sparky sees Harthan coming and out of nothing but instinct, backdrops him up and over the top rope, launching him FIFTEEN FEET down to the solid concrete! Harthan is seen flying through the air in a complete freefall as Sparky now realizes what it is that he has done. He turns just in time to miss Harthan hitting the ground, as we can clearly hear something snap. Harthan is completely out cold on the floor as Sparky looks down in complete shock.
As Sparkys is hoping he knows a good shrink for possibly killing a man, IC is fighting for his life in the first ring against the onslaught of Sabre. Rusty and Vengeance land a picture perfect double dropkick onto Shango but just can't quite send him up and over. Seeing Sabre just about to put IC out of the match, Norcal grabs Sabre from behind and lifts him over his head in a double chickenwing! He then slams the former champion down face first and locks in the Rings of Saturn!
Whatever happened to Tim during all this? He is still on the floor as the referees are trying with everything they have to get him to climb the ladder. No matter what they say though, nothing is working. It then dawns on them: Tim is afraid of heights!
As the referees try to get him up the ladder, Norcal has finally broken the hold as Vengeance kicks him right between the eyes. IC is back on his feet as Rusty is taking great delight in choking away at Shango. Norcal is back to his feet and going after Vengeance. The former Taz Champion dives through the ropes to escape, meaning that he's not eliminated from the contest. Norcal, as usual letting his anger cloud his better judgement, gets a running start and launches himself up and over the top rope, crashing down on Vengeance! He grabs him by the head and starts to slam him into the concrete, before pressing his skull down into the floor! Norcal doesn't even realize that he's been eliminated due to his wanting revenge!
Vengeance is completely out cold after a beating such as that. Norcal realizes what he has done and throws the nearly lifeless body of Vengeance back into the ring. He then grabs Tim by the neck and carries him up the ladder to join Polley and Sparky up top. Tim's screams can be heard halfway to America by this point as he is nearly frozen in fear. The two Impact Players aren't sure what to do as they see the other two coming to join them.
Polley sees Norcal and the two big men are going at it already. Tim is curled up in a ball rocking back and forth in the febble position as he is on the verge of tears. Sparky isn't sure what to do either as the two titans hammer away on each other.

Back down in the regular ring, Rusty is lifting Vengeance off the mat to throw him up and over as he is stopped by Sabre, leaving Vengeance on the top turnbuckle. The big man has Rusty over his head as Shango falls to the floor under the bottom rope and lands out of sight. IC kicks Vengeance in the face, sending him over the top rope and down to the floor. He launches another boot at Sabre, causing him to drop Rusty on the top rope. Sabre is grabbed by IC and dumped down to the floor! Rusty takes the opportunity to push IC up and over as he is off balance, but the weight is too much as IC holds on, sending Rusty down as well! On the opposite side of the ring, the other referee signals that Shango went under the bottom rope, meaning that Papa Shango has won the first ring!
Rusty picks up Vengeance and carries his nearly out cold body up the ladder. As they finally arrive in the top ring, Norcal kicks Polley low to break up the brawl. Seeing Vengeance, he picks him up and launches him over the top rope, causing him to slide down the ladder as IC climbs it. IC catches him and after stopping his momentum, kicks him in the face and sends him flying down to the floor, eliminating him from the match once and for all. We are down to 8.
Sabre begins to climb the ladder but is seen by Norcal. Norcal steps through the middle rope and begins climbing down the ladder face first. Sabre and Norcal meet in the middle and begin hitting each other as they lie on their stomachs, ten feet in the air! IC stands at the bottom of the ladder and looks up at the pair on it. Crossing himself for protection, he runs up the rungs of the ladder, stepping on both men's back and diving through the top and middle ropes to get into the ring! He doesn't quite make it though and nearly falls! Sparky and Rusty grab him at the last second and bring him into the ring! Up top, the Impact Players stand together, surrounding none other than Timbo Slice!
The two men on the ladder are inching their way towards the ring. As they do, Tim is lifted up and over the top rope and sat on the apron. IC punches him down before kicking him over the edge, sending him flying through the air! He lands on his feet, causing both his knees to almost instantly buckle. Medics run out to help him as the other two men make it to the upper ring!
We are now down to the Impact Players and the two muscleheads in the top ring, with the winner going on to face Papa Shango, who is starting to get his wits about him in the lower ring. The six look at each other with the Impact Players nearly huddling together in the corner. From out of nowhere, Sparky tries to dump Polley over the top rope!
The other two turn on him as if to say what in the hell are you doing before Sabre lunges for Rusty. Norcal goes for Sabre on pure instinct but punches Rusty right between the eyes by mistake. Rusty goes down in a heap from perhaps the hardest right hand ever thrown as IC corners Sparky in the corner. Polley is down from being attacked as Norcal and Sabre circle each other.
The big men lock up as IC nearly breaks up as he throws an elbow at Sparky. Sparky ducks underneath though and goes to work on IC in the corner. Uppercuts start flying as Sparky hammers away on his teammate. Sabre and Norcal are testing their strength as the crowd is locked onto them. Polley is back up as well now though and grabs Sparky from behind. He picks him up and throws him across the ring into the other corner where he unloads on his teammate with righs hands of a blazing pace. Sparky is trying to cover up as he goes down to the mat!
IC tries to stop his fellow CarBomb, but Polley elbows him between the eyes as he can't see who it was. IC doesn't take kindly to this and grabs Polley by the throat. He lifts the fellow seven footer into the air and screams at him. Sabre, having shoved Norcal to the corner, grabs IC and therefore Polley and tries to throw them over! Norcal makes a save at the last second with a dropkick (!), sending Sabre over the top rope to the apron. He hangs on but Norcal reaches over to try to throw him out. IC lands a double axe to his back, and Norcal and Sabre are now on the apron, hanging 15 feet above the ground!
IC and Polley both back up and launch big boots at the strongmen on the apron. Both men drop down though, grabbing onto the bottom rope with their feet at the last possible second! They're hanging upside down, just inches away from falling, not only eliminating themselves from the match but possibly from their existance as human beings! IC and Polley try to break their leg locks but Sabre and Norcal swing forward and grab onto a pole that supports the mat beneath the ring. We have a game of chicken going now!
Norcal and Sabre are kicking away at each other's hanging bodies, both desparetely trying to launch the other out of the match! Norcal's upper body strength has never come in better use here, as he is actually able to do chinups as he is hanging! As he pulls himself up even higher he lands kick after kick in the face and chest of Sabre. Up above them, the Impact Players don't realize what's going on beneath them. Polley sends Sparky into the ropes and lands a picture perfect battery size spine buster on him, shaking the ring as well as the bar the others are hanging on. It shakes their grips, leaving both with just one arm. Norcal's battle sense kicks in and in perhaps the most amazing as well as dangerous move in wrestling history, Norcal wraps his legs around the head of Sabre and pushes off the bar, swinging underneath of him and wrapping back around to grab the bar, but hurricanranaing Sabre down to the concrete below!
Rusty is back on his feet now with a killer headache. All four of the Impact Players take a corner as Norcal has his legs wrapped around the pole and is shimmying along, trying to make it back to the ring. he inches his way along with even his magnificent body finally beginning to feel the pain of holding up 284lbs against this kind of gravity. Up above, the three other Impact Players circle around Sparky before nodding at each other. They all pounce on the original traitor of the Impact Players. What follows is one of the worst beatings in the history of OCW.
Norcal has made it to the edge of the ring where he desperately reaches out to grab the apron. At the second he finally gets his hands on it and tries to pull himself up, Sparky is simultaneously powerbombed and leg dropped in the center of the ring. Norcal's grip is lost, but as he is falling he is able to grab onto the ring skirt from which he holds on for dear life. His weight is pulling too hard though as the rope is about to break. In the ring, Rusty notices the ring skirt being pulled downwards and looks over teh edge, seeing Norcal. He runs to the corner and tries to untie the rope, thereby eliminating Norcal. The former soldier sees what's going on and desperately tries to climb up the skirt and make it back into the ring to continue his battle for the title!
Norcal's power is too much and he is able to get his hands on the bottom ring rope! With everything he has left in him he pulls himself up and gets back onto the apron! Rusty can't believe it as Norcal grabs him by the head and sets him for a suplay over the top rope and all the way down to the floor! Norcal's power is too great for Rusty and he is suplayed over the top rope! Rusty is lucky enough to land on the ladder though, catching his balance somehow. On pure instinct he grabs Norcal from behind and pulls him into a Ratings Spike down onto the ladder! Norcal's face slams into the steel and he falls down to the mat below and then to the floor, eliminating him from the match!
As Rusty's feet are in the ring, Sparky low blows IC from behind to send him to the mat. Polley has absolutely had it with Sparky and goes off on him. The speed of the right hands to him are mind blowing as even Rusty joins in on this beating. After nearly three more minutes of attacking, IC is given the honor of POWERBOMBING Sparky all the way to the floor, sending him crashing through the announce tables down onto the concrete! Polley, on pure instinct, climbs to the top rope for the leg drop before realizing how high up in the air he is. After stopping though, Rusty of all people dropkicks him from his perch, leaving it down to IC and Rusty!
The two legends of OCW circle each other as it's now one on one for the right to face Papa Shango for the title! IC goes for the first strike by going after Rusty in the corner but the smaller man gets out of the way just in time. He lands a few quick right hands and climbs the ropes to go after IC, who easily shoves him away. Rusty charges at the giant again but still can't get anything going. The third time IC is ready for him as he steps forward to catch him in a stun gun move!
IC drags Rusty to the middle of the ring as the two most decorated members of the Impact Players go at it, perhaps with a score or two to settle. Never before have they met one on one, and while this isn't exactly a normal way of going about it, it's as close as we're going to get. IC measures Rusty and drops a Million Dollar Punch onto his forehead, then another and a third. Rusty is in trouble early on here as IC is dominating. A big legdrop follows as the crowd doens't know who to cheer for. Rusty is picked up and whipped into the ropes where a big boot sends him back down to the mat, completely exhausted.
IC lifts Rusty off the mat again and drives him into the corner. A series of shoulder blocks are launced at Rusty's ribs as his body is nearly limp. He falls forward and is as close to dead as one can possibly be. IC has a mean streak that we're unfamiliar with as he kicks Rusty in the back of his head before pulling his head up to scream at him. Years of anger that have built up inside of IC just come flowing out into the face of Rusty. IC slaps Rusty across the face more than once during his screaming, awakening him. Rusty goes completely on instinct as he throws a right hand into the throat of IC to break his momentum!
IC falls backwards as Rusty somehow pulls himself to his feet one more time. He knocks IC backwards with a big right hand and suddenly the giant is reeling! Rusty is on his 19th wind as he sends IC into the ropes and takes him down with a flying forearm that metrosexual Texas heartbreakers would be proud of! Rusty gets to his feet again and sends IC into the corner where he lands a perfect dropkick to nearly put IC"s feet over the top rope. Rusty whips IC across the ring and follows him in with a clothesline, then another, and a third time before IC collapses to the mat below! Rusty screams at the top of his lungs as the crowd is on their feet!
Rusty drags IC to the side of the ring where he sets the monster up for a powerbomb over the top rope! IC's size is too much though as Rusty can't get him up on the first try. He does on the second one though but IC slides down his back. The big man drives a forearm into his back before setting him for a Ratings Spike! As he lifts Rusty into the air though, Rusty bounces his legs off the top rope to slingshot himself behind IC. The big man turns around and ducks a Rusty clothesline. Rusty spins around and gets kicked in the gut and powerbombed! IC stands up and looks down at Rusty, then feels the blood begin to trickle down his head from the dropkick from earlier. The look of pure evil in the eyes of IC tells the whole story as he picks Rusty up and powerbombs him again! He grabs Rusty by the throat and screams at him one more time. "You want an Impact?" IC drags Rusty into the corner where he climbs to the middle rope and sets Rusty for another powerbomb. As they are in the air, Rusty grabs IC's head to pull him down into a Codebreaker, but as they hit the mat, the ring splits down the middle, sending both of them all the way down to the mat of the first ring!!!

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