OCW Information/Action Thread

Wellington is angered by this and comes off the top rope with a very nice bulldog to put the big man on the mat before locking in a front chancery on the Irishman. Polley gets to one knee but is met by a series of hard knee lifts into the chest as Pip maintains control in the early going.
Wellington shifts his grip and takes Polley down with a very nice swinging neckbreaker which only gets two. A pair of elbows and Polley is somehow in trouble to this rookie. He picks Polley back up and connects with a great belly to belly suplay to put him down again. This only gets two as Polley has a lot left in him.
Polley is brought back to hiss feet again but as Pip goes for another suplay, Polley is able to stand his ground and block it before reversing into a vertical delayed suplay of his own.
The crowd wakes up a bit as this isn't the most exciting match in the world. Polley does what he can but not even an Impact Player is enough here. Polley backdrops Wellington but the College Wrestling Star holds on and tries to pull Polley down into a sunset flip but is blocked by a straight right hand to the face. He picks up Wellington again and slams him down before climbing the top rope for the leg drop. the crowd pops a bit for the leap but it's nothing special.
The drop connects and Polley covers, and gets a two count! Pip kicked out at the last second as Polley can't believe what just happened. He picks up Wellington and chops him to the corner. He backs up before landing a great running knee lift to the jaw which sends Pip N. reeling. He staggers out of the corner and is caught in an over the shoulder Samoan Drop to put him down one more time. Polley mounts the turnbuckle again and measures Wellington before making the flying leap one more time.
The legdrop nearly cuts Wellington's head off as the 7ft monster's leg crashes down on his opponents' neck. He goes for the cover but pulls up at two and a half. Polley picks up Wellington before planting him right back down wiht a huge sideslam. Another cover and again Polley pulls him up. Wellington is nearly out cold as Polley clubs him down with a double axe handle smash to the chest. Polley puts a foot on his chest and raises his arm in the air as the referee starts his count.
It's finally over as wellington is out cold. Polley heads to the back as paramedics come out to check on Wellington. A neck brace is put around his neck as he is wheeled up the ramp.
As we come back from break, Vengeance is in the middle of the ring, ready to do battle with the Taz Champion, Thriller! His leg is in a cast after the beating he took a week ago.
The music of Thriller begins to play as the crowd rises to its feet. The Taz Champion comes to the ring with the Smooth Criminal leading the way. A double hand pound between the two means that we are ready to go. The bell rings and the Taz Title is on the line!
Vengeance limps to the middle of the ring as Thriller dances circles around him....literally. As he is behind him though, he lands a chop block on the challenger to send him down to the mat screaming. A simple heel hook and the injured yet valiant challenger is tapping like a drunk mat.

Seriously, what kind of guy that's drunk taps? that line has never made a bit of sense.
After the match, Smooth Criminal asks for a mic. Since this is OCW, he can pick whatever color he wants.

That actually took longer than we had planned on. My man Thriller has taken this title and this company to new heights, but he is bored with it anymore. Quite simply, he is in need of better competition. Which is why, taped to the door of his locker room, is a contract. Whoever signs it first will face this man right here at Tip of the Sword! We'll find out who signed it, right after these commercial messages!
We come back from our break to see none other than Sparky getting ready to sign the contract for his third shot at Thriller. As he raises the pen though, a body is thrown into his, slamming him into the locker room door! A gloved black hand signs the paper. We pan back to see the new #1 contender to the Taz Title, the 340lb Mobster, Joey Manicotti!
As the Jacksonites leave the ring, the music of the Pale Destroyer plays, as he and Monkey are on their way to the ring to face the world tag team champions!
The Men At Work appear on the stage holding their tag team titles high for all to see as they are as of tonight, the longest reigning OCW Tag Team Champions in history! They slide into the ring and are immediately attacked! Murfish lands a kneelift on Tim that sends him up and over the top rope where he crashes onto the floor. Dan is left all alone in the ring where Murfish grabs him by the arms and Monkey goes to work on him. Punch after punch lands on his face as the referee isn't sure what to do. Murfish raises him up into the air in a double chickenwing hold before shifting him slightly to the side and slamming him down face first into the mat! he doesn't let go of Dan's arms as he locks in a Rings of Saturn hold and cranks back on it! Monkey dives at Tim with a forearm through the ropes as the referee checks on Dan. After a few seconds the referee has to call for the bell as Dan is out cold!
The tag team champions have lost this non title match in amazingly quick time! Monkey and Murfish leave together with the tag team gold in their thieving hands!
Back from break, we see KB in his office. He begins to say something but before he can the door burts open and a chair is pelted at KB, knocking him to the floor! The cameraman is knocked to the floor, sending the camera spiraling across the floor. All we can see is KB's face being pounded on by gloved hands. Security finally pulls whoever it is off as KB is out cold on his desk.
It is now time for our main event of the evening, a six man tag team match, pitting the team of Sabre, Papa Shango and DeSade vs. Rusty, Norcal and IC!
it has been announced that at Tip of the Sword, Sabre will be going one on one with Norcal and IC will be challenging Papa Shango for the OCW World Heavyweight Championship!
We cut to the back to see the six men brawling as they can't even make it to the ring. Sabre and Norcal are standing toe to toe and hammering each other with every bit of power they have. Rusty is teaching DeSade a lesson in brutality by sending him into every large and hard object that he can find. The interesting one is Shango and IC who are brawling down to the ring. IC lands an overhand chop to send him spiraling down to the ring as they are the only two of the six actually in the arena. Shango is sent into the ring and this match is on!
Shango is running for his life in the ring, looking for a place to hide. IC is too big to hide from though as he grabs Shango by the throat and sends him flying into the corner. A huge boot to the face follows and Shango is staggering out of the corner before being grabbed by the throat and lifted high into the air! IC doesn't drop him down in the ring but instead takes him to the ropes and chokeslams him down onto the floor below!
DeSade is suddenly thrown from the back through the curtain as Rusty pounds away on him even more. Why Rusty is hammering on him I'm not sure, but hell like DeSade is going to be able to hang with him in a fight. We cut to the back to see what's going on with Norcal and Sabre but they have disappeared. Back in the arena, the referee is laying a double count out on IC and Papa. DeSade is sent into the apron back first as Shango is thrown through the ropes by IC.
Back at the stage, Norcal is sent flying through the base of the stage, bloody as hell and nearly out cold! Sabre is seen as clearly the man that threw him, but at this time we ahve more important things to worry about. Papa is desperately trying to tag in DeSade in as Rusty picks DeSade up and piledrives him on the floor! In the ring, IC has Shango up in the air and powerbombed him halfway to hell! In one of the most anti-climactic endings in OCW history, Rusty and IC land double pins as the Impact Players stand tall over the World Heavyweight Champion as we go off the air!
Episode 3

We find our hero, the CHAMPION OF WRESTLING!!!!!, Nighthawk, today in a candy store. Wearing a pair of Tampa Bay Lightning sweatpants and a cheap sportscoat minus shirt underneath it, Nighthawk takes this chance to address the camera man, talking about his favorite subject: himself.

When you're a champion like myself, you live a hard life. All day long it's autograph hounds, paparazzi, nubile young ladies throwing their bras at you and people mistaking you for a Hollywood movie star. It's times like those when even I have to take a step back and think for a few minutes: how could someone mistake me for an actor? No film could capture my true beauty, so why would I waste my time making a film?

He is interrupted by the clerk, asking what he would like. Nighthawk looks at her with a cocky smile and has this to say.

I, like all other world renowned role models, would like world peace, an end to hunger, and of course, world domin......um, I mean......to end global warming of course. That's what I'd like today.

The clerk isn't pleased.
Ok give me two Hersheys, a peanut butter cup and some candy corn.

Nighthawk turns to the camera to cut another promo, but the clerk interrupts him by saying "That'll be 4 dollars and zero cents." This doesn't sit well with the COW.

So what are you saying? I have no sense??? I'll show you you uncultured swine!!!

The clerk is uncerimoniously rammed face first into the ice cream dispenser! Chocolate drips down his face as Nighthawk screams at him, apparently named Ralph, that this is the last time he'll insult the CHAMPION OF WRESTLING!!!

Following this beating, Nighthawk looks at the camera again, picks up a Hershey bar, and says,

My name is NIGHTHAWK, and this was nothing but SWEET! He then gives a very cheesy thumbs up before taking a big bite of the candy bar. Seconds later, he realizes he ate the paper.
As the Champion of Wrestling is trying to get the paper out of his throat, the door to the candy shop is kicked open. The camera spins around to see Bud the Gas station Attendant standing before Nighthawk.

Alright, WHO WANTS SOME???

Nighthawk looks like he has seen a ghost rather than eating a candy wrapper as he sees the man who is apparently the #1 Contender to the Championship of Wrestling. Nighthawk prepares to run, but sees a Coca-Cola clock with two handles hanging from the wall. After a head fake to Bud, he grabs the clock and sprints away.

As he runs like a girly man, both Bud and the now conscious Ralph give chase! The cameraman that is somehow keeping up with Nighthawk as he tries to get away, catches Nighthawk saying,

My name is Nighthawk, and I'm Just Green Egg and Hammin It!!!" The scene continues as the camera fades to black.

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