OCW Information/Action Thread

Rusty signals to cut the music though, as he has something else to say.

No matter which one of us winds up as OCW World Heavyweight Champion, after Sparky gets his Taz Title back and the Bombs have the belt, once again, the Impact Players will have the power. Or if you want to say it different, POWER TO THE PLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYERS!!!
We cut to outside the arena where Vengeance is staggering towards his 1992 Ford Falcon with an ice pack to his head. As he opens the door, Spunky flies through the air from the second floor of the arena, landing on Vengeance. The camera swings up to see KB leaning out of a window, shouting at Spunky to never come in his office again.

Vengeance is heard saying that he really, REALLY needs a doctor, as we go to our last break. Main event is next!
It is now time for our main event of the evening! A non title match between the Mighty Norcal, and the OCW World Heavyweight Champion, PAPA SHANGO!!!
As the Mighty One makes his way into the arena, he is immediately jumped from behind by Sabre! The two monsters begin to brawl with Sabre being shoved into the door. As his back is to it, Norcal charges at him with a spear, but Sabre is too quick for him. The door flies open, and Norcal spears the hell out of Shango, driving his head into the OCW Title belt! From the back come DeSade and Joey Manicatti, helping to beat down Norcal! It's four on one when Shango gets to his feet, and the OCW Soldier is in big trouble!
As they are lifting him up to throw him from the stage, the door burts open and out comes the army of the Impact Players and MaintenanceBot!!! The five of them clean house (the Players using chairs and MB using a broom and dust pan), clearing away the heels and standing over Norcal as we go off the air!
Episode Four

We catch up with our hero as he is entering a hospital, now wearing the Alvin and the Chipmunks tie around his waist. However, he now has either end tied to the Coca Cola clock that he stole from the candy store in front of him, using it as a face plate.

See, part of being a champion is doing charity work. Like today, when I visit one of my less fortunate fans. Ah yes here we are: room 316.

The COW walks into the room and as the camera swings to the bed, we see none other than OCW newcomer Pip N. Wellington!
Nighthawk addresses the young man.

My name........is Nighthawk. I............am a champion. From what I have seen of you, you have no chance of ever being a champion, because you just completely suck. That is why I felt I would do my good deed for the day and visit you, a non-champion in need.

Wellington isn't exactly thrilled. My name is Pip N. Wellington and I am a former... He's cut off by Nighthawk.

Now now Wellington no one likes a mic hog. Here cameraman, get a shot of me and this little person. As Nighthawk steps over to him, Wellington presses the button for his orderly.
Into the room comes an attendant named George. Upon seeing Nighthawk, he jumps up and down in excitement, screaming that he knows who Nighthawk is!

Why it's a fan. How pleasent. Would you care for an autograph underling? George hands Nighthawk a bedpan to sign, but as the champion takes out his pen, he is shocked in the chest by a defibulator. After George presses another button, the official hospital referee runs in as George covers Nighthawk!

As the pin goes down though, Ralph and Bud run into the room, accidently breaking up the count. While the three argue, Nighthawk slides through the legs of Bud, escaping again. The three give chase as Wellington picks the bedpan off the floor. He sees that is has been signed: "To my adoring fans, your beloved COW, Nighthawk, who is just Green Egg and Hammin It! Cut cameras."

Cut cameras? What does that...

Before he can finish that, the cameras are cut!
Due to my working on the In Your House Series, I apologize for the slowness of updates. What I'll likely be trying to do is a show a week for now, with that number going up slowly. New show should be up either today or tomorrow.
Our show begins with the number one contender, IC as he is shown backstage, apparently with something to say.

We are currently four days away from Tip of the Sword, and it occurs to me that Shango and I have done almost nothing at all with each other. That to me means bullshit for buyrates. So, I went to the boss, and I had two matches set for tonight. The twist on these matches is that I don't know who either Shango or myself will be facing. The way tonight is going to work is like this: Shango picks two potential opponents for me, I pick two potential opponents for him. We have to pick fromt hose two who we fight. Think of this as a warmup for Sunday if you will. Shango, pick some strong poison, because you're going to ahve to kill me to keep that title on Sunday.

IC walks away as our theme music plays and we cut to the arena for our first matchup!
The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!

Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 674lbs, the team of Joey Manicotti and Sabre!
Their opponents weigh in at a combined 503lbs, the team of Mighty Norcal and The Thriller!

The crowd pops huge for the second team and the four men that will meet in seperate matches this Sunday are going at it hot and fast in the very early going. Thriller and Sabre are going at it as Norcal pounds away at the big man Joey. Thriller charges at Sabre but every time is thrown back flying. The Taz Champion refuses to give up though as he pounces on the former World Champion again and again, until Joey intercepts him, slamming him down into the mat as hard as he can!

Norcal takes the chance to blindside Sabre, knocking him out to the floor. As Thriller rolls out as well, we're down to two men in the ring and the bell finally sounds to officially begin this match! Joey is suprised to find himself being chopped with authority back into the corner by the monster in front of him. Norcal chops Joey back into the corner before backing up for a charge. In something that cuts the crowd as well as Norcal back down to size though, Joey sends himself into Norcal with amazing force, sending the American flying backwards. Joey follows Norcal as Thriller and Sabre have made their way to their respective corners.
Norcal is visably shaken by the sudden stop he came to and is trying to shake the cobwebs loose. Instead his brains are scrambled even worse by a falling headbutt from Joey. Manicotti is on fire here as he lifts Norcal up and sends him into the ropes. Norcal ducks underneath the clothesline but as he launches a cross body block, Joey catches him in mid air like he's a small child. With absolute ease he gets a running start and powerslams Norcal to the ground. Joey rubs his hands together as Norcal holds his back.
With Norcal down, Thriller attempts to play cheerleader on the apron of the ring. As the fans cheer for their on his back hero, Joey makes the tag to bring in the former World Champion, Sabre. Norcal's opponent for this Sunday comes in off the top rope with a flying knee drop to the chest, keeping the muscleman down for even longer. Thriller screams words of encouragement to his partner but at the moment it's really not helping out that much. Sabre pulls Norcal to his feet to set him for a vertical suplay. Sabre lifts Norcal over his head, holding him upside down for a mindblowing ten seconds as he flexes his bicep at Thriller. He holds Norcal too long though and Norcal's long legs begin to kick! Sabre loses his balance as Norcal falls backwards, landing on his feet behind Sabre!

Norcal pulls back the cannon that he calls an arm to slam it forward onto the chest of Sabre as he turns around. Both men go down to the mat after the amazing impact of the clothesline. Norcal can see Thriller and the crawl for the tag begins, ending quickly as the Taz Champion is tagged in! Thriller pulls back and comes off with a perfect springboard to land on the back of Sabre as he is trying to get to his feet. He rolls to his feet quickly to pop off on Joey with a perfect dropkick. Norcal is back on the apron now with his first chance to rest since this match began. Thriller is in complete control of the much bigger Sabre as the champion is stinging with all kinds of hit and run attacks. Thriller mounts the second turnbuckle on the inside and lands a chop right between the eyes of the big man to finally take him off his feet!
Sabre's eyes are rolling back in his head as the Taz Champion is on a roll. As Sabre gets back to his feet, Thriller is waiting on him with a belly to back suplay to put him on the mat again. Thriller goes for a cover but Joey makes a save which likely wasn't needed. Thriller nails Joey from behind to send him out of the ring, but as he turns back around he walks into a huge belly to belly overhead suplay from Sabre. Norcal FINALLY comes into the ring to help his partner but the referee grows a spine at the worst possible moment to say that he isn't allowed to come in unless he's tagged. While this is going on, Thriller is stood up in the middle of the ring. Both Sabre and Manicotti hit the ropes at the same time and crash into Thriller from both sides with standing splashes. Thriller is crushed in the middle and just collapses in the middle of the ring.
Joey is finally sent back to his corner as Sabre picks up the limp body of Thriller and locks on a bearhug. The Taz Champion is woken up by his own screams as Sabre squeezes the life out of him with his big, powerful arms. The referee goes to check Thriller but he screams no to the delight of the crowd. Sabre lifts him into the air to apply more pressure but Thriller refuses to quit still. Frustrated, the power man rams Thriller into the corner back first and rams shoulder after shoulder into his ribs, doing everything he can to break Thriller's spirit as well as his back.

When Sabre finally lets up, Thriller looks like he's been hit by a bus. As he falls down face first to the mat, Sabre drops a leg across the back of his neck and makes the tag to Joey. The "Family" man seemingly couldn't be happier about the situation as he stalks the crawling Taz Champion, screaming insults down at him as he tries to reach Norcal. A big boot right between the shoulder blades stops that movement cold though, as Joey drags Thriller back into his own corner.
Another quick tag and in comes Sabre to hammer away on the back of Thriller even more. After some elbow drops, Sabre lifts thriller high into the air for a Gorilla Press slam. He pumps Thriller twice before turning him over, sending him down onto the canvas with great velocity. Joey is tagged back in as this massacre seems like it'll never end. Joey grabs Thriller by the hair and drags him back towards the corner that Norcal stands in to taunt the power half of this team even more. This time it doesn't work though as Norcal reaches over the top rope and grabs Joey under his arms. Without even being inside the ring, Norcal is able to land the Sky High on Manicotti, sending him slamming into the mat. Both men are down and it's now up to who can make the tag first.
Thriller can barely move as Joey is down. Norcal cheers him on but it's not doing much good. As Norcal has his arm out stretched, Sabre does what any smart wrestler would do in this situation and jumps into the ring to pull Joey back towards his own corner. Once there, Joey is able to reach up and make the tag to make it Sabre and Thriller again. The Taz Champion is barely moving as Sabre stalks him again. With an evil look on his face, Sabre picks Thriller up and plants him down with a hard slam. Thriller is turned over as Sabre climbs to the middle turnbuckle on the inside. He drops his knee right into the middle of the spine of Thriller who is almost out cold.

Norcal has finally had enough. He steps through the ropes and goes to town on Sabre. The former world champions are in the corner with Norcal pounding away on Sabre. The referee has his back to Thriller, allowing Joey to climb to the top rope one more time. With Thriller not moving at all, Joey launches off the top rope with a splash that lands right on target. Thriller is completely out cold here, as Norcal is still pounding away on Sabre in the corner. He sends Sabre into the corner and lands a huge backdrop, but sends Sabre down onto Thriller by mistake! As Norcal leaves the ring, the referee turns around to see Sabre laying on top of Thriller! The Taz Champion is defenseless and therefore is easily pinned!
We come back from break for our second match of the evening: Spunky one on one with Vengeance!

Vengeance, still covered in bandages from the assaults from previous weeks, limps to the ring barely able to stand up straight. As Spunky's music plays, there is no sign of him. The song begins again and still no Spunky. Instead, Firefly begins to play as Vengeance falls to the map, rocking back and forth weaping. We look to the door to the arena, but instead of KB comes Spunky, dressed as KB. The music continues as the crowd isn't sure what to think. Spunky even climbs to the top rope to jump down into the ring, right down to the very movement of KB.
As the bell rings, Spunky hits the ropes and takes Spunky down with a diving shoulder block. Vengeance slowly gets to his feet and is taken down again with a big shoulder. With his opponent down, Spunky B heads to the apron of the ring and waits. As Vengeance staggers to his feet, he is taken down by a huge spinwheel kick to the jaw! With a spin of his finger over his head, Spunky sets his arms open as Vengeance turns around and gets DDTed into oblivion. THe pinfall is academic. As Firefly plays, the fans have no idea what to think and we tahnkfully go to break.
Back from break, it is now time for the first half of our double main event! In this contest, the #1 Contender IC will meet one of two men that Papa Shango has selected, and then Shango will meet one of two opponents that IC selects.
The 7ft monster and number one contender strides down to the ring with a look on his face taht could cut through stone. The usual calm and together face of IC is etched with seriousness tonight as he is perfectly focused on becoming the OCW World Heavyweight Champion at Tip of the Sword. As he stands in the center of the ring, the music changes to that of the World Heavyweight Champion who comes through the door into the arena with a big smile on his face. With IC looking on, Shango asks if IC wants to lose to the person behind door one or door two. IC's only response is to show a certain finger to Shango, signaling door #1. Through the door walk the former OCW World Heavyweight Champion, and IC's opponent for the night, Monkey!
IC doesn't waste a second as he meets Monkey in the aisle. With a quick offense for a big man, IC sends Monkey face first into the guard rail at ringside. Monkey has been in this match for 8 seconds and already he's in trouble. A shot to the back sends him into the apron of the ring as IC continues his assault. Monkey is slid into the ring as the big man steps over the top rope to come after him. Muscles flexing to a high degree, IC pays no attention to Monkey's pleas for mercy. Instead of backing off, IC kicks him right in the face to send him into the corner. The referee apparently is enjoying watching Monkey be beaten into the ground as IC stomps away with no interference from the man in the polka dot shirt.
IC doesn't stop for a second as he works over Monkey. With Papa Shango looking on, IC lands a perfect sidewalk slam on Monkey, before signaling for the powerbomb. As he sets Monkey up, Shango gives a hand signal to someone in the back, and out comes Monkey's partner Murfish. IC tries to meet him with a big boot but Murfish is too quick for it. IC is caught up in the top rope, alowing Monkey to land a chopblock on his big leg to send him down. As Murfish stands at ringside, the Men At Work arrive! Tim and Dan hammer away on Murfish as they get him away from the ring and brawl to the back! Monkey has the advantage though as IC's knee is hurt.

Monkey wastes no time in going to work on it. For nearly 5 minutes he uses every hold and attack that he can think of on it, as Shango's influence begins to shine though. For Monkey, this isn't about winning the match. It's about hurting IC.

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