OCW Information/Action Thread

As the lights come on in the arena, Spunky walks through the newly placed door to the arena!

Seriously, why is it always a curtain? When you're coming into a room, you walk through a door. If you walk through curtains, you're going to hit a window. That's just painful.
As Spunky stands in the middle of the ring, the music of Vengeance plays as we are ready for one on one action!
Vengeance heads to the ring but the debuting MaintenanceBot pops up on screen shouting at Vengeance.


As Vengeance heads to close the door, he is heard muttering to himself, asking what the hell is his problem? As he says this, a lightning bolt just misses him.

Vengeance closes the door, but suddenly it's kicked off the hinges and right into Vengeance's face by the man that paid for that door, KB!
As MaintenanceBot appears on the ramp to do maintenance on the door, KB is storming his way to the ring as Spunky is freaking out. KB has his eyes locked on him as he jumps over the top rope and goes straight for Spunky, who dives out of the way!
KB signals to the timekeeper to throw him a chair. As he catches it, Spunky lands a dropkick to the chair, sending it into the face of his boss. With the OCW owner down, Spunky hightails it out of the ring and jumps into the crowd. KB slaps the mat and shouts out to Spunky that he's not safe yet, before leaving the ring.
With the chair still in hand, KB heads up the ramp and opens the repaired door. Vengeance is back on his feet and holding his head. KB, still quite angry, keeps things simple and just pelts the chair right at the head of Vengeance as it wraps around his head with a loud thud. KB grabs Vengeance and DDTs him head first into the chair on the stage as Firefly plays the boss out. He kicks the door open again as MaintenanceBot clearly isn't pleased.
As Firefly ends, Smooth Criminal begins as the man named after the song is on his way to the ring to face the #1 contender for the Taz Title, Joey Manicatti!
We see a video package of Joey signing the contract last week after literally squashing Sparky to get to the wall with the paper on it first. He will indeed meet Thriller at Tip of the Sword in ten days. The theme from The Godfather is heard as a small pop is heard for the 340lb mobster that there is just something about that no one can place.
The 6'6 Smooth Criminal is on his own tonight as Thriller is off bidding on the Michael Jackson auction. SC throws an overhand chop at Joey as he enters the ring. Manticatti is quicker than he looks though as he avoids the chop and plants a big right hand in the ribs of Smooth. He lands several forearm shots to the back of his opponent to send the Criminal down to his knees. SC fights back with an uppercut as the two big men go at it. The Criminal gets up to his one knee as he fires back on Joey. Manicotti blocks the third shot and slams a headbutt onto Smooth to put him back down again.
Joey climbs to the second turnbuckle on the inside and waits on the Criminal to get to his feet. As he does, Manicatti comes off with a diving clothesline to take him to the mat. This gets two as the criminal is able to kick out of it. Criminal is pulled to his feet and sent off the ropes. Joey sets for the Family Reunion but SC leaps over him in an impressive display of athleticism. Coming off the opposite ropes he slides between Joey's legs and trips him to the mat before floating over into a front chancery hold.
Joey fights up to his feet but is taken back down by a swinging neckbreaker that has him in trouble for the first time in his entire career. SC locks in a reverse chinlock on Joey who is almost halfway to his feet within a few seconds. Two elbows to the ribs frees him as he backs Smooth into the corner. A knee lift to the ribs and suddenly Joey is in complete control.
Two more follow as the Criminal holds himself up using the ropes. A pair of back elbows follow as SC staggers back to the middle of the ring. A second attempt at the Family Reunion results in failure again as Smooth is able to wrap around the back and rolls up Joey for a fast two count.
Joey turns around and is grabbed for the Break In but he is able to shove Criminal off and back into the corner. More knee lifts follow but on the third one, Joey backs off in pain, screaming and holding his knee. Smooth takes the opportunity and follows in on him but walks into the Family Reunion from a perfectly healthy Joey, but there's no cover.
Instead, Joey lifts the out of it Smooth Criminal to his feet and picks him up for what looks like a Tombstone. As he has him in position though, he leans forward, putting the Criminal in what would be almost a reverse powerbomb position. From there, Joey leaps into the air and drives his crotch down into the face of Smooth, sending him into the mat. Without moving his lower body, Joey puts a hand on his opponent's chest and gets the one two three!
Back from break, we see Sabre standing in front of a Coke machine drinking a Pepsi and talking to RBI about his match with Norcal at TOTS. As they are talking, Vengeance stumbles into him, holding his head in near agony. By doing so, he knocks the Pepsi from the hand of Sabre. you can guess what happens next. Within seconds, Vengeance is inside the soda machine, with diet coke mixed with blood piling up on the floor. Sabre says that in ten days, Norcal will be lucky to look as good as Vengeance does right now.
We cut to Sam and Luther for an update on the Rock N Roll Ninja, who is now upgraded to an 8% chance of actually walking again after the assault that he received at a house show over the weekend. Who beat him that badly? You'll find out when we come back.
As we come back, Superstar blares through the arena and the reunited Impact Players are here, walking through the door for the first time with big smiles on their faces.
The four saunter into the ring with Polley taking the lead, and for the first time in a long time, the mic.

I know that we're called the Impact Players, but after Thursday night, you might want to call us the diet of OCW. Last Thursday night, the Impact Players got rid of some of the excess fat of this company. The four of us got rid of that worthless piece of garbage called the Rock N Roll Ninja. You've heard us talk about it, you've heard the people hold their breath when they hear the name, and if you were in Melbourne Thursday night, you saw the debut of Sudden Impact. Let me tell you something OCW. Sudden Impact is the deadliest manuever that has ever been used in the history of professional wrestling. Sudden Impact doesn't end matches. It ends careers. It changes people's lives forever, because when you feel the Sudden Impact, nothing is ever the same again. One man has already felt it, and I guarantee that he will not be the last. The Impact Players are back, and never before have they been more lethal.
Polley tosses the mic to IC.

Monkey, Murfish, Tim, Dan, all of you little people that think you deserve to be part of the tag team champions, listen to me and listen good. Whoever has those beautiful pieces of gold, be sure that you keep them nice and polished, because the Car Bombs are coming for what rightfully belongs to them. We made those OCW Tag Team Titles what they are today and it's high time that we had them around our waists again. It may be at Tip of the Sword, it may be the night after, but rest assured ladies and gentlemen, the Bombs will have their titles back very soon.
Sparky speaks next.

Joey Manicatti, don't think I've forgotten about you you fat pig. You think you can jump one of the Players and have it go unnoticed? Boy when I get done with you, the only Italian left in you will be the Olive Garden apron you're wearing, because the beating you'll be getting will have you so scared of the sight of a wrestling ring you'll be pissing olive oil into your pants.

And now, it is time to hear from the leader of the Players, the only four time OCW World Heavyweight Champion, Rusty!
I'm keeping this short. The night after IC wins the OCW Title from Shango, I get my shot at it. The Breakout after TOTS, Rusty gets his chance to be a 5 time world champion. Shango, get ready for the beating of your life. And IC, may the best man win.

The song kicks on again as the Players prepare to leave.

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