OCW Information/Action Thread

Finally Monkey locks in a figure four on IC. The big man's knee is being twisted in ways that simply shouldn't be occuring. With screams that could wake the dead, IC makes an attempt to turn the hold over. With great strength, the hold is finally turned but Monkey rotates as well and IC is right back where he started from. As he reaches for the ropes, Shango appears at ringside and blasts him right in the head with a steel chair for the easy DQ. Monkey however, doesn't let go of the hold. IC's knee is in big trouble as Shango still has the chair in hand. With an evil look on his face he pullls it back to swing it at the prone knee of his opponent on Sunday. When he's about to bring it down though, Rusty appears from out of nowhere and spears the hell out of SHango! With Sparky and Polley at his side, the Impact Players are here to save their teammate. Monkey can't get out of the ring fast enough as the Players tend to IC.
Back from another break (and I promise the show ends tonight) and it is time for the final match of the evening as Papa Shango will now face to pick his poison!
Shango stands in the ring alone as we see two boxes on the stage. Shango pulls out a mic.

Let's get this over with. No man that you havae behind those curtains could stand a chance in the ring with me IC. I'll give you a break tonight buddy. You know who I could fight. I'll let you pick for me.

IC's music hits as he walks with no limp through the door.
As the music fades, IC smiles down at Shango, almost laughing at him. He points to box number one, and as the curtain falls the Men At Work are revealed!

Read your contracts champ. It said who you would be facing and not a word about how many.

Shango looks like he's seen a ghost, but realizes that he doesn't have to face the MAW.

Your opponents for this evening are.........THE IMPACT PLAYERS!
The crowd pops as Shango tries to run from the ring. As he dives for the barrier, Sparky punches him in the jaw and knocks him back into the ringside area. Shango tries to get to his feet and run to the other side but Polley pokes his head out from under the ring to trip him up. Rusty is waiting for Papa inside the ring as IC heads down the aisle. Slowly but surely, the circle around Shango begins to shrink until IC nods his head. The four men jump Shango as the bell rings to start the match.
The four men bring Shango into the ring as he looks as if he's being brought to the gallows. The beating is quick but certainly not painless as they jump him, beating him within an inch of his survival rate. There are no tags in this match as it is four on one at the same time. Finisher after finisher is hit on Shango as he is left laying in the middle of the ring. Rusty lands a splash on him and goes for the cover, but can't get the three as he has to sign for a delivery of possum fat. In between, IC covers Shango with a foot on his chest for the pinfall over the OCW Champion to end the show!
Ladies and Gentlemen, after six weeks of long buildup due to me being lazy and busy, TIP OF THE SWORD IS ON THE FUCKING AIR!!!
As the pyro goes off in the arena with the fans on their feet, it is now time for our opening contest, which is for the OCW World Tag Team Titles!

Introducing first are the challengers. Weighing in at a total combined weight of 532lbs, the team of Monkey and Murfish!
And their opponents. They are the longest reigning World Tag Team Champions in OCW history. Total combined weight, 468lbs, Daniel Stokes and Timbo Slice, they are the Men At Work!
The action starts in the aisle as the four men are going at it hard and fast. Murfish has Tim by the throat as Dan and Monkey head towards the ring. With Tim held over his head, Murfish launches him into the crowd at ringside! Tim kicks away at Murfish who is sent backwards into the guardrail. Tim gets to his feet on the opposite rail and waits for Murfish to charge. As the Pale Destroyer comes forward, Tim jumps at him and takes him down onto the concrete with the Blockbuster! Murfish is down as Tim heads to the ring to help out his partner who is in trouble.

In the ring Monkey has Dan in some trouble. As Tim gets onto the apron, Dan reverses an Irish Whip to send Monkey into the ropes. The former OCW Champion sees Tim on the ropes and lowers his shoulder for a spear. he crashes into Tim but clutches his shoulder in pain as Tim goes flying onto the floor. His ring jacket flies open and the tag team title belt is still around his waist! At the same time, Dan grabs Monkey's left arm and pulls him down into a Crossface! Stokes is ripping and tearing at the shoulder of Monkey as the referee is right in position to check for the submission.

Monkey reaches for the ropes as he desperately tries to get out of this hold. Tim reaches up and pulls back the bottom rope to put it just out of his reach. The referee breaks the grip that Tim has on the ropes after about 8 seconds which allows Monkey to reach out and finally break the hold. At this time, Murfish is finally shaking off the effects of the Blockbuster. As he staggers towards the ring, Tim turns and sees him. With perfect precision, Tim backflips from the apron and catches Murfish in a picture perfect backflip, causing the Pale Destroyer to slam his head on the concrete. Dan sends Monkey to the floor and the challengers are in a pile next to each other with Monkey clutching his shoulder.

The Men at Work climb to the turnbuckles on the inside and stand perched to attack their opponents. Both men stand up around the same time and they're being waited on. Tim and Dan come crashing down in double planchas to take down Monkey and Murfish! Right and left hands are rained down onto their heads as the referee continues his ten count. At a count of seven all four men are back in the ring. Tim and Monkey are the legal men as the match may finally be underway. Slice wrenches on the arm and shoulder of Monkey as hard as he can, driving the former champion down to the mat in an armbar. Tim drives a series of knees into the arm as he works it over as well as he can. Tim goes for another kneedrop but Monkey is out of the way at the last minute to avoid the contact. Murfish is tagged in but is still groggy from the beating he took on the floor. He goes for tim but is taken down by a leg trip that gets one. A clothesline by Tim gets one. Slice is on fire here as he lands a leg lariat that gets two. He charges for one more clothesline but Murfish ducks and tim runs right into Monkey. The leader of the Primates lifts the charging Tim onto his shoulders from the apron. In a great feat of strength, Monkey flips Tim over teh top rope and brings him down with the GAME OVER onto the floor, sending Tim face first into the concrete!

The referee runs to the floor to check on him and throws up the Q sign as Tim is completely out cold. After a brief chat with Dan and the timekeeper, Dan agrees to continue this match on his own! Murfish blasts him from behind and the beatdown is on. Monkey and Murfish stomp away at Dan until the referee's count reaches four. Murfish picks up Dan for the Fatality but is shoved away. Dan fights back with everything he's got and sends Murfish down with a shoulder block. Another tackle and Murfish is down again. A third shot and Murfish is knocked out of the ring and down onto the floor. Dan immediately turns his attention over to Monkey and that injured arm. With Monkey acting more or less as a one armed man, Dan gets a running start and slides through his legs and onto the floor. He pulls Monkey down and his face slams into the apron. Dan sends him shoulder first into the post and wraps his arm around the post twice. As the referee's count is at 8 Dan is back inside with the referee checking on Monkey. With Dan's back turned Murfish lifts him off the mat into a beautiful German suplay! The referee turns around and sees the bridge but Murfish can only get a two count!

The Pale Destroyer picks up Dan as both men are now dazed. Murfish sends him into the corner and charges after him with a big splash. Dan is in trouble as Murfish sends him back into their own corner. Monkey isn't there to make a tag though as his shoulder is possibly dislocated. Murfish is clearly getting tired as he has no one to tag. Instead he sits Dan on the top rope and sets for a superplex. Dan however is able to shove him off and gives the sign for his spin wheel kick. Murfish is turning around as Dan sets for the kick. As he is ready to launch though Monkey grabs his foot and slowshim down. Dan kicks him away but loses his balance. In the time where he is regaining it, Murfish lands a flying headbutt to crotch Dan on the top rope. As quick as he can, Murfish is on the second rope with Monkey in position for the Fatality! From the second rope Dan comes crashing face first into the mat below! Murfish rolls him over for the cover and we have NEW OCW World Tag Team Champions!
As the music of the new champions plays, Murfish grabs a mic and says that they'll be fighting champions. A voice is heard from the crowd, also on a microphone.

I'm glad you feel that way Murfish. In the crowd is the Mighty Norcal.

I'm glad you feel that way because my new partner and I just spoke with KB about getting an opportunity at the tag team titles. If I win tonight, my new partner and I get our shot this Wednesday night.

As the crowd cheers, Murfish shouts back, askign what partner Norcal is talking about. Norcal points back towards the crowd. From the front row someone jumps the railing and hammers Monkey, sending him shoulder first into the post again! As Monkey turns around, the man jumps him, locking him in a triangel choke! He pulls and pulls at Monkey who is tapping like there's no tomorrow, to MIKE HARTHAN!!!

As Murfish goes for the save, Harthan is long gone and joining Norcal in the crowd as we go to the back!
In the back we see Shango arrive to the building, badly bruised after the beating he took four days earlier. As RBI tries to interview him he steps on her foot and heads for his dressing room as we head back to the ring.
Firefly begins to play as the crowd comes to life again. The camera swings to the door to the arena as someone comes through it.
Spunky, still dressed exactly like KB comes into the arena and it is now time for the "showdown" between the impersonator and the real thing. Once Spunky is in the ring, Firefly is about to begin again but instead a group of people come running through the door, led by Nighthawk!

He is chased by three others, whose name tags imply their names are Bud, Ralph and Gus (or whatever the third guy's name was). As Nighthawk shouts about Green Egg and Hammin It, the others pass by Spunky but then stop. Bud thinks it's actually KB and proceeds to beat the hell out of him. The others join in as Bud says he's the man that fired Nighthawk. After the three beat Spunky-B down the chase continues and Firefly begins again!
KB heads down to the ring and picks up Spunky who can barely stand as it is. You know what's coming: yell, kick, DDT, pin. After his record setting performance KB has something to say.

Since this took so little out of me, I have a feeling I'll be ready to wrestle again soon. I think I'll be ready to compete say, Wednesday night on Breakout. This wednesday, you'll be seeing three matches. You will see a world tag team title match. You will see an OCW Title match, and you will see, FOR THE SECOND TIME EVER, for the right to challenge for the OCW Title at Total Impact....Sabre vs. KB. Sabre, be ready, because what you did to me at Final Chapter was nothing compared to what you'll be facing in three days. Wednesday night, this ends.

Firefly plays KB out, but before he goes he plants Spunky one more time for the road.
As KB is leaving, he turns back and says that it's not over that easy. These fans paid their own hard earned money to see me kick somebody's ass. I would hardly call a DDT and a cover kicking somebody's ass, so get me someone out here to fight so i can show these people a real match for their own hard earned money!

As KB throws the mic down, a tall man comes from the back to no music and a solid reaction from the crowd. For the first time in nearly a year, C M is back in OCW! As the monster heads to the ring, KB nods his head and rubs his hands together, as he prepares to face the man that was his first victory here in OCW!
The bell rings and we're underway. CM and KB circle each other as neither are sure of what to do having had no preparation for this match at all. CM reaches up his hand in a challenge to KB for a Greco-Roman Knuckle Lock. KB looks at the crowd who cheer him on. The pair lock up and ram their chests together as that's obviously the only way two faces can test their strength. CM begins to get the best of his I guess new boss but it's KB that powers out of it and pushes CM back up. CM is ready with a counter as he rams a knee into the ribs of KB and hooks him over with a Northern Lights suplay. KB shakes his head as CM drives an elbow into his chest for a short one count. CM charges at KB again and stomps him back into the corner, apparently still ticked off about being fired.

CM is firmly in control here as he stomps the chest and face of KB. He pauses to yell at the referee though and is pulled belt first into the middle turnbuckle to break up his momentum. KB is clearly surprised at the caliber of opponent he has agreed to face tonight on a whim. CM is back on his feet as KB spears him from behind and drives him intot he buckles again and follows up with a reverse neckbreaker for two. KB now drops some elbows but for the third one he hits the ropes which gives CM time to get out of the way. KB holds his arm and CM dives for it with an arm bar. KB gets up after a decent amount of time on the mat but CM springboards off the middle rope and lands a jumping armbar to slam KB down to the mat again where he holds his right arm, the DDT arm, in obvious pain.

CM goes for a fujiwara armbar in the middle of the ring as KB is desperately trying to escape. Nothing works though as he is more or less trapped. After nearly 40 seconds int he hold, KB moves around enough to get onto his chest. With all of the strength he has in him, he lifts CM up but unlike Davey Boy Smith he can't complete the move. CM falls forward with the hold still on but KB gets to the bottom rope with his legs to escape the hold and takes a break on the floor. CM will have none of this though as he charges KB and jumps up and over the top rope to crash down onto him! KB is a step ahead of him though and CM lands face first on the steel guard rail!

Both men are down on the floor as CM is barely moving. KB is up at 8 and slides in and back out to break up the count. He hits the floor again and picks up CM who is laid out in a heap. KB throws him back into the ring at 6 but Spunky is back again with a chair! He cracks it over teh back of KB's injured arm and the boss is down! The referee saw nothing as he was making sure CM was back inside the ring. A new count begins and KB is back in at 9. CM is finally getting to his feet as KB's arm is almost hanging by his side. CM is up first and grabs KB by his injured arm. In a sickening sight, KB's arm snaps back into socket with a loud snap! CM goes for a backdrop but KB slips over him and pushes him into the ropes for a rollup that gets two. Spunky is still lurking ont he floor with his chair in hand. He's looking at KB with it as both men are back to their feet. CM takes control with a knee to the ribs and a side slam. Other referees have come out to get rid of Spunky as CM climbs to the top rope. As he sets to jump onto KB, Spunky is shoved into the ring apron by the officials, causing him to shake the ring. CM is crotched on the rope as KB gets to his feet and sees CM in trouble. With a runngin start, KB jumps to the top rope and pulls CM down in a huge DDT! He goes into the cover and gets the 1-2-3!
After the match, Spunky is still trying to get inside the ring with his chair. He lunges into the ring with it but the referees are able to hold him back. KB picks up the chair and hits the ropes with it. He dives throught the middle rope and blasts Spunky right between the eyes with it as he lands on a pile of referees! With the dented chair in hand, KB holds it up above his head as Firefly plays him to the back!
In the back we have IC getting ready for his first ever opportunity to become the OCW World Heavyweight Champion later on tonight. Around him are the Impact Players. RBI comes in to try to get a word with the 7fter but Sparky cuts her off.

Whoa whoa whoa sister you can stop right there. Tonight is the biggest night in the next champ's career and I don't want some two bit slag messing something like that up. tonight the Players take back the title and tomorrow night we give those people a thrill since Rusty gets his title shot. Tell em Russell.

Shango, you and I have gone to war more times than any two men in this business should ever have to. We've fought from one side of this country to the other and I will tell you this: you better kiss that belt goodbye because tonight, you don't stand a chance in hell. And tomorrow night, may the best man win. It don't matter if it's Rusty or IC, the title stays in the family and that's all there is to it.

He turns his attention back to RBI.

Leave bitch.
Introducing first, at a total combined weight of 619lbs, they are the former OCW World Tag Team Champion, Tits Magee and Lumpy Magoo!
The fans pop solidly for their hometown heroes as they're surprised that Magee and Magoo still have jobs. To begin this match we'll be seeing Sparky and Magoo. As the bell rings Magoo lifts Sparky up into the air and drives him backwards into the corner where he drives a series of shoulder blocks into his ribs. Magoo and Magee have nothing to lose here so why not give this all that they have? Sparky can't get away as Tits hammers away at him. After about eight of them, Sparky is finally let go and dragged into the corner of Magee and Magoo. Tag made and Lumpy Magoo, the far more polished of the pair is in now, dropping leg drops onto the back of the neck of the man that might as well have the Taz Title named after him. The power team is destroying the Impact Players and no one can believe it.
Another quick tag and down goes Sparky again as he gets to his feet to throw a big left hand but it doesn't get him anywhere as Magee knocks him straight to the mat again with a right hand. Sparky is almost out cold as Magee drops a pair of elbows onto his chest. Magee hits the ropes for a seated senton but Polley pulls the top rope down to send him all the way down to the floor. Sparky is in trouble still though as he begins the long crawl towards Polley. Magoo jumps into the ring to pull Sparky back into the center though as he laughs at Polley as if to say did you really think it would be that easy?
Magee gets back into the ring and goes back to work on Sparky by picking him up and sending him into the ropes. Sparky ducks under a back elbow and avoids a clothesline before landing a jumping back elbow of his own to send Tits reeling backwards but not off his feet. Sparky finally gets a chance to breathe as Magee gets his wits about him. A running charge from Sparky sees him throw himself at Magee and just fall flat on his back as the 320lb man almost laughs at him. A falling headbutt misses as Sparky gets out of the way to avoid the contact. With Magee down Sparky makes the dive for the corner but with his partner just feet away, Sparky is tripped by a drop toe hold from Magee. A blind tag sends in Lumpy Magoo who goes for a splash on the back of Sparky. The Impact Player is in big trouble as both men hammer away. Polley has had enough though and is perched on the top rope, diving off onto Lumpy in a crossbody block!

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