Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the OCW World Tag Team Titles to be on the line! Both teams are introduced, with the champions, Monkey and Murfish coming out after the challengers of Norcal and the returning Mike Harthan. The challengers waste no time and meet the champions in the aisle, with Norcal and Monkey going at it as Harthan spears Murfish into the barrier. Big time right hands from the Real American as he pounds away at Money who is just trying to cover up. A huge uppercut and the leader of the Primates is sent into the crowd, where the fans immediately beat and stomp away on him. Norcal follows him in as the bell hasn’t even rung yet. Across the aisle, Mike is trying to get an advantage on the brute known as Murfish. Murfish catches him coming in though, lifting him up into the air and slamming him down face first into the guardrail. Harthan is being dragged to the ring as the referee isn’t quite sure what to do.
Back in the crowd, Monkey is being beaten up very badly but is back on his feet somehow. Norcal takes care of that by leveling him with a clothesline, sending him back into the aisle where he is desperately trying to get away. The other two are finally in the ring and we get a bell to start this match after five minutes of brawling. Harthan is in some trouble in the early going though as Murfish is having his way with Mikey. A big elbow drop keeps Harthan down, so Murfish goes for a second one, but Harthan is out in time. With a chop from him knees and an elbow to the stomach, Harthan is coming back after not really being all that gone. A forearm catches Murfish in the jaw to send him back a step but he recovers in time to avoid the attempt at the leaping triangle choke.
Harthan is sent into the ropes but reverses it, sending Murfish in instead. At the same time, Monkey reaches up to grab hold of the apron and escape from the monster that’s stalking him. In timing that could only happen in professional wrestling, he grabs the foot of Murfish by mistake and trips him up. Harthan, being as quick as lightning, grabs Murfish’s head on the way down, sending him face first into Harthan’s knees, breaking the nose of the Pale Destroyer! Murfish is covered but slips out the back door at a long two, holding his nose which is gushing blood. Monkey is back in now with Norcal standing on the apron. The referee begins the five count on Monkey who reaches the other side of the ring just in time to avoid the DQ. Harthan lifts Murfish up to send him into the corner where Norcal is tagged in to a solid pop.
Immediately, Norcal takes his still injured hand and slams the knuckles right into the nose of Murfish. A throw sends Murfish into the center of the ring, followed by a DiBiase punch straight into the face. Just because he’s an asshole, Norcal drags Murfish towards the corner that Monkey is in and snake eyes him. Murfish’s nose is just looking like processed meat at this point as he can barely stop screaming. He reaches up for the tag as Norcal is standing in the center of the ring with his eyes locked on Monkey. However, when Murfish reaches up for the tag, there’s no Monkey. The former world champion has dropped to the floor and is nearly screaming that he can’t face Norcal. In the ring, Norcal is having a hearty laugh while Murfish is looking at his partner as if to say what are you doing you crazy nibblet?
As he’s looking outside, Norcal grabs Murfish and pulls him across the ring for the tag to Harthan. At this, Monkey jumps back up to the apron and has the nerve to cheer Murfish on, begging for a tag. Harthan is far too busy to let that happen though, as he snaps the neck of Murfish before kicking him right between the shoulder blades. Monkey is screaming at Murfish to make the tag, as the Pale Destroyer looks at him with an evil glare. Having the match well in hand, Harthan can only laugh at Murfish who desperately needs a fresh man to replace him. Instead he gets picked up and slammed as Harthan goes up to the top rope. A big elbow lands right in the chest of Murfish and is followed by a cover. Monkey makes the save but runs off as Norcal is in the ring with him. Murfish gets loose to reach for the tag again, but Monkey is scared stiff. As he is reaching, Harthan grabs his foot and locks in a heel hook!
Murfish’s bloody face is screaming in pain now, as he again reaches out for the tag but has no one to slaps hands with. After an excruciating 15 seconds of having his ankle ripped off, Murfish reaches his hand up into the air but on the way down, Monkey finally grows a set and stops it from slapping the mat. Much to his chagrin though, the referee signals that the contact constitutes a tag! Monkey lets go of his partner’s hand and Murfish starts tapping like there’s no tomorrow. Harthan finally lets go of the holds as Monkey gets into the ring ever so cautiously, with Murfish holding his ankle and falling to the floor in pain. Monkey is finally legally in this match and looks scared to death. Not of Harthan mind you, but for some reason of Norcal. The pair lock up and Harthan immediately tries to drag him backwards to his own corner to tag in Norcal. Monkey does everything possible to prevent this from happening and manages to lift him up and over his head in a head and arms suplay, sending Harthan back into the middle of the ring.
He spins around and looks at Norcal before locking on a reverse chin lock. With a light bulb going off over his head, Norcal lifts his leg like he’s getting into the ring, sending Monkey scrambling backwards. As the referee warns Norcal, Monkey pulls Harthan back into the corner as Murfish is still down on the floor, trying to get his wits about him again. Monkey has the guts to turn his back to Norcal and sends Harthan into the turnbuckle as hard as he can. A series of shoulders into the ribs follow, as Monkey has control now. He sends Harthan off the ropes and sends him sky high with a back body drop, causing Harthan to nearly bounce off the mat. Monkey takes the second turnbuckle on the inside and comes off with a diving leg drop before going for the cover, yet again only getting a two count.
He stalks behind Harthan as he waits for him to get to his feet, before grabbing him by the head and pulling him straight down into a downward spiral, slamming Harthan’s face directly into the mat with great impact. This cover only gets two as well which has Monkey a bit upset. He looks out at the crowd and shouts “now you’re gonna see a monkey flip!” Curt Hennig is rolling over in his grave over that line. As Monkey sets up, Murfish is back on his feet but slips as he tries to get back onto the apron, sending him back down to the floor, landing on his ankle for the second injury to it of the night. Monkey sends Harthan into the corner again but follows him in, pulling him back with a monkey flip. However, Harthan, having heard the words coming out of Monkey’s fucking mouth not 8 seconds ago, somehow knows what’s coming and counters it, landing on his feet in his own corner before tagging in the Mighty one!
Monkey doesn’t realize what’s coming but turns around and sees the big man waiting on him. The look of fear on Monkey’s face is downright comical. He grabs Monkey by the throat and slams him into the corner, stomping away at his ribs with everything he’s got. A headbutt puts Monkey in a place where he has to hold the ropes to keep himself on his feet. Norcal gets a running start and slams himself into the champion, sending him down and nearly out of it. Norcal jumps into the air and drops a big leg on the back of Monkey’s head as Murfish is finally back up on the apron after having the hell beaten out of himself earlier on in the match. Norcal picks Monkey back up and sends him into the corner again, catching him as he staggers out with a spine buster!
Norcal doesn’t cover though but instead tags in his partner, who comes in with some style, diving off the top rope with a huge splash to the chest of Monkey. With the cover, Murfish breaks it up just in time but reinjures his ankle, hurting it for the third time in the match. As he tries to get back to the floor, Monkey is stood up again and sent into the corner, but somehow he is able to jump onto the middle rope and come off with a flying elbow to Harthan! The only problem is his foot catches Murfish on the way back, knocking his partner to the floor in the process. The Pale Destroyer sees what sent him down again, and sees that it was his own partner, and he’s just not happy about that.
With Norcal now back in his corner, Monkey is on fumes at this point. With the referee not looking, Monkey drops a knee into the testicles of Harthan, keeping him down again. Monkey picks Mike back up again and sets him onto his shoulders for GAME OVER. Just as he spins Harthan around though, the former Hardcore champion drops over his shoulder and shoves Monkey off the ropes. As he hits them though, Murfish slams a chair into Monkey’s back, having had enough of this. Monkey falls into Harthan, who locks in the triangle choke! At the same time, Norcal lands a baseball slide to send the chair into Murfish’s face and open his nose up again! Monkey taps, and we have new tag team champions, after one of the most lopsided tag matches of all time!