OCW Information/Action Thread

Magoo is quicker than he looks though as he spears Polley down as he jumps from the top rope, leaving Polley in a wreck on the mat. He rolls to the floor as the referee tries to get it back to Sparky and Tits Magee as is the correct combination. The crowd isn't sure what to think as two members of the Impact Players are in trouble to the closest thing to a pair of jobbers as we have in this company. Both men are back to their feet now and a fist fight is on. Tits lunges with a big right hand but Sparky pulls him down into the crossface! The crowd suddenly wakes up as the little guy is cranking back on the neck and shoulder of Magee. As the referee is trying to check on Magee for the submission, Polley rolls back in and locks in a crossface of his own to double the pain and agony that is being delivered to Tits Magee! In the double crossface though he simply can't tap out. The referee is trying to get Polley out of the ring and at the count of four the double hold is broken down to just a single. Magoo pulls Sparky off of his partner and then pulls Magee to the corner so that the tag can be made. It's now Magoo and Sparky once again. Another slugout is on as Sparky is almost spent. With a great lunge he goes for the crossface but Magoo fights it off. He whips Sparky into the rope but misses a clothesline. Sparky flips over his head and lands legs first on the ropes a la Tajiri. Instead of a back elbow though, Sparky wraps his legs around the head of Polley which apparently counts as a tag, according to the referee. The 7fter is hurricanranaded into the ring by Sparky. As Polley comes in over the top rope, he catches Magoo in a hurricanrana of his own! The referee dives in and Magoo is counted down for three!
The Impact Players get out of the way of the monsters that are now ticked off as Superstar plays.

We cut to the back to see Norcal looking into a mirror as he is preparing for his showdown tonight with Sabre which is up next! After a few seconds, Norcal pulls back and drills his hand into the mirror, shattering the glass which is now buried in his hand.
Back in the arena the lights begin to flicker as the fans rise to their feet and greet the former OCW Champion with a chorus of boos. He appears in the ring as Born In The USA kicks on, signaling the arrival of the Mighty Norcal! The jacket comes off on the way to the ring as Norcal is in the ring almost immediately, his hand still covered in blood from the shot to the mirror. As the cameras look down at it, we can see that there are still pieces of glass lodged inside of his knuckles. As soon as the bell rings, that fist goes into the forehead of Sabre. With a growl of pain, Sabre is knocked back into the corner with a cut over his head as the fight is on.
Norcal lands a running clothesline into the corner and follows it up with a huge side suplay to send Sabre down to the canvas. He grabs Sabre by the throat and chokes away at him as the referee starts his 5 count. At 4 Norcal breaks it and then chokes again. This is repeated several times until Norcal picks up Sabre and slams him down with great authority. A running kneedrop to the forehead brings forth more bloodflow as Sabre is in big trouble in the early going. The crowd is clearly behind the face as he hammers away on Sabre. Norcal has Sabre back on his feet now and puts him right back down with a big chop. Sabre is on his feet quickly as Norcal grabs him for the Sky High! As Sabre goes into the air he kicks his feet forward into Norcal's chest, sending the big man across the ring and breaking up the Sky High. Sabre tries to get his air back as Norcal charges him. A drop toe hold sends Norcal into the middle turnbuckle as Sabre is now in control with the blood flowing down from his head into his eyes.
Sabre steps on the bloody hand of Norcal, making him scream in pain and clutch it with his left hand. Sabre stomps away at the back and arms of Norcal who is suddenly in trouble. Three knee drops to the back and Sabre has found a spot to work on. Norcal tries to grab the foot of Sabre but his hand is too weak to hold the powerful apendage back, sending Sabre's foot into the mouth of Norcal. More kicks and then a solid elbow drop follow and Norcal is bleeding from the mouth. Sabre looks down at the blood on his face as he wipes his own from his eyes and picks up Norcal. The veteran of the OCW Wars is shoved into the corner where Sabre backs up and hits a big time splash to drop Norcal backwards, leaving only the ropes to hold him up. Sabre pulls him out of the corner and whips him into the ropes. He looks for a backdrop but Norcal stops in time and tries for a Pedigree! He can't lock in his injured hand though and Sabre is able to sweep his legs out and go for a jacknife pin that gets two. Norcal is up fast but nearly has his head taken off by a clothesline as Sabre maintains control.
A senton back splash onto Norcal causes him to clutch his back again as Sabre is trying to take away the power game that would allow Norcal to send Sabre Sky High. Another stomp right to the back of Norcal allows Sabre to go for a camel clutch, complete with the arms on Sabre's knees. Norcal is fading fast as Sabre pulls back with everything he's got on the soldier. The blood is flowing heavily from Norcal's mouth and Sabre's head as Norcal continues to scream no he won't give up. Sabre pulls back even further as Norcal is being stretched futher than disbelief in a WCW storyline. The blood flow from his head is going faster now and with his hands busy around Norcal's face, Sabre can't wipe it away from his eyes. Once again the referee checks on Norcal and waves that he said no. Norcal is nearly out of it as Sabre uses even more force. Norcal does the only thing he can do as he kicks up his feet, sending his heels into the back of Sabre. Norcal continues his immitation of a pretzel as his feet are starting to connect with Sabre. A double kick rocks Sabre forward a bit, loosening the pressure on Norcal just a bit. Another kick and Sabre goes forward a bit more. Norcal is getting some momentum built here and on the fourth kick, his arm falls off of Sabre's right knee! He drives the elbow into the shin of Sabre, breaking the hold! Norcal is still in trouble but he is finally free as the fans cheer him on. Sabre, still on Norcal's back, leans forward to try to lock on the hold again, but instead Norcal rolls forward and pulls Sabre into a cradle! The referee counts the ONE, TWO, BUT NOT THE THREE as Sabre kicks Norcal off and we're at a stalemate.
Sabre charges with another clothesline but Norcal ducks, but his back is too hurt to follow up. Sabre comes at him and lands a big clubbing forearm smash to his back, sending Norcal down to his knees. Sabre goes for a Fameasser but Norcal moves out of the way, sending Sabre's hip into the mat. Norcal is back on his feet and drops a big leg onto Sabre, getting a short two count off of it. Norcal lifts him back to his feet and lands a big right hand into the face of Sabre, bringing more pain into his body. Another right hand causes him to clutch the punching hand hard. Sabre takes the opportunity to throw a punch but Norcal is ready for him, driving his busted mouth into Sabre's cut! The blood begins to flow all over again after having stopped for a bit. Norcal sees the red liquid and pounces, hammering away at the forehead, forgetting about the pain in his hand. Sabre is just trying to hang on now as he's being beaten within an inch of his life at this point, down in the corner with blood flowing out of his head as Norcal pounds and pounds away at the blood, completely lost in his trance. Norcal starts ramming knees into his face as Sabre is nearly unconscious. his eyes are rolling back into his head as Norcal gets a running start and lands a running missile dropkick right into the face of Sabre, rocking his head back as Norcal can't get up either, completely spent by the outburst.
Norcal tries to bring himself to his feet as the referee is checking to see if Sabre is able to continue. Norcal is back up to his knees as Sabre is trying to move his head around and get back into this fight. Norcal is on his feet but falls back to the mat as he is spent as well as having his back nearly destroyed. Sabre is awake again as he tries to get up also to no avail. Norcal's hand is just a bruised and bloody mess as he can't even clench it. With everything that he has left in him, Sabre is pulling himself to his feet. Norcal, using his one hand, has himself up to his knees again which is slightly ahead of Sabre. Both men pause as even the slightest of movements are completely draining at thsi point. Both men are on their feet though, as Norcal turns to Sabre. He higs the ropes with as much force as he has in him and charges at Sabre, but the other big man is ready, catching him in what would barely pass for a belly to belly suplay. Norcal is covered but his foot landed on the ropes. Sabre is tapped on the shoulder to be told of this and nearly collapses in frustration. Sabre gets to his feet again, pulling Norcal up with him. both men are on their feet but neither is able to support their own weight. The official is checking with both men to see if they can continue, but neither says they watn to stop it. Both offer a pretty weak punch as Norcal's connects first. Sabre counters with a bigger right hand, sending Norcal into the ropes. With the extra momentum, Norcal comes off with an even bigger left hand. Sabre is rocked hard now as he's sent back more than a few steps. He charges at Norcal and lands a right hand so hard that even the fans are popping for these shots now. Norcal hits the ropes one more time and comes off with a forearm smash that nearly knocks Sabre to the mat. Sabre lands a knee lift to the ribs of Norcal, sending the other former champion leaning over. Another kneelift, this one to the jaw, sends Norcal rocking backwards but not down to the mat. Sabre gets a bit of a run going and hits a clothesline on Norcal, sending him down but Norcal is getting up almost immediately. Another clotheline again has almost no effect as Norcal is up quickly again. Sabre sees that he's got a problem on his hands now as he throws an elbow at Norcal. The silent killer glares at Sabre with a look that could break through lead. Another elbow to the head gets a harder stare. An overhand chop lands on norcal's chest and gets a mighty roar in responise. Sabre looks at Norcal, and for the first time in his career there is nothing but fear in his eyes.
Norcal grabs Sabre by the throat and throws him across the ring like a rag doll. The mighty one is alive and well now as adrenaline is flowing through his body. He goes right after Sabre and drops to the mat, hammering away on him. He grabs the head of Sabre and pounds it into the mat with wreckless abandon. A jumping kneedrop lands right on his face as Sabre is in huge trouble again. Norcal does something outside of his character as he steps onto the apron and climbs to the top rope. Sabre is down as Norcal is on the bottom rope, but as he mounts up to the top, Sabre is able to nip up and shake the top rope, sending Norcal down across the top turnbuckle. Sabre charges at Norcal as he climbs up the ropes. Norcal and sabre are both on the top rope and hammering away at each other with everything they've got until Norcal mistakenly throws a right hand that breaks his momentum. Sabre takes the chance and wraps Norcal up and lifts him off the corner and slams him down in a huge spinebuster from the top rope! Sabre collapses fromt he impact as well as both men are out of it. Eventually Sabre rolls over and is able to get his arm across Norcal for the cover. The referee counts the academic pin, but NORCAL KICKS OUT AGAIN!!!
The fans are cheering for Norcal to get up one more time but it may be in vain this time. There's almost nothing left in the tank of the mighty one as Sabre is having a near fit on the mat. Both men are back on their knees now but Norcal can't get past that. Sabre reaches over to grab Norcal by the hair but from literally out of nowhere Norcal grabs him under the arms and lifts him up into the air in a massive Sky High! Norcal gets the cover on him but at two Sabre kicks out! The fans can't believe it as no one has ever kicked out of the Sky High before. Norcal is back up first as another rush of adrenaline hits him, bringing about his 12th wind of the match. He picks up the limp body of Sabre and sends him back into the corner. Sabre clutches the top rope to try to keep himself up. Norcal comes at him but Sabre pulls himself up and lands two feet into the jaw of Norcal, sending him back into the middle of the ring. With everything he's got left in him, Sabre comes at Norcal, lifting him onto his shoulders and in one almost fluid motion spins him around in the cyclone! Norcal hits the mat and bounces halfway across the ring as Sabre tries to get a cover. The leg is hooked back but as the three comes down, Norcal raises his other leg to reach out for the bottom rope, breaking up the pin! Sabre looks at Norcal as the blood has dried up on his head and the cut has almost stopped flowing. The look on Sabre's face says that he's on his last bit of sanity. Norcal is almost out on his feet but as Sabre throws a left hook at him, Norcal grabs his arm and hooks around into a full nelson! He pulls Sabre to the middle of the ring, cranking with every bit of strength he has left in his body. Norcal has Sabre nearly down on the mat as the referee checks on the arms of Sabre who is just not ready to go down yet. Both men are fighting with everything they've got but neither can get the other into the position they want. Sabre somehow drags both men to the corner, reaching desperately for the corner. In an amazing display of intelligence, Sabre sweeps his own legs out and ducking his head, sending Norcal face first into the top turnbuckle. The hold is broken and Sabre shoves Norcal's chest into the buckle as well. Sabre backs up and launches a running knee at his back but Norcal gets out of the way at the last second! Sabre is stuck on the top rope where Norcal follows him. He sits him upright on the buckle and tries to load him up for a belly to back suplay. Sabre lands a back elbow to the face first though and pulls Norcal up to the top rope. As Norcal tries to fight back, Sabre lands a punch to Norcal's hand, sending him into another roar. In the span of time that he has, Sabre lifts Norcal up onto his shoulders and lands a massive Cyclone from the top rope, sending Norcal over his head nearly ten feet into the air before crashing down onto the mat where he head slams into the canvas with a huge impact! Sabre immediately hooks both legs as the referee finally counts the one, the two, and the three!
As the fans rise to cheer on these two gladiators, KB appears on the stage.

Sabre, I hope you get a damn good rest, because in ten days on Breakout, the show will consist of one lone match. It's a match that has been been 6 months in the making, but has been built up for a lifetime. Sabre, in ten days, for the #1 Contendership to the OCW World Heavyweight Championship, KB vs. Sabre II, this time inside of the iron cage!
Sabre nearly collapses as Norcal is being helped to the back, for some reason by all of the RBIs. As they take him out, DeSade is making his way to the ring for a special bonus match!
With DeSade in the ring and not knowing who his opponent is, the music of the Impact Players hits again as the leader of the team and the man that will face either IC or Shango Wednesday on Breakout makes his way to the ring!
The pair stands in the middle of the ring awaiting the sound of the bell. As it goes off, DeSade immediately kicks Rusty low, calling for the instantaneous DQ and ending the match in what has to be a record time. With Rusty down on the mat, DeSade hits the floor and grabs a steel chair. Sliding back into the ring he shoves the referee to the floor and starts pounding away at the prone body of Rusty! A series of chair shots, ranging upwards of 15 of them pound away at Rusty. As the Impact Players can be seen sprinting down the aisle, DeSade wraps the chair around the left arm of Rusty and stomps down on it, causing a loud CRACK to be heard throughout the arena. DeSade is on the floor and sprinting up the ramp as Polley and IC are in the ring tending to Rusty. Sparky chases DeSade down the aisle but as they get to the entrance, Shango appears and jumps Sparky, leading to a 2-1 beatdown! Polley, chair in hand, chases the pair off and stands over Sparky as the Players are in serious trouble.
In the back we have Vengeance trying to get a Crocade but as he opens the cap, DeSade runs him over, sending his covered in casts and bandages body spiraling out onto the floor in even more pain than he was in before. As he's trying to get to his feet, the Car Bombs are carrying Sparky and Rusty to the medical area, the body of Vengeance is in their way. IC puts Rusty down long enough to chokeslam Vengeance through the Crocade table and out of the way before taking Rusty to the doctor. Vengeance is crawling, still trying to get a beverage when Norcal, flanked by the RBIs shows up. The RBIs step in the spilled liquids, which messes up their shoes. With nothing else to do, they kick the living hell out of Vengeance all over again as Norcal punts him in the ribs before being helped away by the ladies.
KB appears on the stage with his head slightly hung and a championship belt under his arms. There's no Firefly or anything here, this is KB the owner of OCW, not the wrestler.

People, up next on this card, the Taz Title was supposed to be on the line. Due to recent circumstances, Thriller feels he is in no condition to defend his title, so therefore I have no choice, and with his acceptance, to award the championship to the #1 contender, Joey Manticotti.

The theme from the Godfather plays as the Don himself walks out to the stage and grabs the championship, parading around as if he's won something. KB turns and walks away as the celebration is on for Joey.
Ladies and Gentlemen, after the LONGEST PPV of all time, it is now time to finally end this show, as it is time for the main event of the evening, for the OCW World Heavyweight Championship!
Superstar plays once more but as IC is introduced, we don't see IC. Yes, that's how long of a show it's been ladies and gentlemen. There's no challenger, so instead we play Not Listening, but instead of the OCW World Heavyweight Champion coming to the ring, we have IC, dragging him to the ring like a criminal to the gallows. Shango fights to try to escape, but the power of IC is simply too much for him as he is sent head first into the guardrail. A few boots to the head and Shango is already in trouble even before the bell rings. Grabbing Papa by the hair, IC drags him to the ringside area where he lifts him over his head and gorilla presses him an ungodly 8 times before throwing him over the top rope and into the squared circle.

As he is climbing into the ring though, DeSade comes sprinting down, attacking IC. The giant knocks him backwards but can't manage to get into the ring as Shango lands a baseball slide to put him down onto the floor. The pair double team him as IC's co Impact Player comes to the ring, evening up the odds! DeSade runs from him, fearing for his life. With Shango's help, both men are finally in the ring and we get a bell. Shango pounds on IC with everything he has but the challenger gets up to one knee. A running knee to the face sends IC back down for a few seconds but he's back up almost immediately, shaking his head violently as the strikes continue to come raining down from Shango. In a Hogan-esque sequence, IC gets to his feet and drives a back elbow into the face of Shango. Another one breaks the offensive streak of the champion.

IC grabs him by the arm and sends him into the ropes, knocking him down with a huge boot to the face. The kick sends him through the top and middle ropes and down to the floor. The challenger follows as Shango's brain is somewhere between Brisbane and Bangkok right now. IC just measures him with a huge right hand, sending the OCW WOrld Heavyweight Champion sprawling backwards. A massive forearm sends Shango into the barricade as IC looks out to the crowd. He looks away too long though as Shango climbs the railing and takes the big man down with a flying clothesline before raining down right hands. Papa drops a knee onto IC and has the momentum back.

IC is rolled back inside the ring as Shango goes to the top. An overhand chop lands right between his eyes as he's knocked down again. Shango punts IC right between the shoulder blades to get a scream from him. A chinlock from Shango draws an RKO chant from the crowd. IC uses the rest he gets in a rest hold to start getting to his feet as the chanting continues. Both men are up relatively soon as IC lifts Shango onto his shoulders. Drawing inspiration from the crowd, IC grabs the top of Shango's head ans swings his legs forward, bringing the champion face first in an RKO! Back on his feet immediately, he jumps into the air and comes down onto Papa's back with a double stomp. A big elbow and Shango is in trouble. He grabs Shango to his feet and throws him into the ropes where a huge powerslam sends Shango into the mat. A cover gets two as Shango gets his shoulder up just in time to save his title.

IC chokes away at Papa and pulls him up by the throat. He locks his arms around Shango and throws him over his head in a huge belly to belly suplay as Shango comes crashing down in a heap. No cover follows as Shango is picked up and grabbed by the throat again. Another Irish Whip follows and with a display of incredible power, IC launches Shango into the air and over the top rope, sending him into a crash landing back first onto the concrete. Without missing a beat, IC is on the top rope and comes off onto Shango with a huge splash, driving any remaining life out of Shango.

The referee goes out to check on him but IC will have none of it. Shango's head is lifted off the ground as IC shouts at him and then slams it down into the concrete with an ugly sounding thud. IC lifts the practically unconscious champion up onto his shoulders and drives him down onto the steel stairs with another powerslam! As the crowd is enjoying this beating, we see Rusty on the monitor cheering on his partner. With a thumb sliding across his throat, IC puts Shango onto the apron and then the top rope, where his limp body is barely able to stay up. IC follows him up and lands the super powerbomb from the top rope, sending Shango crashing into the ring. The big man coveres the champion and after three slaps of the mat, we have a new OCW WOrld Heavyweight Champion!
As Superstar plays and the Impact Players hit the ring, Rusty looks at the title belt and then at IC, who doesn't notice what's going on. The music plays as a shot of the two men is the last thing we see as the longest PPV of all time FINALLY ends.
Our show opens as the music of the Impact Players kick on, but only IC comes down the aisle with his newly won OCW Title in hand. With a smile on his face and rocking his 900 dollar suit, the new champion casually strolls down the aisle, pointing to the crowd and smiling with a huge grin to match his huge frame. IC steps inside the ring as the music continues to play. Belt in hand, the arm of IC rises into the air before coming down onto his shoulder as he requests a microphone.

Last night at Tip of the Sword, the era of the Impact Players began, as the gold came back home where it belonged. The Definition of Transition, Papa Shango went down to the Players like every single guy that’s come down the pike to challenge us, and I became the new OCW World Heavyweight Champion.

The crowd pops at this statement as the Impact Players can seemingly do no wrong.

That brings us to tonight, and the first ever showdown between two members of the greatest fighting force this country has ever seen. Like both of us have said, it doesn’t matter who walks out tonight with the gold, because no matter who it is, the gold stays with the Players. It’s been said that he who hath the gold hath the power, meaning no matter who wins tonight, the Power remains with the Plaaaaaaaaaaaaaayers!

Superstar plays the champion out to a standing ovation as it is time for our first match of the evening!
As IC is leaving the ring, some jobber that we’ve never seen before is jogging towards it having missed his cue and now desperately trying to get into the ring before he loses his job to Balls Mahoney’s less talented (possible?) cousin. He gets in the ring just in time as CM comes through the curtain. He and IC have a staredown, reminiscing on the wars their respective teams had in the old days of OCW over the tag team titles. The two nod at each other before turning back in their respective directions, IC heading back to the locker room to get ready for his battle tonight and CM turning back to face the jobber that stands in front of him. We’re trying to find his name for you in case you need something to read to fall asleep tonight.

CM glides over the top rope and gets right in the jobber’s face, whose name is apparently Coco Trattford. As Coco looks up at him, CM cracks his knuckles and waits for the bell. As it rings he hammers Coco in the face with a forearm smash that sends him spiraling onto the mat. With one hand CM lifts him up by the tights and smacks him back down with a huge overhand chop. Trattford is looking for a way out and cursing the day he picked his name. Why would he name himself something stupid like Coco? Now if he had used something like Koko, he could be a WWE hall of fame member that was worthless, but instead he’s just plain worthless. CM picks him up after powerslamming him within an inch of his life as Coco is barely moving. He is placed on the top rope while CM gets in position for something diabolical. As he is getting underneath Coco, Coco lands a forearm to the back of CM. Without missing a beat, CM grabs the head of Coco and drops down into a stunner, bringing Coco’s neck straight down with him, landing with a sickening thud. Trattford is out cold now and CM lifts him onto the ropes again, this time bringing him up and over his head in a belly to belly suplay that sends Coco bouncing a foot and a half off the mat. CM looks down at Coco and calls him a pussy. If Coco is a pussy, then CM is beating up the pussy yo. With a glare down at Trattford, CM lifts him up and plants him down with the Razor’s Edge which needs a new name for the emphatic pin. After the bell, CM lifts him up again and this time sends him over the top rope in ANOTHER Edge, causing him to bounce off the concrete as we go to the back with EMTs coming down to help the poor man.
In the back we see Rusty who is taping up his hands for later. One of the RBIs comes in to get a word with him. Rusty sees her and snaps his fingers. Upon doing so, a boot comes from behind a curtain as Becca superkicks the RBI back through the door before leaving again.
Our next contest, set for one fall is a, oh you have to be kidding me. They’re really putting this on? Damn it. This match is a Title vs. Title match! Introducing first, from Big Italy, he weight 334lbs and is the Taz Champion, Joey Manicotti! And his opponent, from the mean streets of Sydney, weighing in at 248lbs, the Champion Of Wrestling, Nighthawk! The fans aren’t sure what to think as Nighthawk returns to the OCW Arena for the first time in months, fresh off filming the season finale of Night Vision which will air immediately following Breakout! He stops to talk to his own camera, saying something about being a champion, but as he’s talking Joey runs up and blasts him over the back, causing him to drop the Alvin and the Chipmunks tie and Coca-Cola clock used to make the COW Belt. The bell rings and we are off and running.

Joey throws him into the corner with someone’s authority before kicking him straight down to the mat. A running knee sends the COW back into lala land somewhere as his own camera zooms in on him. Somehow despite a possible concussion, he addresses his audience but is cut off by Joey who grabs him by the hair and spins him around the ring. There’s something about that move that makes me think there’s something just a tad off about Joey, but I can’t put my finger on it. Nighthawk is being beaten into the ground here as Joey hits the ropes and lands a big elbow drop that only gets two as somehow the COW kicks out. Nighthawk rolls to the floor for a breath of air, but somehow manages to attempt yet ANOTHER promo.

“You see, when you’re a champion like I am, sometimes others want to take your title, and therefore you have to defend it. Me, I’m defending my right to be the COW, against this big fat tub of goo in the ring. So while he’s in there looking for a twinkie before he passes out, I’d like to take a few minutes to….wait, what?”

As he is talking, the bell rings and Nighthawk has been counted out! He looks around and isn’t sure what to do, as Joey has both belts draped over his shoulders, looking out at the crowd who are cheering him on. Night Hawk looks back at the camera and says “and sometimes as champion, you have to do this.” He then takes the camera from the holder and slides into the ring. As Joey turns around, he has a camera shoved into his face. Not as a weapon mind you, but apparently as a guest star. As he, the new COW, is trying to figure out what in the hell is wrong with Nighthawk, Ralph the Candy Store owner hits the ring and nails Nighthawk low while Bud The Gas Station Worker rolls up Joey! The referee has no choice but to count, as Bud becomes the NEW CHAMPION OF WRESTLING!!! We go to commercial as Nighthawk chases them down, wanting his title back NOW!
Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the OCW World Tag Team Titles to be on the line! Both teams are introduced, with the champions, Monkey and Murfish coming out after the challengers of Norcal and the returning Mike Harthan. The challengers waste no time and meet the champions in the aisle, with Norcal and Monkey going at it as Harthan spears Murfish into the barrier. Big time right hands from the Real American as he pounds away at Money who is just trying to cover up. A huge uppercut and the leader of the Primates is sent into the crowd, where the fans immediately beat and stomp away on him. Norcal follows him in as the bell hasn’t even rung yet. Across the aisle, Mike is trying to get an advantage on the brute known as Murfish. Murfish catches him coming in though, lifting him up into the air and slamming him down face first into the guardrail. Harthan is being dragged to the ring as the referee isn’t quite sure what to do.

Back in the crowd, Monkey is being beaten up very badly but is back on his feet somehow. Norcal takes care of that by leveling him with a clothesline, sending him back into the aisle where he is desperately trying to get away. The other two are finally in the ring and we get a bell to start this match after five minutes of brawling. Harthan is in some trouble in the early going though as Murfish is having his way with Mikey. A big elbow drop keeps Harthan down, so Murfish goes for a second one, but Harthan is out in time. With a chop from him knees and an elbow to the stomach, Harthan is coming back after not really being all that gone. A forearm catches Murfish in the jaw to send him back a step but he recovers in time to avoid the attempt at the leaping triangle choke.

Harthan is sent into the ropes but reverses it, sending Murfish in instead. At the same time, Monkey reaches up to grab hold of the apron and escape from the monster that’s stalking him. In timing that could only happen in professional wrestling, he grabs the foot of Murfish by mistake and trips him up. Harthan, being as quick as lightning, grabs Murfish’s head on the way down, sending him face first into Harthan’s knees, breaking the nose of the Pale Destroyer! Murfish is covered but slips out the back door at a long two, holding his nose which is gushing blood. Monkey is back in now with Norcal standing on the apron. The referee begins the five count on Monkey who reaches the other side of the ring just in time to avoid the DQ. Harthan lifts Murfish up to send him into the corner where Norcal is tagged in to a solid pop.

Immediately, Norcal takes his still injured hand and slams the knuckles right into the nose of Murfish. A throw sends Murfish into the center of the ring, followed by a DiBiase punch straight into the face. Just because he’s an asshole, Norcal drags Murfish towards the corner that Monkey is in and snake eyes him. Murfish’s nose is just looking like processed meat at this point as he can barely stop screaming. He reaches up for the tag as Norcal is standing in the center of the ring with his eyes locked on Monkey. However, when Murfish reaches up for the tag, there’s no Monkey. The former world champion has dropped to the floor and is nearly screaming that he can’t face Norcal. In the ring, Norcal is having a hearty laugh while Murfish is looking at his partner as if to say what are you doing you crazy nibblet?

As he’s looking outside, Norcal grabs Murfish and pulls him across the ring for the tag to Harthan. At this, Monkey jumps back up to the apron and has the nerve to cheer Murfish on, begging for a tag. Harthan is far too busy to let that happen though, as he snaps the neck of Murfish before kicking him right between the shoulder blades. Monkey is screaming at Murfish to make the tag, as the Pale Destroyer looks at him with an evil glare. Having the match well in hand, Harthan can only laugh at Murfish who desperately needs a fresh man to replace him. Instead he gets picked up and slammed as Harthan goes up to the top rope. A big elbow lands right in the chest of Murfish and is followed by a cover. Monkey makes the save but runs off as Norcal is in the ring with him. Murfish gets loose to reach for the tag again, but Monkey is scared stiff. As he is reaching, Harthan grabs his foot and locks in a heel hook!

Murfish’s bloody face is screaming in pain now, as he again reaches out for the tag but has no one to slaps hands with. After an excruciating 15 seconds of having his ankle ripped off, Murfish reaches his hand up into the air but on the way down, Monkey finally grows a set and stops it from slapping the mat. Much to his chagrin though, the referee signals that the contact constitutes a tag! Monkey lets go of his partner’s hand and Murfish starts tapping like there’s no tomorrow. Harthan finally lets go of the holds as Monkey gets into the ring ever so cautiously, with Murfish holding his ankle and falling to the floor in pain. Monkey is finally legally in this match and looks scared to death. Not of Harthan mind you, but for some reason of Norcal. The pair lock up and Harthan immediately tries to drag him backwards to his own corner to tag in Norcal. Monkey does everything possible to prevent this from happening and manages to lift him up and over his head in a head and arms suplay, sending Harthan back into the middle of the ring.

He spins around and looks at Norcal before locking on a reverse chin lock. With a light bulb going off over his head, Norcal lifts his leg like he’s getting into the ring, sending Monkey scrambling backwards. As the referee warns Norcal, Monkey pulls Harthan back into the corner as Murfish is still down on the floor, trying to get his wits about him again. Monkey has the guts to turn his back to Norcal and sends Harthan into the turnbuckle as hard as he can. A series of shoulders into the ribs follow, as Monkey has control now. He sends Harthan off the ropes and sends him sky high with a back body drop, causing Harthan to nearly bounce off the mat. Monkey takes the second turnbuckle on the inside and comes off with a diving leg drop before going for the cover, yet again only getting a two count.

He stalks behind Harthan as he waits for him to get to his feet, before grabbing him by the head and pulling him straight down into a downward spiral, slamming Harthan’s face directly into the mat with great impact. This cover only gets two as well which has Monkey a bit upset. He looks out at the crowd and shouts “now you’re gonna see a monkey flip!” Curt Hennig is rolling over in his grave over that line. As Monkey sets up, Murfish is back on his feet but slips as he tries to get back onto the apron, sending him back down to the floor, landing on his ankle for the second injury to it of the night. Monkey sends Harthan into the corner again but follows him in, pulling him back with a monkey flip. However, Harthan, having heard the words coming out of Monkey’s fucking mouth not 8 seconds ago, somehow knows what’s coming and counters it, landing on his feet in his own corner before tagging in the Mighty one!

Monkey doesn’t realize what’s coming but turns around and sees the big man waiting on him. The look of fear on Monkey’s face is downright comical. He grabs Monkey by the throat and slams him into the corner, stomping away at his ribs with everything he’s got. A headbutt puts Monkey in a place where he has to hold the ropes to keep himself on his feet. Norcal gets a running start and slams himself into the champion, sending him down and nearly out of it. Norcal jumps into the air and drops a big leg on the back of Monkey’s head as Murfish is finally back up on the apron after having the hell beaten out of himself earlier on in the match. Norcal picks Monkey back up and sends him into the corner again, catching him as he staggers out with a spine buster!

Norcal doesn’t cover though but instead tags in his partner, who comes in with some style, diving off the top rope with a huge splash to the chest of Monkey. With the cover, Murfish breaks it up just in time but reinjures his ankle, hurting it for the third time in the match. As he tries to get back to the floor, Monkey is stood up again and sent into the corner, but somehow he is able to jump onto the middle rope and come off with a flying elbow to Harthan! The only problem is his foot catches Murfish on the way back, knocking his partner to the floor in the process. The Pale Destroyer sees what sent him down again, and sees that it was his own partner, and he’s just not happy about that.

With Norcal now back in his corner, Monkey is on fumes at this point. With the referee not looking, Monkey drops a knee into the testicles of Harthan, keeping him down again. Monkey picks Mike back up again and sets him onto his shoulders for GAME OVER. Just as he spins Harthan around though, the former Hardcore champion drops over his shoulder and shoves Monkey off the ropes. As he hits them though, Murfish slams a chair into Monkey’s back, having had enough of this. Monkey falls into Harthan, who locks in the triangle choke! At the same time, Norcal lands a baseball slide to send the chair into Murfish’s face and open his nose up again! Monkey taps, and we have new tag team champions, after one of the most lopsided tag matches of all time!
The following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, Tits Magee! His opponent is already in the ring and is a newcomer to OCW: Jack…Jack….um, we actually don’t know his last name! A journeyman, Jack has wrestled for a good many years, yet can never keep a job for that long for some reason. In something you don’t see that often, Jack asks for a microphone before the match begins.

“You know, I’ve been a professional wrestler for 16 years, and even though you all may not know anything about me, I have to announce my retirement from this sport. I know this means nothing to most of you, but I just had to say thank you for being here with me for it. I may not be the star attraction, but I hope I can entertain you while I’m here. Thank you.”

The bell sounds and we’re underway. Immediately Jack locks on a headlock, trying to take this big monster down. He’s sent off the ropes with ease but ducks a clothesline. Jack jumps onto the back of Magee and tries for a sleeper. Magee gets a quick escape though, slamming the back of Jack into the turnbuckle which he follows up with a series of knee lifts. A choke follows as Tits is already a bit tired. Jack breaks the grip and applies another headlock. The fans don’t like this guy, but since it’s his last night I guess they can deal with it. Maybe not though as he shifts over to a front facelock. This lasts nearly a minute as the fans are clearly restless. Instead of a swinging neckbreaker or some kind of real offensive maneuver, Jack spins around to lock on a reverse chinlock. Is this Randy Orton’s child or something? Amazingly enough, this is starting to work. Magee is in trouble here, as the fans are chanting BORING, BORING, BORING! After a lengthy amount of time in the hold, Tits has had enough and stands to his feet, breaking the chant just slightly. A sharp elbow to the ribs breaks up the hold as Magee knocks Jack to the ground with a big right hand. A knee to the chest follows, but Jack is out of the way. Incredibly, he grabs ANOTHER chinlock, as the fans are screaming BORING at the top of their lungs. Jack has Magee down now, and he finally lets go of the hold, before grabbing onto the leg of Magee. The fans are a bit relieved as maybe they’ll finally get something interesting. Alas no, as Jack actually locks on a spinning toe hold. You read that right, a spinning toe hold. Somehow, this hold lasts for nearly THREE MINUTES. Even more incredibly, Tits taps out, making Jack the winner.

Jack can’t believe it, as he lets go of the hold and steps back into the corner. He once again calls for a microphone and for his music to be cut off. Realizing that he has no music, he begins speaking again.

“Oh my goodness I can’t believe this. In sixteen years, I haven’t won that often, and to go out with a win is something that I couldn’t have ever dreamed of.”

As he is talking, the fans continue to chant BORING!

“I…I…I can’t leave like this. To hear so many of you chant like that, it brings back the feelings I had when I broke into wrestling when I was 18 years old. To hear you say that, it makes me realize that what I just did wasn’t good enough, and if OCW will have me, I’ll be right back here next week.” The fans keep chanting, as Jack is told to wrap it up. “My name is Jack Boring, and I’ll see you all again next week!”

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